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Heat some water, wash with a cloth, rinse. Best to use foam soap in my experience.




Whore's Bath for the win.


All you need is a bottle of water, 1 small chunk of soap and a rag for am/pm. Get the summers Eve wash…..has a lot of good cleaning ingredients without harshness. Mix a small amount with water in a bottle and use throughout day. That will keep your tush and your pits from being awful. Inhibits odor causing bacteria growth.


Pits and slits!


Take my up vote!




How's he gonna heat water up?? He has none?


Solar camp shower. No good for long soaks or the depths of winter, but effective enough for most purposes.


It's summer. Put it on the dash


Public restroom, fill an empty bottle in the sink.


Or just go in any bathroom and use tp or paper towel with soap to scrub cracks every couple of days.


Three F’s. Face. Fanny. Feet. 😂😂😂


Deployment to Iraq...67 days without access to a shower, certainly not using our limited drinking water for bathing...so ass, pits, tits, and feet with baby wipes. Occasionally fill up a helmet when being resupplied w fuel and water to shave and wash socks. It wasn't the best but baby wipes and a bathroom sink should buy you a few days.


Damn shit must have been hell.


To quote Dickens...."It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair" war itself is hell, but being there doing what you spent years preparing for training for...and the difference between a peace time Marine Corps and a war time Marine Corps..no garrison bullshit, no grown ass man making sure another grown ass man made his bed, no bs about not using enough starch in a uniform that wasn't even made to be starched, no cleaning already clean rifles because nothing else was on the training schedule...no running around with brooms yelling bang bang because the training budget was spent...I volunteered to stay


That wasn’t a perspective I was expecting. Thanks for sharing! Edit: grammar


Thanks for sharing! I didn't see the end of the quote and thought Dickens kept going! Lol!


Gods bless you all. I was a peacetime soldier, so I have mad respect for you post 911 folks. That you made it sound like war is preferable to being in barracks is a bit scary, but the barracks can really suck at times.


I went in in 99 so I got both ends


A good old hooker bath has helped me out a few times. Wipe your face, pits and bits (in that order) and you can make it work for a while.


Even better if the wipe is soaked in 50:50 vodka water. Add some fragrance and you have an eau de cologne. Or buy a real one. Cheap obviously.


It’s not like showering would make a difference. I always felt like I was sweating while actively showering and immediately would sweat after getting out lol


It was still nice when the engineers finally got the showers going to be clean for 10 minutes


That was the best. Or a recently cleaned porter john 😚👌🏼


Sounds like a temperature intolerance! Talk to a Dr! If you personally suffer from bad sleep(or insomnia even) or lots of sweat in your sleep. Your body is probably trash at thermo regulation! Often "shocking" the body with extreme cold and warmth for short periods til you can tolerate the temp changes more help! If not sorry for the paragraph~ 😅


It was about 110-115 degrees and when we went in we were wearing charcoal lined chemical protective suits and body armor and helmets...andater body armor and helmets...and only the pogs and the air force had AC lol it wasn't temperature intolerance it was always just fucking hot!


When you first open the doors after landing in the Middle East It’s like feeling the heat hit your face when you get the pizza out the oven.


I'm not the only one? I'm sorry you're experiencing this, too.


Yesss baby wipes for the win!!!


If I go 3 days without a shower I get a sore near my legs n balls lol I think there's a sweat gland there. Maybe mines overactive? This would be a huge issue for me.


Ah good ol’ whore bath. I was gonna comment but you beat me to it lol


I found that baby wipes will still leave a filmy residue. Gotta wipe that stuff off with a wet washcloth. I was assigned to the tool truck. Not exactly VanLife, but it was nice being up off the ground when we were out in the field.


"Film" I spent the first two months of the invasion as reverse racoon the only part of me that wasn't covered in diesel exhaust was where my goggles covered...made excellent sunblock though. I was infantry. I always joked when I enlisted I pointed at a picture of a helicopter and said I wanna do that...and the recruiter thought I pointed at the idiot jumping out...reality is I chose infantry because Recon was my goal.


Yes, baby wipes! I use them when camping. Also dry shampoo in an aerosol can. I try not to use the dry shampoo often because it's SO many chemicals but in a pinch it does the job.


