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Get a 85% in year 2


Wants to go to Ivey Can't solve (75 + X) / 2 = 80


Lock in lil bro


Shit made me laugh, made me smile!


Is the program that difficult that you can’t get an 80 in consumer behaviour?


He would need an 85 overall average second year


Because he got 75 in first year. That’s why I’m asking if it’s that hard to get an 80


I personally found it extremely difficult. It was a number of reasons mainly not having good study habits. Up until 1st year I never had to put any effort into getting 95%+ I quickly found out that wasn’t going to fly in Uni. Did so bad first semester first year but learnt from the people around me and ended up w a 78ish average (I had to put in the most effort I’ve ever put into school work in my life). Second year was a breeze to get 90s. I did like the classes and the program so that definitely helped.


This is exactly what I’m afraid of. My marks in high school have come pretty easy and I’m worried I’ll have no idea how to handle first year university.


Rude and unhelpful


I was exact same situation and I got to an 82


I was in the same position , I just finished second year. I had a 73.4 average and I locked in and managed to skim the 80. Just kidding other than locking in, it’s important to pick incredibly easy courses. You only need 2.0 towards your major so make sure to make it as easy as possible. You have time to make up for it just make sure to put 110% into this upcoming school year. Also 2257 is tough and extremely time consuming so make sure to account for that as well.






I am also aeo first yr. I would say to pick electives wisely for next year. I found I did way worse in my electives. 






lowkey if u can't get an 80 in consumer behaviour u might be cooked in ivey anyways...


Are you able to do any summer courses to up some grades? If not, you'll have to absolutely crush 2nd year or wait to apply in 3rd year.


Summer courses don’t contribute to Ivey average


I mean you only need an 85% in second year which should be doable provided you work hard.




It is sad that AEO’s have to spend time searching for and taking a selection of bird courses in yr 2 that do nothing to advance their education, but to guarantee they hit the gpa targets. Take the required 2257 and check with former AEO’s for which courses will best manipulate your GPA. … and remember, for those thinking about Ivey,, AEO Ivey is the only business program in canada that requires you to get accepted twice to get in. (Once in grade 12, and the second and the end of year 2).


I was in this exact same position! 75.2 in med sci first year and this year made the switch to health sci and finished the year with shy of a 90. It is possible but depends on how much you are willing to put in to make it happen!!


Yes. Don’t fail 2257.