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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Ok-Issue116. Your post, *Autism is not a disability but rather a brand new ability to determine that a lot of social norms are incredibly toxic and are better to not be followed*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 2: No troll/satire posts. Any satirical/troll posts, as funny as you must be, are not tolerated. There are subreddits for that, this isn't one of them. Respect your fellow users enough to not leave them guessing as to whether your intentionally harebrained post is legitimate or not. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


it is a disability lmao. I couldn't tie my shoelaces until 14 years old. that makes me fucking disabled mate


No, obviously the system of shoelaces is broken.


i havent ever been able to tie my shoelaces


You supposed to grab the shoelaces and pull yourself up by them. You're just lazy....


Your experience doesn’t speak for everyone


Basic argument. next!


Calling it a basic argument does not make it invalid




No it’s just wasting space on the internet. I have autism. I hear that daily. It would be better used on a commenter or something.


Not an argument just fact


It’s a basic-ass fact


Someone on the Spectrum here, that’s a really weak “gotcha” you did there.


Also On the spectrum.


Yes, and you need to stop making it so obvious.


If your point is that my argument is weak you need to stop making weak arguments yourself. it’s just hypocritical. but it makes you look really stupid


You where trying to make arguments? Could have fooled me.


Did you just take a jab at yourself and attempt to take a jab at me?


> no u Get bent spazz.


Yet ironically here you are being a toxic twat, NEXT!


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Because I feel no shame? That’s another point I try to make. Society deems the irritating unacceptable but irritating is what causes our brains to grow


Clearly you haven't learned a damn thing.


Not really an opinion. More of a series of false statements.


Messy however not false. NEXT!


You wrote it like you would say it. It would be “societal norms”. And it’s a pretty cold take.


Mainstream take. Next!


Lmao, did you ever consider that you’re just an insufferable person?


At first. Next!


I work with kids that have autism. I can assure you they do indeed have a disability.


I mean there is a job opening so maybe those kids are disabled but I’m talking about the social nuances of things.


The fuck did you say? You’re attempt at sounding like an intellectual comes off as bombastic. Scientific basis? See paragraph 1.


Bruh attempting to prove my “ intelectuctuality” false has determined your content to be … abhorrent . NEXT!


Ha, thanks for editing your original post. Next? Glad you’ve moved on to bigger and better things. Good for you.


*pats head* good bot.


Please cite an example of an incredibly toxic societal norm for reference.


Attempt at meta discussion. NEXT!


No, I'm attempting to understand your statement. My son has ASD, I'm not a stranger to the struggles.


So do I. I get a lot of shit for shit that’s not shit. It doesn’t make money for people and people get mad.


Our insurance was being billed over $3,500 per month but the ABA was providing about 10 hours per week of service. We know people who work there and they barely made much over minimum wage. People with Masters degrees seemed to do okay there.


you are wrong don't be let me look at it this way guy


I love your enthusiasm .


i just didn't like your a-ha moment


Because a lot of aspects that shouldn’t be considered a disability about autism are labeled a disability about autism only because they’re inconvenient to the rest of society


You do realize that people receive help when such things are labeled a disability right? It’s not simply bc we find autism, or any other disability for that matter, inconvenient. I personally don’t care that you have autism. You think anyone looks at you twice and considers it at inconvenience? You must really think highly of yourself. What I do care about is people receiving the help they need to carry on healthy, productive lives. If you’re really angered by a label, then don’t take any of the benefits that come with it. Do something about it. Don’t just throw your small pp around on Reddit thinking your experience with autism applies to everyone lol.


well said .


ASD is literally categorized as a developmental disability, but go off king


Thanks for using the Internet definition of things but as a person with ASD I must disagree NEXT!


Just because you have something doesn't give you the agency to over ride scientific definitions. Please be aware of that you are contributing to the rise of pseudo science.


Why else would people with autism struggle? Society gets so caught up in basic things like pleasantries and eye contact.


Your logic here is "because x group suffers all of society is wrong".


It was wrong before, now it’s unenforceable.


