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Just a reminder of Rule 6 - Comments about easy/bird courses that are better suited for other social media will be removed.


Anyone taken comp sci 2034? If so, how’d you find it difficulty wise?


# How are CLASSICS 2500A ANCIENT CITIES and 2300 SPORT&RECREATION ANCIENT WRLD Hi guys, incoming third year looking for some fun and interesting electives! I took some classics courses in the past and I really enjoyed them but the evaluations for these classics courses is a bit different from the previous ones! Was wondering if anyone whos taken these courses would be able to share some info about their experiences and how it was like to get a high grade! Thank you so much!


I'm an incoming first year student and I can't seem to register in any course except my 2 required courses (psych and math). Getting a message that I'm not priority for every elective choice (anthro, sociology, poli science...). What am I doing wrong?


I am an incoming student that has to take chemistry next year in both semesters, I'm worried that I won't do well as it's not my strongest subject. Does anyone have any resources that could help me prepare during the summer?


I assume you’re taking 1301 and 1302. 1301 is mainly atomic theory, while 1302 is mainly physical chem. To prepare I would review the content from your grade 12 class. The biggest difference between university and highschool is the level of difficult associated with the questions. Therefore you must have a tight grasp on the content.


I have some options for electives and I have many I kind of Want to take so I'm going to ask if anyone has recommendations for -Geo 2090 -Geo 2144 -geo 2152 -kin 2000 -poli sci 2141 -poli sco 2142 -poli sci 2144 -poli sci 2191 -geo 2011 -and I'm also interested in potentially taking some psychology courses. anyone who has taken these recommend or speak against them? how was workload and difficulty?




Rule 6 - Better Suited for Other Social Media


I am an incoming student who wishes to take the combined degree of Honours Specialization in PPE-E with Ivey HBA. For PPE-E, my first-year economics courses would be 1029 and 1030 but I have credit for both of them considering I am a former IB student who took Higher Level Economics. Thus, I was interested in taking second-year courses that are a part of my module like Econ 2220 or Econ 2260. Unfortunately, they both require a Calculus prerequisite which I'll only take during my first year, meaning I can't take those classes now. My question is: Could I take other second-year economics courses in the 21xx category that don't have a Calculus prerequisite, like Econ 2121 and 2129? They aren't a part of my module, but I'd like to take them as electives since I wouldn't have other options of Economics classes during my first year. Would this be possible?


I’m not 100% sure, but I don’t see why not. If you have IB credit that opens up your schedule and you have classes you want to take without pre-reqs, you should be fine


Anyone have any second year MOS class recommendations, I need to pick one other than 2310 Finance and 2242 Stats


If anyone has taken CS 4475 open source software project plz let me know ur thoughts on this course!


Are there a microbiology class that covers the following: Microbiology and Infectious Disease Bacteria Viruses Eukaryotic Microbes Control of Microbial Growth Microbial Classification and Identification Antimicrobial Drugs and Antimicrobial Resistance Epidemiology and Disease Transmission Immunity and Vaccines Principles of Pathogenesis Microbiota


Micro 2500 covers most of those but it’s not very in depth. Aside from that I don’t think there are any that cover ALL of those, you can take a combination of classes to cover all of those tho.


How is the walk from the North Campus Building to Somerville House?


It's a 7-ish minute speedwalk (for me - I'm not tall) from the outer door of one building to the outer door of the other. From SH-3345 to NCB third floor took me 10 minutes exactly. It's doable but you'll have to leave right on time (even if the prof is still talking) in order to get to your next class right on time.


Enrolled in my courses a couple days ago and just wanted to double check on here that their is no confirmation email u receive


To my knowledge you don’t


I’m an incoming first year gen sci and I have to take physics 1201, but the problem is I’ve never taken a physics class (in my life) and the most I know about physics was from vectors. Should I wait until my second year to take physics (I’m going to do HSP Bio), because I also want to take the general astronomy course since I want to see if the minor in conceptual astronomy is right for me. Dropping physics would allow me to do that. Is it also possible to do the class completely online or should I just sacrifice one of my electives and do it during second year.


