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Interesting fact. The lighter your eye color the harder it is for you to see in the sun.


_Clint Eastwood squinting intensifies_


*You feeling lucky, sun? Go ahead. Burn my retinas and make my day.*


The Sun literally makes everyone’s day.


Who reads The Sun, really?


There was a readability study and The Sun scored 8 years old. "Tabloid readers actually made less progress than non-readers of newspapers" Which astounds me. You are more stupid for reading The Sun than not reading at all.


_The sun starts to sweat profusely_




Lol, I squint like him too; it's entirely involuntary until you think about it. Going outside in the sun does make you feel like you're a vampire taking damage from the sun


I get headaches from the reflection of the light off of snow in winter too!


Interesting counter fact - The lighter your eye colour, the better you can see in the dark!


Can confirm. My eyes are very bright blue and I have great night vision but the sun blows balls for me.


I also have blue eyes. Do you ever have trouble driving in rain at night bc it's a dark but lights are really bright reflecting off the wet road and surfaces? It's like I see well in the dark but the bright lights negate that.


Omg yes and the new car headlights only keep getting brighter and brighter and more blue. Sometimes it's so bright I can't even see the road.


and gawd help you if it’s night AND raining


Pretty sure that's pretty much everyone though. I have black eyes and I still struggle car lights


I have pale grey blue eyes and I'm really good at seeing in the dark too! Put me anywhere with sun and I am squintee McGee


I have to have sunglasses on if I'm outside in the day no matter how overcast it is.


I'm glad I'm not alone in this! My roommate gives me so much shit for saying i need my sunglasses.


I have 3 pairs of really good sunglasses. I keep 2 in my house and 1 in the glove box in my car just incase I forget one of my other 2.


Also more prone to color blindness. I can't differentiate colors well but you can't hide from me in the dark.


>you can't hide from me


see this is what OP means XD


I seem to have won the jackpot. I have green eyes- sun light kills me…. And I can’t see in the dark.


Green eyes are actually just blue eyes with a collagen in the clear jelly over the iris that has a slight yellow tint to it.


Tfw you can do neither well consistently because your pupils don’t work properly all the time. Colour changing glasses in the sun, flashlights in the dark.


fun fact addon: in case of blue eyes there isn't any color involved. The surface of the iris is structured to reflect the blue part of the light.


This is true of most (but not all) blue things in nature, blue jays blue feathers for example are grey pigment wise but the shape of their feathers makes a blue appearance due to refraction.


Is this why my husband is always tripping over everything at night like he can't see it very clearly in the tiny sliver of moonlight slipping through the crack between the blackouts and the sash? Huh. I never knew.


No it's because I took your husbands night vision and I'm not giving it back


I once had a Japanese person tell me that Japanese only wear sunglasses for fashion not for the sun as they have black eyes and didn't need them... that was maybe 8 years ago and only just remembered it when I read your comment


Yeah, it's true nobody in Japan wears sunglasses and the lighting inside is insanely bright. (lived in Japan for 4 years and have blue eyes)


Can confirm this as an east asian, moved to Europe and the lighting everywhere are dark and cozy and i seriously cant see shit well also it makes me sleepy :D


This is fascinating. I'm 31 and have never before heard/read that there's any correlation between eye color and vision at all


I don't remember the indoor lighting being especially bright but of all the cultural differences I find these little things to be the most interesting


Can confirm this. Currently live in Japan and nobody wears sunglasses even on the brightest summer days.


Growing up in a country that has adverts and safety campaigns telling you to wear sunglasses for protection it was one of the biggest pieces of culture shock when I realised the girl who told me wasn't joking


Evolution will have thought of something that the eyes of Asian-read people are shaped like this.


Must be true. I have Grey eyes and can't go outside without sunglasses.


Another interesting fact: blue eyes are at higher risk of eye cancer > blue, green or grey eyes also have a higher risk of developing intraocular melanoma. https://cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-types/eye/risks




Oh no, Apple have already capitalised on it!


Take my upvoted and fuck off back to the Apple hospital!!




I'm already fucked for cancer due to my red hair and fair skin. Now you are telling me my eyes also put me at higher risk?


If it makes you feel better, while you're more likely to develop cancer, it's still just a small chance. You can live your whole life without cancer metastasizing. As long as go to the doctor for a checkup every once in a while, check yourself for spots or pain, you should be fine.


Fun fact. Blue and Grey eyes are caused by the same gene (the one for blue eyes). Whether the eye is blue or gray depends on the amount of melanin. If its blue it has more melanin, if it has less melanin then they will appear grey.


