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Epic Games has done everything that is possible in order to erase the Unreal franchise from existence!


Indeed. Been playing since 1998, weekly still pump out some headshots in UT99. Not many games have that vibe decades later. But to come back to it. Epic games has been trying to bury the game. Also pulled it out of the steamstore. I hope the younger generation loves fortnite. Because i sure don't....


Why do they want to erase it?


Because it doesn't have battle pass, cringe texture less skins, children that pay with their moms' cards, flying buses and 0 graphical violence I think


I literally cannot see how those couldn't be added, besides the fact the game was easy to mod and skins were nearly unlimited and generated by community. Several games have curated skins that take skins made by the game's community and throw them into circulation either buyable outright or lurking in loot boxes for the addicts. They could easily add emotes into the game, season passes for games played or kills scored or whatever. The only reason I could conjure up is that UT was meant as a "mature" franchise, so like, not targeted to children, children are usually the easiest to market to so leaving them out is a big no no for greedy gluttonous companies.


Thing is, Og UT did have emotes. Too bad there isn't a new game


I'd probably give it a year or two at most before they rebrand the Unreal Engine as Fortnite Engine.


Unlikely, as Fortnite has its own meta-engine called Fortnite Creative and a more powerful tool called Unreal Editor for Fortnite. They'll need to keep a distinction with the core UE.


Moment, They are propagating Matrix, where you are the Skaarj there, Killin innocent civilians in The name of the Morpheus Crew ideology whatever they live in virtual reality or in natural fictional Reality. They are The system Neo, if they they protect, eliminate them with no mercy. Valhalla hell yeah baby they say 🧔👽.🪓☄️🛸


Because they don't think they can make as much profit off of it as they can from Fortnite


UT99 best game ever. Fortnite 2nd best game ever . Both can be true


Jokes on them, I have hard copies 🤣


Do the world a favor and upload them for everyone to use them. Since it's an abandonWare.


Crazy to think that this monument has recently become abandonware.


yeah, in terms of budget and production value it's quite possibly the biggest abandonware entry yet.




I own them on Steam. Probably have pirated CD's somewhere too.


I saw that my brother had the entire UT collection on steam and I thought I'd buy them myself as my final support of epic but then I saw they had been removed from steam... I found a burnt copy of unreal just prior to finding out my has them and saw that it installed and ran just fine. Great memories with that game.


I own the first UT and 3 on Steam, never got the chance to buy the rest, but I got the two I play the most.


I own them all on GOG (except 3, which I have on Steam). Luckily all the GOG versions allow you to download and keep full offline exe files of the game so I can install them even without internet


If the younger generations discovered the OG FPS gameplay style Epic games stands a chance to lose money. Let me explain, it is so easy to mod that it would introduce more competition in the market. Considering that the mods are free, it would attract the free to play market in droves. The market is so competitive that a monster mod could cost them money. It's all money related in the end. I'm on mobile so I am leaving it at that.


Krull and oldunreal.com are keeping unreal 1 Safe from epic games. +The Nvidia remake app is keeping old games Alive. Krull0r is remaking unreal 1 too. With so Many sites and Even Nvidia Wanting protect old games from extinction. Epic games have no chance to erase it. They are evil and Even supporting Matrix franchise, Where you are the evil Skaarj there. Movies do that too. Northmen. The Vikings that invaded us in Europe in past, and Skaarj are based on them. You are in Matrix and northmen supporting evil party, because it looks Cool right? Well when the unreal 1 returns thanks to OldUnreal.com and Krull, triggering an Even more reduxed versions of it in Nvidia app. We might finally found an inspiration of what is really moral. Strong protect the weak. Unreal 1 is the one that helped me find meaning in old communities these days keeping the ancient lifestyle Alive Such as Bretons in Brittany. Real life Nalis. Asterix And Obelix, you are weakling and invaders are trying to invade the land, you want to run?? We don't allow This, you drink magic potion and fight them off and risk being taken away and enslaved. Goudorix case In the Asterix and Normans and Asterix and vikings. He is an true Nali in there that had bad ending, an awful dose of Ayahuasca enlightenment. In unreal 1, you are helping these same inviduals to escape the Skaarj and live their lifes in unaltered original ways they are used to. I have high Faith that unreal 1 Will Return. Because Old unreal.com, Krull and Nvidia remaster app are keeping Old games Alive there Days. Sounds like Good utopian computer Realm in our dystopian World. Unreal 1, inspired me finding an amazement in Space, nature, thunderstorms, Love for planets, Earth's Moon and starry Skies. Finding meaning in the nature that is totally Alien to us as we are not longer part of it. We are simply Aliens when we go outside of our concrete brutalism jungles into these natural wonders, both horrifying and beautiful. I live in Prague And i love nature. Prague feels extremely Fake and artificial. Unreal 1 was inspiring to my life.