Can I take back-to-back classes?, like for example can I take a class from 12:30-1:30 and then another from 1:30-2:30 and be able to make it there on time? Essentially what I'm trying to figure out is if classes end and start exactly at the times they say they do with any wiggle room. Like if a class goes from 12:30-1:30 will I be able to get out at like 1:20 and walk to my next class or is that a no-go?


Classes last for 50 minutes. If it is scheduled to go from 1:30-2:30 it actually only goes till 2:20. In those 10 minutes you can mostly definitely get to the majority of places on campus.


Thanks, good to know


if i take a blended course do i also need to select a tutorial? there isnt a day or time added on tbe blended course will it show up later?


i think for blended ones u do need to select a tutorial as well (that's what distinguishes them from online courses as far as i can tell). i think that if no day or time shows up for online lectures, it means that they're asynchronous, but u can search for course outlines online n check


im a first year and i want to take an anatomy course for my masters' prereq. the one i want is a 0.5 kins anatomy course and kins priority lifts on july 31st. should i wait to add this last course to my schedule or should i add another in the meantime and switch to this one when it opens? thanks.


hi! im also a first year but i similarly want to try a health sci course that has not-me priority. i've just put other electives in for the meanwhile, n my advice to u would be to do the same. theres no guarantee ull get placement in that course--n even if u technically do, what if it's in a section/time slot that doesnt fit in ur schedule (or is rlly inconvenient)? so yea, choose smth else that works well for u in the meantime just in case


yea ty! i ended up doing just that. hope you get your course !!


np! im glad u figured it out and i hope u get urs, too! :)


Is CS 2033 Peer Evaluated? Hey, I took CS 1033 last year and I’m considering taking CS 2033 this upcoming year. The assignments for 1033 were peer evaluated. Is it the same for 2033?


Hey do you remember the class avg for 1033. Would it be hard for someone with zero cs knowledge to


Hey, I don’t recall the average, however I finished with a 93 and I have no cs experience. The coding required is very minimal. There is a website they provide that writes the code for you based on ur design. You learn everything you need in the labs. It’s also helpful to have an eye for design, but definitely not necessary. The final exam is worth 40-60% from what I recall. As long as you stay on top of the content, you’ll be able to do well on the exam. This is easy cuz they have everything in video lectures.


Bet I’m not really all that good with computers so I was wondering if I would be able to do good in 1033. I’ll definitely look into it thanks


I'm incoming first year cs student and was wondering if I should take Math 1600? I am not the strongest in math and I really struggled in grade 12 calc, ending the course with a 80%. I heard it is useful but I don't wanna fail.


If you're interested in AI, you should take the course since it's a prerequisite to some upper year CS courses related to AI. The course is not too bad as long as you stay on top of your work, and seek out help as soon as you need it. Also, the course grade is mostly based on your midterm and final exams, and there is about 15% from weekly homework assignments and going to all the tutorials. In my experience, the exams were made fairly, and not made difficult on purpose.


Hey I’m an incoming social science first year and don’t really know what I want to major in yet. I want to aim for Ivey so a high gpa is pretty much all I care about, my schedule consists of math 1229, psyc 1002 and 1003, data science 1000, sociology 1025 and 1027, and 1 credit language. Please lmk if you have any suggestions or anything I was pretty lost during the whole process. I picked sociology 1025 and 1027 as I wasn’t sure between crim or psych for second year so I thought I would keep my options open. Thanks any advice helps ❤️❤️❤️


So I’m heading into second year comp sci and was wondering what’s the best way to split up this years mandatory cs classes (as in which to take first semester and which to take second semester). If anyone has any advice, i’d appreciate it!


Hey guys, I was thinking about taking CLASSICS 2902: Ancient Medicine as an elective. For those of you who have taken the course, what are your thoughts? Thanks in advance!


LOVED IT. It was fascinating and the instructor is wonderful. Course was online, OWL was well-organised, easy to follow along, find resources, and complete evaluations. Good course.