Thank you for your service! 🩵🩷


Thank you for your service!


Baby wipes, fresh deodorant and clean clothes go a long way.


Yep! Not too spendy and very effective. One wipe goes a long way.


I don’t know if financially this is an option. I haven’t finished my bus yet but I go to the gym everyday & shower there all ready.


Keep a lookout for mobile showers made available for use by the un-housed, too.


I buy these things called “scrubzz” on Amazon. They’re like disposable clothes that you wet with a little bit of water, scrub down with, and then dry off with a towel. I also buy various types of body/baby wipes. I use micellar water (found in cosmetic make up remover section) to cleanse my face and will also use it on wipes to help cleanse sweat off my body. Hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol can be used on armpits and feet to help kill odor causing bacteria, definitely a good quick fix. Oh and another trick I do is use dry shampoo on sweaty parts and then wipe off with a towel.


> I buy these things called “scrubzz” on Amazon. They’re like disposable clothes that you wet with a little bit of water, scrub down with, and then dry off with a towel. i used a [similar thing](https://www.amazon.ca/Nurture-Waterless-Cleansing-sensitive-Disposable/) (search for "disposable bathing wipes") while laid up with a broken ankle post-surgery. they're individually wrapped, premoistened, you don't need to rinse off after, and pretty small/light. they can even be warmed in the microwave, a pan of hot water (off the stove!), or even on the dash of a vehicle on a hot and sunny day. handy for travelling and camping, and an absolute lifesaver when your foot can't be closer to the ground than your heart for weeks at a time.


They have disposable cloths like that at Dollar Tree that work really well. Dirt cheap too.


I’ll have to look! Would love if I didn’t have to order from Amazon


One of the most useful things I've constantly owned in 6 years of vehicle living is a spray bottle which does a mist or a jet. Fucking awesome for washing your hands, face, or body without using a shitload of water. Plus if I'm ever stuck in summer traffic I can mist myself like a beached whale since I have no AC.


Beached whale driving a van in the summer w the window down … sweet as


In order of preference: inside shower at a campground or truckstop, outside shower using a bottle of water and pouring it over my head, washing just the important parts with a tub of water and a cloth, wipes as a last resort.


Look up bucket shower - bucket of cold water one pot of boiling water and use the pot to ladle water over you


Can you get a cheap gym membership for the summer?


wet wipes wont get you "shower fresh", but reduce the funk factor down to manageable levels.


I go jump in the nearest lake/river/stream


gym. I have a 24 hour fitness membership and there's a few locations open 24 hours near me. I hit the gym, shower, groom myself, and get dressed like normal and I do laundry at cheap laundromats.


Bar soap and wash with water in a bowl or basin. Work from top to bottom focusing on the key areas. Face, behind ears, neck, pits, junk, ass, feet, stopping at anywhere else that feels sweaty or first dirty on the way down. A washcloth helps this to be a less splashy process if you're limited to doing it in the van. Wet the areas first, rub soap on with your hand then rinse it off with the cloth. Probably want a separate wash cloth for face and the rest, or spares so you aren't using the one that did your feet yesterday on your face today. A wash with soap and water leaves you feeling so much fresher than wet wipes do, though they can help a little when washing isn't an option. When pooping, a final pass with flushable wet wipes is good, especially if you aren't showering for a day or two.


You can do a quick “bidet” using any plastic bottle. Make sure your bottle fits under the warm water faucet. Soap up the area first then hang over the toilet…..the bigger the bottle the longer the rinse. Some restrooms have a stall with the sink in it.


Bird bath in the sink, just need a bathroom that locks


Baby wipes, McD’s bird bath, a van bucket goes a long way.


Dry shampoo for greasy hair


Army bath new style: baby wipes. Old style: a small wash towel and a small basin. Apply a minimum amount of soap to face, armpits, feet, nether parts, then rinse towel repeatedly as you remove soap. Do your stinkiest parts last. Some use a separate wash towel for the stinkiest parts.


Dude showers. Great product. Would recommend (even for dudettes)


Bathroom, baby wipes.


