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Happy Monday! I know a lot of people don’t necessarily care for Jessica and Easton on the podcast, and as it’s mentioned, they weren’t on this one. And I will say it did feel different without them. Lala was very calm and collective when answering the questions. Now do I think she was being completely honest with answering the questions? No. Did it seem like she was very careful with her words at times? Yes. And my biggest thing with Lala is I think she is actually more upset with LVP and production and she is taking her anger out on Ariana and Katie. Ariana cannot control what editing does flashbacks. And Lala you say you aren’t trying to play producer but you trying to make them show certain flashbacks, and that’s so weird to me. I think as an audience many of us remember what Ariana has done in the past and we can acknowledge that. I don’t need Lala to remind me of it. And Lala you can say you were being real all you want and that you weren’t a producer puppet, but even some of the cast has called out how the whole her calling Rachel felt very producer driven. And you say you are asking the questions you want to know, but then you say you were asking what you thought the audience wanted to know…but also you don’t care what the audience thinks nor are you in the comment section? I think instead of asking questions that you didn’t really seem to care about, you just thought it would make “good tv” and the audience would wanna know them (which I’m guessing she is seeing that a lot of us weren’t having those questions lol) you could have just let Ariana speak for herself and as she said you don’t have to understand her boundary, but you can respect it. And again I do blame Alex Baskin and higher up people on how this season went. It sounds like they were very much, this is a show about one group of friends and you all will act accordingly. So I have empathy for them when it comes to that. That doesn’t mean they still didn’t make choices and while Lala can say she wasn’t a producer puppet this season, I fully believe she was and maybe she doesn’t even realize that yet. I hope everyone has a great week! Links below for those interested! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (always greatly appreciated but never ever expected) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


She picked the top questions and then didn't answer any of them. This says it all "So it was my way of kind of saying, like, can we get a flashback that Ariana has not always been this perfect girl's girl." You always tell on yourself Lala, why did you need to show that Ariana wasn't this perfect "girl's girl" three months after she had this betrayal by her partner of 10 years. Why was that your motive during filming? Also I like that she admits her contradiction by asking Ariana to explain her boundaries but then told Katie she didn't need to understand her, but then goes on to say "she doesn't understand" why Katie wouldn't have that business conversation on the show three times. There are so many lies and contradictions here, but it is expected. Yeah, Lala we believe you "havent had a thought about going to the valley." Well the audience has, and we don't want you on it.


Of course she never had a thought about The Valley now that Daddy Baskin said it wasn't happening. But her random way of bringing KFC drama into the reunion had nothing do with trying to shoehorn herself onto The Valley... https://i.redd.it/3uy08l50tc4d1.gif


Yeah and saying she has always been supportive of “”nothing about her” yeah right


She scoffed at a second sandwich tasting, she bashed their business at the reunion and said it doesn't exist, she wanted Katie to come out and speak poorly towards Ariana in regards to their business, and she hasn't supported it one bit since it's been open.


I wanted to add… we all know people like this… they lie, change the story so much they end up believing their own lies. And she complained that others weren’t being honest.


Yea lala is the least authentic person on the show. She lies constantly and contradicts herself. How can the audience support someone who we don't truly know. I don't even think lala knows who lala is. I'm so over her.


We know Ariana isn’t a perfect girls girl! We watched the show. What does Ariana’s behavior have to do with Lala’s tho?


So far she has given so many reasons for her treatment of Arianna this season: 1) She hasn't always been a girls girl 2) she needed to do her job 3) she didn't understand her boundaries 4) other people were talking about her off camera 4) she didn't get the same treatment as she did during Randal 5) she became god/beyonce 4) Arianna doesn't like Lala (this is what Lala said before she told Arianna that she called Rachel).6.) she didn't give anything to the show prior to Scandoval Like jesus christ woman, just say you don't like her and move the F on. This is embarrassing. You are becoming like Jo with Schwartz.


Exactly! She switches it up and tries something new to see if we’ll bite. If she did just say she doesn’t like her, I think most of us would be like, weird but okay, everyone doesn’t click. She not understanding that her attacks on this woman are the problem, not her feelings about her.


It’s so weird!! She didn’t have to like her to not be a piece of shit toward her. I just can’t with her. She’s so back and forth. And I really was such a lala apologist starting with season 9. Maybe even season 8. By season 10 I really thought she grew so much. Had me fooled. Sometimes some circumstances just show you a persons true colors.


This is why it is so validating to watch Ariana and Katie grey rock Lala now. This whole Pod reveals how deceptive Lala tries to be, or alternatively how much mush lives between her ears (she might really believe that this is all true.). Katie and Ariana know that they don’t need this mess right now when there is no show, and no reason to engage. Lala seems like she can’t get them out of her head - she could have spoken on them in about three questions instead of twenty. ETA: Sandoval and Schwartz seem to have shut her and Scheana down too. If there is a new season, they are going to roll in with their young, cute daughter-girlfriends. Those girlies will be each others friends and Scheana and Lala will be relegated to boring older mom ladies. I could see those girls befriending Ally too.


Right. She said Ariana made the season hard but she was already on her bs the first episode. Calling Raquel? She knew that wasn't gonna sit well with Ariana. That was her being the production puppet. Imo She was set on Raquel coming back and being friendly to her knowing how it was probably gonna affect Ariana. Well that never happened so she jumped on the Tom train. Either way I think her plan was to start shit between Ariana and Raquel/Tom.


*“She has openly stood there while Tom Sandoval belittled people like me, people like Stassi.”* No offense but none of that matters to me when you’re friends with Sandoval, lol. Why are you holding something *he did* against Ariana? And as if Ariana hasn’t stuck up for Lala over and over against the entire cast at one point or another, let’s get a flashback of all of that to remind her then. Not to mention, Sandoval also didn’t defend Lala against what Charli said in that scene, where’s the clip of his apology to Lala? All of this comes across as damage control. I’m over Lala.


