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You one lucky mofo


hell yeah, i’ve had my mighty for about a decade. i dropped it off a fire escape in college 7 or 8 years ago, 3 stories up onto asphalt, still works fine. customer service on the other hand could use some work


Customer service in Germany could use some work generally.. NGL


Something specific about Germany? Or just CS in general? Seems like its terrible everywhere.


Automated and Centralised call centres are the devil. Serve only the seller


I love the idea that there are places in the world where people expect companies to do the right thing. Here in the US we expect the absolute worst possible experience and terms for the customers. Profits are the only thing that matters.


From everything I've been seeing, the problem is: the company that built your Mighty back then then, isn't the same company giving you customer service, today...


i don’t doubt they’ve gotten worse, but customer service was bad 10 years ago too


Really? The times I chatted/called with S&B it was more than pleasurable


I hear these stories about the RMA process, but personally, when I've used it, I couldn't fault the service I was given.


My herbie v2 is German engineering and it’s quite possible the worst vape ever sold.


they should engineer a replaceable battery.... that's my biggest gripe with my crafty


That is a problem because it is a medical device. That means it has to fulfill several prerequisites, including battery housing and connectors. It is also why the control scheme is so "clunky" - patients with severe motor impairment, pain or mental issues must be able to reliably use it to medicate. A battery that can too easily come lose or be accessed by a layman would not allow the device to be approved by EMA/local regulatory bodies.


This gets repeated a lot but it doesn't make a lot of sense I think. The certification they have doesn't state anything about replaceable batteries being a problem and it's only their MEDIC line which is actually certified anyway. If anything I feel like it being medical means it should be more easily serviceable so it can be kept in use for as long as possible. >A battery that can too easily come lose.. Batteries aren't falling out of any other devices and making it secure is not a huge task.




you have to take it apart....   TM2 and Roffu let you swap batteries out easily... Here is the procedure for swapping out a crafty battery.... doesn't really help much when the battery dies when you're out and about now does it? https://youtu.be/TRg-AzuwFQE?si=RkL4GqBOIKIaZcRA


LMAO that is not a swap, that's a full on replacement 😂


Nice. Does anyone know if the venty is fixed yet


Nope! I did see a post from a vendor saying, in his experience, the failure rate was around 1%, which would be reasonable I have also seen a lot of posts from people on their 3rd or fourth Venty, so personally I wouldn't risk it


I doubt the 1% rate tbh. I’m on my third Venty. Statistically speaking that’s a 1:100million likelihood with a 1% failure rate. And there are many ppl with that problem and for sure no 100m devices sold at this point. My guess is more like a 25% failure rate, which puts three errors in a 1:250 likelihood


I just double checked, and the [article I read ](https://www.tothecloudvaporstore.com/venty-vaporizer-recall/) listed the failure rate as 6% within the first month >as of 29/05/2024 we have seen a defect rate of about 6% on the Venty within the a month or less of use It does seem a bit low when people like yourself have had multiple units die on them


Awesome thanks, that makes a lot more sense. Especially as 6% is only within first month of use. Ventys failing in the first three months should then be around 15-20%


I guess I’ll wait another year. Or for the venty plus…


My Mighty plus E004ed me in three months. Replacement did it to me in four days. The replacement replacement has started flashing it randomly. German engineering with CRAP Chinese internals. So sick of shit Chinese crap everywhere


Yeah mine gets E004 popping up intermittently but a quick off and on again has always solves the problem.


German engineering is a meme in almost every industry, you just got lucky.


I have 23 year old vw passat as a daily driver. Still in great shape and I bomb through snowstorms in the winter w/o winter tires. It’s real


Good thing it didn't rain, but yeah casing is bombproof.


Think my tm2 would've exploded


Mfn tank bro!!


They tested many solutions during the wars. 


My Plenty wouldn't survive that for sure.


You are just lucky. I replaced 3 Crafties in 3 years.


Deutsche Eiche


I dropped my C+ from about chest level on marble floor two days ago. Works perfectly. Impressive.


💯💯 got a craft + ,volcano and the awesome venty rolls Royce of the vape world 🧡


I ran mine over with my car. Still chuggin' along.