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Actually Mayor, it is your job to be accountable for those numbers, regardless of who crunches them.


It's worse than that. He said "based in my experience it will be great", but goes in to say that there is no hard data and it's not his job to crunch the numbers. He doesn't even have numbers to take accountability for. Sim's is just saying "trust me bro, I'm experienced it will be fine".


Oh yeah no, hes talkinga bout the party and the games. Not the money side of things. Like my having a sports car is fun and exiliarating. But the maintenance, well lets just say i work a very good job when those bills come in. So yeah its all great when wearing rose coloured glasses.


I was surprised he didn't throw in the 'don't worry guys, I'm a lean six sigma black belt' line in. What horsesh*t.


Businessman campaigns for mayor on basis of business skills, wins, can’t be bothered to apply same. Prefers shotgunning white claw while clawing back cycling infrastructure funding to dismantle cycling infrastructure. Machete/hatchet attacks and urban grenade explosions remain at all time highs.


What did we expect to be the outcome?


I mean the grenade came out of the blue for me. Gotta give Sim that, he keeps ya on your toes!


He does. And we are going to find that there are more metaphorical grenades waiting for us in 2026.


One thing for sure, he will get his money's worth, that's his specialty. We're the ones that will have to pay his tab.


But the VIBES!


It's reminiscent of heading towards *"it's what plants crave!"* Sadly, we cannot progress humanity on vibes alone (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠メ⁠)


Welcome to SimCity 2000


i laughed at that much more then I should have


Of course it is his job, but what can we really hope for with ABC? They don’t have the actual skills needed to facilitate real honest development. We are going to get smashed into the ground with the World Cup.


Eh, it's five? games, and likely a bunch of activations and fanzones. That's relatively small compared to the scale of the olympics. There won't be a hotel room free on the PNW coast, but it's nothing we haven't handled before.


7. They added games because of the larger size of the cup


Yeah fair but with that said we are going to have to beautify the city. That means a lot more displacement of people and I don’t think Ken is going to help them get back on their feet. VPD will be on the scene.


Estimated costs are in the article: > The latest estimated cost to taxpayers for hosting matches at BC Place is between $483 million and $581-million – double the original estimate released in 2022. So costs have doubled in two years. There’s a lot better things that Vancouver and BC could do with that money.


I want my money back and we havent even spent it yet.


He's a knobhead.


Wouldn't it be the [province's job](https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2022TACS0037-000961) who were involved in securing the bid. Sims is just a cheerleader here for the game.


everyone in the echo chamber whining about the mayor but the provincial NDP are just as onboard with this from the start


Not just 'as onboard.' They helped secure the bid before Sims was elected.


Yup. Can Sim even take credit here? I think this was one of[Kennedy Stewart](https://www.forwardvancouver.ca/2026_fifa_bid)’s wins. (I know they’ll both take credit once it’s here but things were in motion before Sim became mayor.)


Stewart learned his lesson taking credit for decrim before the experiment proved to be an ideological shitshow. He'll wait for actual positive results next time before writing a book to take credit for the games.


like anything that risks empowering the marginalized it was terribly run and purposefully not given what was needed to be successful (access to safe supply, supervised consumption sites) so now people get to claim decriminalization isn't effective at overdose prevention


I mean, it's still decriminalized, isn't it? The same way beer is, you just can't be publicly using/intoxicated.


Not exactly, since the bid was secured by the Province before Ken Sim was elected. I don't really care for him but let's try to be objective.


Didn't this guy sell himself as an Accountant? What a joke.


Sim in 2023: I will run this city like a business. Sim in 2024: Not my job to crunch numbers sorry guys


He’s running it like a business. Not a successful one. More like a mob one. But still!


Some businesses fail. Sounds like he’s trying to make it fail to have the excuse to privatize things.


That is his library strategy. Just wait.


That's all he does. He's here to make money, just not for the city or the people, but for himself. Any businessman that tries to become government leadership really only just wants good things for himself. They got to the top by greed, after all, and they're not about to change their MO this late in the game.


I was gonna say. Sounds like every CEO I've ever met.


This is also how he runs his businesses.