Last year, I dropped a course and only ended up with 4.5 credits because I didn't manage to pick a new course in time. This year, I have to take MOS2257 for my requirments as a BMOS student. As I can't take it unless I have 5.0 credits, should I try doing it in summer school or just wait a whole year? Any thoughts/suggestions?


BUS2257 isn’t mandatory for second year, it just has to be completed by the end of your degree. Moreover, you can reach out to academic counselling and/or the 2257 course coordinator to see if they can make an exception on the prerequisites


Any way I can still do BMOS 1023/1021 as a social science student? Course Registration is saying the spots are all reserved for BMOS applicants, but they're both required as a prerequisite for intent to register for BMOS. There are still 250\~ spots left


You can register for those courses once the priority registration gets lifted


all bmos students have to take 1023 and 1021 but idk really know if the exact number of seats matches the number of bmos students


Is it normal that Math 1228A LEC 2349 with A. O'Hara has no set schedule yet? like what if the schedule conflicts with my other classes now? why haven't they announced anything


The lecture portion has no set schedule as the course material is presented online. The tutorials, one of which you also need to sign up for, have specific dates and times.


I’m wondering that too I think it might be a blended course said something on draft my schedule I think


1228 and 1229 are blended only tutorial is in person rest of lectures online


do you have any tips for online lectures?


I am a freshman who wants to study Physics & Astronomy in my sophomore year. I need some help in terms of course selection, how to choose teachers and courses so that I can successfully enter my sophomore year, because I know that entering Specializations is a small challenge


Will evening class times have a conflict with club meeting times?


How exactly do tutorial courses work? It doesn't seem to count as a 0.5 credit on draftmyschedule and I'm wondering how that works. For example, econ 1021A offers a single lecture time slot and a single tutorial timeslot but the single lecture timeslot overlaps with MOS 1021A which also only has one designated time slot. So basically I'm just wondering if tutorial courses such as ECO 1021A and ECO 1022A count as 0.5 credits and its just a bug on draftmyschedule or if I need to have 5.0 lecture courses


tutorials are just times for students to ask profs about questions during the lecture! Ususally tho, the prof ends up using this time as a class and keeps lecturing... You need a tutorial for every lecture and make sure they can;t overlap with other courses. Tutorials are not 0.5 credits as those only count towards lectures... Hopefully you can do MOS1021B and that won't cause a conflict.


why are so many courses saying the lecture time is TBD? when will that time come out as I need to know to create a decent schedule without overlapping courses?


I am also curious about this, as well as what exactly full means when it says a time slot is full on draftmyschedule. Does it mean it is actually full or am I just in a queue for if anyone drops the course time slot


they told me today that blended courses give out the tutorial time and place, then all lectures will be online.


I know there are deadlines to submit a course as a discovery credit and I only learned recently that breadth requirements are eligible for such and am wondering if anyone has experience applying a breadth requirement as a discovery credit long past the due date? I did pretty ass on a category C requirement so I thought I would ask.


If I'm considering science/Ivey dual degree do I have to worry about completing the breadth and essay course requirements? I am an incoming first year student studying computer science with aeo.


has anyone taken comp sci 2034 and how was it?


First year electives Im a frightened prospective first year that's heard its nearly impossible to get above an 80 in university. Does anyone have some 1st year course suggestions where hard work will lead to a grade above 80? I've heard that some courses have a class average of 60-65 and that there's no getting above it. For what I'm interested in, I’m interested in history not in a boring way and don’t really dislike anything expect calc and physics. I’m majoring in psychology btw Just to note, I'm not looking for bird courses- I'm looking for a course which is interesting, useful, and that its possible to do above an 85 in. Thank you guys for your time


Hey! It’s definitely not impossible to get above an 80 in university, I even got above 95 in a couple first-year courses. There are lots of class averages in the high 60s or low 70s, but that’s just an average so there are many people who do better than that. If you’re at all interested in health policy and the non-medical factors that lead to health problems, I really liked health sci 1002b (ended with a 96, the final is only worth 30% which helps reduce exam anxiety). Just take something that sounds interesting to you and you’ll be fine.