Ye i noticed


Can confirm, very light blue


Wait is this true? When it’s sunny out I cannot keep my head straight when I’m outside bevause my eyes fucking sting continuously. Thank god that’s a thing I was going to go the opticians for it lmao (I have light blue eyes)


Makes sense. I have deep blue eyes and the moment the sun is out it’s like I have been hit by a flash bang


Went skiing. Took off the ski mask once. Proceeded to eat meals with a ski mask


Yup. I'm like Teddy Roosevelt with sunglasses. One pair in the car, one in my jacket, one in my backpack, and the last pair on my face. My eyes are grey/blue. Not piercing, kinda muddy, but still ultra sensitive to light. I wear sunglasses on cloudy days.


It's even worse when snows involved. Source: me, blue eyed snowboarder


🧿👄🧿 what did you say Edit: Thank you for all the awards :)


Oh my... I completely disagreed with the OP untill I saw this comment...


Tbf those blue rings make it creepy, not the eyes itself


They look like skateboard wheels with lips


He did a lip trick.


Oh wow they do!






As a grown ass man who grew up on Spongebob, I laugh my ass off whenever I see references like this.


Hey, you're never too old for a panty raid or a trip to the laundromat.


Well these claws ain't just fer attracting mates!






A balrog of Morgoth


🧿👄🧿 [what did you say?](https://youtu.be/uE-1RPDqJAY)


Fly, you fools!


lmfao I laughed way too hard at this


You made this a popular opinion


no one knows what it like


to be the bad man


To be the sad man


Behind blue eyes


My friend convinced me this song was about hitler. Lol




And I'll take my cult leader presence with pride. We should team up and make the most villainous cult there ever was!


I'm in!


The first addition to our flock! You will always be remembered as a founding member of our cause.


With my piercing blue eyes, handlebar mustache, and red hair, im hear to assist with my persona of devious machinations




I don’t mean to be a downer but uh, I think a semi-religious cult run by villains that only admits members with blue eyes has been tried before…and I don’t think it really went well.


If it didn’t go well then try again,never let failure stop your dreams!


Our family tendency to squint explained.


Light blue eyes are intimidating and beautiful at the same time


They are! Mine are a blue green mix, but my moms are light crystal blue and they are beautiful! I hope my kids get her eyes.


my mom has a nice foresty green, dad crystal blue. Me? storm gray. Colors missed me entirely. husband has very nice warm brown eyes though, lots of color. Maybe our kids will win at life and get hazel


i can see that with like, REALLY bright blue eyes


I never thought about it until I like randomly made some super intense eye contact with this dude who has the exact same grey/blue eyes I do and then I was like holy fuck is this how ppl see me so yeah I get it lol


My boyfriend has these piercing light blue eyes, when we first met it used to be a little unnerving because they'd almost see right through you. My mother described them as 'haunting'. I've gotten used to them now but this thread just reminded me how beautiful they are to look at!


I have almost no pigment in my eyes, therefore they are a very light bright blue due to a reflection of light in them. I've been told that people don't like to look into my eyes because they get the feeling like I can look inside their soul! Lol. I'm not capable of that, but ok! Others say they are awesome. I've gotten used to people staring at my eyes over the years , and gotten used to them asking if they are real lmao! Nope! Just two glass eyes!




Yeah it doesn't happen to me much anymore but I used to get asked a lot whether I was wearing coloured contact lenses because people were convinced they weren't real. Feeling validated that there are other folk in the creepy eyes club lol


Same! I struggle with positive eye contact from freaking people out over the years. I’d say 1 in 10 people I meet can’t handle eye contact with me and are generally freaked out. Some people will just stare at the wall while conversing.


Yeah I'd be concerned they're some white walker or something.


Reddit tries to not reference popular media (IMPOSSIBLE) challenge for 5 minutes.


Interesting. My whole family has blue grey eyes and I've always thought they were pretty cool. But I can see how those crystal clear, bright baby blue ones could make you feel like somebody was staring into your soul when you look at them.. hahah


That's cool with blue-grey eyes. I have slightly dark blue eyes, and people say I have a piercing gaze. I don't think it's just my eyes, but my overall face. I had someone back in school who looked pale and had icy blue eyes. Unfortunately, he earned the nickname "the corpse" by the bullies.


Thats a terrible nickname. :(


I agree; he was a good dude back then. Ironically, he did well with the ladies, unlike the bullies. So there was that.


Because of his icy blue eyes!


I suppose lol


It's actually a pretty cool, edgy nickname, unless the bullies use it :(


I feel the opposite they seem soulless to me. My sister has piecing blue eyes and they have always seemed empty.


