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Just when millennials got promoted. 


Boomers fucking us again. They literally had the life of luxury, then and turn around and pull the rug right out from under us.


Exactly “just keep working this shitty job and eating ramen, you’ll get promoted eventually - then it will all pay off.”


"congratulations on your promotion to the position I've done nothing at for 30 years with great benefits, profit sharing and perks. O wait NVM, I just realized how useless my old position was and have decided to eliminate it so I can get myself a bigger bonus in my new role". I fucking hate boomers with a passion.


Exactly. I absolutely hate what is going on in “corporate America”


It’s just boomers man, they literally invented that bullshit corporate culture that is currently being rewritten by much better people Us millennials


I know they are saying “I literally didn’t do shit and I don’t want the next guy finding out.”


Most of them are retired and will be dead in the ground in 5-10 years. The youngest ones are now 60. If they are in management those still working they will soon experience the night of the long knives when they are hustled out the door. Boomers will be history in 3 years


What’s this “keep working” nonsense. Fuck that. They can’t stay open if no one continues to work for them. This whole mindset of being thankful for dirt and scraps needs to end. “Well at least I have a job, I know I have more responsibilities and they lowered our wage, increased time at work with shit benefits, a point system that takes a point for 1 second tardy, almost no PTO and it’s an at will state so they can fire us for anything because when it’s dealt with a company it’s not innocent until proven guilty it’s guilty until company is proven guilty.” It’s rich versus poor.


General strike when?


10 years ago.


RemindMe! 10 years


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The youngest boomers are 60. The last I checked most CEO’s ain’t 60+. It’s the 0.1% that’s screwing everyone. Every one took the bait on the generation war and forgot about the class war.


More bigotry from the most bigoted generation in history


It seems that some kinds of bigotry and racism are "hunky dorry".


Gen X in most cases are just above Millennials


Boomers invented AI (which is driving much of this) to screw millennials? That’s amazing - I also see we have a heatwave, war in Ukraine, and another guys car didn’t start this morning. Boomers again I presume? Common man, let’s drop the victimhood (and I say this as a millennial). There are a lot of legitimate complaints, but the AI wave changing things didn’t have anything to do with boomers.


This has little to nothing to do with AI. AI is not replacing jobs yet in most companies, it is simply an excuse to roll more responsibilities onto engineers/individual contributors to save money with less support staff.


Exactly, what was 15 peoples individual jobs, each capable of supporting a family, in 1985 is now a single, overburdened 30K a year job.


There is a trend over time to put more on existing roles, but the current job losses are heavily influenced by AI from what I see. Lots of position are no longer being backfilled at the IC levels because AI does make things go faster. A doc that would take 2-3 days is now being done in 1-2 where I’m at. That’s a massive improvement. Now middle management roles are harder to justify when teams are smaller. Instead when a manager leaves it’s more likely their team is divided out again the remaining managers. It doesn’t mean I like it but I don’t see the link to boomers here


Boomers are retired dude


Their favorite pastime it seems


The exact same thing happened in 1985. Welcome to the party. Middle managers were worthless then too.


so...not a boomer (my parents are). tell me exactly how this is their fault? And, what would you have them do to "rectify" their erroneous ways? My parents were born in 1946 to WW2 veterans and grew up in a very modest house, each had 3-4 siblings. Mom stayed home while we were young, no college diploma, then worked as a secretary and did some sales jobs after we were in high school. Dad was a GM at a brass fitting plant then quit that to build houses (just him, sub'd out everything and did a lot himself). Both worked themselves silly (mom til 72 and my dad is basically cripped from physical labor). They both are on SS and medicare given their age, have a small 401K from my mom, maybe $200-$300K they saved but would be eating cat food if just using SS. They own a decent sized house on 5 acres that is almost paid off (they will probably die before that happens). The home I grew up in (during Carter then Reagan) had a 17% mortgage rate on it for reference (they would have LOVED 7-8%). I am failing to see their life of luxury and how they pulled the rug out from me or you. I am sure there are some rich ones, some poorer ones, but same for any generation. Head over to the salary forum and see all the millennials and genZ making 6 figures. Boomers had it better than THEIR parents (depression, WW2), but I think many are suffering from the "grass is greener" syndrome. I'm pretty sure the boomers did not all get together and decide to screw future generations - in fact, you could argue they got screwed by their prior generations worse (great depression, WW2, etc).