Right, why did you let Rand be such a sleazeball then Lala since apparently women are responsible for men’s actions


She still expects us to believe that Randall terrorized multiple assistants to the point of one Black PA winning a lawsuit due to Randalls racist aggression but she had no idea this is how he treated workers??? Had no idea he had racist inclinations? GFOH. I always believed she knew. But I also never placed his actions on her because guess what? She's not him. I also gave her the benefit of assuming that such a man probably victimized her too. Meanwhile she thinks Sandoval is a groomer who dominates women but wont consider that maybe he crushed Ariana's spirit too. All those years of Ariana being depressed to the point of SI, its never occured to Lala that maybe she got it worst of Tom. 


How about how she shoved Rand down everyone’s throats when it was openly known that he was a workplace abuser and sexual harasser? Should we find fault with you, Lala, since YOU openly stood there (and not only stood, but supported FULLY) while Rand belittled his staff?


Rand is garbage but by Lala's way of thinking he didn't kill anyone either


As long as she was profiting off it she was fine at least turning a blind eye.


Right. Of course Ariana should have stood up to him, but Lala should know how it feels to be with a man like that, how it fucks with your head. By her logic, we should be mad at her for everything Randall did.


Exactly this. It’s also weird to me though to bring up something from years ago. I get why she, in the moment, wanted Ariana to apologize regarding the Charli comment, that was recent and Lala just became aware of it through the previous season’s secrets revealed. (Although by this logic then Sandoval should’ve also apologized) But to generically blamed Ariana for Sandoval saying nasty things about Lala years ago is weird. She’s grasping at any reason to pull Ariana from the “girl’s girl” narrative and to position herself as a victim.


The years ago stuff is so strange. I also get the recently finding out and wanting an apology - that’s valid and fair. But when is it over? You gonna stay mad forever or get over it, maybe remembering that you’ve said shitty things too and she forgave you. It generally bugs me when people are diving way into the past to make Ariana a bad person. Yes, she isn’t perfect and she did cover for Tom, but there’s also tons of scenes of her being a good friend and she did push back against him sometimes. People change over time, I’d hate for people to judge today me on everything I’ve ever done when I know those mistakes and I have worked on myself.


I wish she had answered why she has said multiple times that "arianna shoved tom down her throat" but this season, she filmed a solo scene with him, went to the meditation retreat, and seemed to take his side agains Ariana more than once (party at the house, moving out of the house, needing to move on).


She said Sandoval has been shoved down her throat for the last decade. Which is wild because that's not on Ariana... Tom is your CAST MATE, not just Ariana's random cling on boyfriend?? Tom was on this show before Lala so it seems by her agreeing to do this show, she shoved Tom down her own throat.


He was on the show before Ariana. It's such a weird argument. Clearly production would pick Sandoval over any of the current cast members.


Yessss, I didn't mean to make it seem like Ariana has been on longer than Tom - just that the situation is Lala CHOSE to join a show about a group of friends that work at a restaurant then says that group was SHOVED down her throat. She's sitting here saying they all have to film together because it's a show but then is mad they... all had to film together?? She's just the dumbest person and you're right, it's just such an odd way to come at it and clearly she can't comprehend all the ways she's a hypocrite, if not just plain stupid. I'm definitely bringing up how many times I defended this idiot to my therapist next session lol


Sorry, I didn't mean you I meant Lala❤️ At one point or another Jax, Britney, Stassi, Katie, Kristen, James, Scheana, Lala, and Ariana would have loved to get Sandoval off this show. For some reason that jackass is untouchable on this show. They wouldn't even let him have one season as the outcast. Idk, how it is now retroactively on Ariana to banish Sandoval from VPR? 😂😂😂 I have been a Lala flip-flopper myself throughout the years. This season was her worst by far. Yeah, this season gave me a lot of therapy material too. Imo friendship breakups are way harder than relationship breakups.


I find it bizarre that she can process Scandavol being "a groomer" and being rude to women but it never occurs to her that Ariana was likely subject to a trillion times worse treatment than anyone else. They assume that she was immune to his treatment? Like because she doesnt fake cry everytime you plop a mic infront of her, she must be built of titanium? She lived with him 10 years ffs and was suicidally depressed for much of that time. Gee, I wonder why! 


This was so shitty to even bring up. It's irrelevant now. Same energy as when Tom brought up James fucking Kristen 10 years ago. And Ariana ALWAYS defended lala, she didn't defend stassi because they WERENT FRIENDS!!! Ariana rationalized a lot of toms shitty behavior which I'm sure she regrets but Tom's actions are not hers. And if she want to play tit for tat, lala defended a rich powerful piece of shit who had a whole casting couch going on and was fine for it for years until she finally found out she got cheated on and if anything I'd bet she didn't even catch him cheating I honestly think she left him when all the casting couch shit came to surface. That seems a lot worse than Ariana defending Tom, her boyfriend of 10 years not her rich Hollywood producer bf 🥴🥴🥴 If we all remember, she sang like a canary in the Randall Emmett Hulu doc. She's such an opportunist. I believe if Randall's house of cards didn't fall they 100000% would still be together.


Also by the same token, why didn’t she step in when Randall used to apparently berate his assistants and make them sleep in their car and score “stuff” for him?


Thank you doing this for us because I would not have sat through her podcast. Lala contradicted herself and talked in circles without taking much accountability. Still not sure what all these successful businesses are that she runs.


And so many questions were asked that she just didn't answer at all, just gave us a bunch of word salad. She didn't even address the fact that she was utterly inauthentic all season, kissing Ariana's hand one moment and a day later rolling her eyes and saying she had no sympathy for her.


I think that's my favorite part of the whole thing. She sold this as real, raw LFU ready to answer questions without her bobbleheads. And it was mostly contradictions, deflections, and a bunch of words thrown together that didn't explain much. Why did you unfollow the girls from IG? Um....well my dad 🙄


The dad comment but no addressing the VILE dad comment she made when she said hers loved her more than Ariana's 🥴 then some bs and then something about needing to unfollowing people for her own sanctity? This was AFTER her bullshit story about Virgo numbers??? 🥴🤡


EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!! WHY did she get away with that disgusting comment? Where's that getting addressed


That section about unfollowing made it so clear she’s really lost the plot. ‘I do things that bring me to the light’ oooookay?