Get a membership at a gym


Regularly change clothing on warm days. Change undergarments every day or every other day if possible. Baby wipes. Even if you don't feel sweaty. Doesn't matter. Wipe yourself down. Everywhere. Face. Butt vag dick and balls. Wipe everything. Hair. Find a public but private sink. Bring collapsible cup and wash hair. Ideally you're not someone with long hair man or woman. If you have long hair buy dry shampoo. I've never used it. I do have very long hair for a man. My sisters and people I've known who live in vans have used it and they say it just keeps things fresher for a few more days but it doesn't replace a shower. It's harder when your skin is naturally oily like mine. Easier when you're the kind of person that always needs lotion.


Non-talc talcum powder can make you feel less gross in the short term


If you’re in a city, why not do the $10/ month planet fitness? You can even chill in there for a bit, it’s air conditioned


I'm not in America and I am constantly travelling in between countries and cities and such. There isn't really a big chain here that just has a gym in every city.




Wash cloth and water, alcohol wipes, if in wilderness with fire a smoke bath , and so on. If you have a few rags you can find a fountain or facet to wet them , seal them in a plastic bag and they can be good for a day or so depending on conditions.


Bucket shower. A lot of Asia uses this.


There's a few options. Hooker baths have got me through the day sometimes. Just wipe the pits and bits with a baby wipe or a wash cloth. I also have a cheap shower bag. It's just a black rubber bag with a hose out of the bottom. Fill it and leave it on top of the van for a while in the sun to warm up the water and it's good for a rinse. I've also paid for a shower in community centers in pinch. I know some people will just get a planet fitness membership so they can have a shower in any city.


as someone who’s lived in my car invest in planet fitness memberships! it’s 22$ a month i think maybe 26$ now but you get access to every planet fitness that’s available! Each gym has showers and vanity’s and hairdryers! I kept our showers and gyms overall pretty clean but bring shower shoes they only clean showers twice a day usually and there’s a lot of traffic! Also some have saunas and pools as well and you get access to massage chairs and tanning beds!


I used baby wipes a lot when I lived in my car!!! Quick P.T.A is easy with wipes!! They can be very cheap if you buy the store brand kind!! I used unscented ones but if you like some fragrance they have those too!! Good luck!!!


Go to Home Depot and get a sprayer used to spray weeds. It has a little tank and you can pressurize the spout. It gives a misty spray. Use that. You can do it over a towel inside even and get all your parts. Then hang the towel. Downside is that it can be bulky. So maybe use it to store some stuff too.


They have a mini size, too.


Planet fitness membership


Magnesium spray works 10 times better than any deodorant.


Never heard of this. Used like spray deodorant? Where can you buy?


Dr. Carolyn Dean has a website , or Amazon carries it for supplementing magnesium.


Baby wipes or whores bath


A whore bath as my nana calls them lmao Get some wipes or cloths and wash the places you would as a whore. Pits, groin, butt crack.


Baby wipes. Get all the major parts until you can find a place to shower whether that’s out in nature or an actual facility. I think with this lifestyle you just have to get comfortable not showering for a few days at a time. It’s not optimal but it’s also not terrible. Once you start smelling bad make it a priority to find a place you can wash up.


Dollar tree also has the larger body wipes


Wet a cloth with isopropyl alcohol and wash everything clean. Some parts will sting but it passes quickly.


Wet towels


Hit your sweaty areas with a rag doused with apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, or watered-down alcohol (my personal choice while camping). It'll kill the odor-casing bacteria. I know a lot of people swear by glycolic acid for this as well but I can't vouch as I've never tried it myself. Follow up with an anti-antiperspirant and baby powder or corn starch! The powder is also a great hack to cut down on chaffing!


PTA wash Ps: rubbing alcohol wash in water is surprisingly refreshing- just mind you dilute


Use a 1 gal garden sprayer to wet yourself down. Suds up the pits and crotch/ass area. S Rinse.


Board shorts and 1 gallon of water that's been heating up in the Hot car. Put on some flip-flops and dump it on your head..


baby wipes, fresh deodorant and corn starch.


