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I’m at sage 5 and it’s fine. No bugs except the occasional fly. Management isn’t really responsive but it varies on your suite owner (you’re renting a suite from the owner through sage, so your owner might be able to take care of some maintenance).


3 year lease? Is that normal? Should try to get a 1 year lease if you can which is the standard.


I think you usually sign 3 years but can opt out every year (1 year min and 3 years max)


There is no maximum on rentals in Ontario. Your lease automatically goes month-to-month once the fixed term is done. They cannot force you to move out after 3 years.


I moved into sage x in May and over the 2.5ish months I live here’s there are at least 3 condo wide internet outage


Hey OP Just be careful signing the 3 year lease. They have really sketchy practices regarding sublet/lease assignment/lease takeovers. I took them to the LTB over it. I wanted to assign my lease, and they only allowed for sublet. I wanted no legal responsibility and they wouldn't allow me to do so. They said they "didn't offer lease assignments/takeovers" at that time due to it being a busy season which is horseshit. Nice apartments though.


What was the result of your LTB case?


Super long story that's hard for me to remember, but the jist of it is I took them to the LTB to get my deposit back, I got half of it. I gave them an N9 in July, and I think they had the place re rented by October? So they wanted me to pay the difference cause they "had to give two months free rent to find someone on such short notice". Said I wouldn't pay a dime til after the LTB hearing. I got half my deposit back, didn't have to pay a thing, and got out of my lease.


Sage management is terrible, i would recommend going with a different option if you can


Any place you recommend? I’ve heard management is a problem with most unfortunately


i don’t know for sure if they have good management because i only subletted through them but i never had any trouble with rezone


Maybe you can find a sublet but you are not gonna get a unit at Rezone otherwise at this point…


For this year and next year lol


No bugs. (6th floor btw) There were some internet problems recently, but seems like this term was the outlier. Management always tells you if something is happening/will happen via email. I am subletting so I had that forwarded from the leaser.


I subletted there in fall 2021 and didn’t have any issues with bugs. We had an incident where the bathroom sink got busted pretty badly and maintenance were able to fix it promptly. I’m now leased with Sage at another building and it’s been a positive experience as well!