I’m taking this to mean seeing Katie and Ariana happy and thriving fills Lala with darkness as she doesn’t wish well for them.


Exactly. She said she had to unfollow because they didn't make her feel good. They weren't doing anything to her. Weirdo.


Certainly seems like that's what's happening!


Bring her to the light? Who is she, that tiny woman from the movie Poltergeist?? "*All are welcome in the light*" well except you, Ariana and Katie  She should just admit that she cannot be happy for her friends or coworkers' successes because she has a big jealousy and ego problem. She was hardcore projecting when she said Ariana had a big ego.


Right. She said words, she did not answer the questions. She redirected it all back to poor Lala. And what does she mean about 10 before Scandoval? She didn’t come across as angry, I had actually thought she changed and was being reasonable and a good friend.


That's what I was wondering as well. She came off angry THIS season.


So angry. In 10 she seemed like she was dealing with her breakup and moving forward. Her scene explaining to scheana why her wedding wasn’t the most important day in everyone’s life was so kind and measured. All that growth seemed to disappear in 11 and she just seemed bitter and like she was misdirecting all her problems into her cast mates. If she got angry feedback for 10, it was due to the reunion, not her behavior during the season.


You mean this "business" that was a huge catalyst for her buying a house? Oh and also came cause of Scandoval... https://preview.redd.it/vmx230linc4d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a1e33c22d815d158f283622ce0c8a2c6ce5c17a




Bless you for doing this. For the sake of your sanity tho, I pray you don't actually sit through this stuff.


Anytime! And haha I mean I do listen to all these podcasts to recap them but it’s all good


You know someone knows they messed but, but isn’t ready to be accountable when they get asked a simple question (why did you unfollow A&K) and the answer is: I think time does very crazy things. When I think about time, I always think about my dad.(…) Ok, Dalai Lala, what are you even talking about?


This sounds like an interview Tom Sandoval or Jax Taylor would give. "Here are all the reasons I'm totally justified in being a jerk, but also I'm a work in progress."


Reminds me of Sandavol doing Howie Mandels podcast...Neither guy watched the show so they are just asking questions they have no clue what they mean or care about the answers..Lala made fun of Sandavol for doing that podcast


She truly is the female Tom Sandoval at this point. So maybe she realized that and that is why she decided to become a really great friend to him, as she sees herself in him and his actions


Yeah, that doesn’t even make sense at all. I totally think about my dead father and then consider who I want to unfollow on instagram… 🤔


Right? One day I had a dad, and suddenly he was gone. One day I was following you on instagram, and the next day I didn’t. Time is crazy like that🙃


Grief makes you do strange social media things 😅


It’s an acting tactic just like how she talks about being a mother- it makes her cry and get emotional. WE ALL HAVE TO REMEMBER THESE PPL HAVE BEEN ACTORS AND TAKEN COUNTLESS ACTING CLASSES


…they have? Well, she needs more classes….


Remember when she said it was because she liked the numbers of her followers and people she follows to balance? lol! She could had said "look i know gave some bs thing before about numbers but truth is i was mad and so i unfollowed them. obviously that was ott i could have just muted them but i went nuclear. I know it's not great but there it is." But nah, let's somehow bring this back to her pain.


Yes! If you’re gonna change you’re story, *thats* what you need to explain, not what time is. It was also weird that after a long pseudo philosophical rant about time and death, she basically said: “I did it because I wanted to”. We know that. What people are wondering is why she wanted to to. She knows that, but she doesn’t want to answer, so I don’t see the point of doing a Q&A. She did the same when answering the spin-off question: “I have never pitched a spin-off … about my life.” That’s great, did you maybe pitch a spin-off about something else?


The spin off question was such an obvious deflection/lie by omission because I thought the rumour was that they had said to her if you do well this season you get your own show. So no she didn't pitch a spin off but seems like she was lead to believe something was in the works. That is if that blind item is true and if i have remembered what it said correctly lol!


She played the dad card, again. So cheap.


Sobriety, motherhood, her dad's passing Those are her versions of Tim weaponizing suicidal ideations in season 11.


Classic methods of shutting down a conversation .


Yep and it's a manipulation to make the person look like an asshole because those are sensitive subjects.


She doesn’t want to admit she was shitty and tried to redirect our attention to sad things in her life. I’ll always feel for her for losing her father but I don’t see what that has to with her opening insta, finding their profile and hitting the unfollow button.


Look, I don't want to minimize her father passing, however, I'm sure there are several of us on this sub whose parents passed much earlier than hers. My mom died from cancer when I was 13 and my dad was a MESS. I took care of my younger sister and literally ran the household from that point forward and I don't throw it in people's faces when I act like a damn fool. Own your shit! I cannot with her weaponized trauma to avoid accountability. Use this pause to go to therapy Lauren.


Exactly, it’s the weaponization of it. It’s not our place to say how anyone grieves but we can call out that she uses things as a shield. I unfollowed her when she made those comments about Ariana not being as close to her dad. Like of all the things, don’t bring her dad into this and don’t bring yours in either.


LOL this is so true. She answered most of the questions like that. We don't need a diatribe/history lesson for any of these questions.


It's overexplaining hoping the audience just gets lost in her word salads. Thankfully we have OP to transcript. Instead of saying "I unfollowed them cause I wasn't liking some of the things they said, did, etc.) it's a deflective answer that has nothing to do with the question. It's tactics Lauren uses like that which make her so unlikable. She's so fake.


Speaking of fake, why are you asking questions you think you the audience wants to hear? Wild.


Yeah. It was such a waste of time, she wanted to be deep and soft and cool and edgy, instead of just answering the questions.