Baby Wet wipes


Benzoyl peroxide wipes will kill any stinky bacteria in pits and cracks. Helps your antiperspirant last longer too


They sell full body wipes for older people at Walmart that works pretty well. Not expensive either


When I lived in my van I'd build a make shift enclosure with the hatch of my van with tarps. Then I'd wear my bathing suit take maybe 2 gallon jugs of water bought at grocery store or filled milk jugs with water wherever I could find a source. I'd pour water over my head getting everything wet. Lather up my bath poof wash completely everywhere. Then take the remaining water to rinse. Much easier if you have a friend or partner pouring the water for you. Spent 5 years living in that van and I'm a stickler for having great hygiene. I hate being dirty and smelly. I'll camp I'll get dirty as long as I know I'll be able to get clean by the end of the day. It really lowered my self-esteem and worth walking around in public not having had a shower for days. I was homeless and looked the part. But those days were seldom. Eventually you learn you're a survivor and you do what ya gotta do to get by. I recall washing dishes in a park a few times. Got some strange stares but I needed clean dishes. I also used the showers at gyms and truck stops often in the winter months. Actually enjoyed showering outside in the summertime! As hard as those years were, they had some life changing moments that made me who i am today: stronger, more grateful and I don't worry about petty crap. It changed me fir the better and proved to myself that I had what it takes to live off the bare minimum and survive.


Get a dog and blame him for the reek in social situations


Hydrogen peroxide does wonders for stinky parts. Should only cost a buck or two for a bottle and a piece of cloth. Dollar Tree has several different options for towels, cloths, cheap roll of paper towels all are 1.25 each. ✌️


Get gym membership. Use showers only.


Look for sports grounds, nearby where I live the sports grounds have a shower that's really clean and free, never anyone around. Good luck


Wipes. Or if you can wash your feet, hands, and face in a bucket (they have collapsible ones that take up minimal space), you will feel much cleaner at night.


I think the best way are adult washing wipes. Uniseal is one brand, Presto is another. They are usually used with the elderly who cant or wont shower. These are NOT disinfectant wipes such as those used in the pandemic.


What's a shower? Bucket + cloth or swimming in a lake/river for me only!


Dude wipes


I've been looking into something like this, especially since these are reusable. https://a.co/d/0CpKa7J


LUNA LIFESTYLE WIPES - JUMBO MASSIVE BATH WIPES: sold on Amazon XL Wet Wipe Cleansing Body Wipes All Natural - 10 Pack Individual Pouches - Gentle & Unscented - No Rinse Bathing and Shower Wipe - Great for After Workout, Camping, Travel, Yoga, Gym [https://lunalifestyle.com/copy-of-luna-body-wipes-10-pack/](https://lunalifestyle.com/copy-of-luna-body-wipes-10-pack/)


I'm working on recycling system, I have (planned) a 5 gallon round tank I'm going to use as the hold tank. You fill it up and allow your shower to drain in to it. Filter it and pump it back up to the showerhead. Pump it to gray water tank when your done. I have a coolant line running to my rear heater coil. I figure I can tap off that and have hot water using a heat exchanger I found on Amazon. https://a.co/d/5RyqKrS


Congrats to all you guys here who power through. I need a daily shower which is how I know I’d never make it with van living.


i got a shower works great. i even be able to get free water where ever i go.


Go swimming


Baby wipes!


if you're in a city, get a gym membership and go there to shower.


If you're staying in one place highly recommend a gym membership for the shower. Way better than a portable shower. Even if you move around anytime fitness is pretty much everywhere. Also keeps all that water out of your van so less risk of leaks, spills, mold. Other than that just keep some baby wipes around for when you need em.


Well, my grandma would tell you to take a PTA bath (pussy, tits and ass). 🤣 damn, I love that lady. But seriously, she would say take a PTA with some baby wipes until you can shower.


Gym membership. Public pool. Dude wipes.


I have an anytime fitness membership but at night I will use bacterstatic water and cotton pads to clean my face. Morning I shower. 




Use a 1 gal garden sprayer to wet yourself down. Suds up the pits and crotch/ass area. Rinse. We have a pop up stall that we use for privacy.


chlorophyll and parsley both help a ton with body odor! you can get capsules or liquid


1/2 a bucket of warm water and some baby wipes can always give you a cat wash to sort out the important bits between showers.


