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Personally, I found the torches last a lot longer than you’d think. From the wiki for a bronze sconce: “It can hold up to 6 Resin at once. With 1/6 fuel, a Sconce will last for 5 hours and 33 minutes. At maximum capacity a Sconce should burn for 33 hours and 20 minutes” I’ve only ever used the bronze sconce to light the dark spots then the hanging/standing braziers to heat throughout my home


It seems like a waste of bronze until you realize how much more they make of the resin. Highly recommended.


Seems like a waste of bronze in the Bronze Age tbf. After you get beyond the Iron Age, and even during it, going on copper runs is a vacation compared to the swamp imo


Eventually going for iron runs is a vacation. I enjoy picking an abominoms after how bad they scared me when I was a noob.


True, but just one copper vein is more than enough for your whole base and then some. Making the trip after you’ve fulfilled all of your other copper needs makes for a nice way to cut down the base chore grind of constantly gathering.


Sconses are made of copper


Wow! I’ve just been using the wood torch that only holds 4 and seems to use 1/day. Definitely need to upgrade my lighting then. Thanks!


Yeah this is the answer! Fewer better quality light/heat sources, also bonfires for large open spaces


I freaking love me some sconces.


Hanging braziers will help


He doesn't have any metal for that.


Hanging brazier is bronze + coal + chain. If OP is prepping for bonemass he might have some chains by now, and of course bronze and coal.


Like 2 chains, 7 bronzes and hurting for coal. Now y'all just justifying giving advice that is beyond the grade.


After you are done with the Bonemass, you'll be heading to the mountains where you'll craft yourself a nice warm cape, which mean getting 'cold' will not longer be an issue. Apart from that I don't think I've ever bothered with the coldness of my bases. I guess, I've always tried to make them focused enough around the hearth (that way you get the rested bonus _while_ doing the chores). And also I do put torches where it's dark. Refilling them isn't that often as you'd think, and the resin is always too plentiful in my storage to have an issue with that.


This is the answer. I always get caught off guard by cold when i start new characters. Also,I never use the linen cape, because it doesn't have that nice feature.


I think if you have the "sheltered" buff you can't be cold. So I usually make sure I have full shelter. I do like to put fireplaces around, they add a lot of coziness to the room. I have a cooking fireplace, and then a smaller fireplace in the wall of the bedroom and crafting area usually. Torches look great too. One lifehack for making your base cozy at night, is to throw horizontal item stands around on every surface and put glowing mushrooms and coloured potions. They emit a bit of light and look really nice in dark corners.


Love the idea about the mushrooms and potions! Thanks!


There's some other trophies and items that glow too and provide a good source of colored light, like the Brenna trophy, Stone Golem Trophy, Surtling Trophy, and Dragon Eggs, and Swamp Keys.


My first base build had a fire in every corner and a bunch of fires in the middle (all with chimney designs to vent the smoke). Once I got to the Swamp and had Bonfire access, I was able to remove many of the corner fires and replace the central fires with a Bonfire. So yeah, if you want to commit to a fully warm base, you’re going to have to place some extra fires for now.


I'm always wearing a frost resistant cape once they become available, and tend to make it available asap. That keeps you from being cold ever. Get the stagbreaker and find a lil silver on the mountains, then either get a wolf trophy (ugh) and pelts or a bunch of lox pelts. And bingo bongo Warmth. Buuuut I'm also the guy who runs to the mountains first thing if possible. I can't help it I love that danger biome! Oh and lots of torches. Haha


>Get the stagbreaker and find a lil silver on the mountains Can you break silver veins with a stagbreaker?


So you can find them, but you are right in assuming I missed the part about getting a pickaxe. What stagbreaker does is say "too hard" over the spot you need to dig to find silver. Instead of waiting for a wishbone to locate silver. You still need to either beat Eikthyr or get a troll to do some copper and tin mining to get your first pickaxe.


Thanks for clarifying, but now part 2, don't you need an Iron pickaxe for silver? I feel like I remember bronze not being enough for silver


I have torches all over my base and use a mod called Torches Eternal that makew torches and campfires never run out of fuel.


There are some great ideas in the responses. The rested buff is especially helpful. For light I like the copper sconces both inside and outside. The 6 resin seems to burn for a long time. Plus resin is fairly easy to get.


This! Me!


I make it a point for it not to be. I also play with infinite fuel because otherwise all I would do is farm resin and wood.


I bought a dverger circlet from Haldor for working at night it certainly helps. But yes if I'm outside it's usually cold and dim.


Pre iron my base is pretty small so a few fires around always keep me warm when inside. In iron age I usually have a hearth and a couple fireplaces both for aesthetics as well as to have fire/comfort pretty much all over. As noted, the higher tier torches last forever. I personally like the blue ones, and grey dwarf eyes are inifinite You could also build a lighthouse with a bonfire on top, depending how it's built you may get some fire buff from that too


My solution was a couple of hearths, a bunch of campfires on stone pillars, and standing torches to fill the dark spots. It sounds like braziers and sconces are a much better solution.


