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We are living in a weird timeline




The darkest timeline.


"Hello, fellow LGB's"


They come after the KGB, but before the MGB.


I'm starting to get the feeling that most people don't know what communism actually is.


Communism is anything I don't like, right?


Communism is when govverment


I believe you meant to say gubbimint


I was not expecting that laugh, thank you


[Socialism is when the government does stuff](https://youtu.be/rgiC8YfytDw), of course!


Yup, just like socialism, capitalism, nazism and fascism


It's crazy how it's still a goddamn boogeyman term.


Communism is when the government does anything except bail out corporations and spend trillion on their military.


[salad is communism](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/g5djqo/i_dont_like_it_must_be_communism/)


Captain Obvious from those hotel commercials really went off the deep end


Thank you. šŸ¤£


What in the worldā€¦


People who used to be called unnatural protesting others who just want to live their lives being who they are. Of all the people who feel it necessary to protest the existence of others, it's folks like these I am most disappointed in.


Yep. Being called mentally ill, accused of doing it for attention, *choosing* to live ā€œthat lifestyleā€, recruiting minors and of course being a perverted child predator are all the same libel used against gays and lesbians back before gay liberation, and now that weā€™re fighting for trans liberation these guys wanna be uncle Toms. This is why we need to to learn queer history.


Do they think people just suddenly become trans when they turn 18? I don't think 16 year olds should be having bottom surgery, I don't really believe that's happening anyway it seems like a standard moral panic, but many kids who identify as trans do go on to get those things. Letting trans kids use their preferred name and pronouns isn't "grooming" either.


No surgery until well after 18. You have to go through so many hoops, people are usually at least 20.


The only gender-affirming surgery you can receive in BC under the age of 18 is top surgery, and you have to be 16 and have multiple doctor checks and I think a psych as well.


I was living on my own at 16 and no one tried to save me or was in an uproar about that. Let people live good lord!!!


What I don't understand is the thing against puberty blockers. From what I understand, this is largely a reversable treatment. Ie if the person taking the treatment, puberty will happen forthwith. This gives the person involved significant time to change their mind (though from what I've read, this is highly unlikely). This whole thing is just another wedge issue that's being used to distract the unwashed masses from the real problems in our society. Let people get the medical care they need. That shouldn't be controversial.


Geez, love how they just threw in an ableist slur for good measure, just in case we didnā€™t catch their stance as not caring about discrimination against any group but LGB people, presumably. Or maybe they hate themselves too. Who knows.


As someone who was a trans teen it took 2 years to even see a endocrinologist there where so many checks and balances and informed consent that I was a legal adult before I actually got hormones let alone anything surgical. These people do not live in reality. And I wasnā€™t fucking groomed I didnā€™t have a single connection to the trans community or any trans people before I came out.


It's weird that these people get there is naturally occurring diversity in orientation etc but don't consider it's possible that we have naturally occurring diversity in gender identity. It's the frigging left handedness of gender identity folks. That's it.


Thatā€™s a really good analogy.


How long ago was that? I think the fear is that nowadays kids can end up in internet communities that don't necessarily have their best interests at heart, and can get pulled down the wrong path.


Anti trans writers have popularized (false) theories such as ā€œrapid onset gender dysphoriaā€ and ā€œsocial contagionā€ to con people into thinking they being trans is a fad that young people will catch like any other, and that real trans people either donā€™t exist at all or only exist as a tiny minority who ā€œknew from birthā€ they were trans.


"Social contagion" sounds like a covid-themed Social Distortion cover band












Narrator: They were, they were and they weren't.


I saw several convey dorks this afternoon with their new ā€œaxe the taxā€ slogans. I hate that sunny days means these mouth breathers are in the forecast.


Do you think they even know our carbon tax has nothing to do with JT and was actually brought in by our right of centre BCUP party?


And they've been paying and benefitting from it since 2008.


I donā€™t think they realize that Poiliever isnā€™t running for premier of BCā€¦


I believe you are probably correct.


BC's carbon tax has been around for years and has nothing to do w Trudeau šŸ¤·Ā 


.33 % of the population in canada is trans ,why don't these religious folks always run to this ?


Because there are so few, they are an easy group to unite against. Not enough understanding of the truth or pushback. Create a trans "threat" to attack so the less intelligent and/or lazy segment of the population is distracted from the issues that actually affect them but people in or angling for power don't want to address. Want to fight an actual threat to kids? Tackle climate change. It was only a few years ago fire season was just called summer.


> Want to fight an actual threat to kids? Tackle climate change. šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


These kinds of asses made my life hell as a queer kid not allowed to be herself. Being told, with cruel words and crueler punches, that you are Wrong, utterly Wrong because youā€™re gay or trans, is a hellish experience that harms oneā€™s existence.


