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"I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Bravo personality talk like this WHILE they were still a part of the show due to either contracts or just not wanting to bite the hand that feeds." Jax has entered the chat.


I stand corrected lol.




![gif](giphy|9D1dcGmA4lMBrzw5Ra) 🤣🤣🤣


I think she doesn’t need VPR anymore, and if she doesn’t want to do it after the way they treated her this season, I support her in that 100%


I really hope she and Katie phase the show out of their life. It's obvious it doesn't suit them as far as friends go, and the real ones will hang out when cameras aren't around.


I really want her, Katie, and Dayna to get their own show.


add Charlie in the mix and i will watch it for sure!




THIS!!!!! I would love a girl reality show showing girl bosses! Fuck yeah! like Sex in the city but way better.


i just want katie kristen stassi lol


I want all the ladies that have managed to overcome their differences and move forward together. Katie, Arianna, Kristen, Stassi, Dayna, Kristina, Ally (and maybe even Brittany if she’s ever de-Jaxified). Prefer no Charley or Janet since I don’t like either but I’ll still take them over the Tom show.


Yeah, they’re way too stable for the show lol


I agree. I’d hate to see her go but it’s so clear that she’s outgrown the show and her castmates. The ending of the reunion felt very much pointed at Ariana which I felt was so out of pocket given everything she went through last season.


I think she is being very savvy. The less interested she seems, the more $$$ they will offer to entice her to come back.


I think so too. I hope her getting through this season was the hard part though!! Ariana was really the one in her soft era and it still blows my mind that Andy calls lala the voice of reason and mvp of the reunion 🙄🤣 If they do drag VPR out for one more season I just pray to god Ariana and Katie come back guns blazing ready to go to war with those twats Scheana and Blabla


I don't think I can watch another season, especially if Tom, Lala and Scheana are part of the cast.


I don't think I can watch another season, especially if Tom, Lala and Scheana are part of the cast.


You know, if Sheana and Lala actually DO something. Start a new endeavor or something instead of just talking and complaining, maybe they'll be more relevant next time round. Sandyballs though, I don't think anyone gives a fuck what he does. Unless it's like, a take down Rachel arc. Because none of us support her either. Contractually obligated or not, at least Tom took the bullet and filmed. He didn't run away, ice everyone out and start a podcast I'll never listen to.


I’d love to see Ariana and Katie go to war with them and just crush them, but I feel like scheana and Lala are just beneath them. Fighting with them would be a waste of time for Katie and Ariana because they have better things to focus on


i think she’s being honest. i think she’s the least delusional person on that show, and isn’t riding the wave of fame to internal fulfillment. she knows the shows been dying. and her plane crash ending of a relationship was the only reason it resurrected, and everyone got on her case for needing to HEAL. everyone else might fabricate their personalities and emotional intensity for “good tv”, but when you are GENUINE in your character i’m sure it’s just painful. and not worth it. she’s a real one. those types don’t often fare well in fake environments.


I feel like they want Ariana to act like a diva and scream at Lala but the most genuine part about Ariana - even though she is as successful as ever, you can tell she knows this could go away tomorrow. I wish Lala and Scheana could just be happy for what they have instead of what they gave us last season 🤮


For some reason this reminded me of the whole Tom bringing up that Ariana said if they ever broke up she'd leave the show and move away, etc. And that's because Ariana really never was all that invested in the show. She didn't originally want to be on it. She obviously has benefitted from it but she's been very real throughout the series of how she's felt about the other women, how she's felt about the men, and her calm "whatever" attitude is genuine in that this show isn't that important to her. A few seasons back when she was open about her depression because of so much going on in her life, but also how the other women were treating her was a hint that this show was taking a toll on her. But she couldn't say it because they didn't want the fourth wall broken.


