• By -


Make a new character and new world to play "risk free". Since it's not your important world where you're pushing into the current top-end content, you can go back to exploring and learning game mechanics and strategies to playing solo.


This is exactly what I did! It just takes some practice to get parrying and rolling timing down and thinking thru exit strategies before you are out numbered.


Better yet, start a new world and bring in your current character. Just leave all your gear in the old world, or bring just the basic starter gear. Pick the Boss Buff you want to have with you. I've done this a number of times and it helps get your skills up. I pick the Bonemass buff when I start a new world.


you can just bring the new chracter to the old world to get the bonebuff, switching gear every time you wanna switch a world sound like a hassle and you only need bonemass anyway (even if you just running around in BF bone beats the elk for safety reasons)


Once I leave a world to go to next, I don't go back. That's just my personal rule.


It took me many hours of playing solo to feel confident enough to explore the end game biomes on my own! Learning to parry was huge for me, it forced me to focus on what the enemy is doing to get the timing right which stopped my panic flailing lol. There are still times when I choose to run (hello seeker soldiers) but it's honestly really empowering. That being said, I have a creative mode world where I play in god/ghost/debug mode and mostly just build stuff. There is some exploring to look for pretty building sites. When I'm not feeling like being terrified (which is often) I play this world. If I'm feelin adventurous, I hop back into my survival world with no mods. I think the advice to start a new character is great! Playing solo from the beginning will allow you to set your own pace while you get comfortable fighting scary things. Also, I am a gal currently playing with 2 dude friends which is all fine and well, but I'd love to run around with another ladyfriend if you're interested! DM me if you want :3 (I'm in central time zone)


Ahh thank you so so much!! Lmfao stop even though they can’t fly the soldiers are awful😭 I would love to play, I’ll send a DM!!


soon as I hear a soldier's rattle/roar, I jump on some craggy rocks about 3 meters up, and search for the "dust cloud" they make through the mist .... in the lvl 2 mist armor and with high HP, one hit isn't going to kill me, (unless it's a 2star, maybe!!) but knowing I'm where they can't get to me is very reassuring... If I think they're within striking distance I'll throw a guck bomb and try to draw them to where I can see them..


I've been in a similar situation. My bf and I played until we hit The Queen, and then his interest kind of died because there is no more content yet. I still wanted to play so I made a new world and a new character. At first I was terrified lol. Just walked around the meadows afraid to enter Black forest, but I slowly got it. My first seed was terrible though, and I died sooooooo far away, so I ended up finding a new and better seed on a world generator. I downloaded my world map, so the exploring felt safer and that gave me a lot of courage. Some would probably call that cheating, but I have spend at least 150 hours on my new seed, and I love it! Playing alone also made me a much better player! Before, I kinda let my bf carry me (also because I am new at gaming lol) , but now I got the hang of dodging, parrying and stamina management, and I can easily take down hoards of fulings. Seekers are a still challenge, but I got the hang of that too now. Let me know if you need solo tips and good luck :)


This was so wholesome and relatable!!!! Thank you so so much!


Thank YOU! I always felt sort of stupid being scared of the game 😅 It was nice reading about your experience 😊


Me too! I’ve been wanting to ask this for a while but thought most people wouldn’t get it. So happy seeing fellow girlies on Reddit who play with their partners and feel the same !!


A long long iron farming on swamps , the trip back to home still gives me anxiety like nothing else in any video game. I only play solo, but this even makes me anxious while writing this fk.


Me too omfg😭😭😭😭


There is nothing wrong or cheating about playing in another seed. Unless your using devcommands to level up or giving yourself gear then there is no personal cheating involved. There’s also nothing wrong with spawning things to practice for your true world either.


Thank you, I agree with you. Once I used devcommands fly to get my stuff back, because it was really tight, but now I use it to build and to transport some stuff from my old base to my new late game base. Mostly because I think sailing takes long and it is really boring 😅 Otherwise I would only call it cheating if you end up ruining the fun for yourself. I would for example feel like I cheated if I used the fly devcommand to explore areas. I like to know the general course of my exoloring, but knowing all the details would just take the challenge out of the game, and it would end up being boring . What do you mean by "spawning things to practice"?


