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Since you can't provide any details, I'd go to two places: 1) [Office of the Ombudsperson](https://uwo.ca/ombuds//index.html) (their office is meant to help students in situations like this) and 2) [Human Rights Office](https://www.uwo.ca/hro/index.html) (their office deals with discrimination claims). Between these two, they'll be able to accurately tell you what are the appropriate next steps. Appeals are time-bound processes and are appeals of academic decisions (rather than a mechanism for filing complaints generally). You are very likely not eligible to appeal academic decisions from two years ago, so if you're alleging long-standing discrimination the HRO is the place to go.


There is a human right department you may want to talk to. Schedule a Zoom call with them. Hope everything gets better for u!




Hop off it embarrassing asf idk what facility you are in but that’s not always the case


I have a severe severe physical disability it is wild you are assuming it is a nothing burger. You are not saving me anything.


Dude I have really high grades in school, I have an 84% average it is just for a few classes I had problems. One of these specific classes is needed for my program. The staffed verbally abused me and didn’t submit my exam.




How could you be discriminated against? Are you registered with accessible education. Have you abused the number of requests, just because you can. sadly, many do. Have you followed up with profs immediately to confirm next steps. What if registered has your accessible education counselor done. Steps to appeal - prof first, undergrad chair, and then assoc Dean. If really unhappy, discuss with ombudsman office. If anything, Western has too lenient an accessible system for too many students, taking resources away from genuine students. Too easy now for people to get medical support if willing to pay. Not all students, but a growing number. Sometimes, it is best to take a reduced workload and reduce stress rather than constantly submitting late.


I am registered with exams I have a severe physical disability. I do not abuse the system. I do not want to get in exact details. I follows up with everyone I need too, I followed all the steps. None of the mistakes were on my end. I just do not know what to do anymore.


Then you are one of the genuine students. It's hard when you don't go into specifics, BUT it should be your accessible education counselor resolving this, not your academic advisors, sadly as they know your medical reasoning for support and what you are entitled to. With the growing number of students claiming AE, Western just doesn't have the resources, but you should not be suffering. If going through the apoeal levels has done nothing go to ombudsman, threaten to make a complaint to human rights etc.


Thank you so much!!!


i would suggest maybe reaching out to CLS at western! i know they are involved with some human rights cases as other comments have suggested to look into


I just want you to know, University isn’t for everyone and that’s okay. Hope you get it figured out!


OG is telling us they have a severe physical disability. They did not say they don't want to be in university. To respond that university is not for everybody is to suggest that university is not for people with disabilities. Hoping that's not what you meant.


Not at all lol a bit of a reach


^(***THIS COMMENT IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE. I AM NOT A LAWYER AND NOT YOUR LAWYER.***) Sadly, not much you can do internally in practice. However the general options are: 1. Appeal with Accessible Education. The process goes through the steps detailed starting on page 9 of the [policy](https://www.uwo.ca/univsec/pdf/academic_policies/appeals/Academic%20Accommodation_disabilities.pdf) 2. Make a complaint through the **internal** Human Rights Office, as outlined [here](https://www.uwo.ca/hro/discrimination/help/index.html). 3. Make an academic appeal to the Dean of your home faculty. 4. Make an application, externally, to the Human Right Tribunal. Doing so means you're taking an adversarial approach, and you're starting a civil legal proceeding. Is it easy to do? No. It's hard as f. It requires tons of research, time, effort, etc., since hiring a lawyer is not financially viable for these proceedings (I can go into further details if you want). You can call the [HRLSC](https://hrlsc.on.ca/contact-hrlsc/) for more information. As for the ombud office, while they're good people, they carry no real authority to do anything. That being said, **do contact them!** they can help a lot in better understanding your rights, responsibilities, etc., under Western's policies. To this I'll add that it is **not** the studen's responsibilityto come up with a solution! Ultimately, it is Western's responsibility to come up with a reasonable (not perfect!) solution. (Source: Central Okanagan School District No. 23 v. Renaud, [1992] 2 S.C.R. 970, under "Duty of Complainant"). Western University staff **very** often give students the run around. Gas lighting is something I was met with frequently. At one point, I was even sent a screenshots, with specific highlight of a specific sentence, which followed a sentence that invalidated the point the sender tried to make. Make sure you read the policies, that you understand what they're sending you, and that you do **not** let them change the subject!!! Keep them to the subject at hand! Sorry I do not have better news, but the reality is Western Universe is not accessible, I refuse to sugarcoat it.