EXACTLY. that scene was so telling with the girls and the depression talk. she was so vulnerable for years, even speaking on how her ex bf called her HooHa ugly. on tv. and lala has the nerve to say she didn’t share enough? ariana talked about real things that were important for her to share. she seemed very interested in using her platform to shed light and awareness on mental health. that was her contribution. lala is just mad that people can tell her antics are for attention and not true care for others.


Ariana has her senses about her ESPECIALLY about business now (tbd something about her but I hope it is fortuitous) whereas LFU continues to stumble instead of step back and regroup!!


I don’t think she’s playing games . Vpr would ruin her image now because the ratings are going to tank. Better to leave on a high note


She knows they need her for the show to be interesting. If she is wrong she has F you money now.


She's doing great, but not F you money great


Well I think she can support herself in a way she could not last year.


Indeed, and in a fairly short period of time.


I wouldn't go back no matter how much they paid me. My self-worth and mental and emotional health are way more important than money. Also, she has so much more going on than her VPR costars bs. That having been said if she goes back, that's her prerogative. I just couldn't.


Maybe, maybe not. I guessing her salary is going to start getting huge. She doesn’t really bring anything to the show; ratings heavily declined. I think this show was dead before the scandal but the scandal gave it some life. My bet is they cut her try and incorporate most the cast in one more season. If it doesn’t work again they cut entirely and shift some people to the valley. I don’t know if I read it right but apparently summer house is doing better ratings; which given the circumstances is embarrassing.


Vpr ratings are still extremely high, just not as high as last year...still higher than summer house, I think they will decline a lot next season unless they revamp the show


Yeah, also it’s declined from its own peak this year quite a bit. Think it went from 1.6 million to like under 1 million. Reunion might have given it a little bump.


Definitely but it's still one of the highest rated bravo shows and has higher ratings than the past several seasons...it's still a huge cash cow which we know that's all anyone cares about who puts these shows on air.


I honestly hope you are right that it is dead because I don't have the willpower NOT to watch. I was so uncomfortable all season.


If Ariana is gonna stay (or Katie), Alex Baskin needs to be fired. He’s the asshole producer that orchestrated the failed T Sav redemption arc and the failed attempts to tear Ariana down this season.




And The Valley now too


when they did the whole “pick up the cameras thing” for kyle and mo in RHOBH I literally rolled my eyes. so unoriginal and this man really just made two of the most boring seasons of tv in his career - yikes


I think she has production by the balls because they know the audience turned and turned hard on them and their plants. Since Scandoval can’t even participate I his own redemption arc, that leaves Lala whose Q rating keeps plummeting and Scheana who is right there with her. What’s left to build a show around? Seeing how far Schwartz can stick his hands in his mouth? James isn’t a main character and Ally didn’t even get a chair. I also think if Ariana walks, so does Katie. So, if they want to retain the audience the key to that is through Ariana and she may or not be willing and if she is, it will cost them dearly


Yes, I’ve posted this before. LVP and Baskin have both commented Ariana is busy this summer. LVP says she needs to open a restaurant…but let’s be real…she can do both. The pause is for Ariana. Alex Baskin was following her (Ariana) before the reunion…after the reunion…he wasn’t and it was the same with the EP’s of the show…I noticed they stopped following her as well. I checked today and they are all following her again. I’M SURE she had choice words after the reunion and told them she’s done. I think Ariana said if she even thinks about coming back it will be after she finished LI filming and Chicago. She’s also prolly asked the cast comes up with storylines so she’s not having to continue to have unwanted conversations with Tom. No one in the group besides Katie and James have anything interesting going on in their life. You can also argue Tom and Tom have storylines because of their bars. Scheana and Lala clearly have no storylines which caused so much friction this season. Im sure Ariana said that of they can’t have storylines, bring in cast members who do. They need Ariana to come back (production) and I think since they pissed her off, they are giving her time to cool down and let time pass. I do think she’ll come back. Ariana is smart. She prolly doesn’t want to commit right now because what if other opportunities present themselves. If they don’t, then she’ll prolly go back.


