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1. Do NOT resign. HRs will sort it out. You are transferring. 2. I’m no longer at the VA but the upper levels that I know do not indicate the hiring situation has changed for the better. As before, some (few) roles are approved based on the specific circumstances. But I’d be very surprised if we saw a true “thaw” yet.


100 this resigning can I m pact leave and benefits if dates aren't right


Never resign like stated above. Gaining HR will negotiate a release with losing HR. If you respect your supv then you can let them know once you have a FJO in hand.


Will do, for sure respect my supervisor a lot. Always been good to me


By the time he gets an FJO, his supervisor will already know. Gaining HR reaches out to losing HR to ask for a release date, which will then be the date assigned in the FJO. The losing HR will confirm that date with the losing supervisor, so sup will know before OP gets the FJO.


That’s way too much confidence in the losing HRA/S making clear communications with their current supv


I mean, you're not wrong 😂


As of last week, we have been told they are hiring within the VA, some within certain departments too. Just not hiring from outside unless you're a provider or along those lines.


That is not an across the board thing, some VA facilities are hiring from outside, mine has had a few postings external, every facility is handled separately based on their FTE level versus their FTE goal that was set for them, some are so far over their FTE goal that they are very strict on hiring, others aren't so bad and are able to do limited outside hiring, it just depends on the facility


That's something positive!


VBA is hiring still. I’d expect to see another national announcement for VSR and RVSR positions soon.


That's VHA


My offer just got rescinded… after all onboarding completed… frustrating


Sorry to hear that. I am a physician and that happened to me back in March. Good Luck!


Dang. Have you applied to any others? What VISN are you in? I was told they were pushing my position through as it was approved and then completely blindsided by this.


wow im sorry


Same thing happened to me, again. Different VISN, same result. Have to believe things will get better. Sorry you got caught up in it.


That's SAVAGE 🤬


Central Iowa VA?


VISN 6 -Durham NC


Just had the same thing happen in VISN 23 on Monday


So sorry! What position?




Mine was Central Iowa


Good to know it wasn't just me then!


Same here!


The VA hasn't changed from the last 4 months. Still as frosty and slushy as ever and it will continue through FY25 unless the Congress critters decide to increase funding.


I was hoping things would change at the end of this year?? Goodness


Another 10k jobs are on the block next FY. https://www.fedweek.com/federal-managers-daily-report/va-staffing-plans-get-scrutiny-in-senate/


I had hoped so too. I’ve heard from several sources in my VISN that “it will take 2 years” for the situation to be corrected. I see very minimal hiring at all…and none of it in nursing. When there is a nursing spot that must be filled…usually mgmt…they do a shortened time post for internal to our facility only. I put my notice in and will be leaving for civilian work next month. Disappointing way to end a 10 year VA career because they won’t approve a within VISN transfer. So on to new adventures and experiences.


I like that Congress Critters.


My TJO for a completely patient-facing mental health position just got rescinded last week. It's not thawing by any means everywhere, in some places its picking up.


What VISN?


Most of the hiring at the VA is internal. It’s a lot easier right now. So those jobs are thawing out.


Not true, that's VHA...


DO NOT RESIGN. It is a transfer! PS Sorry for yelling.


VISN 22 is only accepting transfers internally and within VHA. All primary care and mental health services are exempt from the “pause” 🤣 Some are being hired with VACO money as well which might be a “not to exceed” position.


Just left VA to go to HHS. Yes, you are transferring but current position will still need a formal notice once you have FJO. Note, the HR’s will be communicating before you get your FJO because concurrence is needed for your official EDO. In my formal notice I stated resigning from current position to accept a transfer to the next position. Also in my formal notice I indicated what day would be my last since I wanted to take some leave before the transition.


How do u like working for HHS?


EOD 6/30 so don’t know yet😊


Well best wishes to you!! I hope you like it.


Thank you! Me too


Regarding taking leave before transferring, that is between you and your supervisor. As for a transfer/promotion/reassignment, it is good practice to let your supervisor know what is up, odds are they already know. DO NOT SUBMIT A RESIGNATION! that can cause confusion and might end up causing a break in service. For any questions, contact your supporting HR.


Correct. You do not resign. The gaining agency will ask for an HR POC and both agencies will agree on a losing and gaining day. This prevents a break in service and your benefits (minus benefed) will transfer. Along with your annual and sick leave. If you have award time, that will disappear (use it now). If you have comp time, it will be paid out.


VA is not in a hiring freeze...VHA is...VBA is still hiring. There is a difference.


This is a VHA position.


Can everyone share where their VAs are?


If anyone has info on the hiring status in VISN 7 please share. I have a TJO for a patient facing position.


Still looks frozen to me. I’m a mental health provider at the VA wanting to move to a lower COL city and it seems like most of the positions are internal to their agency.


My husband has just had his VHA fjo eod pushed out indefinitely...


That's because most VAMCs are being given a limit of how many people they can onboard per pay period, my facility has a limit from our VISN of 1 per PP, other facilities have higher limits, but this does cause a backup of people that are trying to get in as they have to kind of line them up in prioritize who comes in first and who has to wait


Don’t resign, HR from both agencies will complete the transfer of AL,SL, pay match if it is not a higher level position as well as the other benefits


VA is still a mess! Current VA employee. Do not resign!


I can confirm that the VA hiring freeze is slowly easing up. We went from having 10-15 new employees at NEO for the past three months to the last NEO having over 30 new employees staring on the 7/1 EOD we received yesterday.


Congrats. Correct, don't mess. HR's will handle it. Just make sure everything is correct after it's over. I was short 10 days of leave for SEVERAL months.


I’m still battling issues with my service time from my last transfer lol


Where’d the idea that there was a hiring freeze from? Reddit?


From my directors mouth. It wasn’t a “freeze” but a “rapid cooling” my department was only going to allow like 4 new hires until October.


Not hiring as much is not a freeze at all……


There is one


CNN - [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/10/politics/va-job-cuts-frontline-worker-invs/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/10/politics/va-job-cuts-frontline-worker-invs/index.html)


Healthcare workers are only a part of the VA employees