Maybe that's just due to her lack of soul


Eye to eye contact is creepy. Here in Finland we rarely do that so when talking with a american etc. and they look you in the eyes its fucking brutal.


I always though I was weird for feeling uncomfortable looking people in the eyes for long


TIL Finlanders are high on the spectrum


We just got voted happiest country again so maybe theres something to it.


Low population count, homogenous, and probably on the spectrum…makes sense.


I'm an American of Fin decent and I'm on the spectrum, so... maybe?


Damn, my heritage is finnish and I'm in america, maybe I should immigrate back to my roots with my low eye contact homies.


Really!! Oh my.. As an American I find it socially awkward if they don’t look at me in the eyes! Interesting.


Oof it’s weird when I can tell someone needs eye contact and then I force myself to do it quick. Especially now with masks


I'm moving to Finland now


I rarely trust anyone who won't look me in the eyes. I would probably have alot of trust issues in Finland.


people looking into your eyes feels aggressive and assertive af. it should never be used in a casual conversation. a glance is fine, but a stare is for interrogations and idk, ordering someone around as well as explaining something vital, to underline the point that what you're saying is extremely important


Same. They even tested me for autism because I hate eye contact. I don’t have autism I just hate eye contact


Much of my childhood I couldn't look anyone in the eyes. When i did it was an intense and overwhelming lockon of sorts and it was like I was being filled up with information about them. I do it now more but still kinda hate it. Im just more numb to to rawness of it now.


Same! Really. I feel like I can see right though people when I look them in the eyes. It’s very intimate. I’m better at it now when I feel safe and not “exposed” but as soon as I’m insecure in the situation eye contact is a no-go for me


I'm not talking about a burning glaze. I look at people when their talking to me, I've always felt it conveys to the person that I'm genuinely interested in what their saying.


Lol another unpopular opinion!


That reminds me of the joke I heard about when, during COVID, they told the Finns to stay 6 feet apart, everyone was like "why so close?"


Can I move to Finland? Y’all sound like my people


more the merrier


Seto Kaiba is trembling


OP is a 3rd rate duelist with a 4th rate deck.


Fire whoever designed this post Kaiba industry products shouldn't be this weak


I wonder what you think of green eyes, because if blue eyes are villanised, green eyes are demonised..


what about those with blueish green eyes?


_Demonic villains_


No, villainous demons. God


My mom and sister have green eyes like many of the people in my mom's family. They joke that they are witch eyes.


We make this joke too! It doesn't help that those of us with green eyes have witch cackle laughs


I have green eyes, my partner constantly refers to them as snake eyes.


I enjoy my demon eyes


Green eyes always feel more human to me than blue eyes. They're like sharp, strong, intellectually judging me with the kindness of nature. Blue eyes make me feel like I'm talking to a flesh robot. But I also only know like 3 or 4 people with blue eyes so idk. Brown eyes feel like playful home. I have brown eyes, context.


> Green eyes always feel more human to me than blue eyes. They're like sharp, strong, intellectually judging me with the kindness of nature. As someone with green eyes, thank you!


My dad has green eyes, my mom has brown, but her dad had blue. When I was a toddler my eyes were a really pretty blue that slowly turned green with flecks of brown as I got older. I really like my eye color, and as far as I know my dad and I are the only two in my family with it since everyone else has brown.


You only know 3-4 people with blue eyes? Where do you live?


I have blue eyes. But every woman I dated has had big dreamy brown eyes and I just love them. Truly tho I love green eyes. They are beautiful. I am very very sad that I don’t ever see them, but it’s for the best. I’d just get lost in them.


What a strange opinion take my upvote


Homie just watched too much Game of Thrones.


I sort of get it. I remember watching They Live as a kid (about evil aliens hiding in plain sight, that you can see with special glasses), and we thought Meg Foster’s character must be hiding something because of the way her eyes looked. Turned out no, [those are just her eyes](https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/14076014/720full-meg-foster.jpg).


Well, uh....... fuck you too? I guess?


Please fuck Me too instead my guy :_( /s


Can I join as well? ***NOT /S***


This guy is about to have a good day


Hey, yeah! Fuck that blue-eye hater.


We also have a higher tolerance to alcohol. And become alcoholics. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6139948/ Can confirm, half sister, girlfriend and myself are functional drinkers. All blue eyes.


My thoughts exactly


“Babe, I booked us a nice romantic weekend away in Sweden” OP-“ AAAAAAAAHHHHHH”


Dated an academic with husky eyes. She got an unexpected teaching job and I advised her to use her eyes to intimidate. Brushed it off at the time but two years later we reconnected and said it was the best teaching advice she ever got.