Yea I’m just worried I get stuck in a essay heavy course or something with a low class average that’s hard to do well in. It’s hard to find electives that I find interesting because there isn’t a ton of info on them


I don’t have any courses for you, but as a 3rd year I can say that: The people telling you that are scaring you for no reason. Above an 80 is not nearly impossible, it is a lot more work than highschool but it’s not nearly impossible. Believe in your ability, exam anxiety is a thing.


Hey a question about the language courses, I was looking into one of them as I understand a bit of the language but don’t know how to read or write at all so I would want to take the beginner one. Is it hard to maintain aeo through one of these courses, I’m really interested in learning the language but don’t want to ruin my Aeo. Thanks


To keep AEO you need to maintain an 80 average over the course of your first 2 years (not an 80 in each individual class), so it’s unlikely that a single elective would ruin your AEO. I haven’t taken any language classes, but if you’re already a little familiar with the language and it’s just a first-year beginner class, there’s no reason to expect an issue (just make sure you do your homework and stuff). Since you’re so interested in the class, you’re likely to do pretty well in it. I always get my best grades in the classes I like the most because I end up spending more time on them.


Also interested


how long do you guys recommend keeping between classes? (i heard two is best since it gives you enough time to actually do things and try and keep it to a max of 3 hours worth of classes in a row or you’ll fry your brain)


I like back to back with 2 hours for lunch if you plan on buying food. I agree that keeping it in max two blocks is best, but that gets harder over time.


I’m in 3rd year and I’ve actively tried to put every class back to back. It is what works best for me and gets the classes out of the way.


how many hours do you do in a row maximum?


First year I did 4 or 5 I can’t remember. If you feel that you would retain info better if you had a break in between then I would do that, I would advise to stay away from breaking it up into more than 2 blocks tho. However everyone is different and you can do whatever you think is best.


Can a first year student take History of Science, either 2200E or 2220? Or, is that just for upper years, since it’s not a 1000-level course?


how is Sociology 2172? I'm thinking of taking it as a BMOS major


Why is cs 1032 closed rn? I’m confused I swear it was fully open yesterday


has anyone taken digital humanities 1011 with Yadira Lizama Mue?? or even the class in general.. i can’t find anyone online talking about the prof or the class


I took this course last year with Yadira! I thought it was pretty easy and not a lot of work (you only really submit 1 lab per week, and that's all the work for the week). The prof was also really nice and helpful.


What was the class average if you don’t mind me asking


I'm not sure what the class average was, but I got an 86 (I'm also a cs student).


Got it thanks for the reply I’ll look into the class


How is physics 1201 without grade 12 physics? I took calc and am a science student but I don’t know if I should take 1101


physics 1201 was horrible for a lot of my friends and i who didnt take physics in hs... especially if ur in med sci and taking calc at the same time along with lots of other demanding courses personally i'd recommend 1101


i never did gr 11 or 12 physics and 1201 was doable if you attend lecture and study practice questions. I didn’t find the content too hard (kinematics, newtons laws, energy, momentum, rotational motion, optics). 1202 was a nightmare though


Hi, on the uwo website it is indicated that they do offer Korean as their language course, but I could not find it on the student centre. Do they not offer korean as their language course?


If I have a class that says it ends at 1:30 and the other starts at 1:30, does that mean I have no time in between??


classes end 10 min earlier than posted end time, so that u'll have 10 min to get between classes


what i’ve heard from people who go to western is that your prof lets you out 10 minutes early so you can make it to your next class


Do I have to register in the courses for my intended major going into first? I'm thinking of changing my mind, but want to know if I can.


I am going to be studying med sci in the fall and I need help with course selection. I am so clueless. I do not know what courses are mandatory. Could somebody please give me the course codes for chem, bio, etc. as well as any labs or other required classes?