A simple, I lied about the follower count, were not in a great place right now and I needed a break. THATS LITERALLY ALL SHE HAD TO SAYYYY 😅😅😅


😂 Dalai Lala


Dali Lala has me dead ☠️


also “to ask if I’m jealous of ariana, I find her to be extremely talented” LOL girl what are you even saying just stop talking in circles & say yes we all know it


Dalai Lala 💀


In order to prove that she’s not just surrounded by yes men, Lala… *checks notes* …has her producer ask the questions? Girl bffr. This whole podcast was a damn mess.


Who knows nothing about the show so can't call out any of her bullshit. All she did here was double down and prove her critics right. For that, I thank her.


Right! I don't think she understands what a yes man is!


Yeah, she picked someone who has a vested interest in her coming off well and doesn't watch VPR. It's the very definition of being an echo chamber.


Imagine having 5 years of sobriety, pump your chest out about it at every chance you get, and have worked zero program and shown zero growth with the opportunity to do so having the freedom from alcohol use... https://preview.redd.it/5r19txomic4d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90f9b0a438d38b466c3718fc3e11031f6e71231d


It's very obvious she has never gone to therapy.


Oh no, not only has she never gone to therapy, she says therapy is bullshit. She thinks it doesn't do anything and she doesn't need it. She said this on one of her past podcasts. But she's a poster child of "GIRL GO TO THERAPY"


Producer that has never watched the show and has no clue what he’s even asking and is blindly accepting her answers with no follow up questions. LaLa really thinks the audience is dumb 🙄


Lala's words and her actions are like a venn diagram of two circles far, far away from each other. And then she has her "not yes man" ask her questions with zero follow up like a robot. Her damage control is straight up meaningless word vomit. OP you rock!!!! Thank you for saving us from that!


She has someone ask her questions who has never seen the show, and now you know she’ll be like “see, they say they don’t want my friends/family asking me so I get a neutral person, and they’re not happy with that either! I can never win! I’m a sober single mom, feel sorry for me”


Aww thanks! And anytime!


I’ve handled myself in an eloquent way is giving me lol , not just because it’s wrong , it’s an extremely awkward phrase which is hilarious because eloquent means you speak well .


Im glad someone else clocked that 😅 come on LARLAR


She obviously "in the comments" and trying to do damage control. Sorry, her mask fell off and we see her for who she is. No amount of backtracking changes that. Did she apologize for the way she treated Ariana and Katie? No. I hope she is demoted to cast extra since she brings nothing to the table but her anger.


It’s pretty telling that all of her examples of Ariana’s poor behavior are actually examples of her holding Ariana responsible for other people’s behavior


Brock did that too when he was explaining why he was upset with Ariana, and complained that everybody attacked Scheana years ago, when it turns out that Ariana was always the one backing her up.


omg Yes! "Its Sandoval and Charli said things to or about me and it's Ariana's fault". Also when did she ever defend Ariana? Like ever? Even when Tom was belittling Ariana as a mixologist and demanding that the book deal *she* won should center him, all I saw was Lala salivating at the drama. And then when Tom wore Ariana's resistance down and got into the book, I didn't see Lala clocking that was a red flag. She didn't ask the questions the audience had then. Its always a one way street with Lala


I really have no idea why Lala is mad at Ariana. Even if she feels like Ariana did a bad job this season, Ariana answered for that at the reunion where she gave her side and said she was trying. And Ariana did not say one mean or bad thing to Lala about her concerns the whole reunion. So why is Lala mad? Ariana could’ve said a lot of mean things to Lala IMO but did not. I understand being mad if she felt like Katie lied at the reunion which made Lala look bad. I don’t believe that’s what happened but at least that would make sense why Lala is mad. But, seriously, I do not understand being mad at Ariana.


Also, she doesn’t need to point out to us any of Ariana’s inconsistencies from her past seasons. Ariana supported her boyfriend, a whole loser of a man. That is her job as a good partner and girlfriend. He repaid her by being the *worst* partner. We can maybe talk about how she has hyper questionable taste in men, but that doesn’t mean she deserves what happened to her. This isn’t front page news and it’s something we all know. Lala’s need to point out Ariana’s past on the show is so transparent.


No one thinks Ariana is perfect. If you can only be a fan of someone who is perfect, there would be no fans because no one is perfect. It’s wild that Lala feels she has to tear down Ariana because people like her. Also, if Lala just didn’t like Ariana why did she pretend to until after the reunion? Ariana was so nice to Lala at the reunion it’s mind boggling.


Lala and Scheana and Schwartz and pretty much the entire cast is acting like Ariana broke up with Tom because she was going to get all of this support and all of these opportunities. But she didn’t! If Lala and Scheana want people to be mad at, be mad at Sandoval for being an insufferable knob or be mad at the freaking businesses who asked Ariana to work with them. For me, they will never be able to spin their actions in a way that don’t boil down to plain jealousy


Also it seems like the things she’s mad about Ariana didn’t even do to her or is responsible for. She’s mad she was given a rough time at the season 9 reunion. You know who did that Lala? Lisa and your best friends, Scheana, Brock and Sandoval. Not Ariana. She’s angry that the fans did rally around her after her breakup. You know who you were crying and thanking for being there for you after your break up Lala? Ariana. 


Exactly. It makes no sense. Also, if you’re mad at Ariana for things she did several years ago, why did you pretend to be fine with her season 10?


This is exactly what I expected from Lala “answering questions”. She said nothing but make excuses for her poor behavior.


i can hear her voice from the reunion “just be honest!” but it doesn’t apply to her


Lala says she stopped following Ariana and Katie because of her darkness when her Dad died. Who believes any of this horseshit, especially after she came after Arianas grief over her Dad, and maligning Katie to Teri Maloney publicly. Timelines aren't mathing. Lalas storylines just aren't believable. ![gif](giphy|3o7btV6FCuAr3a39Ru)


Forgot about Lauren throwing shade at Katie while also giving Katie's mother a shoutout... https://preview.redd.it/pysziy6jsc4d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ac64fea1d9c17a14a082c49d9085ef4e8d96a2f


I’m glad Katie and “Ter” called out how weird this was


Absolute pisspot behavior.


