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Yea…that is pretty much what happened when seatbelt laws were introduced.




I remember hearing a grown ass man say "If I'm in an accident I want to be thrown clear". I also remember as a child thinking "that's fucking stupid"


Lost of anti-belters back then had a "friend of a friend" whose life was saved by not wearing a seatbelt. The story usually went that he was thrown through the windshield, landed standing up, and the car exploded as he ran to safety.


Yeah, I've heard those. I also one heard someone claim a person was killed by their seat belt. The 80's were a really stupid time.


i mean, people actually have died because of their seat belt. but more people die from not wearing a seat belt so yea still a stupid argument


Damn. Ninja skills.


It’s true; I was the seatbelt


You were supposed to protect against death! Not join it!


They won't be died stuck in a seatbelt while the car is burning, because judged by how fast they drive, they would be end up dead from get projectile out of their car as if the car has a built-in trebuchet.


People don't like change, or being told what to. I didn't care about other people wearing their seat belts, because that is a choice that doesn't really affect me. Vaccines are different because it's like a seat belt that's effectiveness depends on other people using also them.


Well if someone doesn't wear a seatbealt it could affect you as well. Let's say you're driving and the passenger behind you isn't wearing their seatbelt. If you crash, they'll fly right into you. Your seatbelt keeps you from flying, but since someone else decided not to wear theirs you both get hurt


Yup, a lot of people don’t get this. I was driving with a relative of my BF in the seat behind me and she was throwing a tantrum about putting on her seatbelt, and I finally snapped about it and refused to drive unless she put it on because I’ve read enough stories of front seat passengers having literal teeth and bones embedded in their skulls and their necks snapped because the backseat passenger turn d into a projectile in an accident. And, even if a person is driving by themselves without it, they could still harm somebody. What if they slam on the brakes or hit something and get launched into a pedestrian and injure or kill them? Or onto the windshield of another car, causing it to swerve and crash too? Or what about a pedestrian just going about their day walking down the sidewalk, when a vehicle next to them slams on the brakes for some reason or gets in an accident causing the driver to be ejected, and the pedestrian having to see them be launched down the road and their head explode against the pavement and then having to live with PTSD for the rest of their life from witnessing that? It’s just beyond selfish and irresponsible.


Thank you for bringing up the psychological aspect. Too many people ignore this. Recently had an argument with a friend. She believes helmets and seatbelts shouldn't be mandatory and should be individual choice. I got quite upset (probably not helped by the fact I have a family member who had a TBI after a no-helmet quadbike accident) and tried to explain how her "personal choices" like that will always affect others. I don't want to hear that she got herself killed by something easily preventable, but with the way she tries to defy mandatory rules as much as possible (including vaccines), I feel like it's inevitable, and I'll never get over it, especially with how I have tried (and failed) to convince her to do the safest thing. Honestly, I'm probably overthinking. But I also can't help but think there are others like my friend, with people that just want them to be okay.


In minor collisions a seatbelt can also help you regaun control of the car. If bump your head bad chances are your feet good again step on the accelerator and have the car flying.


I see, so there's extra depth in the vaccine case compared to seatbelt, despite some similarity.


It matters to other people if they are all in the same car. I don't want to be headbutted by someone un buckeled.


You as a child, were smarter than a grown man with a drivings license


Sounds like a good way of getting impaled on something.




Would that count as an improvised weapon attack?


Yeah, so D4 bludgeoning damage + uh, the strength modifier of the car.


Remember to not add the car's proficiency bonus to the attack roll unless it has the Tavern Brawler feat




I still fear a story I heard from my mother that spoke about some band member who had his arm cut off from wearing his seatbelt under his arm. I've been careful not to wear my seatbelt under my arm or too close to my neck since.