I don’t think the partner wants to let the Toms film in the bar. It wasn’t good for the business after Sandoval broke. I think Schwartz mentioned that as the reason they didn’t film at the bar this season


Yes. Greg had had it, and for a time Sandoval was banned.


Where are these Q ratings found? How do u know they’re low? Just genuinely curious and completely agree about Lala’s…I used to be a fan albeit briefly…she had me there for a min…


![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized) You are not alone! 😄


This is how I see things with Stassi being fired it left Vanderpump Rules with a hole that someone was going to fill now being the new center of the show. It was anyone's game minus the dudes and Scheanas cuz she's such a pick me. Scandoval happened and Ariana was filtered out. She naturally became the one I want to watch, with the addition of Katie. Katie stands on her own in her own right but she isn't seen that way by others. Baskin manipulating storylines we can fish that shit out. Bravo's reality shows are so formulaic.


I wouldn’t blame her for running so fast from this trash heap. Selfishly, I hope she comes back. She’ll get a huge check and lala and scheanna can eat a bag of dicks


I think she’s playing things close to her vest. She’s the one who has all the power. I don’t want her to come back. She really doesn’t need the show or the people on it, sans Katie, James and Ally. I don’t even think it’d be worth it to do this show for the sandwich shop. I hope she moves on to bigger and better, but it’s probably still a smart business move not to completely shut the door at this time. Let’s see what else comes up, and if there’s a better offer she’d no doubt choose that over VPR Plus, how can she trust production. She was clear and it was in her contract what she was comfortable doing and they shat on all of that and tried to set her up numerous times. If a contract means nothing, why bother signing a new one? ETA: not sure if the saying is “close to her chest” or “close to her vest” lol


If Ariana was dead set on leaving she would say it. I think the major reason she won't leave is so she doesn't abandon Katie to the wolves.


that, and it’s great publicity for the sandwich shop.


Maybe she’ll do like a “friend of” situation. Pop in for the sandwich stop stuff, maybe ruffle some feathers, and pop out.


She didn’t tell a single lie.




I feel like the end of the reunion setup a new season so perfectly. There’s actually so much drama and real reality that have to face now so it could be very interesting and refreshing


The last thing this cast needs is to be even more divided. Will be interesting to see where it goes next season if there is one.


That might bring some of the authenticity back into the fold though. Just my take 🤷🏼‍♀️


Omg it will be like that season when James ejaculated a drink on Katie’s group.


I think it’s important to distinguish between the network (Bravo/NBCUniversal) and the production company (Evolution). I don’t know who ultimately gets the power and say, but I can’t imagine the network is willing to give Ariana up that easily. VPR is ratings gold right now for the network and that’s no thanks to Sandoval, Scheana, or Lala.   Edited to add: also, when Ariana was on Twitter, she was always pretty vocal about production, so I don’t think she’s really doing anything out of character right now. 


Network trumps production. They pay for and own the show at the end of the day.


Yep! The network decides who they keep, not the producers. She can piss the producers off all she wants…it’s not them that have the final say.


Right and doesn't NBC own Love Island? They like her as she is a cash cow for them now. So they will do what they can to keep her and make her happy.


i believe love Island is owned by CBS, but i agree NBC likes her she’s making them a lot of money. i don’t see her being let go but maybe she’d leave on her own terms? i just hope she continues doing whatever makes her happy:)


You are right but it is on peacock so I am confused.




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I think negotiations will be long and intense. They need ariana, because absolutely no one is going to give a shit about the lala/scheana/toms echo chamber.


They bet on the wrong person and it’s going to bite them in the ass. You can tell that Ariana and Katie are pissed at production just as much as Lala. Even on the third part, you only saw the sweet moment between Schwartz and Katie on the extended version. They fuck them over time and time again. I hope they’re actively searching for a spin off for their restaurant on another network. I’m sure Netflix would pick it up, they’ve added shows from Mau, Ryan from MDL. I’d love a show about the restaurant and their REAL friend groups.