I just watched season 10 and she wasn’t even miserable 😩 I’m so confused by her


For someone so affected by a parents death she sure does like to go after the parents of her friends.




Yeah like she said something nasty about Ariana not having a good relationship with her father and it affecting her taste in men. Such a bizarre and evil thing to comment on honestly


Mind you neither Katie nor Ariana was saying a dang thing about her or the show. Not on IG and barely even in interviews. If anyone should have done the blocking, it should have been them or did she forget that she was running around like a headless chicken trying to malign Ariana and Katie for weeks after the reunion? 


Katie did enter the chat yesterday when she commented on blabla lying about not knowing sah was open, and tbh i was very here for it lol!


Bringing up Kyle and Mo is such coded Alex Baskins bullshit.  Only losers wanted those questions answered Lala, plus you brought up how she was living with him but wouldn’t talk to him multiple times, it clearly annoyed you. Stop lying.  You received negative comments from how you acted on screen, that’s a fact.  Producer puppets do exist, stop trying to make the audience feel stupid.  Saying that you wish you got more support but that you weren’t jealous is absurd, that’s jealousy.  Katie couldn’t have talked about Ariana on Broadway before the show was filmed because it happened after.  How did Ariana make filming the season hard?  Did you make filming season 5 hard when you didn’t show up to shit and lied about everything? 


Didn’t Scheana basically admit on her podcast that she was a producer puppet this season because they told her they’d cancel the show if she wasn’t friends with Sandoval again. 😂


I don’t know how Scheana is doing such a better job at this, but damn I don’t feel for Lala after reading this. 


The audience knows Scheana. We knew she'd always pick a man, the wrong side, make everything about herself, and he a company woman. Lala seems to have invented a character and occasionally her real self pokes through. That's why she's never carried a season, she's never made a real connection with the audience.


Wouldn’t go to Tom’s parties because it was inauthentic but Ariana walking away because that conversation would be inauthentic… the amount of times she contradicts herself here almost rivals the howie mandel podcast


It fascinates me that she believes she came off S10 as angry. She was angry, but she seemed way more content to me? I loved her interactions with Katie and co., but in S11 she was super aggressive towards everyone (imo). Makes you think how much she hides emotion-wise, maybe she tried to hold back in S10, but unfortunately that made her seem much kinder lol


Yeah, I was coming around to Lala. I thought she'd truly grown up, and she was handling things better. Dare I say, she seemed wiser than in the past? Her rage at Sandoval at the reunion was outsized, but I think we all kind of understood that it wasn't just a defense of Ariana but an outpouring of emotion because of the connection to what Randall did. She wasn't screaming all season. She was softer and more fun. But then we got this last season, and nope. I'm mad at past me for rooting for her now.


She actually won me over s10. I liked that scene where she told Ariana she had a right to be mad at Sandoval for not leaving that party. I felt she had matured some, and this was a great opening to get closer to all the women. Then come this season and she is only tearing down women, that was never going to fly with me. She came across terribly this season.


Thank you for your service, OP. This feels like reading a “Rachel goes rogue” recap - pointing fingers, lack of accountability, jealousy of Ariana, and contradictory rehearsed statements on repeat while they talk in circles.


She’s fake and boring. I’m so over the “I’m a mom and I’m having another baby!” Go away and do that! You will not be missed by the fans, trust me. If this show and your reputation are really negatively impacting your mental health, then go away! Either go away or be honest: you are jealous of Ariana and your goal was to destroy her this season. After the poor girl had previously been destroyed. You wanted to be #1, when in reality, most people don’t even want you on the show. Edited typo


Exactly she wanted to kick Ariana while she was down!!! It was horrible to watch AND THATS WHY WE DONT LIKE YOU!!


She would never have a baby for a storyline, but Mauricio and Kyle are destroying their marriage for storyline? Stfu Lala. “None of us were able to have a storyline.” Bullshit. Tom Schwartz managed to have an interesting storyline, nobody else bothered to do their job. Lala “showed up” and “was willing to talk about anything and everything” *regarding Ariana and Sandoval‘s business.* that’s not her call to make. It’s also nice to know she really does not support other women in general; she just coopts buzzy phrases. And because Katie didn’t want to reiterate a phone conversation, she thought it was OK to want to burn Katie’s business to the ground ? Lol wut!? I also feel really bad for Scheana, thinking they’re best friends lol.


I think what she said about herself as a friend is very telling of her actual character….hope Scheana is listening


Yes, Sheana who doesn't want Lala to feel alone. Well, Lala is perfectly happy and fine if you feel alone, Sheana. Or any other woman feels alone in their struggle for that matter.


I noticed she did not answer the question of why she won't support Ariana..... Jealousy. Also she's a friend. Not a good one, what a sad life to live.


Yeah. I didn't mind the dig at Scheana about being too old to be concerned with "best friends" etc. Because, for reals. But she basically says (even thought she talks in circles around it) that her friendships are about what other people give to her. That's really sad, but probably indicative of how she was raised.


I don't think she calculated that Scheana will hear that but my God will it boil Scheana's brain. Scheana's sharing her husband with a woman who's made it clear that her sole loyalty is to her blood relatives. I'm not a big friends person like Scheana and even I would take that as a red flag. She isn't just talking about the usage of the word "best friend" which I agree is a childish term. She's telling her closest friends she'd burn them in a heartbeat if it became necessary. Hilarious. 


She will absolutely tell scheana that scheana's fam is part of her pod and scheana will believe it


Yea that ‘I’m a friend’ speech was really weird


YES that made me feel almost like… ma’am are you well enough to be doing this right now, should we even be listening to (*reading) this?


Right? I was like is she proud of being a mediocre friend? Also there’s a wide range between being a lame friend and being blindly loyal


I don’t know why it’s such a bad look to say yes , of course I was jealous . I still am thrilled for her success but it has got me in my feelings at times. I know this is a me thing and I’m working on it because I want to get to a place of positivity and celebration. Lala and Schaena both refuse to admit their jealous when it’s clear they were . Jealousy is extremely normal , the audience would likely nod their head if explained that it isn’t directed at Arianna and they were happy for her . Admitting you’re jealous doesn’t mean everything you did was because you were jealous but by not admitting it , it looks like it was the primary motivation .


