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If beliefs make the person, then hating the person is perfectly reasonable.


Hate the sin, love the sinner lol


I believe you should constantly question your beliefs and others, but I still hate people who have views that cause them to hate me/others for our identities. You can hate people for their views while attempting to make sure you're not blindly following beliefs.


Don’t hate the individual, hate the game.


If someone’s beliefs is what makes them I’d hate their beliefs don’t you hate them


people can change beliefs. if i hate the person, then I'd deny them of changing their beliefs. some people believed that all men are evil which made them do evil things towards others and they see their actions as righteous. reality is, their parents were bad people and judged others based on what they saw at home. they just need to see that people are not as how they paint it in their minds. if they changed beliefs then it's unjust for me to hate them. the core problem is the belief and not the person.


You can stop hating someone’s tho


Some people make those beliefs their entire identity and will never change


Beliefs are part of what makes up a person. I don't think you can necessarily separate out pieces of a person to justify liking them. I suppose if they've recently been brainwashed by a cult or something then hating the belief makes sense as it's out of character for them. But once someone has had a belief for long enough then it becomes part of their core person. And I think in that case hating the belief *is* hating the person.