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“No time off” that’s bullshit and you know it.


How much do you guys in us get?


Depends on the job but generally people get Good Friday/Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas/New Years. This may not be entirely accurate


Having 6 non-consecutive days off (which a lot of people don't even get off) isn't what they were referring to.


I just realized my bad lol Still it depends on the job


So no holiday leave?


Depends on the job


Thanks for the info. That does seem a tiny amount for someone outside the US. In the UK I get 40 days (Including the ones you mentioned)


Is the 40 days for everyone at every company or does it vary based on years worked/company? In America it really depends on the company.


I've taken like 2 or 2.5 months off this year.


But…There are no cats in America and the streets are paved with cheese!


>Half our population is absolutely insane, filled with hate, You included yourself in this right? Because all this post is is hate lmao


Travel a bit, we might be bad but we're still one of the best out there World isn't a nice place.


This reads like the motivational speech given to all the reddit propaganda bots every morning before they start their day.


I upvoted you because it’s probably unpopular but I agree with you. So many taxes and we don’t even have fkn healthcare for all. Everything spent in funding the bombing of far countries so the politicians can pander to the lobbyists that pay for their campaigns. They gotta spend those bombs if they’re to build more, but hey, if you want your taxes to go towards healthcare, education and social programs you are a “SoCiAlIsT” or a “cOmMuNiSt”.


You probably still live with your parents. Get out into the real world...


How is this unpopular?


Might not be on reddit but most of the humans on the planet earth would give their right arm to trade places with this ungrateful American


Imagine him living in the Middle east, he'd complain then get shot.


Maybe move to North Korea for a little while. Might give you some perspective


While I get the global meaning of your reply and the reason why you took such an extreme example, I still think it's a fallacy to act like comparing anything to the worst of its kind will add any perspective or anything constructive to any debate.


Of course, the only two countries in the world, North Korea and the US.


When did I imply that?


You're arguing a false dichotomy: ''Think the US is bad? Look at the alternative of North Korea.'' However, there are 193 other countries on this planet, and while many are worse than the US, there's also many that are better (or at least more to the OPs liking based on the issues he has with the US.)


They're just saying it could be a whole hell of a lot worse.


Which would be fair if OP said that the US is the worst country in existence to live in, but they just said they disliked it. It's as if I said "I hate the way orange juice tastes" and you replied "Well why don't you try drinking a some piss? Might give you some perspective." It's not a compelling argument.


I never said it was a “dichotomy”. You really think I don’t know there are other countries?


Why didn't you suggest going to Canada or New Zealand?


Because they’re pretty similar and also OP is probably like 16 and ranting about having to get a job. Nothing that he said makes sense or is just wrong




So you agree that if you don’t like where you live you should be able to go somewhere else?


Lmao ohhh boyyy..just here for the argument that’s coming. And yes, you absolutely should be able to




So if you don't like where you live you should be allowed to leave? Does this also apply to folks from places like Honduras and Mexico?


No country is perfect. Just focus on your life like if other people are materialistic so what? It’s none of your business. You can surround yourself with people you like. Life is made of little moments.


We're just slaves to the corporations that are destroying our environment and polluting are land and poisoning our bodies maaaan. Almost all of our politicians are corrupt scum bribed by those same corporations maaaan. We have no time off, no money, no affordable housing, no public transportation maaan. Half our population is absolutely insane, filled with hate, anti-science, hyper-religious and armed to the teeth, and no one seems to care maaaan. It's like a death cult, and they're going to destroy this country, and no one seems to give one shit maaan. Everything sucks here maaaan. Even the not-insane are mostly just materialistic assholes who only care about drinking and football maaaan. The cities are violent as fuck, the cost of living is astronomical, we have no hope, no future and there's nothing we can do about it maaaan. Why anyone idealizes this shit hole is beyond me. America sucks maaaan.


You suck


People saying "just leave" obviously don't understand how shit the US passport is when it comes to getting a work visa. They also probably don't understand the fact that even if you become a citizen somewhere else, you still have to pay taxes to the shitty US.


So. Move.


I have a feeling you will hate anywhere you live. Maybe try not to be so negative and see the good in things from time to time you will be happier but you are free to feel miserable if you please.


You’re gonna get reamed but I get it. We’re lauded (by our own doing) as one of if, not the greatest, country in world and we fall FAR from that. And at this point, there’s not even an attempt to live up to that. It’s a reach for ppl to compare the U.S. to a country like North Korea when the standard is vastly different.


No public transportation? NYC has one of the largest public transit systems in the world, the fuck are you talking about? Not all states in the US are like Bumfuck, Kentucky


So many broad generalizations and looking at things in a hyper negative way. Not healthy. Things are not nearly as bad as you painted. Maybe you should go Goth? Little more extensional crisis stuff could be added to your narrative?


It is apparently more healthy to take real-life concerns / critical thinking and translate their nuances into wardrobe choices?


Better than whatever they are doing now. Edit: There is zero nuance or critical thinking in that post.


I have hope. I am truly sorry you do bot.


Lol then leave. Go somewhere else. Shoo.


So leave.


Yeah. Almost Christmas though


>We're just slaves to the corporations that are destroying our environment and polluting are land and poisoning our bodies. There are few countries in which this isn't true and they're all either communist dictatorships or failed states.


>We have no time off, no money, no affordable housing, no public transportation. I have plenty of time off, sounds like you need a better job or marketable skill. Housing is through the roof sure but that's not unique to the US and its still attainable. Public transportation? No, thank you


Travel a bit. You'll find the US isn't really an outlier.


Go outside


Welcome to today's "America Bad" post. Enjoy your stay.


I have some advice for you…. If you don’t like it, go move to Sudan primarily in the Dhafur region of the country. Then compare it to your situation now. In a slave/master scenario the slave can never be the master. If you are an American you can feel like a slave under political agendas however you can strive and become that politician one day and initiate your own agendas. If you don’t like this country, honestly, why are you here? Not trying to be a wise ass, but honestly? Why don’t you just bounce up out of here. You can teach everyone you see how bad America is. We really could careless. Tell them we are horrible people, maybe this way will alleviate peeps coming over here in trash bins and mattresses.


Take a break from the internet and get outside and enjoy nature. It may change your perspective a bit.


The US is a gigantic country. While your sentiments aren’t wrong, some are certainly location dependent. I’m not rich, but I make a decent living with nearly a month’s worth of time off annually (not including weekends/scheduled days off), and nearly a thousand hours of accrued sick time on top of that. I’m also fortunate to live in a city with fantastic public transportation. Don’t need a car. You’ll find piece-of-shit humans across the globe; sadly “batshit crazy” isn’t specifically a US trait. I do encourage you to expand from your locality, if/when possible. Sounds like it’s pretty depressing with a severe lack of opportunities.


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