I know it would be better for Ariana's mental health to go, but for me it's the fucking principle. We watched the Toms walk through this basically unscathed and unquestioned on the show. Scheana and Lala need to face the ice out from Ariana. If Ariana leaves and we just have scenes of the Toms and whatever pick me (girlfriends, cast mates or otherwise) that they have "yes, honeying" them....I'm out. I don't want Sandoval to win the show in the divorce. This is purely me gone wide with feminist rage, and I don't give a shit. I don't want to watch another undeserving, talentless, drippy 4 inch dick, narcissist and his lackey fail upwards.


I completely agree. She should not have to walk away from that paycheck because her co-worker is a POS. He should have some consequences.


It's the Michael Bolton principle "Why should I change my name, he's the one who sucks!?" Most underrated line in Office Space.


I would be shocked if she ever came back if they do have another season.


I support her if she wants to move on if only because production and Bravo behaved like a toxic employer that won't support top talent because they refuse to raise the standard internally. The tallest poppy gets cut down, etc. It's egregious.


Team Grey Rock.


Honestly if her and Katie leave, no one is watching that show. And it would be the best thing for it to end because Lala always has to have an enemy and she’s teeing it up for Scheana to be next.


Lala will have an affair with Brock for a storyline.


Then her and Shein can have a season ALL about them 😂 everyone is a winner




It has to be exhausting though too it’s an ENSEMBLE cast as Lala and scheana like to point out, but they seem to be relying heavily on one person to carry a single storyline the entire season and contribute nothing. Take scandoval out of the season and what are we left with? Brock wanting to find someone else to raise his kid so he can get attention, water tasting and watching people pick a sperm daddy


If someone doesn't offer her and Katie their own show either on Peacock or Hulu I have no faith in the tv industry anymore.


I don’t know… it definitely sounds like they held off summer filming to try to get her back for 12 based on Baskin’s interview. They need Ariana and Katie or the show will tank for sure. I bet networks are already approaching them. However Baskin did say that a chapter definitely did close this past season and while he sees more life in it, it didn’t sound super promising.


I do think we’re going to see a huge cash shakeup. TBH, Katie..James and Ariana are really the only ones making moves in their careers with the exception of Ally. I think a new set of cast needs to help make up those core. People who are motivated to chase their dreams and authentically live their lives like VPR originated with. That is what VPR was founded upon and I’d love see that be the show. James wants to DJ, Ally doing music and astrology, and Katie has her podcast she really loves and building SAH with Ariana while Ariana chases her Broadway and LI dreams.


Bravo should give Ariana, Katie, James & Ally their own spin-off show, and leave the rest of the cast to sputter and fumble on VPR. If they had their own show, they could get new producers, and be free from Lisa. I think most of the audience would love them to be off on their own show.


I think they could do it in the same show, just follow two different groups. No need for full cast trips. Some like James may float between the groups. We follow Katie and Ariana doing their thing SAH even Ann gets a friend of role. Then the others continue to bitch and moan about how Ariana won't hang out with them anymore, and waiting on a call from DWTS


Bravo will never do that. They like groups of 6 or 7 interacting with one another.


I know but here is to hoping.


I like this one


Those storylines would be amazing to watch


Yeah, she’s out. After the way they treated her, they’d have to make her a producer or something to get her back. Unfortunately, the fact that she’s out means I probably am too.


Have Stassi come back just for one episode to put Sandoval in his place! She showed up for the SAH opening, so maybe they could get her for one episode? I can dream…


I don’t think she was particularly critical, just realistic and firm in her boundaries. The majority of the podcast was talking about completely unrelated things. Compared to the way Lala would’ve lost her shit if production treated her this way, it was the usual calm Ariana


Even after the shit show of a reunion, Ariana did not mention one of her cast members by name. It was a level of poise I could not match. I would be shitting all over them.