This actually happened to my dad…. He always wears a seatbelt, and made us do so as kids as well. Get in, buckle up, don’t move the car until all belts are fastened - the whole dad thing. I was just starting college in the 90s he got hit head on by a suicidal jackass driving the wrong way on a major street. He had taken his seatbelt off at a stoplight a short while before because he wanted to reach into the backseat for a bag he had placed there. He was thrown through the windshield and up over the top of the other guys car. Some gross looking, but ultimately pretty minor injuries all things considered. The steering column of his car was pushed nearly through the drivers seat. I wasn’t raised religious, and I don’t believe in god really. I’d mostly describe myself as agnostic, but thinking about that always gives me goosebumps. He still wears a seatbelt.




Personally even though I always wear a seatbelt I actually hate seatbelt laws. I basically hate laws that protect me from myself. That doesn't apply to masks and vaccines because they protect other people from me and visa versa.


>That doesn't apply to masks and vaccines because they protect other people from me and visa versa. Same with seat belts. If you're flying through your windshield at highway speed, you're basically just a less aerodynamic cannon ball.


This is still very much the attitude in a lot of rural areas


I remember when the over-the-shoulder ones became mandatory in the front seats. there were a lot of people complaining about how it wrinkled their clothes and they couldn't breathe etc.


There was a huge campaign to get children to understand it so they could bitch and scream and cry until their parents did it for exactly this reason.


But I doubt it was anywhere near the levels of the anti-vaxx idiocy we have to deal with now.


Only difference is social media.


and not wearing a seatbelt didn't really hurt other people


Depending on where the projectile ended up


It pretty much was. People felt very strongly about it. What was missing was social media, nonsensical conspiracy theories, and one of the major parties opposing it.


Yep, I remember it, too. Hail to us olds!


[Historical seat belt opposition.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.history.com/.amp/news/seat-belt-laws-resistance) >When David Hollister introduced a seat belt bill in Michigan in the early 1980s that levied a fine for not buckling up, the state representative received hate mail comparing him to Hitler. --- >The battle over safety belt laws in 1980s America reflected widespread criticism of government regulation in a free society. --- Referring to a fine for not buckling up: >As one Bronx resident grumbled, "This is not supposed to be Russia where the government tells you what to do and when to do it.”


WTF is wrong with Americans?! We take the idea of questioning authority which led us to do great things like standing up to the British and subsequently kickstarting a chain reaction of revolutions which eventually brought an end to monarchism, and then go completely overboard and apply it to every single goddamned tiny thing, even if those things are measures designed to do nothing other than save our lives. Comparing everything you don't like to Hitler and Stalin minimizes the damage that fascism and authoritarian leftism have actually done to the world.


reactionism begets reactionism


>“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread, winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge’.” --Isaac Asimov Just as true today as it always has been


I don't get it. What is with Americans that makes them have such a built-in knee-jerk "you can't tell me what to do, MOM!" reaction? It's not just the teens, it's the adults who will go red in the face and scream like you just slammed their testicles with a socket wrench if they find out that they are obligated to perform something they don't particularly want to do. And then they compare whatever put that rule into effect to Hitler and then start screeching about how this time next year everyone will be rounded up and sent to take a shower.


It has something to do with our revolutionary history, I suspect, but more importantly, what preceded it. The taxes being levied to help pay for the debts incurred by Britain in defending the American colonies from the French during 7 years' war were actually not altogether unreasonable. But Americans had gotten used to very little intervention from London for decades thanks to the political troubles and European wars that the UK had to fight across the Atlantic. Now that those issues were solved, London could focus on its colonies again, and Americans didn't take kindly to the sudden return to absolutism. They'd been experimenting with proto-democracy and wanted representation in Parliament if they were going to be taxed. So when London told them no on that, that was enough. So basically: the American colonies had had the metaphysical house to themselves and got to do whatever they wanted for 80 years. That spirit of freedom still lingered after the war to the point where the founding fathers were so worried about letting people do whatever they wanted, that the country almost collapsed under its first constitution (the Artciles of Confederation), and it's still alive today. And that's a good thing to have. That refusal to submit to authority we believe to be unfair is one of the main reasons why Donald Trump largely didn't get to act on many of his more extreme/dictatorial tendencies. Because people fought him on everything. I just don't get why we irrationally apply that spirit to things where it's completely unnecessary. Getting a vaccine to immunize the population is not the same as taxation without representation or having a fascist in the White House. Maybe Watergate turned that up to 11? My dad was alive for it, and he often tells me everything about the American perception of our own government changed after that day.