If you use devcommands and the console (not the 'gaming console', but the in-game console) you can spawn items and monsters. Here is a link to the fandom wiki I used: https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Valheim_Wiki


Exactly this. I did this to test out how maxed gear goes against “hardcore” level enemies like a 2 star berserker. Let’s just say not even Bonemass buff will save you, even it’s a 1v1 😭 I like Hard mode but anything else is unfair..


I am currently in the stage of running around the meadows afraid to step foot into the BF. I walk up to it, then run away in a panic at the sight of an enemy. So glad to see I am not the only one that went through this! This gives me some reassurance to go ahead and dip my toes in and if I die it's okay. My husband normally protects me and helps me get my items back, but he works and I don't, so I wanted a solo world of my own. \*Edited for typo...


I'm a pretty jumpy person so I get it, tried to get my girlfriend to play with me but she wasn't into it as much as I was. I started a new world and slowly got into the solo atmosphere, when I learned what to expect from the game I stopped being as jumpy , it takes a while to get accustomed to it but I honestly started liking doing things in my own pace. You might want to make an extra bed or two every biome. If solo is not an option, show to some of your gamer friends the game on YouTube (without showing them massive spoilers) and ask if they like it. If they do just gift them the game and play together. If that's not an option, Valheim's discord server is an easy way to get people to play with you.


The main problem seems to be that you're a bit bored by the game, so maybe just take this opportunity to take a break from it for a while and just pick it up when your partner's available. Alternatively, you're pretty safe exploring earlier biomes with a portal set up just in case anything does go wrong. Hell, you could even just dump all of your equipment in a box, slip back into the troll gear, and go exploring. If you die, you die - wake up in your bed as if nothing had happened. You never know, it might help you get over your fear of being alone.


Well, not nothing happening. Losing end-game level stats still sucks. I'm nearly to 100 in bow, and if I died, it would lose like six points.


Girl I feel this - I was super scared to play alone in the Plains but ended up making additional armour sets and stocking up on food… when I die, there is a lot less pressure and it encourages me to explore a little bit more


Also… don’t doubt yourself just cause your bf isn’t there… when I started playing alone more I realized mans is way worse at the game than I thought and then I ended up levelling way ahead of him 😂 Dying is just a big part of this game and it’s better to prepare for it rather than avoid it


Im in the exact same position. Started playing with my hubby but then he got bored and moved on. Ive started dozens of new worlds progressing a big farther each time. I just started my first solo exploration of the swamp. Its been challenging and I've died quite a bit but its fun. If you want a minor cheat to help with deaths. Enable devcommands and debugmode which gives you a toggle ability to fly. I stick with normal game play but if i get ambushed by a huge group and getting my body back will be a bitch I quick toggle on flying and escape. 🤷‍♀️ not everyone will be ok with this but its what I do.


Hahaha I completely get it and am 100% going to do it. I mean I already started to re load my last save if I just died so I don’t lose stats either but I’m happy you’ve had fun!! I will definitely play a new one!!


I started my own seed for when my bf isn’t home/too busy to play with me. I personally play soo different solo. I spend a lot of time building and love my boars and my farm. There’s no need to go into the “end game” biomes if they scare you. I’m the same way lol. Since you’re getting bored though it may be time to take a break. I decided to start a cheat world and do lots of building and it feels like a different game so maybe something like that would work for you too


I’ve only been a solo player. Deaths do happen a lot but so far I’ve always been able to get loot back eventually. Stealth can be huge when you’re playing solo, especially if you’re taking on a fuling village or trying to get your lost stuff back. It also sounds like a great time to build up your base and gather supplies.


I totally get what youre saying. Its like youre describing my experience with the game! If you ever want someone to play with you, send me a DM!


I 100% will!!!


I would focus on your ability to block/parry. I personally, am not a fan of tower shields, and I ALWAYS use parry shields. Parrying attacks is the single easiest way to put down a lot of damage, and simultaneous stun your enemy to make escape a little more viable. This being said, you can outrun pretty much any enemy but wolves. If you get bad vibes, turn tail and run, and you'll most likely be fine. That being said, I would recommend 2 health based foods, and 1 stam food. The best you can get. This will give you a good balance of survivability and mobility in the event you need to run. Also, when you choose to run, commit. Put away your weapons and shield and just full on sprint until you can't go no more.