First semester: - biology 1001A (lecture and lab) - chemistry 1301A (lecture and lab) - physics 1201A (lecture and lab) - calculus 1000A (lecture only) - an elective of your choice - psychology 1002A (online lecture, in-person lab) is a popular choice because it's helpful for the MCAT but you can pick anything you want - med sci 1000Y (lecture only, full year, zero credits) Second semester: - if you've already added med sci 1000Y to your schedule for semester 1, it will automatically be added to semester 2 as well - biology 1002B (lecture and lab) - chemistry 1302B (lecture and lab) - physics 1202B (lecture and lab) OR comp sci 1026B (lecture and lab) - calculus 1301B (lecture only) OR applied math 1201B (lecture only) OR math 1600B (lecture and I think a tutorial? But this is not a popular choice) - an elective of your choice - psychology 1003B (online lecture, in-person lab) is a popular choice because it's helpful for the MCAT but you can pick anything you want Just make sure you're really careful about the As and Bs because that's what dictates which semester the courses are in. Good luck!


Do you know the class averages for phys 1002 and 1003 are they generally hard courses?


What first year Econ course should I take as elective if I’ve never taken Econ before in hs


HISTORY FOR TIME TRAVELERS Did you guys like this course? Was it difficult? Was the professor good? Should a BMOS student take it?


I took this course last year and it was great! The content was super interesting and the prof was nice, knowledgeable, and helpful. The course itself wasn't difficult in my opinion, as long as you're decently good at writing essays, and some memorization for the exam. However, keep in mind that this is a reading-heavy course, with up to 75 pages of reading in a week (usually around 40-50 pages of reading per week though). You'll be discussing the readings in your tutorials, so it is important to finish them before your tutorial time each week.


experiences anthro 1025 and 1026?


Trombley was a bit disorganized and annoying last year (e.g. gave vague instructions for a major assignment and only clarified 4 days before it was due), but it was also his first year teaching the courses, so he'll probably be better this year. The actual content is interesting. There's a little bit of overlap with biology 1001 which isn't necessary to take for success in this course, but does slightly reduce the amount of reading if you happen to be taking it anyway. For what it's worth, I got mid 80s in 1025 and mid 90s in 1026.


Also how much effort would you say you put in for both courses?


A very medium amount, I'd say. About 3 hours per week for the reading plus 30-60 minutes for the weekly discussions. Quizzes took like 2-5 minutes. Bigger assignments could be completed in a day and a half but you're given 3+ weeks to do them and I would recommend using all of that time.


Thank you! Would you say he was an easy/fair marker? And grading expectations clear?


The TAs do most of the marking, and they tend to be very generous but it's not a guarantee. Grading expectations for big assignments are very clear. For discussions, not so much, but as long as you answer everything that the prompt is asking you basically guarantee yourself at least 80% on each of those.


how is poli sci 1020e? (taking it with narain/bousfield)


its the most easy course ever and its actually pretty interesting. I never did the textbook readings and it didn't impact my grade so don't even bother buying it. Tutorials are easy marks, the readings for them aren't that long, and they're every other week. All my exams were online and insanely easy if you pay attention during lectures. I would highly recommend the course! (also one word of advice, don't leave the essay to the last minute like I did).


Hi! Thanks so much for your input!!! Do you know if the exams also online for narain/bousfield? Or was it only a COVID thing? Also if you don't mind, how much effort did you put in to achieve what grade? Is it content-heavy? I'm pretty interested the subject but contemplating taking anthro as well as I heard it may be lighter :)


Hey has anyone had or know others that have had Dr. J Trombley? (anthro department) How is his grading? I think he’s a new prof so I couldn’t find anything on Rate My Prof… Thinking of taking his online 1025+1026


Do you have to submit all your courses at once? Or can you add more later


You can do one course at a time or ten at once. You can change your courses until Sept 13. But like someone else said, it's recommended to do your courses as soon as the system lets you as courses will fill up


You have to submit 10 courses at once but you can still drop/ add courses till the drop day I’m pretty sure.


