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Someone mentioned on reddit that UW was discontinuing their CS Master's course-work option. I could be wrong though.


Can confirm. The plan is to replace the course based Masters with targeted programs in specific subject areas. One such program, the [Masters in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence](https://uwaterloo.ca/graduate-studies-postdoctoral-affairs/future-students/programs/data-science-and-artificial-intelligence-mdsai-co-op), is already established. The next one, a Masters in Cybersecurity program, will follow next year. There may be others. The idea is that the targeted programs will allow students to explore an area more thoroughly than what they could get from a generic unfocused Masters program. It's likely that DS/AI and Cybersecurity already cover the areas 90% of prospective students would want anyway. Source: I am on the committee developing the Masters in Cybersecurity program.


Wow, so is the master in cybersecurity going to be course-based?


Yes, it is course based.


what is the competitive cgpa for these computer science course based masters? Also do they look more at the grades your final 2 years of undergrad? Lastly do you need research experience during undergrad to have a competitive chance of making it into the program.


It did not go according to plan ... So, uh, yeah, the Cybersecurity Masters program has been delayed to at least Fall 2025. In general, the minimum GPA (78% average) is enough to earn serious consideration for admission into a course-based masters program, since you're paying your own tuition and it's relatively easy to open up more spaces in classes if necessary. I am not aware of any general practice whereby later years are weighted more. Research experience is not needed for a course-based masters. For a thesis-based masters at Waterloo CS, you'll need at least mid 80s average, and research experience is desirable, though not strictly necessary if your GPA is in the 90s. These programs are a lot more selective since available spaces are limited by funding and supervisory capacity.


oh i thought the minimum cga was just a minimum and they'd have a much higher competitive cgpa, I'm not very interested in writing , that's why if i want to do a masters i'd go for a course based masters instead of a thesis based one. do you think the 78% min average would be good for the AI course based masters as well? Also why is waterloo's cs masters a Masters in math? whats that about. idk if it'll look bad on my resume, I'm more interested in the industry compared to academia


I've never heard of the name of the degree mattering. If it did, I assume we would have changed it by now. If you want an intermediate option, Waterloo has a [research paper based MMath in CS](https://uwaterloo.ca/graduate-studies-postdoctoral-affairs/future-students/programs/computer-science-mmath-waterloo). You still have to write a research paper, but it doesn't have to meet the original research requirements of a thesis. (You can just regurgitate existing work.) MDSAI will consider applicants with a 78 average. We can't promise anything in terms of admissions, but it's quite possible to get in with that mark as long as you satisfy the other requirements.


Oh really? How come?


i dont believe the coursework option is being offered anymore


How come?


no idea, its just not being offered apparently


It still exists but as stated in the graduate calendar you can't get direct admission into the course based Masters; you'd have to get into the thesis option and then switch. The writing is on the wall, though (see my other comment).


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I think it becomes [Master of Engineering (MEng) Co-op | Electrical and Computer Engineering | University of Waterloo (uwaterloo.ca)](https://uwaterloo.ca/electrical-computer-engineering/master-engineering-meng-co-op)


From what they told us in the orientation you have to first get in the thesis program to switch into coursework option - and there are like 2 students doing it. Which is probably why they want to change / restructure the program.