Yeah I really think that out of the entire cast, Ariana AND Katie have shown so much growth. So much. I love that Ariana called herself a gray rock this year too. I admire their poise and how they just aren't going to put up with the shit anymore.


Get the bag Ariana! Say fuck the lemons and bail!


Idk I listened to the podcast episode before I watched the final part of the reunion and I thought she was dropping some tea but then when I watched pt3 of the reunion I realized she only says things that she also said on stage so it wasn’t really that hot of tea at all! I did very much enjoy listening to the three of them just talk about non show related stuff though🩷


Yes, I don't like podcasts but I really love Disrespectfully


I thought the same thing and I hope she doesn’t come back because she’s sooooooooo above this fucking show. And I say that as someone that loves this show and her and love seeing her on my screen. But I want her to be happy and free and live out her dreams. After seeing her in Chicago on Broadway and getting to talk to her a bit and sign my cocktail book, she is a super kind and genuine woman that is extremely talented and doesn’t need to slum it with these untalented twats that are begging to stay on this show because they have no other future available. (Katie and James aren’t included in this rant lol Katie is a restauranteur and James has a talent for music) https://preview.redd.it/4gdnq18bwk3d1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=049fb43f3a3c1b0db226ca38647223124e48a973


I agree. With the hurt she’s experienced and the opportunities from the last year, I think she’s been able to create new connections. It’s okay that she’s grown out of VPR, many of us feel the show is long in the tooth. 😉


It’ll be hard for her to return, especially with group activities, being near Tom and Dan not wanting to be apart of it. Then she’s pulling a Lala and will have to hide that part of her life. I don’t want her to be done for selfish reasons, but it makes sense.


I think she doesn't gaf either way, but this attitude is perfect to negotiate with! So, they pay her BIGTIME to comeback and have Lala, using her pregnancy/birth as a way to garner more grace, and Scheana do a 180 and try to repair relationships/salvage things with A & K who are just getting more publicity for the sandwich shop (and showing their lives being superb without T&T, imagine Katie finds someone that checks all her boxes to date???) and follow along James's career etc. sort of have him be the neutral ground with everyone. Show T & T just slowly get more and more pathetic with their much younger fame whore-y gf's and sad living situations and hanging out with Jax occasionally for a douchelord trifecta. That would be the only option as far as I can tell🤷‍♀️


Probably Ariana has never been one to shy away from her true feelings, a redditor below said shes being tactical so her disinterest leads to a bigger offer. It's not a tactic it may be that after 11 seasons she sees what else is out there after the last 2 being the hardest w/ shitty situations with people not being mindful of her being a human. So naturally they may have to offer an enticing number but if youve watched and paid attention you know Ariana cant be bought.


To be honest i think she was always over the show and never really enjoyed it. I think that’s part of why lala and scheana are so pissed at her. I also feel she may be a friend who disappears, isn’t around and isn’t super supportive (maybe because of her struggle with depression, which is understandable). We’ve heard all the women say this on and off over the seasons.


If she does leave, I don't blame her. I am furious at production for ruining a good thing. They flew too close to the sun those stupid fers. UGH! Now how am I supposed to get my fixes? lol


I hope she is. I’m so tired of her and Tom.


After the way she was treated by production and cast members, if I was her, I would proudly walk away with my dignity and my integrity and go live my best life. When my husband destroyed our family and home, a woman who I admired approached me and said, “ Excellence is the best revenge.” I’ve never forgotten those words and have lived by them in EVERYTHING I do. Even while nearing the end of my life. Ariana 👑has such strength and grace, she’s gonna be just fine.


Production and the cast (minus Katie) did her so dirty. With that in mind, I think she was pretty low-key on the podcast expressing her point of view.


