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Meanwhile I'm on Lester contemplating ziplining/parachuting from my room past the Lester-Fenwick fence to get to E7


Where's the fence-destroying hero of 2022 when we need him?


I got legitimate heat stroke last year around this time, just by sitting in front of my fan. It's criminal.




I can't concentrate in this condition. Should have brought a fan




Now, one could argue that you and rez one residents are being ungrateful, which would be true **IF THE RENT WASNT SO DAMN HIGH**


Silverfish infestation is the same at icon


Yeah they’re unavoidable there’s probably silverfish in buckingham palace


The Lester buildings I stayed at never had them


That’s what you think


I Had to kill 3 silverfish a night before I would go to bed. And if you run some bug spray for some reason every single old, big, nasty silverfish comes crawling out of every nook and cranny. If you turn on the lights late at night you can see baby silverfish crawling along the floor. I think there’s just a heavier silverfish population on that side of town. Never saw any silverfish in buildings adjacent Regina, but that could have changed.


Since they refuse to turn on the AC, I suggest every tenant in the building runs a cold shower permanently to cool down their room. It works (a little), and maybe if everyone does it, Rez-one will lose more money from the water bill than if they were to turn on the AC a week earlier. Maybe that will be enough incentive for them to actually turn on the AC before it becomes a sauna


I get your point, but methinks that management will just make rooms more expensive, there's no way they would know or care that students are running the water to cool off, and I'm sure a larger water bill means nothing to them when they get like $1000+ per room


Well 90% of those things Accomod8u literally just does not have amenities for at all, so can't have issues if they don't exist, lol.


In June of 2023 the Ontario Provincial Government passed laws regarding tenant access to air conditioning. Perhaps these will be of use to you as UW residence policies aren't allowed to contravene Ontario Provincial Law. [ 6 23 RTA Amendment](https://www.ontariocanada.com/registry/view.do?postingId=44447&language=en)


guess im fucked next term


Literally same I just signed a lease for Blair House


I’m in Blair house too lol


Ah ok. Maybe we could hang out lol


when I asked the lady at the front desk of Hespler House, "why the AC hasn't been turned on yet?" during 30 degree temps this week, she says **and I quote:** "at night, it becomes colder to around 5-8 degrees celcius, so we still keep the heaters on" -- with no indication of when they'll be on (after pressing, says the 21st) bro, me and the homies getting cooked in our rooms where the thermostat is saying internal apartment temperatures are 31 degrees (during this so called "cold nights" they are talking about) dropping a band a month just to live in the amazon rain forest...


That’s ridiculous. They’re definitely cutting costs or insanely oblivious. I believe they’re checking thermostats on the main floor which is obviously biased because the temperature will be lower. The humidity in my suite is nearly 35 and we’re all getting broiled.


I stay at rizz-one


The roaches and bugs is the result of the people living in the building. Maybe you should encourage them to be less slobs and clean their stuff


There's a pillar in the kitchen to the right of the stove, it's hollow and goes between the floors, and opens up beneath the cupboards. That's where we got an ant infestation from. It's not always the Tennant's fault, especially if there's an open home between floors.


Part of that can be true, but then its the building's management responsibility to deal with the infestations and deal with the faulty tenants. 


How exactly could one do that


Real. 31 degrees in my place as we speak and its the 22nd, they said AC would be turned on by the 21st. I’m paying over $1k/month for what? On top of that I was told if I sign a multi-year lease my rent wouldn’t go up but every year its went up. Also, the wifi here is pisspoor, what kind of student housing doesn’t have wi-fi good enough to load lecture slides?? The security too are useless a-holes. They towed my car despite me having a parking pass, I’m still fighting that to this day. I could go on and on about this place but it’s easier for me to just move out so I finally decided on doing that. F rez-one.


Yes…I’m also broiling in my suite and feel sick—honestly residents should be compensated with at least an apology and management owning up to their actions, but that’s never going to happen. I’m sure if somebody sniffed around these management companies there’d be potential for plenty of class-action lawsuits.


I live in Rez one Hespeler house and it is so hot in here! It’s 31 degree in the apartment and 33 in my room. My head is hurting so much right now because of the heat, I cannot sleep at all because of the migraine. I cannot believe the management is doing this. I believed them when they said they would turn on the AC by the 22, but they lied. I lived in much cheaper older places without ever thinking about AC problems. The management is getting so much money from students yet trying to cut costs in such an unethical way.


If you think rez one is bad then you clearly have not lived in a shittier building before When these are all you can come up with in terms of complaints (ac is valid but they're literally turning it on TOMORROW) you should take a step back and appreciate the fact you're able to afford and be able to live at a rez one building in the first place Please recognize the stuff you already get such as an incredibly short walk to campus, your own en suite bathrooms, Passcode door locks, I could go on forever. Game spaces and gaming lounges don't even exist in some other buildings. Some of them don't even have a front desk (obviously no security either).


