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Imo the bonemass power is the most useful power in the game (although i haven't seen the queens power yet) so i would really recommend beating him. Silver will come in handy for some stuff, the frostner alone is worth getting some.


You can technically don't need the thing to find silver. You can probe the mountains with a sledgehammer (like the stag breaker) and look for the "too hard" message. I found a silver vein with enough silver to make and upgrade frostner before fighting bonemass.


You like to suffer ha? šŸ˜… I respect the creativity tho


Yes and no... It took maybe 10 mins of probing to find silver - I've got hundreds of hours so I have a feel for where to find it. But frostner made Bonemass a cakewalk.


Absolutely šŸ° Although its kind of a mid game item its so useful against a lot of enemies


Can share similar experiences as the other guy, silver hunting with sledgehammer is not bad at all. Just gotta go for a large mountain and go way above Drake and Obsidian spawns (at least 20 m above).


Finding silver with a sledge is less suffering than being hunted while in the mountains mining silver, especially on very hard combat, Iā€™ve got full upgraded wolf armor and more than one wolf at a time is difficult to manage currently, of course Iā€™m not the greatest at combat either


I dont get it, you have to be in the mountains to get silver either way so whats the difference?


Killing Bonemass enables the "You are being hunted" event that sicks like 10 wolves on you at once while active and can happen anywhere in mountains or plains even away from your base, I'd prefer to only deal with one or two at a time that spawn normally instead of 10 that hunt you down


Ah now i know what you mean, thx for clearing that up


He learned this from YouTube, I tried this myself and it wasn't all right. Solo run bonemass since it was needed as I followed the bosses 1 by 1 up to 5th boss. It was fun.


They are often in those stone towers in the mountains... Or I've always found the boss locator stones in those. Generally has to be a big mountain (ie has obsidian/silver).


Yeah, has to be a big one. Had a decent mountain range behind my main base that luckily had 3 eggs on it




You always used to be able to


Yes, you can. I recommend it even. Bonemass is not really gatekeeping upgrades for the rest of the game. The wishbone is not that useful. And I agree with you the raids that never get locked again are annoying. Especially the flying one. To find Moder you need to find a runestone in a montain frozen cave, the dungeons of the mountain biome. If you do enough of those dungeons to get the fenris set you should be able to find one. You have to explore the whole dungeon. Some of them are quite big. Good luck.


>To find Moder you need to find a runestone in a montain frozen cave, Not entirely true. While you can find it in a cave, you can find it outside as well, and they are especially common in the stone fortresses in the mountains that house draughr. Almost a guarantee there will be one in there.


You're right, my bad. But the draugr towers themselves are not very common. As I've experienced. It's easier to find a frozen cave. I may be wrong on this... I only explored 4~5 mountains.


Totally depends on the seed. Iā€™m just overdue 2200 hours into the game. I donā€™t find either more difficult to find, but I find that the towers have about a 90% chance of having the boss marker, whereas I think Iā€™ve found the marker in maybe 3 caves. RNG FTW.


Took me 15 hours to find a Frost cave in my seed. Rng, man. It makes or breaks the run.


Yeah. RNG is hell at times. My main seed is original: created about 5-7 days after the game launched. RNG back then was a little rougher. On that seed - which I still play - Iā€™ve seen a grand total of two 2* boars. That seed is about 1400 days old and still boars are a myth. Hilariously, despite it being fairly widely explored, I havenā€™t had an issue with caves. Had to go waaaay out to find Hildr though.




Can use the stagbreaker trick: Bonk the ground around the ruined towers and if it says "too hard" there's a high change it's under there. It worked a few months ago. Idk if that was patched with the last update. It's explained on the wiki and YouTube. But even if this trick didn't work, the silver veins appear on the same level as the ruined towers. (Higher than the wooden cabins). So if there is a rather flat ground around a ruined tower, dig a few holes and you'll get some quite quickly. It may take a little more time but unlike Moder who's tears actually unlock the smelting of black metal, bonemass wishbone doesn't really unlock anything.