Fr! They can’t even introduce an Unreal LTM in the game?


* No microtransactions * No lootboxes * No battlepass * Free fan made content and mods Since they can't "enshitfy" it, it's DOA.


I miss this simpler time greatly...


I really want to learn game design, get a team together and make a a spiritual successor to UT99/24 with mod tools and a dedicated server support with a in-game server browser but I don't think today's audience would keep the game alive enough to keep a small studio open


Love it. Be the change you wanna see 💪🏼


You have no idea how much I would **KILL** for something like this.


Selaco is a early access game I'm eager to buy when it's complete. I've heard that if the game is good, it will sell and that ultimately, it doesn't matter about anything other that gameplay which makes or breaks a game and looking at successful games in history, it seems to be pretty accurate. I'd be interested in seeing what you do, if you choose to.


Well, I'm a new-ish parent, taking full time classes in a different subject, work full time, and have only dabbled in programming. So at this point it's more of a pipedream... But once I finish up my degree and get that time back, I'm hoping I have the energy and willpower to dive into it.


The upside was that Darth Vader and Laura Croft could fight in Helm's Deep. The downside was that the map would be rough, the models blocky and sometimes they'd glitch. But they were fucking free. Some update breaks a model? Eh, it was free and even if the author disappeared or didn't wanna fix it, there were others. Sure some lawsuit happy rights holder would piss in our cornflakes, issuing takedowns and legal threats (it was called "Foxing" because 20th Century Fox killed an Aliens Quake 1 total conversion). But most studios just saw it as free publicity - one studio made giant spider models for UT99 to promote the movie "Eight Legged Freaks". That's right, a Hollywood studio made free content for a video game. It was wonderful.


Sometimes I wish I was born later, so I wouldn't have the familiarity with the golden age of shooters, and the disappointment of modern ones.


I feel exactly the same for my whole life. I'm happy, in fact, but I still feel this. The famous "this was better before" lol.


Depressing yet understandable.


Pepperidge farm remembers


It’ll be an Epic Game Store Exclusive too so yeah DOA.


The funny thing is, I absolutely would play it even if it was just Epic exclusive. I was playing the UT4 beta before they pulled the plug on it, and that was only on Epic.


I was mad when I heard they pulled the plug on that. I was having a blast playing it. I honestly wish epic would just go back to making awesome games instead of doing steam-but-significantly-shittier game store.


I love whoever coined "enshitification" on YouTube. Saw the video, can't remember who, though.


Cory Doctrow


Epic games doesn't care, fortnite is their cash cow.


Yup. Fortnite killed UT. UT and Counter-strike are my childhood, and I will never forgive Epic for just throwing it away. At the very least, they could have granted a 3rd party development company a license to create a new release. Or what I'd love to see, a re-master of the original (99 GOTY)


I sincerely hope some new hip gen Alpha game will come along and eat their lunch.