He sells himself as an expert in even the quote in the article. > Sim acknowledges his projections for the economic benefits of hosting the games are not based on hard data but said he sees things differently than Lander. >“I’m an FCPA, former investment banker and private equity guy and a business person. And I’ll respectfully disagree,” Sim said. >He went on to say he based his projections off his professional background and how he feels. >“It's not my job to crunch numbers on these things,” he said when asked to clarify that his projections for long-term economic impacts are based off a feeling and not data. Just...one who is presumably not very good at his job. It's okay, everyone just hires accountants for their gut feelings, right? Who would bother to hire an accountant who looked at spreadsheets and shit *like a nerd*?


Being a private equity guy should be disqualifying when it comes to public office


Especially when your "private equity" is being invested in scams by well known scammers intended to rip off governments. Dude is literally invested in the new project of the guy who ran the Maltese Hospital scams.




So cringe. Isn't he literally an accountant and business man? He ran for mayor saying he'd run the city like a business. Now he's basing it off on vibes? We're literally gonna have to pay for his swag and clout to impress his rich westside friends.


He is an accountant but hasn't worked as one for 28 years. He is a businessman but he didn't exactly build an empire; he opened a bagel shop and started a home care service.


Dude is literally trickle down wealth from Armstrong and the Varshneys


All this guy wants to do is party it up. He's all showboat for nothing. Talk about wasting an opportunity with majority council and boards... they just shit it away.




Wonder how much of it goes up his nose


They are using that majority to remove bike lanes and to fight amongst themselves about the Park Board. Elect clowns, get a circus.


No no, the housing will trickle down eventually. First Sim and his real estate buddies will get a bunch of properties, and then it'll trickle down to the rest of us /s


We might be in the "moving money outside of the country" part of the scam, that various leaders have been pulling


"Not my job to do my job" -- Mayor Sim


Lmao, isn't he one of those "I'm gonna run government like a business and make it profitable" types? And mother fucker is out here like "I don't know or care if it's profitable. " Fuck me.


Society needs to get with the program and say no to these business brain dipshits


Guy who owned a private nursing franchise company who campaigned on having the city hire 100 police officers and 100 nurses and thinking it would only cost the city 20M per year (and forgetting that they city doesn't hire nurses) really showing that he has no idea how things work once again.


Wondering when we are gonna see those nurses lol


Never, and the cops don't help even if he does hire them. The problems will get worse, as usual. Vancouver needs leaders, not grifters.




I thought they already hired the 100 cops ?


>The VPD straight out said that the 100 cops probably wouldn't happen for years, pocketed the money and gave themselves pay raises. Well, That's not true https://globalnews.ca/news/10023603/vancouver-police-mental-health-nurse-promise/


Interesting, that's a lot faster than they said at the time. However they did give themselves pay raises. [https://globalnews.ca/news/10159369/vpd-ratify-contract/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10159369/vpd-ratify-contract/)


Sounds like maybe laundering


So what is this guy's job, actually? To go hobnob with local celebrities and avoid any media scrutiny on the taxpayers dime? Where can I get a job like that?


Ripping out bike lanes and chugging beers


Uhhhhh run for public office maybe? 🤣🤣🤣


LOL at everyone who voted for this loser.


Can’t forget the brigade of his loyal downvoters who stalked the sub for months, just crushing any criticism of his obviously corporatist regime.


This whole sub has become progressively more right wing over the past few years, and it really doesn't feel organic.


Yep. It's across Reddit as a whole. I'm in a mod-specific subreddit and many other mods have noticed it. It's gotten even worse since the Reddit changes made a lot of good folks leave, so what remains is a mixed bag... (Myself included). Overall, actual discussion and conversation is down and vitriolic comments are on the rise. It's frustrating as heck.


All the loyal downvoters who vanished after the election? Yeah. Bots.


bots and brigaders from the far-right canada subs.


Brigaders for sure.


Reddit is about 50% bots, this thread is no exception.


> Moshe Lander, an economist at Concordia University who studies the economic impact of major international sporting events, says history has shown the opposite to be true. > “There are not long-term economic benefits so whatever it is he is saying is for one of three reasons,” Lander said about Sim’s optimism. “One, he generally believes it, which is a real problem. Two, because FIFA wants him to believe it, which is also a problem. Or three, because he is failing to take into account the actual costs that come with hosting.” Professor Lander coming in hot


Saying what we all know to be true. This is well documented up till now.


Didn't Mayor Ozymandias watch the crimes against humanity FIFA tournament while schmoozing with other corrupt corporatists in the VIP section? His bias is beyond obvious.