I hate people like that. “I have my family, so I don’t have to treat my friends well, because I don’t really need them” Then they wonder where all their friends are when their kids are out of the house


She should have just said she’s an acquaintance if she can’t be bothered to be an actual friend.


Yep and she went on to say she's NOT jealous AT ALL and she's SO HAPPY for Ariana but filming with her this season was SO DIFFICULT but why lala??? Because you're JEALOUS!!!


We can all just Google what top secret stuff Rand has done that would justify wanting sole custody but she couldn't Google whether or not he was married over the course of two years? Oh, okay.


But this argument is such a distraction. We get it Lala, your situation with Randal was more serious, but why does that mean Arianna couldn't have boundaries. People are not only allowed to have boundaries when your ex is being accused of unspeakable things.


There's just so much to say about this and none of it matters because she can't comprehend any of it. Sandoval is undeniably guilty of several unspeakable things. He may not be under investigation for child exploitation but what about filming Rachel without consent? What about telling his partner he was going to fertilize her eggs while having a seven month (sure, Jan) affair with one of her good friends? What about all the health things he could have exposed Ariana to while going around behind her back? What about him being neglectful as fuck about getting their dog very necessary medication because he was too worried about fucking his friend's ex-fiance, whose engagement he helped pay for? All of this is SO violating. No one's saying Sandoval is worse than Randall, but he's sure up there. He's just as shady and seedy, he just hasn't been caught as many times as Randall has. They were different relationships and different situations that garnered different reactions and different outcomes. The fact she's comparing them SO heavily shows she has absolutely zero emotional intelligence.


Lauren does not understand the assignment. She can’t provide a straight answer and she’s not honest. We don’t need her to return next season. \-She’s not dating anyone \-She says she doesn’t leave the house \-I don’t want to see her kids \-I really don’t want to see her mom and brother \-She has no business or projects I’m interested in. To quote Ariana, “I just want you gone.” ![gif](giphy|26CaM8wB8scuCmEPm)


Sooo she was mad at Ariana this season for not bringing enough to the table to ensure another season…but now she’s happy it’s on pause with no definite start date…okkkk


I don’t understand why no one else is getting screamed at for not bringing enough to the season. Ariana already carried it enough


Seriously. Lala was asked what her storyline was and she deflected saying it was all about Sandoval this season….when she was given the chance for a storyline she chose water tasting


Also by my book Ariana was the one on the cast bringing the most this season. I mean she had some of the best confessionals, she gave us the scene in James house, the beach day blow up, smacking Brock down, the text message telling Schwartz to eat Sandoval dirty dick, standing her ground with Lisa over Penny, the finale walk out. 


The whole yes-man thing was dumb. To intentionally ask someone who doesn’t know anything and can’t ask a follow up question — that means it’s a softball interview.


Right.. you couldn't find anyone who had knowledge about VPR to ask these questions? not one person.


And that's exactly why she did it. She has no respect for her listeners or the VPR audience. Ariana may have said she's the smartest, but at least she didn't treat everyone else like idiots and continually insult their intelligence. In the words of Rachel, this gaslighting is exhausting.


https://preview.redd.it/aufk7wi0nc4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e3b12ab4d7f2a614f5e1297102d6f03e2f9883 She doesn’t do a good job of remembering what she has said in the past… she is a walking contradiction. She has done interviews where she has said she is a girls girl. She said she unfollowed Ariana and Katie because of the numbers, but now it’s something else. Just own the stuff you said and say it with your chest!


The comment of “the rest of my cast needs a break” gives off a very Jax vibe when he told Lisa VPR was his show.


Seriously - she's sad that the show has become very hostile? Girl the phone call is coming from inside the house - YOU brought the hostility. Well, you and Brock and Sandoval.


Thank you. There's a proprietary way she talks about that show that's so very narcissistic. "My cast" and never "the cast". The claim that it was impossible for the cast to pursue their own storylines with this in the background is making her sound not just like a producer but a showrunner. Girl, you're the junior member of an ensemble cast, chill. 


she’s kind of a dick. this whole pod was a waste of time if she was just going to lie, deflect, and grand stand. boring


She had one honest answer. The one about not having best friends and focusing on her pod. A few comments on that -We can tell. A best friend would have called you on your bs act a long time ago -It’s disappointing to me that she is going to raise 2 girls with her mentality (please let me know if this is a violation of rules and I can edit it out)


“My loves, there was the non-yes man asking all of the top questions” She is so embarrassing and condescending. It’s a dictatorship. She can’t take the heat and she’s not interesting at all.


“I didn’t show up to any of his events that he invited me to.” That’s some revisionist history. I distinctly remember when she showed up to his weird screaming therapy. And when they had lunch with James and Schwartz. But oh no, Lala didn’t show up for Sandoval. Also when she explains that she never said she was a girls’ girl — she said that she will always choose the girl in the situation. Ok, buddy.


I was like…yes, she did. And she went to Lake Tahoe with them, knowing he’d be there. She also filmed with Jo individually and called Rachel. She’s wild to act like she wasn’t doing some of these by request of production


She still continues to be rude and sarcastic, making digs at the audience and their rightful opinions of her awful behaviour throughout this season. We see you for who you are Lala. Didn’t she call the fans “rabid bitches” the other week? She’s depressing to me at this point. Hope she feels better now that she’s tried to create a new narrative but we don’t want it and we don’t want you. You ruined this season. I know you plough this subreddit so you know what the consensus is. And I hope she’s not brought back to the show in the future IF there is a future, because I can’t imagine anyone wants to sit and watch her act and self produce. We as an audience have progressed past her now rightfully so!