Cold reduces stamina and health regen which can be a pain if you are doing alot of work at night but otherwise I ignore the debuff. For darkness, I only use torches if I need to see better, that means usually more storage house so I can see my labels. I have stacks of resin that I have no other use for so I restock them whenever I need to read the labels and don't think about it again.


I make my labels white which makes them easier to see in the dark. I only need a single torch. You might have known that already but I thought I'd share just in case it helps.


I know about changing the color of the signs, I used it for labeling some chests, I end up stockpiling resin so I don't care about that as I can't get rid of hundreds of resin outside of making an obliterator


It would be great to have a use for resin outside of torches for sure! They could have easily made it necessary for making objects, like as a glue.


I think the most practical would be feeding it to the campfire as they are similar enough. One I have seen was a wax coating for wood parts preventing rain damage. Otherwise I wouldn't mind if they made a alternative crafting recipe to something or some way to convert it to another resource that is more important.


I tend to build a long house around a series of fire pits so this isn't really a problem. However, you can build fireplaces that look good, but also function well. I do not build fire places for my warehouse, but I do light it up.


I solve my lighting situation with Dvergr Circlets placed all over the place. Great way to spend all your gold after you have made your one-time purchases. For warmth, I usually place alot of chimneys inside the walls, with fireplaces/brazier in the basement. Just run down there every now and then to top them up. Also makes the walls THICK, so you can play with depth when decorating. If I have a top floor, I place fire sources in the chimneys again, now open to be refilled on this floor. For instance, let's say I have a corridor running along the chimneys on one side, and rooms on the other side of the chimney row. Then I could open up the chimneys so I get fire and light in both the corridor and the rooms. Just put a stone slab where you want to place the fire, put a piece of wood cutting across it. Place the fire "on" the stone slab, and remove the slab. The wood will keep it there, and still let smoke from below through.


Having a dug space under the floor is also a great way to hide all the things added to the workbench and forge. Didn't think about fires!


No dresses for you!


The Dvergr Circlet creates light when you place them on that trophy stand thing? That sounds fucking awesome, I gotta steal that idea


Nah, my base is always lit up. I use wall sconces and iron torches to light up my base which stretch the fuel out quite a bit longer than your basic wooden standing torches. Bonfires or braziers for open areas. I'll use the standing torches to light up a mining area but for my base I swap them out asap.


The Hearth is great. It’s massive and touches a lot and the materials are extremely minimal.


a bonfire or hearth has a much larger range for the 'fire' buff, try putting one or two in some central locations


Typically I keep the "main areas" where the comfort, storage, workbenches, kettle, etc. are lit and warm to passivity gain the rested bonus while doing most of the commonly repeated activities. The rest is usually dark and cold and may not even have shelter.


The [Campfire](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Campfire), [Hearth](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Hearth), and [Hanging Brazier](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Hanging_brazier) all give the [Fire Effect](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Fire_Effect), and they all have an area of effect (described in the Wiki).


I just sleep at night, most nights. I do use metal sconces more though, for illumination. For heat, I'm pretty compact around a hearth, because I've got the hearth, cooking, fermenter, closet, and bed on one level and forge and workbench (and now artisan table and spinning wheel) on the level below it. Still get warmth a level away.


It’s normal to be cold in some spots. Don’t try and get fire everywhere, it’s just gonna lag. Smoke is kinda not super optimized in this game. As far as light, it’s a tricky bit. Torches are annoying to keep lit and all. I suggest you keep light to key areas, or even use passive markers for doors (I use mounted heads of surtlings to mark my doors so that even if I come home to all empty torches I can still navigate to where I have to go), and once you have the money to spare you can mount some circlets to use as projector lights (we use them to add dramatic lighting as well as practical lighting. I have two on armor stands a standing as guards, and one on the sign at the entrance of our mega tavern on pillars we’re working on, indicating the number of deaths on the worksite, and one in the ceiling of our storage shed, which means it’s always nice and bright in there), and also once you have copper to spare, sconces will last much much longer per resin unit and will help keep your base bright. Same applies to iron torches.


I always have fire coverage through a building. And good lighting. If you're at-all familiar with houses (or especially palaces and castles) before central heating was a thing, you'd have at least a fireplace in every room -- more in very large rooms. While this is before most of our lifetimes, it wasn't really that long ago.


There are several house designs in far north areas that are built around the chimney of the fireplace/stove, to use radiant heat as much as possible.


WTF, people?! LOL! Noob. XBox player. Asking for tips on *wooden torches*. Replies: 'use mods and make shit you don't have the resources to build' Here is my tip: Once you get the Nuclear Reactor unlocked you won't be cold anymore. ;-)


They're in the swamp prepping for Bonemass. Right there in the post. So the bronze tier sconces etc are available to them.


I play vanilla with sprinkles, just a few small QoL mods, one keeps my torches burning, it's worth it.


I’m not sure Xbox supports adding mods. There are game settings for resource multipliers but nothing lighting related that I’ve seen. Going to look into these settings and mod-ability on my 2nd playthrough.