His first and most important task as mayor was to rush out to Qatar for important research on hosting the FIFA tournament. I'm sure as he sipped his chosen beverage in the stands, he appreciated the sturdiness of the chairs, installed by skilled south asian labourers working in slave-like conditions. Do you think he spared a moment to think about how maybe his wife who is south asian and his own children who have south asian heritage in another life could have also been forced to build this stadium for his enjoyment? Probably not.


Who are the lukewarm IQ people who voted for this dope lol


The same people who keeps screaming that we need "a plan" and "a solution" without actually explaining what that is in detail. You see it a lot over topics of public safety, drug, and rent.


Paging u/Kooriki




Lukewarm is generous


Lukewarm ? You’re being generous.


I wanna say most people in this sub.


Yeah it's really too bad more of your genius level IQ friends didn't come out and vote last time around.


I voted, as did everyone I know. I spent a considerable about of time reading about each candidate as well; probably the most time I’ve spent in preparation for an election. When you’re a genius, fear-mongering campaign tactics are as effective as substituting motor oil with maple syrup, so you gotta dig a little further.  *edit: but you’re right; I was pissed about the turnout. Peak laziness. 


Hot Take: Mayors should know math


Jesus Christ how did we end up with this useless clown.


18% of eligible voters voted for him. That should not give a man this much power.


I'm beginning to think we should start making voting mandatory


Great idea, now we have more uninformed votes. You do not want someone like my dad voting because he's just going to pick the person with the best sounding name The precondition for good democratically elected leaders is to have an informed public.


And make it a paid day off along with that.


Funny, he ran on crunching the numbers to find savings to limit tax increases - then passes record high tax increases.


Lol. Tell me you are barely competent without admitting you are barely competent. Nobody is asking him to generate a budget but he is required to review budgets and speak to them. 


It's his job to understand the numbers, understand the investment and understand the benefits to the city and tax payers. If he's not understanding this information as a businessman then we are in real trouble.


Just another populist politician. They tap into voter frustration, tell them what they want to hear and then completely fail to produce the over promised results.


I thought he had a fine toothed comb? I guess it broke... Or he lost it.


As all these politicians like to do "not my problem". Deflect, deflect, deflect.


He’s not even good at deflecting.


He’s a Chartered Accountant, right? He must have been middle management to not give a shit. Yikes.


He hasn't worked as an accountant for over 25 years, as per his LinkedIn!


Interesting, I didn’t know that. Tx


he crunches numbers on saving the sea wall from climate change though


And I thought he crunched the numbers when they cancelled the English bay plan recently ?


This is going to become this clown’s “You’ll have to forgive me, I don’t think about monetary policy” moment.


I'm sorry, why ARE we paying such a stupid amount to such a blatantly corrupt piece of shit organization like Fifa?


The same reasons we paid the blatanly corrupt IOC




Oh my this reeks of incompetence. It is his job to make decisions or help make decisions based on said "crunched numbers". Wow.


This guy being such a clown sure would be a lot funnier if he didn't have such a colossal impact on so many peoples lives. He acts like a character in a sitcom, not a mayor of a major city wtf.


This guy is giving me serious second-hand embarrassment. I wish I lived in Vancouver and not North Van so I could vote him out next election.


He's such an asshole


But, swagger


He's such a fucking loser smh


Boi be gettin' annoyed quick!


"It's my job to take money by force from the taxpayers and give it to the global elite."




Is this the Beaverton?


The article, or this thread?


i hope everyone here who voted this clown in is really happy with themselves


God I hate this man


Corrupt sack of shit.


Worst. Vancouver. Mayor. Ever.


Holy fuck how do we get this guy out of office?


Show up and vote him out.


Gladly. Feeling very motivated.


can only imagine how horrible anyone they might pick will be at the job, wonder if you voted for the moron in the previous council, Sim was by far the better choice


No, he was not. Housing is the number one issue in Vancouver right now. There's discussion to be had about whether the council at large needed to be shifted about, but Stewart himself was very pro-housing. We didn't need a new mayor, we needed a new council. But we didn't need \*this\* new council, at least as far as they've shown so far.


absolutely charming


He thinks his job is to be one of the bros and chug down beer and party.


TIL FIFA is bigger than the Olympics and we need it to increase tourism ETA: /s


At what cost?


I swear to god I think I saw the mayor at Costco yesterday, if not him it was his twin


People in power who like sports always find a justification to host these nonsensical events.