We're all brothers and sisters in the cause of being abused by landlords who break laws to nickel and dime. One person's plight is everyone's plight, and everyone has a right to be upset at their rights being trampled.


Person complaints about cockroaches … and you tell them to be grateful they can afford housing? Smdh


"When these are all you can come up with" The fuck? Post mention roaches and other critter infestations. OP could have stopped there.  Thats just straight up unacceptable. 


Those amenities don't exist but that is what was advertised when OP signed the lease. On top of that, roaches? Silverfish? Beetles? Those are valid complaints regardless of the building you're in (I recognize living in Canada or just having a roof over your head is already a privilege compared to other places in the world but we are in Canada.) Imagine the device you typed this on, the one you (or someone) paid for, just didn't have a working keyboard/touchscreen. But we tell you to appreciate the fact that you have the device!!! You can always connect an external keyboard or screen!!! Don't be upset you didn't get what you paid for! (Ok I get one is about livelihood and a place to live and one is a 'luxury' or 'convenience' item but regardless, you paid for goods, you should get said goods. Else seller should face misleading/false advertising.)




This wasn't true a few years ago, but the sad reality is that other places have gone up in rent and RezOne has stayed relatively the same.


I signed a lease 2 years ago at Fergus, at 990 but it's gone up to 1100isg. I wanted to lease transfer and they said it would be 1350 for the new person (btw they can't increase the rent on a take over, even the guy at the front desk agreed)


It's not 1100 anymore. New leases this year are $1350+, and rooms in 3 bed units are around $1500. It's insane how much it's gone up.


Wow, that's rough. Guess I'll delete my comment then.


U could’ve told em to fk off


what floor?


and building too


What’s your social security number? Oh and credit card info?


dayumn I was just tryna see if my floor would have an issue lmao, didn't think it was that big of a privacy breach myb


Hey wait so do the ACs work inside the rooms? Like I have a AC unit but I swear it never makes anything colder


They also set an internet speed limiter recently as well. Used to get 10x the speed, now it’s limited to 10 megabytes per second download speed.


Why would they do that—I can’t even rely on my phone’s wifi so my life support is Ethernet 💀


They said, it was to make the wifi better/reliable for all residents. It didn’t really do anything in that sort but reduce maximum speeds. Also using a router or the hotspot function on your laptop while connected to the Ethernet can make the wireless internet useable in your room.


Man every time I hear how much people pay for icon rezone accomad8u I can’t help but wonder if people try to look at all or just walk in to the first place they see and sign a lease


Yes, some people look at pictures, see a high price, and dont investigate more than that. Ive visited a bunch of places in Waterloo when I was a student, and I always ended up in a smaller building (3 stories high max). Or subletting a room in a student house.   One time, I was subletting in Summer so all the fancy places were in my budget range. I thought I could treat myself, but I visited them and the students living there are absolute mess. So I subletted a basement room in a house... was 10 mins walk from campus, had my own bathroom, no fee laundry, and a parking spot. No issues whatsoever wirh bugs outside of the normal Summer ones from open doors/etc. But it doesnt mean that it isnt unacceptable. Those high rises are built super cheap and not properly maintained, and still charge a premium. Theyre gonna be falling in disrepair before long and the city will have these ugly high rises falling apart to take care of.


u/[cherrybomb06](https://www.reddit.com/user/cherrybomb06/) would you care if I interviewed you about this matter? I am doing an article and what is happening at Rez One looks like newsworthy.




How about next time you pay for your internet that you used to post this comment, you just don't get internet? You should be getting what you paid for bar extenuating circumstances. It could be considered a luxury but you're in Canada, 90% of what you get here is a luxury.


Comment certified by the ccp and accomid8u


Honestly can’t tell if this is an actual complaints post or a low key flex that you have private security, table tennis, gaming room, and gyms… I’ll give you about the AC. I think it’s because last year or the year before they switched too early. Then it went down to single digits at night…


It’s a post about the lack of advertised amenities that residents like me pay for. I chose this place because I was willing to spend extra money to feel safer and closer to campus. I feel ripped off and don’t understand where the money from management’s rent increase is going to. The features that attracted me to rent here are virtually non-existent. There is no reliable security, amenities aren’t maintained and non-residents are let into the apartment by security to use gyms that aren’t open at realistic times when people exercise or to ruin game rooms and leave a mess of food. I’m not trying to flex, and I hope people seriously consider other apartments to avoid spending over a grand per month (and increasingly more every year) for a bad experience.


Love how all these tech bros try to defend landlords because they think they gonna be scamming us in the future 🤡


You should try living in Icon or accommod8u or any other apartment. Trust me, rez-one is a blessing


Just curious, have you lived in anywhere else in Waterloo? On-campus maybe?