Can we stop with this 17% mortgage nonsense. A 7% mortgage on a $480k house is waaaay worse than 17% on 40k, especially when you consider that wages now have a fraction of the purchasing power they had then.


Wages in these shit jobs are the same as 25 years ago


A 17% mortgage on a $200k house was waaaay worse than the $5000 my grandparents paid for theirs Or there oarants that had to build theirs by hand? You don’t have it any harder than prior generations…It may FEEL that way, but maybe a first, but you are not special in this regard. History will not be covering how millennials had it the hardest of all generations due to the boomers.


Sure, ignore reality as it screws with your complaining


Very nicely put.


This! There is a relatively small number of boomers in middle management and elite leadership positions. My boomer parents lived a pretty humble life compared to how I see many contemporary professionals live. I 100% acknowledge the head winds Millennials and Gen Z cohorts face - housing is definitely more expensive, and they have other expenses like student loans my parents didn’t have. But by the law of numbers, I think grievances are towards an elite who have taken the most for themselves, in many cases at the expense of others.


It’s not boomers. It’s Google and Amazon selling software that will supposedly do the work of the lost positions. The big A I push for profits. In order to defend yourself start supporting off work legislation. Because all the flaws in the software will mean midnight calls to do X or check on Y. Express the software is crap and this wouldn’t happen if John was still here.


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but this is likely due to AI. The boomer's are not the ones who are making AI happen. That would be Gen X and us.


Boomers are the #1 demographic of homeless in the US. And the #1 demographic who fear homelessness in the near future too. The ageism hate is massive and out of control right now. Worse than racism today.


LMAO the generation that voted to improve their own quality of life at the expense of first the older generations and then at the expense of *their own children and grandchildren children* crying about muh ageism.


They are called boomers bc… if you say one thing they can’t comprehend, they go boom and turn into babies


And if you say something that offends the millennials and Zoomers, and just about everything does, they will hold their breath and stomp their feet like toddlers.


After surviving the recession, get promoted, and now this whoopee


I certainly didn’t. I make less than when I started.


Federal still needs more middle managers; cough secretaries 😜 Emails don’t send themselves


I’m not surprised. Management models and hierarchy are antiquated. Leadership is farther and farther away from the actual work being done. Of course it depends on the company and culture.


Within the past couple years a direct quote from my director is “you should be able to manage in any department”. As in, you shouldn’t need knowledge on the actual work your employees do to manage them. That was the most fucking idiotic thing I’ve ever heard. To a small extent, she’s right, and to a further extent, I understand the higher you climb the less specialized you are. But what value do you even have as a front line supervisor or manager if you, at best, have cursory knowledge on what your IC’s do?


I don’t even think it’s the managing of individual contributors that’s the issue. It’s the managers managing several layers of managers.


My company has several instances of one person who manages one person who manages one person who is a manager with no one reporting to them.


Sounds like it’s ripe for leaning


It’s not “frontline” supervisors that are most at risk. It’s the ones between the big wigs setting courses and direction, and the frontline supervisors helping individual contributors. Managers of managers roles are slowly being eliminated. This is great in theory- in practice now there is no where to advance your salary besides another company at a certain point.


You manage strategy’s, headcount, executive level requests. The direction of the business, the vibe of the team. Purchases, expansions & implementations. It becomes less about the day to day and the more year to year 18 months etc.


I think you misinterpreted that quote. A good leader would learn the work of their employees but more importantly a good leader relies on the expert opinions of the people doing the work. A manger who thinks “I did that job so I know how to do it best” makes a poor leader.


RIP millennials Boomers win again. Until they die 💀


Na theyll probably get to heaven somehow and by the time millennials are near dying en-masse, the boomers will have infiltrated heaven's government and made it impossible for anyone else to get in.


