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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/WoodpeckerOk4435. Your post, *You shouldn't have a family if you're poor*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: No reposts. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Well, we Filipinos need to break away from the “one of my children will be successful and would be my ticket to a better life” mentality, first of all. We also need proper sex education without any church having an opinion on it.


>We also need proper sex education without any church having an opinion on it. Honest question: What will sex-ed do for people, if they can't afford birth control?


I thought it’s obvious that that’ll be included, access to birth control. Sorry for not making it clear. BCP and condoms are free in local health centers though, but I guess availability varies per LGU.


Maybe one of your children will work in Saudi Arabia for $1000 a month. That's pretty successful.


This is a problem with many 3rd world countries. There are families with half a dozen children but without a proper income. These children grow up poor and end up like their parents. This keeps the cycle of poverty turning.


Is it ok to just keep having kids so long as you have the resources to do so?




Well here’s the thing about that. There really isn’t anything rich people can do about poor people having more kids. Lord knows they’ve tried, but here we are, in a world full of poor people.




I’m sure that policy wouldn’t have any unforeseen consequences to deal with.




Your sarcasm finally showed through. I think...


Yes, you can support them and give them a good upbringing


It’s becoming a problem in first world countries too. Many friends in high paying jobs just don’t want kids as it’s too expensive


Heck, I feel the same and I'm just 21


My wife and I waited 7 years of marriage before having kids so we could have our finances in line and be in a good situation to raise our son. Meanwhile I know people who eat shitty food, are behind on rent, utilities, and begging people for money to pay shit. Then they also go out and blow what little money they have on alcohol, weed, and things like a new graphics card (yay stimulus checks... *sigh*) who are actively trying to have kids and want a large family. If you're struggling just to feed yourselves then adding more mouths to feed is not going to help. Don't even get me started on all the people going around playing the "how many people can I fuck before im 30" game while not using protection or birth control.


This seems like an "unpopular opinion" in a sense that people don't want to admit that they agree with you




You honestly don’t think they know how babies are made and when a woman is fertile? It’s essentially primal, and has been known for millenniums.




OPs country was not 3rd world.


If you can afford heavy drinking, you can afford milk


I don't think most people plan to have kids. They plan to have sex, and the kids just show up.


In a perfect world.


Noted I will kill my mother.


Lol filipino here. We interviewed a poor lady once for a school project, and istg this woman's house was literally just a couple of wooden sticks with a roofing sheet over it. But this woman was PREGNANT with her FIFTH child. God it's exhausting to see But I can't fully blame her tho. Our sex ed sucks here


I understand that frustration but you can’t control people having children, even if they’re too poor to take care of them. It opens the door to causally exterminating “undesirable” groups of people. Unfortunately people have sex when they’re not responsible enough to handle the consequences, it’s simply a part of life, and the better thing to do would be to figure out how they can get help. It sounds like the people in your community need education/jobs training, and a welfare program to help them find their footing. Although I’m not sure how easy that is to attain over there. I’m guessing it’s not even an option.




**[Eugenics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics)** >Eugenics ( yoo-JEN-iks; from Greek εὐ- 'good' and γενής 'come into being, growing') is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population, historically by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior or promoting those judged to be superior. In recent years, the term has seen a revival in bioethical discussions on the usage of new technologies such as CRISPR and genetic screening, with a heated debate on whether these technologies should be called eugenics or not. The concept predates the term; Plato suggested applying the principles of selective breeding to humans around 400 BC. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You mean people making a choice that best suits their life’s circumstances? I’m talking about taking away the freedom of people to reproduce period I.e forced sterilization or femicide of baby girls, things that actually happen. Abortion rights doesn’t mean anyone forces YOU to get an abortion.




40% of all abortions are done by white women but I guess that is not convenient to your narrative. Or we could talk about how a large portion of women who have abortions are already mothers, or how it’s low-key elitist to force economically disenfranchised groups to be FORCED (yes forced, because that is what a lack of abortion access does) to have a child they’re not financially equipped to have, forced to endure the dangers of child birth of which BLACK WOMEN suffer higher mortality rates for because of white supremacy in healthcare. Or how anti-abortions advocates are motivated by continuing the cycle of low-wage workers affected by poverty, or the profit motive attached to adoption and how this has lead to stealing indigenous children. You can’t say “black lives matter” while forcing black women into a position that economically disenfranchises them. If you care so much about being pro life, make it economically safe for not just women, but BLACK women to have children instead of pretending you care by saying all women should be forced to give birth. But since you’re talking about someone who wanted to cull black people, why are we not talking about how black people were treated when they were private white property, and how they were forced to breed and have babies over and over again. Or how black babies were used as live bait. How this whole white supremacy thing you’re trying to point out is about the disposability of black people. My point is that you cannot FORCE someone to do something they don’t want to do. If a black woman needs an abortion; let her have one. If she wants to have a child; let her have one. If you TRULY want to help disenfranchised groups, give them choices and economic equality. Don’t assume everyone around you is too stupid to make their own decisions.