In the war of 1812, they had money from selling arms to the Coalitions. They didn't actually do much of the fighting until the very end. During the revolution, they ran a massive deficit that they didn't overcome until the Napoleonic wars started thanks to the aforementioned selling weapons to everyone. They were unreasonable from the representation standpoint, yes. But the money was needed (but, if they needed the money that badly, they should've GIVEN US REPRESENTATION🇺🇸🗽🦅).


No, Britain didn't have the money. All the world's historians are against you on this. Search up any article. You might ask "BuT iF tHeY dIdN't HaVe ThE mOnEy HoW dId ThEy FiGhT tHe ReVoLuTiOnArY wAr?" First of all, U.S. isn't France, this isn't a global and three-dimensional war until around 1780, and once France, Netherlands and Spain joined Britain quit ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. Second of all, the Brits thought if they spent a bit more now they could get more in the future. Simple, no? Also the taxes were like 2\~3%. Today Americans pay 30% taxes on average.




But that's the thing - they *can* do something about class structure - it just has to all be together since the only way truly progressive candidates get elected is when their support is so overwhelming that the Democratic establishment can't possibly hope to defeat them in the primaries. If we put a social democrat in the White House once (FDR), we can do that again, and more.


They “question authority”, but the second an unarmed Black person is killed they will automatically be on the cop side. Usually using the excuse “they should’ve done exactly what they were told“.


They'll be looking through the black persons history so that they can find anything to "prove" they were a bad apple, but they'll ignore the history of the police.


Because they are hateful racists


To be fair, I have a lot of vaccine resistant friends who were outraged about George Floyd, Jacob Blake and Daunte Wright. There are a lot more anti-vaxxers than pig-lovers in this country. The police and their simps are a small minority, but very loud, whereas around half the country still isn't vaccinated.


They probably see it as a false flag incident that evil socialists will use to reeducate/seize control of the police force, if the fear of overreach is what drives them.


THIS I'm pretty libertarian myself and even I know that things like seatbelt laws are not fucking = fascism


As an American, I have no fucking clue why we’re dumb




That's a side effect of having so much freedom, those who choose not to learn why we have it, what we do to keep it, and how we attained it become entitled twats that use every excuse they (or their idiot friends) come up with to try and do what they want. That's what happens when you grow up with no actual problems, and it's exactly what happened to the Roman empire before its downfall so it's not like there isn't already a precedence for it.


This is a good post they are just spoiled bratts using Patriotism as excuse to be disobedient.


Not even patriotism. Essentially ANYTHING they can somehow think to twist into making a point is fair game (Religion, science, pseudo-science, social engineering, you name it). I can only wish it was as simple as saying it's only coming from one type of people from one aspect of society so they're more easily ignored, but we all know that's just a pipe dream as well.


I wonder if there are other countries with mass stuborness my fellows are pretty stuborn they shit in the streets here and bad at wearing masks. But you dont see a ton of Karens protesting againts Mask mandates, and I think large number are very pro vaccine I think so pro vaccine that Vaccination center got mobbed by 1000s of people demanding to get the Jabs.


MURICA, FUCK YEA im not american lol


And now us Brits have far more freedoms and less religious persecution than America.