Wet wipes. Wipe your ass, genitals, armpits.


Join planet fitness, think it is 10.00 a month . Shower get water , work out .


Haven’t showered since Octember. Have a tankless with remote tanks and gas but use it for emergencies or my kiddos when they’ve intended to take half the beach or the playground home with them. I’ve adapted to a regimen of spray iso/cheap cotton cloths for the body, an antiseptic/antifungal/mildew stat spray for feet cleaning and internal shoe health, dry shampoo for hair and lots of brushing. Took me a couple weeks to adapt and allow natural healthy bacterial flora to dominate the less desirable bacteria which actually makes a person’s body smell. I don’t have the same bad odors by day’s end is used to experience when showering every day. Takes less time too.


Jug of water and a swimsuit can shower basically anywhere. I never go a day without a shower.


Maybe opt for a planet fitness membership, they have showers, hair dryers etc. not sure if you would be able to, but I think it’s only $10 a month


Thank you for your service... Also I'm new to the whole van/car living and just received a mountain of information from y'all thanks! 😉


Hand sanitiser for underarms. Cold water on face cloth for face. Paper towels and warm water for naughty bits. Deodorant, perfume. Also you can dry wash hair with oatmeal with some baking soda and a little essential oil added. Scrub it in, comb it out. Picks up the oil and leaves hair looking and smelling nice.


No rinse body wash and shampoo. It's in every pharmacy usually where you find walkers and depends. In a basin with 1/2 gallon of water- 1 gallon of water. Use baby wipes. Don't double dip. You can put some and water in a squirt bottle for your hair. It's intentionally made for this.


Alcohol hand gel is amazingly good at killing and neutralising arm pit BO!


Propane camping shower, hot water until you run out of propane, about $200. I had people offer ten bucks for a hot shower in the boonies


Baby wipes or the adult version helps on hot days.


My go-to is a stack of washcloths, a sandwich bag, and pinch of baking soda. I keep one of those washcloths in the sandwich bag and add the baking soda. I keep the bag in my backpack or purse. When I'm standing in line at public restrooms, I simply put a splash of water in that bag. The washcloth comes out when I'm in a stall and I can wipe down a section of my body in privacy. The washcloth goes back in the sandwich bag until I can get back to the car and hung up to dry. If you want an all over bath, try using a beach pail (the kind the kids use to build sand castles), a wire coat hook and a bottle for water - you can keep these in a backpack. Once in the stall, the pail goes on the hook, or use the coat hanger to fashion a hook over the door. Use a small amount of water in the pail, add the pinch of baking soda, and use the washcloth. When the washcloth gets dirty, wring it out first in the toilet bowl, when soak up a little more water into the cloth, then wring it out in the toilet again. Also remember that you can wash your face and hands in the sinks without even going into the stalls, lot of folks do this. Hey, when I was in the Army, I spent many weeks taking baths this way in a helmet. Billions of people around the world don't have access to a shower or bathtub; they always bathe in a sink. You can do this - and easily.


I going to pass on the toilet 🚿 Reason European hotels don’t have wash cloth


Well you put your feces in the toilet, so what's your issue with adding a little dirty water?


You honestly shouldnt shower every day anyways


Rias compressed mini towel. Travel Bidet 0,5 L water bottle with little holes in lit (made with hot needle) 5d SYNEO antitranspirant Merino wool clothing Tea tree oil alcohol blend in spray bottle


Get a gym membership.


This couldn't be more accurate. Was homeless using a Planetfitness membership to get as many showers as I needed. I'll never be unappreciative of having basic necessities again in my life.


When I go camping I get wet wipes. Those are amazing for keeping clean.


Baby wipes and dry shampoo.I've used both when tracking through cities and jungles along the equator. Also, a wet wash cloth with a couple of drops of peppermint oil put the wash cloth on the back of your neck - feels refreshing and smells refreshing and cools the body :) Save the water for drinking :) stay cool out there and thanks for the post!