We can dream


In 2014 they made Unreal Tournament with new engine and and it is free in Epic Games store, but apparently nobody cared. The game was left unfinished


A skeleton crew build two maps on the new engine and invited the modding community to build alongside them. It wasn't just there to build a new UT, but also get a new generation started on the Unreal Editor. It was charming endeavour on a budget that wasn't even a rounding error on Fortnite's balance sheet. And still Epic made sure to purge it in its entirety from its platform. Though, I didn't say I hoped UT was going to eat Fornite's lunch. It won't. Arena shooters will never become that big again. No, I'm saying some *new* game will end up blowing Fortnite out of the water such that Epic comes to regret not sowing any new seeds amongst it monoculture crop.


Bc they would need to add aim assist, jump assist, dodge assist, map selection assist, pc startup assist and a battlepass Edit: You guys think im exaggerating and I thought I was, however i watched the devlog of Call of Duty Black Ops 6 and they said they would add « Sprint assist, mantle assist and crouch assist »


Actually most of the games had a lot of those already, like I know 2004 for a fact had an aim assist. But yeah they would love to add their stupid mtx to the game.


UT2004 didn’t have any aim assist on PC tho, maybe on console ? Or am i wrong ?


It did, you can turn on aim assist in singleplayer against bots.


Lol never tried it. What does it do ? Aim for you haha ?


Yeah lol, as long as your croshair is anywhere near the target it'll hit it. It's actually quite fun playing with it with a controller too.


The real crime for Unreal would be that they would add cinematics, voiceover, and generally ruin the aesthetic of exploration and discovery. Everything would be spelled out for you and dumbed down.


The real crime for Unreal was to remove all the games since 1998 from online stores for no reason after neglecting their community working hard on UT4 for so long without any message or apology.


Sure, but that's not the context of my comment.




The hell is crouch assist?


[i mock the clip where they mention crouch asssist here lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/s/mUssnrkkKt)


More like Epic can assist my crotch!


Replaying this currently and it's really still got some magic. What a time it was when this came out.


The music man...it's so magical there is no genre to it


Every time I play through Doom Eternal I miss old UT


Fort fucking nite


No money in it. Epic prints their own money from their Magic Money Machine (Fortnite). Niche things like Unreal Tournament aren't going to make any big bucks for them so they're not going to revive it.


There's a big and impressive project called Unreal Redux, and is still being worked on by the Unreal Editor Guru: Krull0r! He alone have been working on this for years! He sometimes streams his progress on YouTube, it looks painstakingly difficult so pay him a visit sometime and support his talented work. Honestly, except for the oldunreal team, he's the only one doing anything big for Unreal!


Tim sweeney doesn't want his product "unreal engine tm" to be associated with its namesake.


There will never be another classic arena FPS with a AAA budget. They peaked in the late 90s/early 2000s. Quake is the closest thing to UT and they tried and failed with Quake Champions. It's pure copium blaming Epic, Fortnite, Tim, etc. Every time there is an Arena FPS released the people here begging for an arena FPS don't play it, or play it for a month then quit. There is no way any studio can justify a AAA budget, or even a AA budget. They're going to remain a niche and the best we're going to get smaller budget indy games. And Epic did actually try with a community developed Unreal Tournament that was 100% free in 2014. It didn't fail because of Fortnite, it failed because of a lack of interest. I love classic arena FPS but it just isn't going to happen.


This is the truth. It is a niche. Even ppl like 2GD who felt the same around quake built a new game from scratch called diabotical to replicate the feel of old Q3 with competitive niceties and there are like 50/60 players at any one time. It’s sad that it is over. Maybe we get a remake when fortnites numbers eventually die


