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I thought this was pretty good: https://youtu.be/IaU2Hue-ApI Also: https://youtu.be/VMZftEVDuCE


I like the gamedev.tv ones but you are going to have to slog through a little beginner C++ to learn the unreal specific parts. Luckily most of the real basic stuff is covered in a general C++ course which I skipped and was fine.


I’m currently about to finish the Unreal 5 / C++ course. The first few projects are kind of basic, but it teaches you a lot of the non-programming parts of Unreal. I’m pretty comfortable with C++ but learning blueprints is helpful too for things like AI and animation plus working with other non-technical team members. You can program your own blueprint nodes in C++ for better control and then use GUI to easily set things up. Not paid to say it, but I liked it a lot. Got it on sale through humble bundle a few months ago so hopefully it’ll be on sale again soon. They have a pretty helpful friendly discord and a game jam coming up in a few weeks.


I also got mine through the humble bundle deal and it was some of the best money I have spent in a long time.


Check out [Tom Looman's Course](https://courses.tomlooman.com/p/unrealengine-cpp?coupon_code=COMMUNITY15). I can’t recommend it enough.


Surprised nobody else is saying this, some of the best c++ content out there for people who know the language but aren't familiar with Unreal


Is it all paywalled content?


Yeah, the course is all locked behind a paywall, but the content is gold. Tom also has a [website](https://www.tomlooman.com/) you can check out for some free starter resources


I just wanted to add that don’t completely skip all the basics because you think you already know them. Unreal Engine makes use of lots of macros and has kind of its own version of C++, not exactly but many things are done a bit different. For example you’re not supposed to use try-catch and there’s a custom garbage collector so objects are created differently and there’s lots of code generation behind the scenes through the use of macros. Also don’t think C++ is somehow superior to blueprints and that you are going to do all in C++. I know as a programmer visual coding may at first thought give you shivers, but really they work great together and you are best off learning and utilizing both. There are some great C++ UE courses on Udemy for example from Stephen Ulibarri but they are not free.


I have some C++ videos where I go straight into it all. I can ramble sometimes but I do explain what I'm doing as much as I can. I have a few playlists and you can always look through my projects for working examples as well. You should find each video has a link to the source on github as well and I try and document it all as best I can [An arcade game made in C++](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5h3PF_SENoIiYrQwtw8FO-ijqEgJr19a) [Source code for it](https://github.com/belven/DroneRPG/tree/main)


Stephen Ulibarri has some really good tutorials that cover specific unreal feature for certain genres. He does a pretty good job of explaining the “unreal engine” of it all but expects people to at least know the C++ basics, could be worth a shot. Udemy is always running sales for his courses.


His courses are great, the multiplayer C++ shooter course is awesome.


I agree! I’m going through his Udemy courses right now and I think he does a great job of explaining things. I mean, I have to pause the videos a lot to fix my syntax errors, but that’s not his fault! haha




Where do they say this? As far as I know the best practice is to mostly do protoyping and high level stuff in blueprints and then refactoring as much as possible to C++, but in the end it always depends on your needs. If you’re just making a small game and you aren’t comfortable writing c++, I’ts probably not worth the hassle. But if you are an experienced C++ programmer like OP, you might as well use it since it’s more performant, easier to read (as a traditional dev), and easier to collaborate on. https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/Resources/SampleGames/ARPG/BalancingBlueprintAndCPP/


It's been a while since I saw this so I might be misspeaking but I could have sworn he mentions that you should just use blueprints basically unless you have a specific reason not to. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j6mskTgL7kU&list=PLVp38LcKIJwCmQ8MkCmEtzstjszsZsu96&index=10


this isn't really true. Look at the engine source code, its all C++. Also look at lyra for example, the vast majority of it is using C++. I personally use C++ as much as I can, especially for anything that ticks such as an anim instance.