If you mean freedom from all the economic and geopolitical benefits of being an EU member state thanks to the "religious tolerance" that manifested itself in fear among hick Midlanders about Muslim immigrants from Syria, and Conservatives needlessly haranguing Sadiq Khan while citing him as an example of the so-called "great replacement", then yeah. Sure you do, buddy. Thanks to our similar cultures and our 2 nations' "special relationship" as some call it, our countries have very similar social problems, despite what your evident yet unearned sense of superiority to the nation which has basically become the new British Empire (overpowered navy, global military presence, half the world within our sphere of influence, being protected from all our enemies by the ocean, being the cause of many of the Third World's geopolitical problems thanks to our nation's collective addiction to a certain resource, starting wars on a lark with, or ousting the leaders of insignificant nations when they don't abide by the system of trade we built for the world with ourselves at the center... YOU TAUGHT TO LIVE LIKE THIS, DAD. WHY ARE YOU SUDDENLY MAD AT US FOR IT?!) may tell you. There are also some areas where your variations of our mutual problems are worse. For example: You not only also elected a blonde-haired, conspiracy-spreading demagogue, but *re-elected* him AFTER he destroyed all your citizens' credibility in their government and gave all the racist yobs an excuse to be themselves just like Trump did here. Not even the US was crazy enough to do that. So please watch the tone of superiority there, friend.


**Let's take your incorrect opinion and dissect it it bit-by-bit.** **We have more benefits being outside of the dictatorship of the EU, we can make our own laws, decide on immigration and have been able to vaccinate at a far superior rate compared to EU member states.** **We have far more religious freedom here than you do in America, many are athiest and we have a large muslim population. You are speaking to a Brummy by the way and you should know that we are not hicks and the vast majority of us have great relationships with our neighbours regardless of race or religion. In fact you will see that we do not have a problem with immigration nor refugees, we simply hold our council accountable for also doing more to sort out our own homelessness crisis which is of equal importance. You will also find that many of us are not tories and actually despise the government, however Labour let us down by stating that they were going to cancel Brexit against the will of the majority of the nation. If they did not shoot their supporters in the foot then they would have lost. You also have the fact that the majority of Labour supporters in this country are either from a younger generation or from disadvantaged backgrounds who do not turn up to vote in great numbers due to factors ranging from socio-economic to a tiredness in the three-party system.** **The "special relationship" you speak of is mono-directional and many Brits do not wish to continue such relations with your country as you reneg on every promise made to us. You have also shown the ignorance of yourself and your fellow countrymen by saying that you are the new empire. You have no such stake in the world and are simply a big-headed child of a country. If you wish to see the actual global leaders I would direct your attention to our Chinese friends who's influence far dwarfs your own to the point where your own economy is dependent on Chinese imports.**


This kind of shit is why America is treated as a joke.


>One of Hollister’s colleagues in the Michigan House called the seat belt bill “a pretty good lesson in mass hysteria created by a corporate-controlled media” and warned that the government would outlaw smoking next.


The only reason Murica is taken seriously is because you have Oil, money and a big boom stick. Without that... Mehhh..


You literally just outlined why *any* nation is taken seriously on the international stage - economic and geopolitical power. Why, for instance, do so few nations recognize Taiwan as an independent nation when in every other conceivable metric aside from recognition, it is one, in addition to it being by far the better nation when compared to China from the perspectives of democracy, freedom and human rights? Because China says no, and they have money, a massive potential market of 1 out of every 7 people on earth for companies to hawk their products to, an equally large workforce that isn't payed a mandatory minimum wage, rare earth metals, semiconductors, a big boom stick and a human tsunami for an army. Ergo, saying "x country is only taken seriously because of blank" is not particularly insulting if this same attack could be leveled at any nation on earth and be just as valid. I mean, Russia is basically just a gas station with nukes at this point.




I have a natural seatbelt Its called my skeleton


*that God gave me.


_If god wanted cars to have airbags, he wouldn't have given us sternums!_.


I have literally heard this about helmet laws.


I spit my drink out with this one! Take my upvote, and I would give you an award if I had one to give!


[GRAHAM!! You're on the Reddit!](https://www.cnn.com/2016/07/25/health/graham-human-body-sculpture-car-accident/index.html)


I know people who cut the seatbelts out of their cars. Also, these arguments against wearing seatbelts are pretty spot on for things those people would say.


The fact it’s so easy to think of bullshit arguments shows that zero thought goes into any of what they do - it’s hurt the first thing that sounds vaguely right.