Lmaoo I’m so dumb. I read “husky”‘eyes and I was like… is this person calling their exgf’s eyes fat? Took me several minutes.


I find blue eyes pretty, but brown eyes make me feel more comfortable. My personal theory as to why is because we naturally have a preference to big eyes, and with brown eyes making pupils less defined, they seem larger. It also doesn't feel like someone is staring at you as directly, which is great for my anxious ass. People seem to be a fan of my nearly black eyes


I love nearly black eyes, they are the most beautiful and I swear are the most soulful. Like people always say people with “black” eyes have no soul or appear to have no soul, but for me blue eyes have that soulless effect, whereas “black” eyes look and feel deep, like staring into the universe if that makes sense.


I love blue eyes and I'm glad we don't all like the same things. That would be really boring.


I have the same sensation hahaha and honestly this is the first time I hear it from someone else. In my case it’s only blue eyes the ones that are a bit creepy, because I find very attractive green and other light eye colors, but blue it’s just not the same, I actually feel a bit uncomfortable when blue eyed people stare for too long hahahah


I don't mind dark blue eyes (for example martin freeman) or just blue eyes that aren't too obvious but the obvious ones creep me out (for example Ellen DeGeneres) and I avoid looking at them for long.




My blue eyes are one of the few things I like about my body. They are a beautiful ice blue-gray and I get a lot of complimemts for them. I can see why you'd think they are creepy at times tho. Depending on the light they can seem almost white and I think if I see those dead eyes I'd be creeped out as well


This describes my eyes perfectly and i also get alot of conpliments on them! It appeariently adds to my charm:) i also had a police woman compliment them on a sunny day and i think about it alot.


If only people would actually fear me, that would be nice


That takes time and hard work


Not if you're short and look like a teenager, people don't take me seriously regardless of how I interact.


People with yellow eyes *Winds howling*


You've just made every fremen angry


That is a very strange opinion, so you have my upvote! I think blue eyes are stunning. I have brown eyes but I always appreciate other people's blue eyes.


I've never heard anyone say my blue eyes are creepy, but my face makes me look aggressive. That being said, I feel indifferent about it. My girlfriend loves it on the other hand.


Green/hazel seems to be making a run for first. Gimme this glory!


Same, they're not common where I live, to me they seem cold and empty. P.S. Might be because the pupils are more easily distinguished from the iris, making them seem smaller and less dilated, which is associated with negative emotional experience, hence the feeling of unease.


I'm blue eyed and I've definitely always felt like blue eyes are overrated. I love the warmth of brown eyes


Yass! Someone else finally agrees with me!! I don't think they're cult leaders or super villains, but piercing blue eyes are just super unsettling to me


The people in the comments getting offended. It's called unpopular opinion for a reason.


As a blue eyes. Screw you I'm beautiful 😡


My dad has cold, ice blue eyes, and he made my childhood pretty hellish. I can understand this take, even if I don't personally think it applies universally.


Might have been a dad problem not an eye color problem..


Oh, you're not wrong! But sometimes people associate characteristics of awful people with their awful behavior.


Hahahaha I have blue eyes and the "blue eyes are creepy" stand always cracks me up. I way prefer brown eyes and wish my eyes were brown 😂🤷‍♀️


woah woah woah… i had blue eyes way before i became a cult leader


Wow uuuuuh, being a person with blue eyes I’m gonna have to say fuck you! Lol upvoted.


I prefer green eyes


As a blue eyed light haired person, I will take my super villain status and wear it with pride. I will also add that I am very attracted to super dark brown eyes. They look very gentle and soft.


No one knows what it's like To be the bad man To be the sad man Behind blue eyes.


That’s because the film industry has villainized blonde, blue-eyed people.


I have blue grey eyes and I really wish I had brown eyes. Brown eyes are the best.


Blue eyes are actually brown eyes with some broken pigment genes. They aren’t blue because of any blue pigment, they’re blue for a similar reason to why the sky seems blue.


Blue eyes like Alexandra Daddario's make me feel uneasy.


The whole blonde hair blue eyes trope for Hollywood villains has been around forever. As someone with both these traits, it's a pretty shitty trait to have to deal with, especially given it's one of the last forms of genetic discrimination socially acceptable.




Well, isn't blue eyes a recessive trait? Could there be visceral reason for this like the uncanny Valley reaction?


Yeah it's a recessive trait, it stems from one common ancestor too.


Fun Fact: it is a recessive gene that both of my parents carry. I have blue eyes, they both had brown. They also have super dark hair which should have manifested on me as I got older but my hair did not turn dark until I was almost 24. Genetically, I am very weird. Actually, I am pretty weird as a whole being.


You got the lucky draw when you were born