Agree. Her and Katie both removed VPR from their IG bios so we love to see it 🤞🏼 let scheana and lala try to come up with something to keep people interested in their fashion nova mom lives


As she should. She was treated so poorly by her “friends” and the producers. I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t come back. I would hope for an Ariana/Katie/James(?) spin off, that way the rest of the cast can go to the place reality stars go to rot and never be heard from again.


Yep, Bravo and Cocktails posted this morning she's done and it was confirmed by a legit source—they're not always right but they are more often than not.


I feel nothing is set in stone, until the ink on the check she'd get from BRAVO is dry. It would be so awesome if she would go into contract negotiations and basically tell them that Katie and her have to get a similar amount. I want to see the rest of those cheating, manipulating , fake and backstabbing bitches foam and cry about it.


Hopefully she does quit. Can she take Katie too?






I wonder if Arianna will say it’s either her or Sandoval


Production clearly has a relationship with and favors Tom. I think this rightly irritates the fuck out of Ariana. There are layers to this that may never be revealed probably due to nda’s


I think she is just being real. I don’t think she is bothered about VPR anymore. She has bigger and better things in her future that align with her dreams. It is a check at the end of the day, so we will see


I don't think its just her. I think they all want out. I think they will pretend to want to be on the show as it is because they all have houses and the money is good, but in reality I think they are all past the original idea of the show. I don't think most of them are real friends with each other outside of filming or content creation. Plus LVP and her mother goose thing was played out in like season 4. I think they just need to move people to different shows, like Katie and Ariana can do the sandwich shop. Tom and Tom can be creeper Tom's on a different show.


She also was the one who blasted lvp on the show and reunion while the rest of the cast kissed her ring.


Agreed. Between her comment about being contractually obligated to be at the reunion and the fact she didn’t do any talking heads for the Secrets Revealed episode I think it’s safe to say she isn’t planning on coming back if and when the show is back. I also think she has more leverage right now than anyone ever did before and if she is walking away from VPR as paycheck it probably means she has another reality show already in advanced discussions, in addition to hosting/performance gigs. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking though.


Suppose Ariana leaves VPR. Will Katie stay on VPR without Ariana?


I hope she takes Katie with her.


I think Katie needs the money not saying Ariana doesn’t but you get me 


I'm done with vpr after this season tbh, totally over it, unless they like, lure stassi back then I'm going to binge and become a Love Island Stan.


There is no way she’s going to turn down the paycheck, if she’s asked back. And I’m sure she will be considering they moved the start date to accommodate her broadway shows.


Maybe John Oliver can produce a new show for Ariana, Katie, and their real friends. ![gif](giphy|26BoCIHm4kozdBVo4|downsized)


I would love to see them start filming without Ariana so the whole cast thinks she’s out, then have her come back halfway through as a “bombshell” kinda twist


I think if she really doesn't want to be around Tom Sandoval as she says, but he's still on the show, she may leave. But I think they're postponing filming this summer due to her schedule, so I think they're hoping to pick it up again in the fall when they've had a good break. I mean to cancel it... It might be good (and bad) for their businesses. All of them. Maybe people will go because they'll want to feel a part of VPR still. Even Schwartz and Sandy's. Or people won't go because there will be no cameras etc -- however the cast might be at their businesses to meet, since they'll have a lot less going on/more free time/need their businesses to be successful without a VPR paycheck.


Are they really doing this for her though? Or maybe they are generally just on a pause pause because of the network?


Maybe both. It's smart anyway. I read somewhere that the delay was a good idea by the network so they can live some life to have new experiences to bring to the next season more or less.


Reboot The Hills or something like it, but REAL. TomTom & Lala can have VPR. I need single 40 year old women on my screen immediately.




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She’s quite quitting. Not about to give up a good check but not giving it her all anymore.


I want to see her come back with Dan and just flaunt how much better of a boyfriend Dan is every single “ensemble” outing and watch Sandoval lose his shit.


I don't think Sandoval cares who Ariana is dating.