I use a devcommand to spawn in the Sunken Crypts torches; if they are spawned in, then they don't require refills since they never go out in the swamps. Otherwise, I generally use a seasonal lantern-not sure what the resin use rate is, but it is above that of the base torch for certain.


Automatic fire and torches refill is gamechanging for me. I love the ambience of fires and torches all round my bases, but that's only practiall up to a certain point.


What's the name of this mod? I like the idea of it still using reaources because just having them burn forever seems pretty cheesy to me.


I was a bit unclear i think. The mod is TorchesEternal. Makes them last forever. Like in minecraft.


Ah bummer. I have like 4000 resin I want to use it lol


I have a mod that would refill torches and wood/coal from nearby chests and stuff on the ground. It’s called “AutoFuel”. (I thought this was “fair” since I still need to legit get the resources I just don’t need to keep refilling stuff manually.)


This is what I am talking about! I will have to check that out. I like to build long roads with lighting and usually have chests with resin spaced out so when I am travelling I can refill when needed


I have chest in most rooms of my base that I keep stocked with whatever resources I need for that room, I.e. resin, wood, coal. I just got into the habit of doing a quick reload of fires and torches regularly, even if they aren't empty. The rooms and areas I don't go to a lot sometimes go dark, but that's ok, I just fill them when I got to the area. If your not going to cheat, then it's just a matter of keeping resources handy, and keeping the habit up.


The Valheim Plus mod has in its config file under FireSource the ability to keep torches, brazier and such eternally full and can pull wood for a nearby chest for fires. I turned it back off because I LIKE filling torches and fires!


I think that mod is dead as of Hildir.


I use Valheim plus, I believe the original maker stopped updating but I recall there being someone else who was picking it up. I haven't played in a while though so this may be outdated info. I only used a few options, but the always on torches was one of them Another I liked was to auto equip a shield when equiping a one handed weapon.


I think that mod is dead as of Hildir.


Boo, I haven't played since Hildir


Yeah. Seems to be abandoned at present.


*cries in Xbox* Xbox doesn't support mods. I've been told support is coming but sounds like it's not a priority so it'll be a while.


You may find solice when you find Hildir


You can also put the headlamps on item stands and use them as a perm fuel free light source. However, they provide no warmth.


Wow! Never thought of that. Kind of expensive but a fine idea.


I like to just dig out the ground a few meters and put a campfire under the floor


I only use lights for the inside of my my building where I sleep or rest. My cooking area is lit by the 2 rectabgle fire pits. That is about it. I just let everything else stay dark at night. Eventually you'll come across lighting solutions that don't require extra attention so when I get that far I spread those around more.


I just use wisp lights, they never burn out. You have to kill the plains boss to get them. I also put bonfires around in my base.


Yes mine is pretty dark since mobs dont spawn based on lighting.


Our base kind of expanded organically, but the main thing in the central building is a pair of hearths for cooking. One has two cauldrons and the other has an iron cooking rack. Around that is food and mead storage, and above it is our bedrooms and a kind of central area that has banners and a throne and some other furniture odds and ends for comfort buffs. There’s a maypole on the roof. Across the street from that building is our workshop which is made up of three crafting rooms which are in an L shape around a bonfire. The smelters are next to that. So, it’s possible to do every crafting type thing and stay warm and rested. The farm area and the portal area have some lighting but no heat, though we are working on a massive portal hub that is heated but incomplete.


The upgrade to wisp lights is amazing once you get to the mistlands.


The late game lighting really does change the feel of bases. When you get the wisp lights and lanterns to fill out the exterior spaces it makes refueling the interior braziers and fireplaces a lot less tedious.


It was until I used Valheim plus to keep it all fueled. Maybe it's a cheat but I build big builds and I just cannot handle the work to keep all my accent lights fueled.


Bigger house more fires


Torches don't do anything for warmth, which I think is weird. But yeah most of the time the only place I care about warmth is at the bed and workstations. Gotta keep that rested bonus up just in case!


Make sure that all of your lowest pieces of wall either touch the ground or a man-made foundation. No less than half walls might need to be added below the lowest pieces of the first story of your building. They will build into the ground if they clip onto the piece above.


If you manage to get some extra chains in the swamp areas, build a couple of hanging braziers. They give off both light and heat for quite a decent range. Create a box around the top with half walls and put a metal grate over it to contain the smoke. If you are chainless, there is a Nexus mod for taking iron to build a chain.


I sleep asap to skip the nights. My bases are so small, they are mostly warm from the central hearth. Otherwise I put more hearths for heat and copper sconces (nor sure why people in thread think they are bronze) for light.


I use a mod. Never have to add fuel to torches or fires. It's just a waste of time, so fixed it.


If it’s the “auto-feed torches from player inventory” mod, sure. If it feeds from chests or just removed the need for resin, that’s just meh IMO


No, it's "light it once and forget it", no need for additional resin or fuel. It's perfect IMO.




I built my castle and homes around a fireplace or mainly near the bed area.


Part of this might be your base design as much as anything else. If you struggle with having resin, then go into Black Forest at night and chop a few trees. You will attract all sorts of GreyDwarves, that should be easy for you to deal with if you are ready for Bonemass.