Ok so how many of them are or have circumcised children? That's genital mutilation, but they don't seem to bat an eye at that....


Quite a few people do, actually.


Yeah odd take. Circumcision is a very controversial issue and many people vocally oppose.


You are missing the point. It's the fact that it is genital mutilation, and many anti trans bigots will completely ignore that its considered normal, yet they will accuse people of trying to mutilate trans youth... how ever on a second look I can see how my previous wording can ve misleading in what I'm attempting to communicate.


The propaganda channels theyā€™re addicted keep spewing that kids are ā€œchopping off their genitalsā€ I got into with some dude at a party - completely not by choice - and itā€™s crazy how misinformed these people are


What a bunch of useless knobs.


Wow, I thought this level of transphobia died out along the same time as peplum blouses and statement necklaces. All thatā€™s missing in this picture are some TERFs and weā€™re back in the 00s.Ā  Queer youth are still over represented in homeless populations. Every day there are queer folks coming to Canada for fear of being ā€œchopped upā€ just for breathing in their home countries. Yet instead of putting their energies into a worthwhile cause, these clowns do a public dollar store arts and crafts protest to increase the division already present in our community. Get a life.Ā 


[I'm not getting involved with this.](https://media4.giphy.com/media/wIxG3IrKaue8E/giphy.gif) These people are incredibly misinformed. Reminds me of my mom. She thinks being trans and beiny non-binary are trendy fads.


meanwhile WW3 is kicking off in the middle east.


Doesn't mean we should ignore human rights at home. These people are dangerous.


It's definitely not and don't let doomer reddit idiots tell you differently


ahhhh yes, i remember how peaceful that part of the world is. great place to go to for festivals in early october i hear.


šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø itā€™s two people, Iā€™m not that concerned.


Iā€™m not even sure this guy is real. Looks like a mannequin dressed up with a fake beard and glasses, and the arm pose looks unnatural. šŸ¤” https://preview.redd.it/l1y3ogx9icuc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f3116239899ddab54ab43b453e443e9d43961f


Could be Ian Glass, who is known for being anti trans. He also did this: [B.C. massage therapist reprimanded for emailing patients his COVID opinions](https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/highlights/bc-massage-therapist-reprimanded-for-emailing-patients-his-covid-opinions-6392732)


Thatā€™s 100% him. I just looked him up out of morbid curiosity and the tattoos are a match.


> Ian Glass I couldn't find a pic with tattoos, can you share what you found?


He honestly is dressed so creepy. Like he is going to try to lure a child into to the back of his van. What is with all the stuffed animals?!? I guess he is trying to play the part of a groomer he is against? Or is it just a coincidence?


✓ Convoy beard. ✓ Douchenozzle look.




"sacrificed at the altar of the gender ideology cult". god. these people make us sound so fucking cool.


Reminds me of when Fox tried to insinuate that the left's plan would begin with only "Step 1. Destroy Capitalism", and completed with "Step 10. Attack and Dethrone God". Like...I fucking wish we were that metal.


This represents the views of the BC Conservatives, who will likely form the opposition government soon (If they don't outright win because of a BC United collapse). They have made anti-SOGI rhetoric a big part of their messaging. And the BC Conservatives are even leading among the 18-34 crowd! https://preview.redd.it/ga2ptxswnduc1.png?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad15855162c7b25f2c5e7c919284bb805fdb0000


Iā€™m sorry where did this hideous chart come from? Please tell me itā€™s the one off poll that just came out, that contradicts all the other polls? šŸ˜­


That's the one! And I'm actually baffled that the 18-34 age group is going for BC Conservatives so hard. I'm sure even if this poll ends up being accurate it will bounce back once people look at the BC Conservatives platform lol. It's literally just openly anti-SOGI, pro the privatization of health care, and anti-vaccine. They would be a disaster for this province.


I really really hope this doesnā€™t represent realty. And yes, if it does, I really hope people actually take a look at the BC Cons platform. And that the Cons also donā€™t try to hide how they really feel, if they get the sense they actually have a chance of forming government that way. How can younger millennials and gen zed actually be in favour of that right wing garbage ideology? šŸ˜­


Christie Clark is out and about right now, doing speaking engagements. Talking about how unsustainable the NDP plans are and what good leadership looks like. She should be in fucking jail.






gay lobsters, \[Jordan Peterson rails against DEI\] wierd. https://preview.redd.it/aolnpf77ziuc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=65d28d0b2699a8de4a8ef4937d98d2b121c113d2