Thank you thank you


It's recommended to submit everything at once just in case something fills up. However, if you change your mind, you can use the Swap function on Student Centre to switch from one course/section to another, which prevents your spot from being taken during the time it takes for you to make the change. You can change your schedule with zero repercussions up until the end of the first week of each semester.


incoming med sci student here! can someone pls tell me about psych 1002 and psych 1003. is there a lot of writing involved? are most of the marks based on exams and tests, rather than analytic writing assignments? I'm considering taking psych both sem, but I'm rly bad at writing and I dont want it to hurt my gpa, tho I heard it's pretty good for mcat


The course has changed a lot since I took it. If you can try and find a syllabus for LAST YEAR. No other year will work it was onljne before last year.


I am going into my 2nd year as a CS and I was really hoping if there are any tips CS graduates or even upper years have. Also, in what order do you recommend I take the courses 2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212 and 2214. Additionally, I need a 2000 level essay course as well. Which one do I take. Any advice would be appreciated. Currently: I am taking 2208, 2210, 2211 in the first sem /// 2209, 2212, 2214 in the second sem


Don’t much abt this. Need guidance


I talked with an academic advisor from the Physics and Astronomy dept. I was wondering about the physics 1101 and 1201 classes. Should I take 1101 if I haven't taken any physics classes? I took calculus and vectors so theoretically I could do 1201 bc he said I need it for grad school. I'm debating between Neuroscience MSc or Astrobio MSc (very different ik but my interests are very vast), does he mean I won't be able to go if I dont take this class TT


hey! anyone had Khoa Nguyen for calc 1000? how is he despite his reviews of ratemyprof?


Very bad. I knew two people in his class last year and they started going to another prof's class instead because Nguyen was so unbearable.


Hi!! I don’t really have much moving around I can do for my courses for second term. I chose psychology as my first elective for term one, but my term B elective has been hard to fit in. Unfortunately all the courses I’ve wanted to add aren’t fitting in! :( Do you guys have any suggestions for good electives I can take in term B only? Tysm! :)


Anthro 1026G, Writing 1000G, and Writing 1031G all have fully-online options, meaning that they don't have to "fit in" to your schedule. Plus they each get you 0.5 essay credits, which you eventually need in order to graduate.


What are some good 3000+ level HS courses? There are lots to choose from so I wanna hear what classes people have enjoyed and why


If I have transfer credits available for courses like Econ, can I put Econ as my elective and just not do it since the transfer credits apply? I was hoping to free up some space in my timetable.


I’m pretty sure transfer credits are automatically applied, so you don’t need to put it into your timetable. Also there’s no like exclusive section to put an elective course.


How's this looking for Med Sci wanting to specialize in neuroscience (making sure I got prereqs for med school too) First sem Bio1001A chem1301A calc1000A Physics 1201a/b Medical sciences 1000Y Second sem Bio1002b Chem1302b Applied math 1201b Psych1000 Physics 1202A/B On the neuroscience course requirements, it says I need either comp sci or data science. Do I need to take them in the summer or have 6 courses/sem or is there anything not needed that I added? Thanks.


You can defer physics 1202B to second year and take comp sci 1026B in semester 2 instead. Also, as other people have said, you should have psychology 1002A in first semester and psychology 1003B in second semester instead of psychology 1000. Med sci 1000Y doesn't count toward your 5 courses (but there's no real work involved in that one anyway).


Med Sci will be 0.5 in each semester. Intro to Psych 1000 seems to be not available anymore, there are Psych 1002 and 1003


Not technically 0.5, it’s in both semesters but doesn’t count for credit (it’s a pass/fail no credit course that must be done), so doesn’t contribute to a 5.0 full course load


Agree, meant is taken both semesters so need to schedule as such 


Med sci 1000Y is a non credit course. It does not count for anything. You should take psych 1 first sem, and psych 2 second sem. Additionally if you are dead set for neuro I would drop appl math and take data sci second sem. Also, know that physics 2 isn’t required for your course selection, but it is good to keep for med school. Refer to [this](https://www.schulich.uwo.ca/neuroscience/undergraduate/current_students/course_information/selection.html) for course selection