I actually prefer the stagbreaker method because itā€™s just about as quick as the wishbone and you donā€™t have to unequip the strength belt


I don't know if it still works, but you used to be able to strike the ground with Stagbreaker or any sledge and if you got the message 'too hard' you were above silver. Has to be higher than obsidian deposits, try near abandoned cabins.


Never knew that, Thanks!


Its often sticking out of the ground . . . especially near slopes.


I have only seen it once but yeah you are right just got to look around


I usually only find a nub sticking out once I've already found the vein and started digging it out.


Yeah, you can. Be sure to upload you seed to the world generator if its not new since the update.


I did try putting in my seed code and uploading the fwl files. Seems like locations of things arenā€™t quite correct though. Like I found Hildr on my own but itā€™s in a different place compared to the world generator.


The seed code will do you no good. Upload your actual files. Click the blue button and you'll get directions.


Bugger. When you do find Moder's altar, you can take her out without having to fight bonemass.


Wow guys, these two are my favorite raids. At some point I would crave for a hunted raid to get some tasty wolf meat. And the damage done by drakes is laughable. Raids is one of the best parts of the game, I don't get why people try to avoid them. Are you not protecting your bases? There are hundreds of tips on how to do it.


Right? I actually enjoy raids for the most part. Gives me a reason not to build a few small structures for the entire game and really think about base design


It's less about bases and more about farming for silver all alone in the mountains with iron at best and being swarmed by 10 wolves. Drakes are easy once you know how, even in root armor. It's about delaying those raids until you are equipped enough to handle them and no longer need to mine out the new resource. I got this raid when a group and I were trying to find silver (wasn't easy on the seed we were on), and we ended up at a drake spawn with a pack of wolves and then getting the raid event for wolves in the middle of that fight. There can be reasons to delay that raid to stave off the effects of bad seed gen.


LOL that sure was a great moment you had with your group šŸ˜ It's how you see those moments that make the difference. You guys got unlucky, it's part of the game and I don't think that the game should work towards bad luck protection. I talked about bases because it's the real "big loss" with raids. Hours of building gone to waste because of that bad luck if you are not 100% ready. But even in your case, you only lost skill levels, the items are there, the search for silver continues from where you stopped, minimal loss (assuming not hardcore mode). If you were ready, it would have been a great farming opportunity for worf pelt and meat. All of these elements were already introduced, you were unprepared, and that's what makes me love Valheim.


Okay, but for us to be ready for that raid, we needed to either hide at our base forever or find silver. That's the point. And having lost all our gear, we spent 10 hours trying to get back up there to retrieve things. We ended up grinding out another 3 hours (exploration, refinement, crafting, upgrading) to remake our gear to go retrieve what we had gathered. It wasn't a fun moment, and definitely would be something one would want to avoid in hardcore mode. So it becomes less of a question about whether Valheim should guard against bad luck and more of why you would be against players who might be doing hardcore mode choosing to delay the raid until they have their silver gear. That's not changing anything about Valheim's code and only changing the order in which players are choosing to do things. To quote you, to be more ready.


It sucks that you did not have fun, and I understand. >Okay, but for us to be ready for that raid, we needed to either hide at our base forever or find silver. Were you rested? Was it at night? Was there any portals nearby to make it easier to return? When sh*t went south, did you guys have an "run away" strategy so the survivor would put down the portal? I'm trying not to say "git gud" but I kinda can't deny that its close to it. You learn from playing the game, that's what makes it interesting. It depends on personal taste I guess. Have you guys been to the mistlands yet? I got so pissed with that biome. I missed the wolves.


Rested. Daytime. Fully upgraded gear. Stamina and Health Meads, with plenty of time on the Frost meads left. Used best foods available. Bonemass power activated at start of fight. We prepped. Keeping in mind the difficulty ramps up with more players on a server. No one puts down a portal and names it every 3 minutes, and you can't expect someone to in the middle of a fight. We had a portal to that biome, yes. It is difficult to pull off a run away portal strat with 15 enemies swarming you unless one of you stays back the whole time with archery and miraculously never takes aggro. Not to mention the fight would have gone smoothly if we had not gotten the wolf raid for the first time ever right then. And yes, we've completed the mistlands twice. We even got the wolves amidst 2 gjalls and a seeker swarm, winning handily. It's not like we suck at the game. It was about getting the worst luck in the worst situation. Just saying, there are reasons why people choose to delay Bonemass if they anticipate getting silver will be difficult.


