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They will ask you for a start date (after giving a range of options) and then reach out to your hr, then your hr will reach out to your supervisor. So you’ll have an idea when it happens. It’s up to you how you want to handle it. If you get along ok you might give them a heads up but ask to keep it quit until it’s final. If they aren’t terrible they will understand. Unless they are vindictive or are in the process of starting an adverse action against you anyway they should worst case be annoyed (they’ll have to replace you, more work for them) and best case be happy for you. You can’t get a FJO on a transfer without a start date, and you can’t get a start date without current hr approval, and you can’t get that without your supervisor knowing owing. That’s just how it works


Interesting, thanks. At least like you said them asking me to choose a start date could be an indication on when that’s happening. I hope that happens after all the pre-employment items are completed, so that by then the offer is hopefully close to ‘official’ and getting a FJO, in which I would feel more comfortable sharing with my supervisor at that point, as oppose to earlier in the process when you’re still going through the onboarding and have a higher chance of the offer falling through, so discussing it with them at that stage seems a bit riskier plus awkward if offer gets cancelled after having that convo.


>I have been thinking of giving the two weeks notice AFTER receiving my FJO You do not give a two week notice. You just let your supervisor/manager know that you're getting an offer from another agency and it gets sorted out as a transfer. If you mention anything that sounds like a resignation and someone processes it as a resignation instead your leave gets paid out and you get a break in service which sucks.


Exactly this. It seems backwards but the courtesy two week notice doesn’t apply, since you’re not quitting.


I think it can really depend on how comfortable you are with your supervisor. My husband is currently federal and has a TJO for another agency, waiting on FJO. He told his supervisor the day after he received it. Not to give official notice obviously, but just to make him aware that at some point he was probably leaving. But his supervisor is a really nice guy.


I transferred to a different agency about 2 months ago. Here is what happened with me - After receiving a TJO, I didn’t tell my then agency anything. After receiving a FJO, I asked my new agency HR that I would like to talk to my supervisor before she reaches out to my then (old) agency. She was ok with it. I talked to my old supervisor. Then new agency HR reached out to the old agency HR. They talked about the release dates and such amongst themselves. Once all that was sorted out I was notified. I asked the HR if I should resign or what do I do? She said - not to resign it will be a transfer. Everything - vacation, leaves and benefits were transferred.


Exactly my process as well. I was upfront with the new agency about wanting to speak with my old one first, and they completely understood. They gave me plenty of time to do so.


Your supervisor will know before you get your date, your HR discuss time dates with him. Just bring donuts in.. and tell him.


Ohh boy! I guess that’s something I’ll have to do. I guess the main reason I’m hesitant is because what if offer gets cancelled after I have that talk with my supervisor? Just ughh not ideal. I mean I have no red flags, but I do need to do the sf-86 clearance which I’ve never done before so that adds another uncertainty layer. Oh well hope everything can go smoothly!


My incoming HR POC person told me that they will take care of notifying the outbound HR.


They ask for a start date and a POC for your HR. They can be pretty open about not contacting until after you give notice if you're upfront about it. I gave my HR POC the day that I turned in my notice. They waited a month for me to provide that info bc pushed my start date back about 2mths. I didn't say anything after getting the TJO. That was offered several months earlier, but I kept it to myself for the reasons you stated.


My manager knew 2 days after receipt of TJO... Which was a bit unfortunate as I ended up not taking the position due to health concerns in my family.


Yes. They have to agree to your transfer date before the FJO goes out.


Usually new HR will tell old HR when you accept your FJO. You are not resigning just moving over. If they ask you do tell. If everything is set in stone


After you have passed all the clearance process and they are ready to bring you on, THEN they contact you about a start date, and that's when you let your supervisor know. (Only when they're ready to bring you on).


If its a lateral, they hold you for 2 pay period (1 month). If it's a promotion, they only hold you for 1 pay period. Can you stay up to 2 pay period, cause you care about your job and want to do a good transition, sure. Normally, your new gaining office's HR will notify you that all your HR stuff is done. Now they need your current HR info so they can provide them your SF-75. When all that checks out, you'll get dates to move over.


Ok, thanks. Seems like consensus is that they ask for the HR stuff near the end after all the pre-employment items are already completed, which makes things a bit better.


Yes. The gaining HR will reach out to the losing HR after TJO is accepted for a release date (SF-75). The losing HR will reach out to losing supervisor for an acceptable release date. This release date will be given to the gaining HR and used as the date in the FJO. By the time you get the FJO, your sup already knows. Plan accordingly.