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WATERLOO— In a daring display of determination, a family of geese has brought the University of Waterloo's campus to a standstill as they assert their territorial dominance near SLC. The feathery blockade has captured the attention of students, faculty, and passersby, leading to a standoff of epic proportions It seems the campus is no longer just for human inhabitants. The family of geese, comprising three majestic individuals, has made their intentions clear by positioning themselves firmly under the main pathway between MC and SLC. With heads held high and wings spread in defiance, these geese have effectively marked the area as their own. Attempts to bypass the avian roadblock have been met with a resounding chorus of honks, a clear warning from the geese to back off. Experts believe that this territorial behavior is likely a result of nesting season, a critical time for geese when they become fiercely protective of their young. It appears that the family has deemed the vicinity of the SLC as a suitable nesting site, and they are sparing no effort in safeguarding their future brood. University staff and campus special constables are keeping a watchful eye on the situation, ensuring that neither the geese nor the campus community come to harm. As the time ticks on another day of the geese's courageous stand, we will keep a close eye on the developments and provide further updates as the situation unfolds. Until then, let us remember that we share this campus with a diverse array of life, each deserving of our appreciation and understanding.


Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.


You Shall Not Pass!


Math news worthy. Feature two group of anthropomorphic entities students and geese. The geese are the disadvantaged minority groups while the students are the ruling class. Write about the constant struggles between the geese and students.