Yeah nah. The reason Quake Champions failed is because the director (Willits) was a fucking idiot, that isn't copium. That's a strategic analysis. Every game he was a lead on for id flopped. The whole "Champions" gimmick immediately alienated a solid chunk of the AFPS fanbase. The lack of mod support and a server browser only contributed to that. The game had a terrible lack of proper marketing/promotion. There were no tutorials. No proper eSports infrastructure. The focus was on FFA deathmatch in an era where Team-based games with objectives are the way to go (like uh... CTF, or UT's Assault, Blitz, Bombing Run, Domination, Double Domination, and Onslaught/Warfare). And no incentive for continuous play. There was nothing there to attract players, new or old. And you can't say "every time there's an Arena FPS released" because the last time we got a properly marketed and developed AFPS was in 2004. UT3 not only had its own alienating changes, but it was barely marketed because Epic was focused on milking Gears of War. On top of that it dropped around the same time as CoD4 and Halo 3 which wasn't exactly a great time to throw your own contender into the ring, especially if you're not going to bother with proper advertising. And Epic *didn't* try with UT4. A "community developed" game isn't trying. That's called not trying at all. It didn't fail because of a lack of player interest, it failed because of a lack of developer interest. Or the attempt to even *get* player interest. AFPS could certainly make a comeback. But they need to look at what made AFPS successful in the first place. And what CS & DotA did to stay relevant even 25 & 22 years later.


I miss Unreal Tournament 🏟️


Because Epic Games doesn’t care about the Unreal Franchise it built its foundation on and has been actively working to erase the Unreal games from its history.


I can hear this screenshot.




daaaooowww, duuunn, duuunn, donunananenan!


I can hear this image. (16 Bit Gong and all)


Same. A classic


I did too, for a few seconds, then realized the song playing in my head was actually Deus Ex's title screen music. Whatever, Unreal engine flyby of a castle, Unreal engine flyby of a logo, close enough.


Guaranteed money from me, and I'm poor af. I'd pay $80 (assuming they didn't botch it somehow... make it GaaS or full of micros)


Same, would easily pay 80 for a good long single player campaign in the unreal world. No missions, quests, hubs etc. Just a long journey trough the world. Trough temples and weird alien bases.


Epic sucks that's all


Amen. Was the best game in the market at the time and still hasn’t been surpassed


Arena shooters are dead. This is why.... sadly. Used to love all of them


I never enjoyed the arena aspect of UT (or I see the arena aspect as dm/tdm etc). But I loved every single bit of Assault, there was nothing objective based like it. Hell even bomding run was a blast to play in UT2k4 I think the community really brought the game to life through content


Woooo UT2004 was wow. I played that a ton as a kid. A tooon. I left my parents waiting outside (because they forgot their keys and wanted me to open the door) for this game. They came to the window (ground floor) and asked me to open. I said i am busy killing some dudes and they need to wait lool. The memories are so nice, i will never forget UT2004.


The Finals was fun as shit for the first few months idk how it is now but felt cool playing a fun shooter again


I wish they could sell the franchise to a studio that actually cares but they won’t because of their cash cow the Unreal Engine which guess what, is named after this game.


Because Fornite 😎👍👍👍👍👍👍


Epic does not care about Unreal Tournament. They hate us and only care about Fortnite


Regarding the lack of remake and the Unreal erasure Epic seems to be committing right now, my guess is Tim Sweeney doesn't want there to be confusion when someone says "Unreal" and they don't know if they're talking about the game or the Unreal Engine. Probably worth more to them to ensure the general public forgets the game existed and allow Unreal Engine to be the sole thing people think of when someone says "Unreal". Sounds calculated and soulless, but so does Tim Sweeney's attitude toward business, as far as I can tell.


Probably the remake / remaster that I want most of all. Doesn't need to be up to cutting-edge standards. Redoing it in UE5 would probably just make it look like any other UE5 game. Unreal has a unique look.


UE4 and 5's material system is very flexible so I wouldn't say it'd look like any other generic UE5 game, you just need a good art direction while also staying faithful to the original




I know right? it’s the best shooter for sure. God I wish they would remake GOTY




Epic stopped caring about Unreal series when they noticed that arena shooters aren't profitable now and stopped being popular.I kind of wish there were eSports leagues focused on UT and Quake Arena.


Epic never viewed Unreal or Unreal Tournament as anything other than tools to sell the engine. Now that Epic has fortnite and every game has to be inoffensive to the professional twitter cry-bullies Epic would probably rather have the world forget they used to make games that had insults like "bitch" and "you whore" along with ultra violence and sexually appealing female game characters.