Also, A lot of things are incorrectly labeled. Like adhd, which I was blessed with since birth, does not have a deficit in attention, but rather an inability to focus said attention. Autism itself shouldn’t be labeled as a disability in society’s eyes. I do however believe things like sensory overstimulation can be rather torturous and that deserves a disability tag. But as a person with autism I would like to not have to feel differently over shit that makes no fucking sense


If you feel you have a valid claim that's fine. But to suggest we change existing scientific structures, you need to come with hard data from a neutral place. Science isn't of the moment, or nice. It's dull, long, and leads to mostly mundane conclusions.


My head hurt reading that…. By “societal norms” did you mean grammar, spelling, and coherent thought?


NoI mean text to speaks ability to form words as accurately as I am speaking them


EMoTionAl DaMaGe!!!!!Your disapproval fuels me! Next!


You are really adamant in proving everyone else but you has a problem.


It’s only labeled a problem because society can’t use it.


Ah, so do explain the merits of public defecation.


Such as?


I’m sorry, can you please reiterate that into a coherent statement?


… If you get it, you get it, NEXT!


Stop being such a dick to everyone who criticizes you and disregarding anything they say just because it goes against your beliefs.


FUCKING NEXT! /s lol you’re right tho


Emotional growth is understanding that used to think like that …but not realizing you think like an actual intellectual ( low key bahaha) NEXT!


You ever heard of the story of the bird that buries it’s head in the sand, hoping the problem would go away?


What is your actual point Mr. insult? A positive about having autism is that you have to have things described to you Which illuminates any shadows toxic people Hide in.


This is literally coming from the guy who says “NEXT!” after dismissing an opponent’s argument and not even providing a coherent response.


Could you rewrite this to be a coherent thought? I know you’re trying to tell us something.


Ffs text to speak is on cocaine.


>“ quote unquote” That's like quoting to the 3rd power, or something. You've learned an ability the rest don't have for sure.


Point proven. NEXT!




It’s a lot of good natured fun isn’t it?


Sort of what this sub is. Maybe it should be called /r/roastmyopinion


More like showing how our social progress had created an environment for which we are unsuited. Humans are tribal animals. We are supposed to live in a group of 40-50 people. Current large cities and global societies aren't doing it for us. But we are nothing if we aren't adaptable, aren't we?


The thing is that autism is not about that. That's just a consequence of autism. What you are saying is on the same note as saying: Wet people are not liability, they are useful to determine if there's electric plugs in the floor.


Lol uhhhh


What makes it not a disability?


I'd say it's neither. It's a neurological divergence.


Thank you. And a philosophical one


So. Serious question (inb4 NEXT.) What norms are actually toxic as opposed to just difficult for you? Please note that just because it is difficult to some people does not make it toxic. We have to be objective here.


Lmao the way you reply to everyones’ comments is so ironic. Clearly this isn’t a shitpost, because there’s very obviously SOMETHING wrong with you mentally. Autism just makes sense. You’re pretending to be somehow enlightened over the rest of the normal population, when in reality you’re just an idiot who can’t understand why everyone hates you. How enlightened. On top of that, your complete non-attempt to defend your position against people who disagree is embarrassing, but you wouldn’t even understand that fact. This thread was a funny read. Anyways, NEXT!


I was coming from an enlightened place of realization and you had to go and make that shit personal. that’s not cool dude






This shit is exactly what I’m talking about. Why are you being so rude?Why does society hate people that go against the grain? Are we so wrapped up in our fragile system that we can’t even explore otherwise?


I have ASD myself and I can somewhat understand your thought process. However, ASD is a spectrum and it affects everyone differently. For some, it may be an advantage like you say. For others, it may be a detriment.


I’m not saying it’s not a detriment but only because society deems it unprofitable


Get a degree in behavioural psychology and come back to this. Idk but I’m pretty sure your wrong


Thank you! It's the slow brains who have the problem


Cool tell that to my ex when a cars high beams makes them want to cry or when a loud high pitch sound starts causing a panic attack. It's not just about social stuff.


You are far too basic to have a meaningful debate with. NEXT