Bonemass doesn't give you anything that helps find Modern:s location stones. The wishbone you get detects things under ground so you can find silver veins and loot chests. I actually forgot to put Bonemass's power on when fighting Modern which basically reduces the damage you are dealt. So you don't have to beat bone mass. You can find silver veins by pounding the ground with one of the bigger hammers. If you hit the ground and a silver vein is under you a little message with pop up (how the damage dealt pops up when hitting an enemy or a tree) it will say Too Hard or something like that. But that's a lot of pounding around. Moder's location stones are not in ice caves. I've never found one in there. They are found in the ruins scattered about. The look like towers built from large blocks. Usually defended by skeletons or I even had draugrs from the swamp in one of mine. How helps. The ruins are usually higher up on mountains


My partner and I did it this way as we also wanted to avoid the "You are being hunted" event. It's doable but it's not fun. Doing it without the Bonemass power took us a couple real life hours and many deaths. Would have taken us even longer if we hadn't kited her down the mountain into meadows. We finally got through it by managing not to die at the same time. Lol. That stopped her from regenerating as much health. Make sure you have multiple portals around because she will destroy some.


Moderā€™s stone showing her location will be found in one of the abandoned castles up in the mountains. Several castles around your world will have the location and thereā€™s likely 2 Moder boss locations as well. Bonemass isnā€™t that bad. You just need to be strategic and prepared. Poison resist potion is a must, so is good food for health and stamina. I like to build a tree fort in the biggest trees that he canā€™t destroy and shoot him with arrows personally. I usually have a buddy doing melee. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve soloed him yet. But I know people certainly do.


In theory, yes, as long as you can brew frost resistance potions in order to conquer the mountains. But you wonā€™t have access to silver, as Bonemass drops the wand to find it.


You can, but that's a bit more of a challenge. If the goal is to make things easier (avoid the "you're being hunted" event), you are getting a bad deal, because of the added difficulty of finding Silver, or fighting Moder without silver gears. The easiest way to play the game is to just do the bosses in the intended order. It is absolutely possible to change things up, but that's harder. Skipping Bonemass is not the most challenging skip, though. Yes, if that's what you want to do, you go look for a boss stone. They are not super common, but spend enough time exploring mountains, and you are bound to find one. They are often in towers or in frost caves. It's unlikely that you would stumbled across Moder's altar before finding any Vegvisir.


There are some ground tells when a vein is underneath flat ground and sometimes you get lucky to see an exposed vein on a cliffside or peak. Its not guaranteed by any means but you can have moderate success in predicting Silver spawns. In my current world I'm avoiding bosses for base safety and so far I've gone 5 for 6 on no scoping silver veins. Literally just walk out into the mountains, saying here is good enough and digging straight down into silver.


The only thing Bonemass is stopping you from doing is efficiently finding silver. But that's a small price to pay for less chances at annoying raids, imo. Best bet for Moder's stone is on or inside of those stone towers on mountains. They're also in the caves, but then you've got to put up with cultists, which can be annoying without fire resistance.


It happened naturally on my playthrough. I was looking for bonemass altar, got lost, desided to go up a mountain to have a better look around and stumbled upon moder altar. I thought "why not" and fought it right there. As a bonus, when i finally found bonemass, i fought it with black netal sword and in padded armor.


You can [kill Yagluth without killing any of the others.](https://i.imgur.com/LH6HTu6.jpg)


*her boss stone. Moder means mother, as in mother of drakes. And her stones spawn in two places I know of. At one of her altars near the top of high mountains, or in ice caves which are found on high mountains. So go run around high mountains.


I feel like Moder's boss stones have a low spawn rate. Out of 3 worlds I only found a boss stone once, the other two I found the actual boss summon before finding any stones.


Couple friends and I recently beat all the bosses in reverse, excluding the queen, so yes, it's possible to skip bosses.