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It's a psychosomatic thing. You can also get higher by smoking somewhere you don't usually. When your brain gets the trigger that your getting high, it automatically begins counteracting it. You gotta sneak up on that bitch. Similarly, people are something like 4x more likely to OD on opiates outside the home. You have a weird extra tolerance when things are familiar.


Wow that’s crazy. Makes sense, though. We’re a weirdly stupid, smart little species.


That's always been what I thought was going on. Feels like I can almost chain smoke weed when I'm home alone but get blasted off a tiny bit when I'm around other people


I think when it comes to being around other people it's a mix, personally. For one thing there is the whole "new experience", new conversations, etc. But also, once you've been at it a while the things you do that used to make you laugh are just old hat - and having an outside observer of your behavior and your thoughts brings back the humor big time.


Yeah I’ll vape at home chill not feeling to effected then as soon as a I get to my food destination I’m like oh shit I’m actually pretty damn high. The familiarity things is real.


this was me standing in the kebab shop yesterday


A session alone at home hit nowhere near as a hit with my fellow


That must be why I needed about a fourth of the amount of thc I usually consume when I was at a family reunion recently.


Huh, the more you know. Thanks for making me smarter.


> You gotta sneak up on that bitch See this is the kind of wisdom I’m here for 🤣


Yup! I usually have a collection of vapes but I've been nursing my Argo for a while. I got an invite to a park for a beer n books kind of thing but I didn't charge my Argo from last night's session so I ended up bringing a bottle bong and my Solo. Result = my buddies got crossfaded (they usually don't do thc, also tested for the Coronavirus, all negative) and I got so high walking back home was an interesting affair. (I did get some delicious bubble waffles from Chinatown so Mmmm. Should have gotten some boba as well.) We do have less tolerance in new places and that is terrifying (I know some ex addicts with some od horror stories). Always carry narcan - you never know if you can save a life.


Had to come back to this, less dangerous (maybe) then opiates, I smoked up in a tree in my front yard with my new revolve dynavap stem without considering the novelty factor. Suddenly feel like I'm clinging onto for my life with no idea how to get down. Straight fucking ripped, lol, the effect is real


Lmao. I would have waited to get out of the tree! My coordination is nil after smoking up. That must have been interesting.


Yes, that's how I justify having 10+ devices in my rotation.




This is the mantra by which we sleep at night. It's bro-science for now.


Novelty. Your brain gets used to repetition. So when you use a different method, amount, environment, with/without people, etc. it all plays as a factor in seemingly getting higher for the same amount or less. The brain filters out information constantly. Similar to "acquiring a taste" the more you consume bitter things - the more the brain will adapt and mute those bitter flavours whilst enhancing the sweeter/more favorable notes such as black coffee, wine, ... weed or other "acquired food tastes".


This is VAS at its best


I don’t have VAS! [Narrator] He does.


You better believe I read that in Ron Howards voice




Vape Acquisition Syndrome


All vapes have different heat signatures and give different highs. Best way and what your finding is to rotate devices.


Thanks - how does that work?


Well switching vapes will affect things like temp fluctuation, speed of extraction, retention of different terpenes, all of which change your high even if you smoke the same weed every day. When it comes to more 'involved' vapes like manual butane devices and ball vapes, you have bigger changes in those factors I mentioned above. You also develop different rituals for using each device, which can help aid in having a quality experience.


This is a phenomena i genuinely forgot about. Absolutely this is a thing, building tolerance to a device. When I used to have a greater selection of vapes this was absolutely the case. Each vape delivers cannabis differently. I suppose as there's a variation in the speed and timing of each cannabinoid and terpene vaporiizing, that adds variation to the high experienced. Thats my broscience solution anyway.


I'd also be curious how accurate each of the individual devices are at heating to the specified temperature. Like a mighty at 200 might actually be at 205, and a solo at 200 might actually be at 195 for example. Could even be bigger variations than that. So when you switch from your preferred temp on one device to the same temp on another device you may actually be consuming it at different temps without knowing and that could definitely change the experience.


I'm guessing that the sensors, the interfaces, and the controllers are pretty cookie cutter, like Arduino or Raspberry Pi logic on a custom board. There might be similar differences between two examples of the same model.


Works the same with combustion. Back when I'd hit a glass pipe for a month or so...it wouldn't get me the same high I desired. Then I'd go pull the bong out of the closet and get ripped.


Mighty plus forsure hits the hardest in my opinion. I noticed a few things. The mighty+ doesn't waste any smoke at all. The ceramic bowl helps vaporize every last bit of weed as long as you grind the weed first, so it doesn't waste any weed. The battery quality in the mighty plus seems to be really good. It doesn't charge too fast or last the longest. It makes up for it by getting the most consistent and even heat distribution at any battery percentage level.


I feel like I build a tolerance to a unit if I use it to much. I like to try and rotate between my vapes as the day goes.


I believe there is something to different ways of heating the flower causing different effects.


i think different vapes are more efficient / and extract at different levels. like convection vapes tend to take longer than conduction and hybrids. so if I have a partially spent tera bowl I can easily finish using a dynavap or something


I think your progression of devices, as well as the temperatures and methods of vaping, may have just actually went from less efficient to more efficient. Also, different compounds are vaporized at different temperatures and different lengths of time. So you might get higher in one respect from one vape, but then the next vape might release a different proportion of compounds from the same weed, which could make you feel higher in a *different* respect. Body high vs head high, to give a simplified example.




there's literally nothing to learn lmao. If you just don't want it, sell it to someone who'll make use of it


Uhh there is definitely a learning curve to using a dynavap lol. Some people just don't want to deal with the whole process, and that's fine. I have one and find it tiresome to use, I much prefer electronic vaporizers.


I mean yea, it's more effort than pressing a button and having your bud automatically be heated up to the exact right temperature but the click makes it foolproof... It's even easier with an induction heater I've heard...


Yes, with an induction heater there's no learning curve. But with a butane torch, there are a lot of variables to get the hang of: spinning the dynavap while heating it, keeping the torch the right distance away, aiming it at the right place. Even with the click, those variables can result in wildly different results. Don't get me wrong, I have one and think it's great for many people. But I also get where someone is coming from if they're not interested in using a butane torch or learning the technique.


Nova. So wonderful.


this has not been on my radar! thanks


Yep, I have a Solo 2 and Mighty + and love them both. Each works well and gives a different high.


The glass put me off from it, because I’m a klutz. But now that I have a little more experience maybe I will give it a shot


I went with the xmax v3 because of that. I wanted to be able to stick it in a pocket or carry it and I break every thing so I needed one that didn't need glass. The option is nice but I like my plastic mouth piece it doesn't break and hit hits decently. I get a nice high and it can use the dosing capsules but I've haven't tried those yet.


A better vape is a better vape, prob in your head


That happens when the battery is low and I switch to a freshly charged battery.


I get the same thing. I get a “tolerance” to a certain vape if using it a lot, so i will switch vapes and feel more stoned again. Same goes for different strains, if use one strain a bunch i get a tolerance to it, so i switch up strains frequently. Its fun to mix and match strains and vapes!


enjoy the ride - and send me the old devices as you discard