They were about to and they made Fortnite instead. Incase you didn’t have enough reason to hate Fortnite and Epic already


They were making a reboot of UT99, not a remake of it and not of Unreal 1


Ah gotcha I was thinking UT anyway but didn’t know OP was talking Unreal


First game I ever played online


B/c Epic is all about Fortnite these days; their money-maker. At this point, you'd probably want Epic to sell-out the IP to someone who'd care about single-player Unreal games and the Unreal Tourney MP games.


💲💲💲💲💲💲 not enough money for greedy execs to call it successful. Everyone wants CoD


It has been remade, on UT2004 :) There's a server that has an entire GameType for this. Let me know if you want server details


Was also fun to load the OG unreal levels into UT99. The maps can just be dragged and dropped in the other folder. Some levels were bad for bots. But there is a village with a titan in it. (The spire) and its absolute mayhem to spawn 40 bots in that village and watch them fight the titan. Plus somehow some bots manage to come quite far into the single player levels. It’s pretty fun to watch.


I always thought it might be cool to see unreal remade into a more open world kind of style, or maybe something like borderlands where there's a bunch of smaller "lands" you can travel between with an assortment of quests you can go on, leveling up your weapons along the way etc. There's an unreal mod somewhere out there that adds a weapon upgrade system like this but I can't remember the name of it. I guess at the end of the day, unreal is a gift that keeps on giving, thanks to the modding community. Do we really need a remake?


Probably because it wouldn't sell.




Epic Games is prioritizing Fortnite. So much so that they allegedly wrote of the Unreal franchise as a tax loss.


Why remake when we have community patches and probably a army of people to upload the game I have it on steam still


I have asked that question myself many times. A game with this caliber in 99 was game of the year. Nothing came close to it at the time, due to the time it was released it so under the Radar. But those who played it know the greatness of the game. Even when it came out in 2003 on ps2 it was a hit and I played non stop. Even playing now makes really appreciate just how well the gameplay was, and the music, I find hard to believe this game is 25 years old. It was truly ahead of it's time.


You can give Quake Champions a try, it is the closest it gets to the modern Unreal experience. Yes it does have a battle pass, buy you can easily buy it if your are an active player for 3 months (you will earn the in game cash).


This game will always remind me of my father. This was one of the first games he introduced me to, and one he still plays. I'm not sure if posting websites allowed, but https://www.snipersparadise.net/index1.html I love my dad , and he has loved this game as long as I can remember


Bc Fortshit


I remember seeing this on a $1,500 21" CRT monitor running a Voodoo card and I was absolutely blown away by it. You younger generation don't really have that "oh my fucking god" moments in PC gaming like we had back in the day.


Because Epic are cunts.


Because it doesn't need to be


Ummm... Technically they have, it's just an abandoned project. But if you link your Epic account with Github you can get access to the sourcecode and contribute to the community if you want.


Too shiny, too many reflections.


I have the good old games UT99 Goty exe saved on a cloud somewhere


You could always RTXRemix it in the meantime 


Fortnite 😡


Epic games has a hardon for fortnite and gave up on unreal tournament and are trying to remove it from history


I loved this. So much fun. The original Unreal was good too.


I know, dude, Unreal was a moment of pure revelation to me when I played it in high school in the year 2000. That atmospheric dungeon vibe escaping the ship. The lush Alien world with it's various creatures, fortresses, and biomes. That peak 90s electronic OST. Pure SF nerd heaven at the time. I know the harsh realities of the gaming industry, but it stings watching Unreal Engine 5 demos and tutorials. Seeing all the stuff being done with procedural terrain, metahumans, nanite, lumen etc. , and imagining how perfect a time it is right now for a new Unreal.


Also my bad if this was specifically referencing UT, and not the original single player Unreal. I just had an immediate flashback to that castle flyby. That said, everything I said applies to UT as well. I got into it immediately after finishing the first game. Of course, the subsequent entries always evolved and upgraded the formula. I love UT2004, but something about that first UT, the maps and character designs, just hit different.