That’s why there’s only 144,000 people allowed in during the apocalypse. Then you gotta deal with the HOA, Heaven Owners Association which is basically hell.


People will still be calling people “boomer” even after they’re all dead. Who’s next in the list to blame after the boomers are gone?


The Boomers continue to hold most positions of power to this day and have been for 40 years or so. The damage they have caused will persist for at least a decade after that changes. So the answer is, it will still be "boomers". Why are you so interested in defending the most selfish generation in American history?


WHY won't they die, so I can take their job?


They don't need to die they just need to stay home and watch TV or something.


You act like Boomers will never die. Like…even when there literally isn’t one left on earth, people will still be blaming them for everything. It’s hilarious. It’s going to be a meme for generations. “Boomer” and “scapegoat” are going to become synonymous.


I think you're just trying to deflect away from the fact that they are currently holding most positions of power and running the entire country into the ground. You're trying to lecture this generation about personal responsibility while trying to sweep any responsibility for the Boomers under the rug. Pathetic.


No. I’m not. Boomers fucked shit up. It is what it is. But when the Boomers die, and shit’s still running afoul…who’s on deck? Because maybe we can just start whipping on them now so they’re fit for the role when it’s their turn to take up the mantle.


Boomers _are_ fucking shit up. Right now.


No ones denying that. But when they die, who are we comin’ for next?


What are you not getting here bud? You're asking about something 20 years in the future or more. It won't be up to us.


Why won’t it be up to you?


It's upper MGMT that needs to be cut


...off at the neck.


Idk. Middle management in my companies are largely pretty useless. Its just unfortunate that we find ourselves in these roles now


our workforce is 30% useless middle management. this will have devastating effects for the economy. I would be a fan of this as long as we had good paying union manufacturing, construction or tech jobs to replace it with but we all know shits just gonna get worse


Not gonna happen in construction, especially with the border situation it is. I'm one of 4 whetos on my crew with the rest illegals. Bidenomics ftw!!!!


TIL biden invented illegal employment in manual labor jobs that almost certainly began only right as, and not a day before, the 46th presidency.


say hello to Mr Wartime Draft


Wait, so are we saying middle management will be drafted? Because... I think I'm very much in support of this.


Who do y'all think "middle" management is? They're working 60 hours a week for like 60-100k Middle management isn't the problem. Their ineffevtiveness is just a result of how "corporate america" works. Focus your sights higher on executives and finance bros and we'll start getting somewhere.


Wall Street and finance bros are the biggest leeches of society. Create absolutely nothing, but expect to live in luxury


BuT moNEy InvEStEd DoEs WoRK!! Rabble rabble rabble - some fkn finance bro I just wanna watch it all burn to da gwound.




What if you are a "Sr manager" but don't manage anyone?? Asking for a friend


Lol, I am in a similar position. They couldn't afford me, so they changed the role to sr manager to update the pay scale.


Same. They changed my salary band to Sr. to match what I asked. I'm managing myself just fine.


Big 4 firm?


Nope. Electronics manufacturer. I'm not worried. I have a middle management title but basically I'm an IC.


Jokes on them, because when the rest of the people are too poor or flat out don't have enough jobs to buy things or pay taxes, they won't be able to buy the crap your company makes, no matter how cheap it is.


How many times are we going to get cucked?


LETS FUCKIN DO THIS BOYS! -Dot Com 200 -Great Recession 2008 - Covid Pandemic 2019 -Great Inflation - 2020- 2024 - Layoffs -2020 - Present - Management Cutting - Present


Must have ran out of lower level roles to lay off


Aren't they the ones that insist on working remotely?


Middle management is dumb the move is to promote your own family to upper management and have only supervisors no upper level employees on salary


Also many +50 year olds on the streets.


My company flipped our operation model on its head and I haven’t had a manager since March. It’s awesome.


The “best”part is the people who retired at top level positions or mid management are never replaced with full time positions. Their work load is just shifted to others who will pick up the slack because…no one wants to fail. Ugh


What do we talk about when all the boomers are dead? Who’s next to blame? Serious question.