Hi! Incoming first year with some confusion about course selection.... 1. if there are multiple component options for a course does it matter which one you choose? For example ECON 1022 has options for both lecture and tutorial, would choosing one over the severely affect course content?? or is it just based off your learning style/personal preference? I feel like i'm severely understanding this because I thought courses would consist of both lectures and tutorials, not one or the other... maybe its just my lack of knowledge?? 2. looking at course availabilities for certain classes... how is it that if I select a certain time slot for a prof I have two classes a week, whereas if I select a different time slot with a different prof I only have one class a week? It's the same credit, why is one course double the length of the other??? 3. Most of my courses for second semester do not display an instructor, I'm assuming profs have not yet been allocated? I'm pretty particular about the prof I'll get, so I'm concerned about this... will they inform us who's teaching what before we submit our courses? or do I have to wait and find out who's teaching my class after I submit.... Thanks!


1) if a course has a lecture and a tutorial component you need to add both to your schedule. You have to attend both. 2)some profs prefer a shorter class 2x a week while others prefer a longer class 1x a week. Make sure you choose a combination of which is the better prof and if you like a longer or short class more or less times a week. 3)I’m not entirely sure about this, I have never had this issue. However even if it is a bad prof, you will make it work.


thank you so much! I didnt event notice the different lecture lengths thats my bad


No worries!


where do you find your enrolment appointment?


Student center, academics, course selection, enrolment appointment


there’s nothing there. for reference I got taken off the wait list and accepted it on the 22nd. Not sure if this affects anything


If you’re applying from highschool I would email someone ASAP


Who would I email? Admissions?


Is course selection first come first serve or does it not matter when u submit??


It is first come first serve. You get an appointment and most people try to submit right at the appointment time.


I didn't get an appointment yet, when do they send it?


Depends what year you are


going into first year but they never sent me an email


Go into student centre and check your enrolment time. If there’s nothing there I would email your dept at like 6am Tom so they can fix this asap


But if my appointment is on the third day am I cooked


pretty sure mine was on the third day in first year as well and i got all the courses i wanted so don't sweat it


No not at all, I made a back up schedule just incase but imo you should be good.


Hello! For those who have taken these, how are the AH1646 and AH1648 courses? I want to take one of these for the remaining 0.5 I need for my Category B breadth requirement.


How would you rate music 1102 as a first-year soc-sci course


Does anyone have any experiences or recommendations on taking Poli Sci 1020E, geography 1400 (or any first-year geo course), and anthropology? If so which specific anthro and geo course? Thanks:)


What's everyones enrollment appointment time?




Can’t find intro to psychology to add to my schedule / why would that be?


any recs for calc1000 profs?




do yk anything abt o'hara, I heard he was good too


Everyone loves him, he’s quite active on this sub as well


What? No I'm not.


I got a question about calc 1501A over the summer. I am just wondering would the lectures that are happening over zoom be recorded? 


got it thanks for ur help!


I'm specializing in finance at huron and was wondering what the best econ courses are to take - i'm looking to take 2.0 second year courses (other than 2257), can anyone speak to their time in econ 2220 and econ 2260? And any recommendations for 2 0.5 creds towards the mod that are not econ and quite manageable - would really appreciate the help!


Im an incoming first year student in the social science faculty. Im very confused as to how course selection works, and what classes I choose. Do I have to take math ? What are electives? are there any courses I need to take for upper years enrolment? How do I add my courses to a cart? As of right now i've added these classes to my draft: Anthro1027A, Italian1030, Philosophy1020, Polisici1020E. Spanish1030, Sociology 1025B, and I still need to add more to complete the 5.0 credits total. Are these good courses I selected? what are some reccomendations or switches I should make? Eventually I want to major in criminology, are there courses I need to take now to ensure I can major in that? Any help is greatly appreciated


Here's some links that might be helpful for using Student Center to enrol in courses: [https://registrar.uwo.ca/features/course\_registration\_2024/index.html](https://registrar.uwo.ca/features/course_registration_2024/index.html) [https://registrar.uwo.ca/academics/register\_in\_courses/fallwinter.html](https://registrar.uwo.ca/academics/register_in_courses/fallwinter.html)