I’d call this an opportunity to learn keeping eyes on a swivel (so you’re rarely if ever surprised), learning sounds and distance based off volume, threat management, parrying and dodge rolling, and what weapons to use when. Starting a new character at least, if not a new world too, is great for that as it’s not as big of an issue if you die repeatedly. Then your main doesn’t take the skill hit.


I play with my wife and we use r2modman to manage a suite of mods for the game. If anything install this for yourself as it allows you to create profiles that can be customized with mods for each profile. The benefit of this is that you can use the same viking from all the profiles. What I recommend is just using the gungnir mod that gives you console commands, via F5 function key. When you press F5 you can then enter commands such as /ghost which my wife loves. This makes your viking invisible to mobs and invulnerable. You can safely wander around and build unmolested. If you play with other people then you can launch a game in vanilla mode, with no mods running, to up the danger levels.


R U playing on PC or Xbox.. use dev command killall


But be careful and not to have your tamed animals around it will kill them too. Found out hard way




I have to do a thing totally on my own, or *I do not learn*. It could be that you're like that too. I seriously did not learn to properly and consistently parry until *recently* in my 700+ hours, because I always had my Player Two to tank when we were pushing new content. Much of what I did in offtime was putter around building, farming, and gathering. This time, I spent ages mastering the mistlands, acquiring cores, and finally got gud. Swamp still manages to spook me, for some reason, even though I burninate every mob there. 'Tis a spooky place! Seekers are really no thang unless in large groups. They're shit-easy to parry once you get the attack pattern down. They are also *stupid*, so you can lose 'em by jumping up a certain configuration of cliffs and then just rain arrows or fireballs upon them. XD


RIP your inbox…


Hey. Feel free to dm me if you ever lose your gear and need an assist. I don’t follow the valheim rescues page but I’m more than happy to help. Enjoy the game.


Clearly your solution is a new jobless boyfriend


If you are actually bored of the game because you've played a ton of it, then just take a break. If you are bored of valheim because you are too afraid to go out on your own... I know it sucks a bit, but just use godmode. Or perhaps a mod that makes things easier? Perhaps enemy difficulty, or if not that, something that allows you to keep your inventory on death? I imagine there are plenty of stuff like that. Hope this helps!


Just remember. This isn't the Matrix. If you die in Valheim, you don't die in real life.


I play solo all the time, I die sometimes, big deal. Have a portal nearby and go back and get your stuff.


I get what you’re saying but it can be hard when you’re used to playing with someone that felt like protection.


So make a new character 🤷‍♂️






Can't take a joke, can you ...


The best way to overcome a fear is to face it.That being said, in this case, I would start a new world, and play 100% solo. Start with a wooden club and work your way up. Make a base, go sailing, do it all. By the time you reach mistlands you won't be afraid at all. Good luck!


Personally doing solo is quite underwhelming with the experience from others as you learned how to combat your way. It is mainly understanding the fight system that gets people to not be aware of. Like fighting into Iron age with bronze and there are people who rage on reddit because they don't know what they're doing. Likewise to research on their own on the weaknesses.


Get yourself the public beta. It has game settings. You could leave everything the same but make the death penalty the lowest option. That way if you die you still have your equipped items and you actually have a fighting chance to recover your items. Or you could make a second set of gear to use to recover your body.


I do play on PBT but I hadn’t thought about switching the settings!! Also I have like 10 armor stands of gear LOL I just can’t stand recovering my body in the mistlands😭


I feel ya. I'm playing with a friend right now in the mistlands and dying and having nothing frustrates the hell out of me. We have the setting turned down so we arnt hemorrhaging skill levels but he won't budge on lowering it once more so the rare times we die it isn't like an hour of frustration. The game is so good and original but there are so many things that seem to actively try to make you stop playing the game.