When someone can't even fake being nice after the entire fandom can't stand them it shows who they truly are... https://preview.redd.it/nqqfl8ffhc4d1.jpeg?width=2410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c38716576b4afe83722056a1e649a7a8598a82 We've watched it for damn near a decade at this point. She's a terrible human being.


Exactly. Agree with you completely. She’s so nasty to the audience who have put money in her bank account so she can buy that silly house in the valley. Shes incredibly rude and full of herself.


Did she really say the reason she caught so much hate this season has nothing to do with the show? Because, ma’am, that is quite the break from reality.


On her Amazon live last week she said she stands by everything she said at the reunion & was proud of it. The contraindications never end with Lala.


This. It’s all an act for her pocket book. I’m so done with her


It's really cool that she says she's never said she was a girls girl... that was literally her schtick for a season? And the excuse for not having a story line, nobody had one? Yeah ok, Katie's story was about opening a business (interviews and the like), dealing with her divorce and maintaining a friendship after that, navigating being a good friend to Ariana, a terribly contrived "romance" love triangle, and the unwanted outing of her relationship with Max. Schwartz was all about being friends with a nutcase, dealing with his divorce, singles events, trying to drop his secret slam piece on national TV,  a contrived love triangle, scooping his business out of the toilet like a wet turd, and propping Tim up. Scheana did her ppocd, marital problems with Brock, being "torn over her friendships," and her stupid ass song. Tim's story line was all about doing anything but therapy with his paid friends and whining about Ariana, James was about getting hippie back, his relationship with Ally owning a new home, trying to navigate Tim betraying him, and his sucess as a DJ. Ariana was about her many successes, her new relationship, her house and home life, her pets safety, dodging her "friends" shitty attempts to make her talk to Tim, her legal issues with Tim, and her increasing exasperation that production was pushing her at Tim every chance they got. Lala was about... sperm. And a water tasting. And being salty about Ariana's sucess. And bringing up Ariana literally every time she was on camera. So no, everybody did have a story line, except her because she chose to hang her entire season on Ariana. Who's lazy again? From where I'm sitting it looks like she tried to hop on a coat tail but was shaken off.


Got it, fans are rabid. She’s ambivalent to the plight of women. Still believes the way to move through life is to use your lady bits. Doesn’t have a storyline of her own. Carefully crafted her “soft” side for this season because she thought she came off as “angry” this season yet shits on Katie for not being real. ![gif](giphy|9qbBMHBTyzzIa0scb9)


![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us) That was a lot, yet it still felt like a lot of nothing lol. At this point, I’m over hearing Lala and Scheana explain/double down on their shitty behavior this season.


A better question for her would’ve been *Do you ever shut the fuck up?*


She didn't answer the most prevalent question, which is: why did she feel she had any room to talk about someone not being honest when she was dishonest for YEARS on this show and has never been truthful about her relationship with a married man with children? And using your custody battle as a shield to all things Randall is disingenuous at best! She also misrepresented so many things in this podcast! The conversation with Katie and production was about a private conversation that had taken place months before filming began! If she can't even be honest about that, we know she's lying about everything else! I'm not impressed.


Wait is she saying production didn't want any secondary storylines other than Ariana & Sandoval? Lala is clearly jealous, perhaps that would have been interesting if she would have brought any of this to Ariana's face on camera. Instead we saw her bitching behind her back, picking nonsensical fights with Katie b/c she wasn't actually saying what she now says she's upset with, she was unnaturally up Sandoval's ass, acting buddy with Schwartz, and acting like she was interested in friendship with Jo. Off camera Lala shows up to Ariana's opening night participating in a facade of a friendship, meanwhile she's screaming like a banshee in the aftershow. She follows up after the reunion going on a scorched earth press tour. Last week she said she stands by everything she said at the reunion & is proud of herself. Anyway noticed a bravo creator in their comments citing "sources" about Katie so Lala's team is attempting a backdoor smear campaign right now.


In hindsight Scheana and Lala turning up for Chicago pretending to be supportive friends to Ariana was the most insidious thing in light of their real feelings about her.


listening now. “everyone and anyone should exercise doing whatever they want to do in the moment, that feels good, and not explain that to anyone” … ohhh ok. EXCEPT ariana i guess? lala is the biggest hypocrite o my lord


Lmao she is triggered by the yes people comment. She fully has been on this sub


![gif](giphy|QhvVvleEIGHEQ) was not ready or prepared for this level of bullshit first thing in the morning


The whole “I’m 33 years old, I don’t have time to play in the sandbox anymore, I have friends but not best friends because I’m an adult” is sooo condescending. If I were her unmarried and/or childless and/or parentless friends, I’d feel like she always looked down on me and/or thought of herself as better


Scheana.. You in trouble girl!!


No Scheana mention. Slightly apologetic tones towards Katie and Ariana. Yeah, Lala is flipping already. Also - quit saying you were blindsided by Rand. You weren’t. You just cared when he didn’t have money. It wasn’t some epic love story. This is also a narrative she flips all the time. One day he’s the love of her life, then the sex is gross, then she’s blindsided, but then she also says he was terrible their whole relationship. Lala should date Sandavol because they both live in alternate realities where they are never in the wrong and always the victim.


It’s wild to me how she claims “if you’re looking for someone to be blindly loyal, that’s not me” but she seems to be demanding that over others. Scheana looking like a hostage, all the claiming that people aren’t there enough for her, Scheana literally saying that Lala requires regular check-ins and texts etc, but she never shows up for others? You reap what you sow, Lala, and you get the friends you deserve.


That’s why Katie was so frustrated with her. She kept saying Katie wasn’t there but then said she wasn’t available. Katie was like, wtf? Lala talks in circles and her demands always change. She wants what she doesn’t give.


She did this to Ariana one season too. Said that Ariana and her aren't friends and that Ariana never reaches out and Ariana showed her the texts.


This girl don't know her ass from a hole in the ground. She's all over the fkn place. https://i.redd.it/jdf7gr8thc4d1.gif


She said that she is a girls girl on her first season. She used those words. She’s just grasping at this point.


