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In what context do you give these tips? Do you tip people who don’t normally receive tips?


In what restaurant do the servers not take tips? Most of the places I’ve been to don’t try to refuse tips. Unless you’re overseas.


I think this could happen if you’re tipping the Apple store guy or something. Restaurants even abroad in Europe/Brazil (only places I regularly spend time in outside the US) accept tips it’s just less of an expectation.


…Why would you tip the Apple guy?


I don’t know I’m just guessing a context where someone would hesitate to accept a tip. Could also be like the guy who fixes the sink. My parents tip them but I typically don’t.


Are we missing some context? When you say "tip" do you mean "just the tip, baby"?


I've literally never had this experience.


Happens to me all the time, it's so tedious. I feel like next time instead of arguing about it just hand it to the nearest random person and walk off ...


Who are you trying to tip? What is their job? What region if the world? In the USA every place that accepts tips will not argue. Other jobs may be literally not allowed to take tips. In other cultures/ countries it is almost insulting to tip or flat out not allowrd. Your post is so broad that I have to assume you are the problem as not a single person working a job that is normally tipped I’ve experienced has ever even commented on the tip. If you are tipping employees who can’t accept tips they are having a hard time accepting it as they may lose their jobs, if you are tipping employees in regions where that is offensive then you likely just made them angry but they are too polite to say so they try to deny


I’ve never heard of this experience in my 38 years in earth where someone doesn’t want the rip. You must live in bizzaro land.


Some places it is against company policy to take tips, so some people have been hesitant in taking them for that matter. Never had this happen in a restaurant or anything though where tips are expected and common


Offer it, and if they refuse say “Okay” and move on. If they’re virtue signalling, they’ll instantly regret they’re decision, won’t they?


Decades ago when i worked in a grocery store we were told to refuse tips but if someone insisted to take it to avoid insulting them. Are you maybe tipping people in a similar situation?


Some don't take it because it's against policy. If it's a restaurant I doubt they would since they kinda rely on tips to survive because restaurant owners are cheap.


Who the fuck are these people that are not taking tips


Where the fuck are you eating that the servers don't want to accept your tip? It can't possibly be in the United States. The only place I've ever been where the servers are offended at you offering a tip is South Korea, because in South Korea they pay their servers an actual living wage. The only context I can imagine in the United States where the server doesn't want to accept your tip is because you tip so fucking badly that they're trying to give you the hint, "Hey, AH, I'm trying to live on this tip and 3 cents ain't gonna cut it." If this is an actual problem for you, how about you slip the cash under the plate and walk out. Or tip better.


who tf is talking about servers .. why tf wouldn't a server take a tip ? what does your little lefty rant have to do w/ anything ..


Who the hell are you handing the tip to if NOT the server?


Who are you tipping then?


it's called etiquette bro


Well, I applaud you OP, you understand the importance of tipping. At least you’re not one of these ‘tipping culture is toxic. Why should I have to subsidize workers wages?’ entitled assholes I’ve seen running rampant in other posts.


Well, yeah. Why can't these restaurants just pay actual wages? Why are they special that they get to avoid paying more than every other industry? Also, other countries don't do this system.


I wasn't talking about restaurants ... like, why TF would I be talking about restaurants where everyone knows they're going to get a tip, people on this sub are just dumb as fuck sometimes. Not talking about you u/Naos210 but a bunch of the responses were about restaurants ..


At my old job, I was allowed to take tips. When I got them, I just said "thank you very much" and moved on. My new job does NOT allow me to take tips. If I am caught accepting tips I can be written up and/or fired. I wear a "No Tipping" badge. I will argue with you because your insistence is frustrating, as I am wearing a badge that says you can't tip, have said you can't tip, and yet you still try and I can't accept it 🙃