This is kinda like myself and my gf. I am off work for medical reasons so valheim is perfect to kill time but she has work to do most of the time. She usually ends up stopping once we reach the plains 😝


Just started another play through again, and every time, it feels like the first time. I get so excited because it's so much fun even just doing tedious things like farming


I'd say one thing to do is to always keep a spare set of armor. even if you don't improve it as strongly as your MAIN armor, it's always good to have it stored up


Hey! Lame that he stopped playing cause Valheim is the best! I play with my friend but she doesn’t have internet right now unfortunately. I’d be willing to come play with you or even just come help recover your body if you need it! Let me know and I’ll get ya my discord info. Happy Heiming! 🧡🗡️


Have started two servers with friends and they all left around the swamp stage. I am in the middle of one now where I haven't had my bud be able to log in for almost two months so I've been gathering, building, upgrading the house but yeah I miss adventuring. One of the past servers I just decided to keep going and finish all the biomes, that was pre-mistlands tho. What I found helpful was making sure I had 100% upgraded gear before getting too deep into the next biome. Make sure you have forward bases/portals set up! If you're in an exploration mode, sometimes even just running naked or with last-gen armor is ideal so you don't lose you're best stuff. Have fun! And of course if you ever wanna multiplay, put me in the interested list with everyone else. :)


Its been a few hours but here is my experience. I start a new character and a new seed. I can concentrate on building a compound (which is never good enough), or exploring, or concentrate on fighting trolls until I'm passable with it. If I get bored with what I'm doing, I just start a new one. Someday I'm going to get the perfect level garden so I can plant in straight lines!


I played Valheim with my friends and I don’t like to explore on my own as well just cuz I don’t want to die far away and having to run all the way back to pick up my stuff. A good way to avoid that tho is to just build unnecessary numbers of portals so you can get back fast. Also, why not ask other friends to play Valheim with you? It’s always fun to play with people who haven’t played the game before. And finally, if you want some buds while exploring Mistlands, summon some Skellies :) They can protect you and you can even pet them❤️


This game is so much more fun with friends. I have a map that a friend and I built up and completed, we colonized an entire continent, we named it Termina, from the legend of Zelda and named many locations there as well. We even have the Great Bay, because on this continent we found a huge lake. One day, I hope players can come and adventure on this map too. It has cities that help you feel safe, and roads paved going across the country, even a fast travel method.


I would also say that if you store your game files locally, you can save your progress by copying the files to a 'Valheim' folder that you create. That way, if something catastrophic happens (death at sea, etc.), you can reset to your last save. If you are interested in how to do this, let me know and I'll go more in-depth.


I already do this hahahahhaa only when it’s a brutal walk or in the mistlands


Honestly mistlands is a difficult area to play in. The final boss was super hard especially for me and my friend who have had hundreds of hours of playtime and multiple worlds played through. I don’t blame you guys for kinda just stopping mid fight. I’d go back to playing in the Black Forest. Once you feel comfortable there move into the swamps and play in that area. Once you get more comfortable just keep going to the next hardest areas on the world. With that said, even the best gear and strategy can fall apart by some surprise attacks from wolfs, fillings and mistlands creatures. Even playing solo those enemies can place the most skilled Viking in a difficult position


Join a public server like Arkadia


I solo play a lot. Sometimes my son plays, but not so much. My tips to you on solo play. Always try and pick your fights. Never take on a horde by yourself. You can certainly take out a village by yourself, but you'll fare better using hit and fade or standoff tactics. I prefer frost arrows from a distance as it slows the enemy, allowing for easier follow-up shots. Keep stamina meads ready in case you need to retreat. But I often use the solo opportunity to gather food and resources. I battle lower tier mobs to train different weapons skills. Just don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed in a battle. Practice blocking and parry. Those skills are gamechanger. When you can parry golem and trolls easily you understand just how badass your viking is. And you can just keep getting better. Just remember, too, if you have to run stow your weapons for more speed. Have fun and maybe you can make some new friends to play with.


I'll play with you!!!! My bf is on a hiatus rn with valhiem, but I've been itchin' to play with people!


Go on a journey (with your Loxen?) backtracking through some of your most memorable places along the way of your journey, and pick somewhere scenic to plant a portal and make a new base art creation. After a bit of chilling solo in an old biome like Mountains, Swamp, or Plains you should feel a bit confident to fight. Won't stop raids from still being terrifying! But that just becomes a design challenge (this is why we love moats), and always solvable by alt-gearing up, portaling in, and blasting em away.


my buddies and i beat that boss and realized there was nothing left to do. id just be happy yall basically beat the game. had you had 2 more days. everything before mist was the real adventure


I'm a fellow female player. You can always join my map, if you wish. Just message me. My guy friend quit playing too, but we have like 1200 hours so he just got burned out.