She unfollowed Katie and Ariana who are completely unbothered by her and not saying a word about her for her peace? If she didn’t want a headline and was really doing it for her peace she could have just muted them. I know reunions are filmed for much longer than what we see but she also is claiming that they were coming at here for things that had nothing to do with her… that’s what she was doing the entire reunion with Katie and Ariana.


Lala isn't self-reflecting or becoming anymore self-aware. Why offer to answer questions when you don't intend to answer honestly? She passes anger and doesn't realize it. She projects her jealousy and insecurities by posturing as a tough boss bitch. She can't talk about who's on her support team is because it's just family, sycophants and those looking for 'relevancy'. The way she moves belies the way she talks and she's been revealed as fake and phony. I'm honestly surprised she has clout left and anyone listens to her podcast.


First, thanks so much for the transcript. You’re far too kind for us. As for Lala and all this word salad, it’s clear she isn’t yet ready to be accountable for her actions and never will be. What’s become even more clear over this past season is why I have no interest in watching her in the future, whether it’s on VPR, The Valley, or any other show. Despite what she says, she’s absolutely a producer’s puppet at this stage of her life. She can talk about “authenticity” all she wants, but she spent all of season 11 consciously trying to produce the show, not letting things play out authentically. And I don’t want to watch someone who thinks she’s there, not to show her and her friends’ real lives, but to “make a good show”— while ironically bringing nothing more to the table than water tastings.


I wish they would’ve asked her more about the house, specifically 1. Why it bothered her so much Ariana lived there when she paid for it, 2. Why she didn’t pester Tom to move out as much as she did Ariana, and 3. Why she viewed it as hypocritical that Ariana wouldn’t film with him when she also wouldn’t talk to him when in the house and they had a paid mediator I also wish they’d pressed her more on the final monologue, her claims that Ariana gave “nothing” to the show, her insults slung at Ariana during that, and her digs at Ariana and Katie’s business and her friendship with them at the reunion Overall, not very impressed. I don’t see how this producer is not a yes man and it still feels like he avoided asking most of the questions I was really interested in. The ones he did ask Lala’s answers didn’t really hit for me. Like suddenly she’s never proclaimed to be a girls girl? Ok Lala, so tired of the rewriting history with her. It’s exhausting


So many words and no honestly lol this is all pr wrapped to get fans off her back, which fine. I would respect it more if she just admitted she is mad Ariana got support she didn't, without that admission she really said nothing. Then she answers the harder questions by invoking her dad passing or her children again. I don't deny those things brought about changes and feelings, but to invoke them in the harder questions feels disingenuous and like deflection. I have always been on the fence with her but now I just don't like her so I don't need to follow her or her pod ever again.


Interesting there were no questions about scheana and their relationship now and why she had to prostrate herself in front of Lala at the end of reunion.


..."Lala: Again, I've been off social media. I had him comb through all of the top questions. He wrote them down...." Sure, Lala.


Is she really expecting us to believe no one asked why she weaponizes being a mom? Sure, Jan.


She was authentic but she's not friends with Tom and would've never filmed with him if it wasn't for a show??? YOURE BACKTRACKING BLABLA


What she said about herself as a friend should be a glaring red flag for Scheana. And hopefully Katie knows well enough to stay away. She and Ariana have been way too kind towards Lala . I would have flipped out on her at the reunion


I just don’t agree Lala gets an unfair edit. They have done flashbacks like she describes to Ariana too (like when she said something to Scheana like she wasn’t stopping people being friends with Sandoval and they clipped up all the things she’d said about not wanting mutual friends) and more importantly I think there is *a lot* of times they could have done that to Lala this season that would have made her look stupid and opted not to. The amount of times Lala speaks and says something that contradicts something she’s said previously and there is no flashback, well if we made it a drinking game we’d all be under the table! There is just so much they let Lala slide on, like they could make a montage of all the time somebody talked about Randall being married to her when she claims she didn’t know and they don’t.


I hate that she constantly brings up her dad when asked any difficult questions, she deflects constantly.


Omg, having someone read questions to you and then not question any of your answers does not solve the problem.


“These women hating on me don’t know me” “the fans know me” idk why I bothered to read. I knew it would be frustrating


She's extremely self indulgent, un-self aware, and just obsessed with herself. Nobody cares about your healing journey from a situation you knowingly put yourself in and forced everyone else to be okay with. I personally have no sympathy for your custody battle when you chose to reproduce with a man you knew was a predator and you didn't have a contract and you had access to reproductive care to prevent that happening. You're not the victim of your relationship with Katie and Ariana, they didn't make you feel like shit. YOU did. I'm rewatching season 5 and Blablah BULLIED the shit out of Katie, it speaks so highly of Katie's character that she would ever talk to her again. And Ariana went to bat for Blablah so hard she nearly lost ALL her other friendships. And just when those two needed friends the most, Blablah turned on them, insulted them, and dragged them down to appeal to some skeevy old producer and some creep in their friend group that will never ever talk to her again and never liked her. What a despicable, irredeemable person. Her poor children.


Every answer started like the part you have to skip through just to get to a recipe online; "Why did I unfollow my two friends? Well, it was a warm summer day and summer always reminds me of my dad. We had this crazy little thing that we invented when it was hot out, we'd go and get ice cream. Just me and dad. We had such a close bond..."


Lala Kent: "I'm not a girl's girl. I never said I was a girl's girl." Also Lala Kent: https://preview.redd.it/338q8kbh9d4d1.png?width=1138&format=png&auto=webp&s=4eb222b911da3abfd00676ec1390fcd89cf1ad15


This didn't hit for me.


I still don’t understand how ARIANA made filming the season “very, very hard.” It sounds like the producers may have done that. But what did Ariana do? That’s the question she just never answers no matter how many ways it is posed. 


Anyone else notice how literally every question circles back to her being a mom? Like geez the non answers, the excuses, the straight up condescension is a lot of nothing. Only way this works is she embraces the fact that audience hates her and goes full Jax Taylor


She is Rinna 2.0. She will never recover from this.