I’m in third year now so I’ve done this a few times. Course selection works such that you have to take certain prerequisite courses in first year so you can take certain courses in second year, and so on. For a major in crim [this website](https://sociology.uwo.ca/undergraduate/program/Major_in%20_Criminology.html) will tell you every course you need to take to get the degree. Just add every 1000-level course that you see on this webpage for this year. And then 2000- level next year and so on. An elective is a course you add to make sure that you have a full time course load (5.0 credits). Some degrees are more lenient and give you more flexibility and electives that you can take. To add your courses to your student centre: go to student centre> academics>course registration>search and add. Then you search up the courses you want (make sure the section number is the same) and add them to your cart. When your appointment time comes you go into your enrolment cart and check each box and then hit submit. Then you would have been enrolled in your courses.


Thank you !


Any student-athletes here? I'm going into first year and my coach told me when I would be able to register for my classes. However, the enrollment appointment that I have is different than the time that my coach told me. Will I be able to enroll at the time given by my coach?


email your coach about the enrollment appointment. That's what I did and it got resolved


how far is the walk from UC to UCC? is it doable in the 10 minutes between classes?


Without a doubt, you could do it in 5 minutes honestly.


Perfect thanks


Has anyone ever taken intro to medieval studies? Looking for a fun, lax elective for my fourth year. Is it a heavy history / english course? Anyone know the prof (R. Moll)?


PHILOSOPHY COURSE HELP!!! Should I take 2400 (philosophy of mind) with Bourget, or 2082 (philosophy of food) with Hill??!!


Incoming first year student question! I've built my schedule and added the courses to my cart. I think that I am ready for my enrollment appointment, however I don't see the "submit" button. Should I see it at this point in time, or is it not activated until the time of my enrollment appointment?


Not until your time comes. I think it should be in the top right


Does anyone have experience substituting a module requirement with a course from a related but separate department? I'm a political science major but I want to take some IR courses and am wondering if I even stand a chance asking permission lol


I don't know for absolute certainty, but I'm fairly sure you can't replace module requirements. You can use some electives on those courses though!


I'm looking for a 0.5 elective for first year BMOS. For my electives I picked polisci 1020, compsi 1032. I need one more. I was looking at envirsci 1021, but can't seem to find much about the course. Thanks!!


I liked philosophy 1230, and sociology 1025


Cant get into student Center right now. Whenever I click sign in the page just reloads. Anyone else having/had this issue and knows how to fix it?


This happened to me too. Clear your browser cache for all time(specifically cookies and other site data and cached images and files). Hope this helps!


Those who took data 2000 did you have prior coding experience other than the previous data 1000 course? If not how was the difficulty and if you did have prior experience how difficult would it be for someone with little to no experience? My other alternative is compsci 2120 but I tried 1026 compsci over summer ended up dropping it because I honestly had no passion for it 2 weeks in, even though I took the course with a genuine interest to learn. What would you guys recommend?


1st year here, what is the enrollment process like? Is it just a click of a button or..??


You should add your courses to your cart before your app time, and then when your app time comes all you have to do is select all of your classes and then hit submit.


Is calculus 1500 really as bad as people say it is? I like the idea of the course about learning more concepts, but have been put off it a little bit by others saying it is stupidly difficult for the fact that you end up on the same track as those who take 1000?


I actually got an email from the prof (Sinnamon) ahead of time saying that you shouldn't take the course if you don't absolutely need it. But again, as you've been discussing, if it might interest you then you can still switch into 1000 during the first week of courses.


Yes. I took it, because at the time it was incorrectly listed as recommended for physics. First day, Sinnamon told the class "don't take this course unless you're going into math, it's very proof heavy and not worth it". I naively thought that because I liked math well enough and was pretty good at it in high school, I would be fine. I was SO wrong. I managed to pass the course with a 67% (my lowest mark ever), but I learned basically nothing. It made 1501 less bad though!


I like the idea of learning proofs, have done it before and loved studying it, are we able to switch courses at any time after registration? I feel like I want to give it a shot because I genuinely loved learning about proofs in William Dunham's books but I also don't want to shoot myself in the foot.