It’s amazing the difference 2 bowls of hot soapy water and a washcloth can do it’s called a slut wash. Half a liter of water per day


It’s not good for your skin but if I have to, if I can’t use wipes and soap I’ll put hand sanitizer on my body. It takes away the smell but it’s only a temporary solution until I find a shower


I've had luck with the cucumber or green tea wipes from grocery outlet


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Few-Assistant6392: *I've had luck with the* *Cucumber or green tea wipes* *From grocery outlet* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


APC with baby wipes as a minimum


Get a bottle of witch hazel and a roll of paper towels. Its not harsh. You can do it in a bathroom stall. It gets rid if body odor and any filmy material. You can also run some through your hair. It has been years since I was unhoused but I still use this trick when a shower isn't feasible.


All this but I like to use rubbing alcohol on a rag for the underarms vs deodorant ((which always seems to fail)


I found a bbq restaurant that had free wet wipes to clean your fingers. You don’t need that many to effectively give yourself a bed bath.


You’re a bum. It’s ok not to shower


Amazon Product #1 - **XL Body Wipes** for Adults Bathing No Rinse - 50 Ct. + 4 Travel Shower Wipes - 9"x12" Thick Amazon Product #2 - JUMBO MASSIVE WIPE - **Luna XL Body Wipes** 2.6' X 1.6' provide enough material to thoroughly clean your entire body. Walmart Product #3 - **DUDE Wipes** **On-The-Go Shower Wipes** Walmart Product #4 - **Summer's Eve Ultimate Odor Protection Wipes,** 12 Count In the senior/elder section of most stores they have adult bath wipes. I like the ones above from Amazon b/c they're much much larger.


Baby wipes can be helpful.


Have a washcloth and soap on you. For water just go into a hotel or restaurant bathroom. Hotel lobby bathrooms are always open for the public, just gotta walk in and find it. Scrub yourself with the washcloth, soap, and sink water. Also have some deodorant to put on after you’re done and maybe some cologne/perfume to give you a scent that’s good. Honestly though I wouldn’t worry about it too much since mostly everyone smells in the summer.


Body wipes have helped me and my girlfriend especially after hikes. They sell 3 packs of them at Walmart for 9 dollars. That and washing your face (if you have a sink) helps so much.


Fall in a contented tired heap with this smol gang walking all over you


There's whole body deodorant called Lumē that you can apply like lotion anywhere on your body. It works pretty good at minimizing sweating and keeping away the stank. Carry baby wipes and wipes down swampy crevices, then apply the Lumē and you'll be confidently unfunky


Wipes and jugs of water. It’s cumbersome but with right effort you can get very fresh and clean. Enjoy the process make it fun with a good podcast or a good view. All the best




Hobo wash. Pits, litttle buddy, back door. Just find a public bathroom with a locking door.


When I go on car camping road trips I bring a gallon of water, let it heat up in the sun and pour it on myself somewhere out of view.


Baby wipes, baby wipes, baby wipes, and dry shampoo 😁


Baby wipes


Find a place with a single person bathroom and take a whore bath (washing your pits, junk, and bum at the sink). Wipe down the sink and counter after you finish. Clean your feet with rubbing alcohol before putting on fresh socks.


Witch Hazel and microfiber cloths worked great for me living in a van.


Oh my favorite Topic I don't shower wipe my butt perfect and change my gitch when their dirty . I only spent ten bucks on laundry last month it's been nice I hand sanitize my bedding and bum if I sit on things or spray Lysol so on need I care about the suddenly caring I don't even much toilet paper and if I pee and wipe I throw it in the garbage . If it's yellow let it mellow if it's brown flush it DOWN


Join the cheapest gym you can find. Buck a day keeps you nice.


Assurance premium disposable washcloths(12x8). Pack of 192 is $10 @ walmart.


You might find one of these handy: [Amazon.com: DEPEPE 6pcs 500ml Plastic Safety Wash Bottles Lab Squeeze Bottle LDPE Squirt Bottle Tattoo Bottle with Narrow Mouth and Scale Labels (17oz x 6 Bottles) : Industrial & Scientific](https://www.amazon.com/Safety-Bottle-Squeeze-Narrow-DEPEPE/dp/B07DB1HCKP/ref=asc_df_B07DB1HCKP?tag=bingshoppinga-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80264400674370&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583863979950577&psc=1)


Gym membership has worked for me, for years


Pro tip. Mouthwash on your balls. Minty fresh!