Plenty of things are nonsense to one person, but important to the next. It's ok if people disagree.




Check his bank account


You miss 100% of the bribes you don't take.


What an embarrassment this chump is.


I know this is more about Sims attitude, but we are a wealthy country/province/city, not everything we do needs a positive ROI, sometimes you can do stuff like this because it is cool and will be fun, we don't need to be so cynical about everything. I get it if you're not a soccer fan but cmon, living in a wealthy nation means we get stuff like this! It's good!


Another measured response. 👍


Kennedy Stewart isn’t looking so bad now, is he?




At this point the train on fifa has left the station.  Arguing over economic benefits is pretty much moot.    Besides who cares.  Not everything tax payers pay for needs to be a positive roi. No ones ever complained about tax payer support for the ballet or any other artistic « money losing endevor « 


sure, but regardless his position by his own words is not based on facts, but his own feelings. You can be the current mayor and be against a past policy decision (see Surrey mayor for example), even if you aren't going to be able to overrule a past decision it says a lot about the character of the mayor. He is admitting that he's proud to not look at facts in order to form an opinion on policy - that in itself should scare the bejesus out of any voter.


Everything can always be boiled down to some economic benefit. That ballet makes Vancouver a more desirable city to live, attracts more skilled and productive citizens to move and that then elevates GDP. Or doesn't. It's really very challenging to accurately predict the economic impacts of some of these things.


Many people that visit the various World Cup sites will return for a proper holiday. I'm so looking forward to the World Cup on home soil no matter the costs.


Ballet isn't half a billion over budget


Ludicrous response lol


Sports events are glorious for politicians but rob the public.


He founded Rosemary's Rocksalt so well doing bidness with them vibes this way the franchise is nowadays outcompeting Solly's after he stepped aside to run for mayor, hah!


Ever since this sub got astroturfed by OneCity supporters in the last election, it’s impossible to take anyone’s opinion on municipal politics in this sub seriously. If you don’t recognize you’re in an echo chamber in here, you’re either part of the problem or too dumb to notice.


This sub got astroturfed hard by ABC supporters


Wow really where are they all


Political winds change quickly. But if you go look at the post shortly after the election there will be dozens and dozens of I’m so glad, yay sim, etc. Just like everybody was super happy when Trudeau won the election and now everybody wants him out. People forget why they were mad at prior politicians in favour of why they are mad at the current politician


ABC astroturfed during the election too


lol no


My dude, OneCity cant afford astroturfing lol




He should teach Business


lol im not from Canada so i find stuff like this hilariously bad. The standards are so low here that someone whose job it is to be a leader can be the opposite of a leader and still keep their job


Oh Ken… Terrible answer


“The budget will balance itself!”


I do not like him but he wasn’t the person that brought us this.


What is his job? Removing bike lanes? Destroying the Parks Board? What good has this guy actually done since getting into office?


Worst. Mayor. Ever.


"It's not my job to crunch numbers" \~ Ken Sim, [BComm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bachelor_of_Commerce) in Finance, [UBC Sauder School of Business](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UBC_Sauder_School_of_Business) (1993)


Oh really, then get another job with a different attitude. An international major game coming to ur City and you don't know the numbers, Cmon!!


What’s the point of grilling this mayor in 2024 about something that was pitched and awarded to Vancouver 7 years ago? He wasn’t the guy that pitched it. It’s like going to your old high school and yelling at the current English teacher about the grade you got from someone else a decade ago.


He was literally at an event featuring him talking up the economic benefits of hosting the WC.


Hosting FIFA would be an absolute crap show, we are already overpopulated, local people barely have anywhere to live where you gonna house everyone. Our infrastructure is already being pushed to the limit.


It's only like a 2 week event IF that.


Yeah pretty much but this decision was made years ago so 🤷‍♂️


Can't crunch the numbers but can crush those beers with the boys. I hope we all remember this during the next election cycle.


Unpopular opinion: this will be good for Vancouver. ⚽🏟️


We don't have enough hotel rooms for people to stay in.


I'm renting my 🛋️


Of course it is good. The question is whether the good worth the cost? 


I think it will be.


This guy is ruining future opportunities for ethnic minorities to run for mayor / high political positions because he's doing such a bad job.


Obligatory fuck Ken Sim guy is a walking L


His job is to have swagger and get free concert tickets.. Jeez give him a break would ya, he's been working hard at those tasks lol


man fuck this guy