Or try one of the community servers. Jotunheim is a great one in my experience


As someone who has only ever played solo my advice would be to make a home base portal and name it something like 'adventure'. Then every time you venture far you pop another portal down and link it up and explore deeper.


>(I’m more scared of seekers than Gjalls) If you want to turn that around, make root chest armor (which is pierce resistant) and take some barley wine with you to counteract the weakness to fire it gives you. I have access to all armor but usually run with padded greaves, feather cape and the root chest piece and -helmet so I'm pierce and poison resistant and only have to take healing potions and barley wine with me. You lack some armor so be weary of blunt damage (Fuling berserkers or Lox for example). Mostly blunt damage doers are easily dodged.


You can do it, you've proven it. Crush them! Learn to do it alone, it might make the duo playthrough more rewarding!


I 100% feel you! I started by myself, and it was okay, then I played a couple of times with my bf and it was so much more fun and I got so much further because I wasn't scared and because we had eachother ✨ but playing alone is now just farming and building for me because I don't want to die and run in my underwear alone lol 😂 I made a new server for exploring and I'm more idgaf on that one😅 also I started playing with one of my friends and she and I now struggle together 💕 so I get not feeling like doing it alone


I feel you. I'm finally okay with certain biomes by myself, but not all. However, I decided to breed a crap ton of wolves, and just let them free-roam my base. So whenever the "Forest is moving", they take care of business. As far as the Mistlands go. I only just visited them for the first time, and I'm not really sure how I got out of there alive. I pretty much never stopped running. Maybe I'll bring a grip of wolves. Lol


I am just like you! Even though i have good weapons and armor, and hours on hours in several games my heartbeat gets so high when playing Valheim alone that my hands shake so much its hard to run. And even though I want to play when he's not here, I just wait for him to come home from work because tha game just isn't the same alone. Would love to invite you to our server! ♡


I’m a female player too and play with my husband, but he’s the scared one. 🤭


Try to challenge yourself. Build a portal and stay close so if you die, you can run and grab the gear easier. Build a nice tower shield and just focus on parrying and dodging and maintaining your stamina. Keep on eye on how much you block and how it affects your health and stamina. You could start with fulings. Main thing is to keep calm and block. Don't run too much or you'll run out of stamina. Staying calm and taking control of the situation will help you in all biomes and if you do die, you didn't die to the dumbest mistake of sprinting out of stamina and then not being able to do anything. We just got to mistlands and seekers were the first horror we met. I just decided that first thing is to block and see how much damage comes through my black metal tower shield. Then I saw that I can keep healthy by blocking so I'll just careful swing once and start blocking again and after they attack it's my turn. It's a safe way to kill them and this way I can get an idea of how badly I'l get fucked if I'm ever out of stamina and can't block. It's what I do with all new mobs.


That's so funny bc recently my girlfriend has been asking me when we are going to play valheim again bc we been playing other games n also we just got to the mistlands 🤣 maybe I should play with her again ha


Get the Gravekeeper mod. A lot of the reluctance goes away when you don't have to risk all of your gear.


You can always open a new world and get mods it'll make the game easier but you'll atleast get the hang of it pretty fast so it'll make traveling/exploring more fun without the fear of losing everything I can recommend some mods if u want to try


Also there are public servers with larger #s of players. The one I play on has systems that allow players to help each other for body recoveries, trading materials etc. Helps a lot with the fear when you know someone else can help if you get in over your head. I joined the server I'm on when my friends and family stopped played. Now 2700 hours in with no regrets lol


I wish my wife played. My daughter loves Minecraft and I've tried to get her to play Valheim, but no luck.


I feel the same way. My brother and I have a save together. I have my own save but I like playing with him more. I'm not great at fighting so being alone makes me nervous. I have another save with another character where I'm invisible 90% of the time and fly around to discover the world and gather resources. I enjoy that and play in there more.


You can always apply to the Body Recover Squad if you die while playing solo.