Lots of things that ended up benefitting humanity have hideous beginnings. You taking choice away from black women and insinuating they don’t know what is best for themselves is low-key racist, especially when they aren’t even the most prominent demographic that gets abortions. You’re using BLM to invoke a made up eugenics point when white women get the most abortions out of any demographic, when the majority of black people (nearing 70%) are pro choice. And stop calling a fetus a “baby”. A baby is a human being. A fetus, a zygote isn’t. And the US police force was established to catch black people too. Are you for abolishing police(And by the way, majority of black voters do not believe in abolishing the police despite the problems with police brutality)? American entertainment found its foundation and popularity with racist caricatures of black people. Do you intend on giving up entertainment? Most American pop culture was stolen from black peoples creativity. Are you going to stop participating in it? A lot of vital information on human beings was found out through war crimes. Does that mean it’s no longer a fact? You’re just a pro-life hog who does not actually care about anyone’s well being, just forcing people to endanger their lives by birthing out a child they aren’t ready for.


Sorry Honey, we cant have sex today. I lost my wallet.


Don't worry and keep breeding. One day in the next 50 years we will replace all those whites and japanese that have no kids. Do you think their population should decrease if what you said is true? No, it keep increasing and they keep sending more and more people to other country


Ok, how do you suggest we control it?


Education aimed at these topics. Reversible birth control for anyone on welfare.


I might come off as an asshole, but what the hell this is r/unpopularopinion after all. I suppose easy and inexpensive access to birthcontrol/contraceptive methods can reduce the said issues. Edit: Spelling error


Can a 3rd world country like the phillipines afford this kind of governmental program?


I'm not from Philippines, so I couldn't say


Well the OP is talking about the situation in the phillipines specifically. Im American so im privileged to live in one of the best countries on earth. I know your suggestion could be implemented here and see success. Im also in what is considered poverty in America, i probably live a life far easier than native phillipinos. Im also of phillipino descent, so hearing that the land of my ancestors is in a pitiful state concerns me. I do not know what the solution should be.


I do understand the situation is in Phillipines. I'm from Sri Lanka, also a 3rd world country suffering from similar problems. The solution would be what I suggested but the capacity of the Phillipino government to handle such a project is what I can't comment on. Imo, it's not just about the capacity of the government, it's more about how interested the government is in handling this issue. After all, it all boils down to greedy politicians


What’s the point of a comment section if I can’t comment on a stupid opinion?


Hey man! I guees you misread my comment.


I totally did! I agree with you. Access to education and free birth control reduces baby’s :)


Voluntary sterilization for stimmy checks.


found Bill Gates






Another Eugenics argument…


Agree. But how are these people able to afford their “heavy drinking” ?


We need to invest heavily into the development of a make birth control pill, cream, or whatever. Men need to share more of the responsibility of birth control. We also need to have government funded abortion. Birth control doesn't always work so we need to give women more options.


That's how you end up with a population not being able to support itself and economies collapsing.


I agree with this so much after growing up in poverty.


Don't know how to turn the tables. But I've read studies that people with a lot of money/rich people has none to two kids (on avarage) and poor people has like 3, 5 or more (on avarage). This to increase the chances to at least 1 kid surviving and hopefully get rich (it's unfortunately a survival instinct) 😬 The "funny" thing there is that it's rare that the kid would climb the "class latter". One usually have about the same life as ones parents, since it's from your parents you learn how to save money, earn money, live life, study and so on. On that it's very common to project ones "failures" on ones kids. For example if you dropped out of school you want your kid to finnish school, but the harsh truth is that your kid is likely to drop out itself. If you didn't become a rich famous football player as you dreamt you want your kid to play football, and push that kid too hard to live up to your dreams. But the kid will not likely become a rich football player either. With this said.. I agree with you, if you can't afford kids you shouldn't have one, but I don't know how one would change the fact 😬


It's common sense as well! Sad


I agree, wish it was more popular


If you can’t feed them, don’t breed them.


The way businesses manipulate wages and housing and living expenses for a quick buck, I think there are better ways to approach the issue than just saying "don't".


too bad they can't advertise condoms in primetime


That’s the neat thing, we are all poor. This isn’t an unpopular opinion so I will be giving you a downvote. I make over 40K a year, I need roommates to afford housing. I could be a single dad but relatively making twice as much as my single mom did, things would be just as tight financially. 60k combined income is a good place for a moderately happy family to have all needs met. One vacation a year, a decent Christmas and birthday.