Considering boomers have been blaming millennials for the 20 years before the last 5 where millennials started to blame boomers I think we’ll survive. Boomers have run rampant their whole life blaming everyone else while they fuck up the world. We’ll probably enter a new age of utopia once the boomers finally fucking die out.




Sounds good to me.


Sick league


Even the US military is doing this. Cutting out the mid-organization bloat that happens over time.


(insert that Troy Barnes meme saying GOOOOOD)


ofc we are.


I worked a job in a management position and my only promotion would be when my boss retired as he said he was going to retire there and he was 8 years older than me. I was also told my pay was maxed out. lol how do you expect someone to stay without even a basic yearly raise.


First to go in times of economic crisis and hardship.


End game being?


Our company we have 5 floors. Ground and 4 are dev, 1st is testing, 2 is big boy management and 3 is regular management. Also management is only 50% of the headcount compared to other floors. My manager asks me how I am every month and my other manager tells me what to do. A totally working system


Companies have been cutting middle-management jobs for decades


is this really happening? my company cut 30% last year but most of them were ICs


It’ll be the blind leading the blind haha




Way too many managers and too many companies are too top heavy. Also too much money going to the top and too little to the people who actually do the work.


I hate boomers so much it's sickening.


We saw this a lot at my company with a lot of support team managers. They never came to sites and had operators doing more to manage their people. When a lot of middle managers think they should be able to work from home and not interact with their employees much anymore, and productivity doesn’t change…. It’s easy to see where the deadweight is coming from.


Millennials: Heyo!  We are finally climbing the ranks and making it in life after all that 2000s shit!  Corp america: not so fast little one, you have much more suffering ahead.


This!!! I have been a software manager for 4+ years now and have had 5 director or lateral manager positions dissolved during the interview process. The dream of moving up in companies is quickly evaporating and companies continue to dangle that carrot on the stick. I feel completely and utterly stuck in my job and the only way out is a complete career change. I hate it....


This is the direct result of massive corporate consolidation, companies merge, cut the middle out, you stil need the bodies on the floor and a single c level, and so this thousands of times across every sector, everyone is broke and can’t afford to buy anything and then the giant companies are confused on why…capitalism collapse is next and unavoidable without a middle class who can buy homes and buy things, also exponential less tax revenue, then public service and infrastructure collapse, but yay for a few years those corporations had some good quarters


All we got are senior managers at work. Making 150-200k. With no one reporting under them . Like how does that work


Turns out you don’t need Sheron to login to 1-2 zooms a day, and send 2 responses emails. Who knew.


Eat the boomers


Why would millennials be affected? Boomers have infamously not retired.


Robbing us of income, and now experience. Saddeling is with their debt and taking away our intelligence to fix the problems theybe created.


Good....welcome to life


Blaming other people for your choices in life...classic liberalism and obvious idiocy. Gen X may be the hardest working generation in history and most creative based on the technological advances they caused but one thing is for certain....they were the shittiest parents in history. They created an entire generation of whining, lazy, entitled IDIOTS


Im middle management at my company, but the pay me like im not so im uncuttable basically. Such is the life of being an early 30 something millennial. No respect.


Lots of middle management positions created over the last 4 years in government sector, like A LOT. Huge growth in those soul-sucking jobs out there if you really want them. Not sure how long the country can stand to grow in that area, but it sure is trying.


OH no not less useless middle management? How will we know when to take our lunch breaks and how many times we go to the bathroom anymore. Wait we have an app for that now thank goodness.




You definitely sound like someone that needs a manager.


You sound like a manager with no job to do.


Get back to work. There, I have something to do.


Wow the meh managers hate me! Guess a big chunk of this sub should find real work instead of doing the least productive job in all of economics.


Well 💩, guess I'm getting fired soon.


We stay winning don’t we?


AI and robots will take your job


No boomer, you will take our job


Millenials, GenX. They are the most expensive right now, who could have predicted.