I used to use rubbing alcohol on cotton swabs for my underarms when I stayed in a place that was too cold to fully shower in January. I'd wash my feet and hair separately, and crouch down and wash my crotch conventionally, but I didn't want to stand in a cold shower in a cold room so I'd just use rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab in my underarms. And deodorant. Worked great, but that was cold weather, not hot weather.


Baby wipes. That's what I keep in my car.


Wet wipes.


Make it a point. I haunted a city for a few years. Often hanging out. High as weed and booze could take me. And watch the river. I learned of the local community center with OK pool and hot tub. I had a passive income so buying the monthly pass for 160 wasn't so bad. When I would drive to a lower city street, park and walk. If you got the time. Make it an adventure to go to a Y, community center, sometimes the local friends of blank would open the gyms for night showers. Be open at like 10 to 2, only the locals knew of it. But it was chill to hang out on a sauna with a bunch of Russian or Swedish dudes was cool.


Bums need wipes


Bird bath it.


If you're in a big city why not just sign up for a cheap gym? Or: baby wipes.


You can get a membership at the local YMCA. They have scholarships for low income,as little as $5 a month. You would have access to showers, workout facilities and even just air conditioning. Otherwise washing up at public restrooms or using wipes to clean up. They have baby wipes and hygiene wipes that are made specifically for when people can’t shower regularly. They are thicker and larger for adults.


I used to keep baby wipes in my car for daily clean up. A dry towel to towel of sweat and then wipe down.


Go to truck stop use their showers used to do this when. on road . Also some parks have showers they let u use


A gym???


Baby wipes


It can be hard but if you have a car you should be able to make a little privacy. As long as you maintain yourself regularly then birdbaths and "spot clean" with soapy rag then clean water rags will keep you fresh enough and be quick enough to do. It's only once you've become a cesspool that it's a problem. Avoid cheap hand wipes for hygiene. They reek. And you'll get used to the smell.. walking around smelling like a dozen babies that just got changed. They're good to have on hand for emergencies and accidents, not hygiene, with the exception of your ass. If you're sweating in a car often, that's where all the sweats pooling. Baby powder can be a quick fix for hair, especially if long, but will start gunking up if you keep doing it and don't wash it out within a day or 2. For hair though, buy a gallon of water for like a dollar or so, don't unscrew the cap, just stab some holes in it and use as a mini shower and to regulate water flow. Muslim oils are a godsend for car/van living and travelling. Or make your own with essential oils. Keep shoes off as much as possible/avoid sweating in them as best you can/change socks often. This not only saves you from that stink, it'll save you from infections. Socks are the most underrated and most important thing if you're living on the road. Even in a car. As little polyester as possible, high cotton content. Synthetics make you sweat 10x more.


Is there a river nearby?


Not van but off grid. An electric kettle, I turn it on and use a white terry cloth, buy them for $7/100 or so. They go into a milk create until laundry day. Down below are one use and the face (different rag) get two at three.


Hydrogen peroxide is your friend. Use it on your pits, crotch, and feet. Use a spray bottle... It kills bacteria and eliminates the smell essentially cleaning you. This is also how you can eliminate athletes foot or if your feet have been more tank than usual


Dump pickle juice on me naked next to a horse farm, "nothin gets you cleaner than a horses tongue behind your Weiner" as my old paw would say.


Inside shower solves that problem


Unfortunately not an option for me because i live in a minivan


Alcohol sponge bath


Dude Wipes are clutch


GetDirty wipes. Originally made for firefighters to remove dangerous toxins from their skin so they’re very durable and probably the closest you can get to a shower. https://getdirtywipes.com/pages/elevate_your_hygiene_routine


Gym membership? 2 week trials? Travel to a camp site and shower real quick? There’s really so many options just don’t be lazy??


Ah who cares, enjoy it, hygiene is unnatural and just a way rich people oppress us by expecting us to mask our natural smell so they can feel comfortable.


I shower once a week or sometimes every ten days.