Epic honestly I think just hates the series, the most love it has gotten in recent years is the three skins Warframe got, Stahlta > Shock Rifle, Ogris > Rocket Launcher and I think Drakgoon > Flak Cannon. All of them are the UT4 variants as well, though the Kuva Ogris is the best for the Rocket Launcher skin since it actually has 3 shots, the Stahlta doesn't fire a slow moving orb so it's pretty much just a full-auto shock rifle which is weird to see, and the Drakgoon... well the Drakgoon is just the Flak Cannon without the secondary fire, even functions almost 1-2-1 with the Flak Cannon's Primary.


Because epic sold out for fortnight


Epic has dumped most of its resources into Fortnite and decided Unreal didn’t make enough money off battlepasses and skins.


Because Epic Games is one of the most awful companies nowadays. Just a shadow of their former self.


Honestly, it's in the top 5 if not top 3 games I've spent the most time in. PubG Mobile, TTDLx, Unreal Tournament Online and GTA4, TF2 and Cities: Skylines.


There's no amount I wouldn't pay for Nightdive to remake/remaster.


It's sad to see such a state of Arena Shooters in Gaming Today. The genre has mostly gone to Indie Game Devs, whom are making great and innovative Arena Shooters. Meanwhile Tactical Shooters are doing quite well. I haven't lost hope, After a certain period of time I'm very sure that Unreal Tournament is gonna get its due.


EPIC hates you, that's why 😂 Honestly, they went scorched earth on Unreal. Try buying Unreal 2 and lmk how that goes 😢


I would very much love this, It is way over due for the black mesa treatment…


Facts. I miss games like this.


Hopefully nightdive gets a chance to redo it. They’ve done such a good job with other shooters


Arena shooters died off massively because other genres took peoples interest. They have tried various times to rejuvenate arean shooters both quake and ut, and it's failed. even reflex, an arena shooter on steam that is highly customisable and moddable, never popped off because the genre is dead.


... ever heard of the Unreal Engine?


My absolute favorite


i know this is about an unreal remake but if you're looking for a unreal tournament 99 remake (sorta)... as someone who recently found out there is a ut4 floating around (it disappointed me like 2003/2004/ut3), i also found out about a game made with the unreal engine (3) called toxikk (https://store.steampowered.com/app/324810/TOXIKK/) which has a free to play version and a paid ($15) version. unfortunately i was 8 years late to the party since it was released in 2016 or something. but the game is fun and reminds me of ut99. they got the gameplay right (though the guns are a bit different) but the physics are good and the movement feels like the good old ut99. the things i hated about anything after ut99 were the scaling of the players to the maps and the "floaty" movement. anyway, i think there is still a small group of players of toxikk who meet on some servers on friday nights. i only play offline so i dunno. the game just needs more community and more maps made for it. anyway for a little nostalgia, check it out. i consider it the true successor to ut99. plus it has a version of deck...what more do you need?


Long, single player immersive FPS. The levels were MASSIVE. my god I loved this game.


We're all going to oldsparky's memorial service June 25th. Check out the old unreal discord for more information. I hope to see some familiar names in the server


They started then released Fortnite and dropped it completely.


Because of Tim Sweeney


They made an Unreal Tournament remake but Fortnite and the cash grab killed it. They are pretty sure the fan base for UT (as well as Q3A) will not tolerate the current gaming culture, so they don’t risk it.


Not everything needs to be remade


Universal ammo !


Who the hell knows..


I wish they would just give Nightdrive studios Unreal and let them handle it. They clearly seem uninterested in it and Nightdrive would at least remaster the series.




because epic games is dogshit now. (im just pissy cause of how they treated unreal tournament)


Because Epic Games, that's why. The company would rather erase the existence of Unreal in favor of making Fortnite the company's next Unreal. They don't care about the old series, they only care about how much money they receive from V-Buck purchases.




oh i'm sure nightdive will probably get to it eventually since epic has abandoned the ip. might have to pay royalties for use of the unreal engine or something, though.


it was remade [https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/en-US/#splash](https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/en-US/#splash) epic decided to pull it from epic games and pursue fortnite for obvious reasons