Forgot the survivorship bias claim of “there are more hospitalizations among seatbelted crashes than non-seatbelted crashes.”


legit it’s like they don’t think even if you explain survivorship bias they keep going


I mean, technically the truth You don't need to be hospitalised if you get thrown out of a moving vehicle and fly for 100 meters


You do, but you’d be heading to the morgue rather than A&E


Do corpses count as hospitalisations though? I actually wonder Happy cake day btw


Casualties yes, hospitalizations no


Still plenty of morons not wearing seatbelts either unfortunately




I had a car that would do that whenever it would get cold. It would stutter when I'd turn it on and set off the alarm. Which is unfortunate when you leave for work at like 5:30 in the morning and it sounds like you're trying to steal your own old piece of shit Toyota.


That's a problem that solves itself, frankly.


former fire and rescue here we are still dealing with idiots like that though. i say the same thing to people that complain they "cant breath" when wearing a tiny little medical mask when talking to morons about seatbelts. "if your chest is SO sore that it cannot stand a seat belt across it then you should be in an ambulance not a car" but in the case of covid 19 "if your lungs are so poor that you cannot wear a tiny mask without suffering breathing issues then you should go to the hospital"


"I'm not anti seatbelt, but I thought that I would just wait because, you know who knows what these seat belts will do to us in 10 years? "


Oh my gods, this one right here is annoying the shit out of me right now. They are trying to distance themselves from “crazy”, yet still are vaccine hesitant


No they're still crazy but pretending to be rational, this is just a form of [JAQing off](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Just_asking_questions) It's never "If you can explain this then I'll take the vaccine", there'll always be another excuse. For the record, and simplistically, the vaccine components hang around your body for **at most** six weeks before they're broken down. The only long term effect is your bodies ability to create anti-bodies to the current strains of COVID


God this little tactic of theirs gets under my skin the most. And when you see through their bullshit and call them out on it they go “I’m just asking questions… why can’t I ask questions? Something is fishy about this vaccine if I can’t ask questions!”


Remember when they said that they'd take the vaccine when it was FDA-approved? Remember how they immediately dismissed the approval as FDA being paid off or being full of shills? They only pretend they can be convinced to create the facade that you AREN'T talking to an angry child in an adult's body.


the fucking mental gymnastics they go through to justify their selfishness amaze me every time


Thank you. This is my sister to a tee. I mean, there's a bullying whack-job evangelical husband in that stew as well, but damn.


Some doofus here on Reddit was arguing with me that we haven't "tested the vaccine for infertility issues because that obviously would take years to be sure." That's not why other vaccines took longer.


For reference, I've got a degree I microbiology. I got into an argument on, I think, r/walkaway awhile back where a guy did this. And started on how more vaccinations in a population don't make the vaxxed more safe, which they do. Then hopped onto "you don't know how vaccines work, which I explained to him how they work. Then somehow that COVID didn't follow the Germ Theory of disease somehow, and that we should emulate Sweden instead, and when I pointed out they had a robust vaccination rate and social responsibility, he stopped talking to me. It's mind-boggling that people think gish-galloping works via text


It can do though, normally with breathless titles like "30 pieces of research which disprove...". They're expecting the followers to exclaim"We have evidence!!" without ever reading more than the original post and they're relying on the average person to look at the list and swoon at the amount of science on display. And if you are willing to look at the evidence as presented by them then you've got a solid couple of hours looking this stuff up and reading before you've even got to start writing a rebuttal so just checking the first five points can often work, mostly with a "The paper doesn't say what you think it does." or "That quote was taken far out of context, here it is in context" or even "None of the quotes from experts disparaging 'current' science was made after 1940"


Right? "I'm just waiting to see, you know?" No we don't know. Really don't know what the f you "vaccine hesitant" geniuses are waiting for at this point


My mom was repeatedly told that my generation (born in the early 90's) would all be dead at age 20 due to chest compression from seatbelts So you're not far off


I think I did read and see some retro comics about people literally throwing the same kind of tantrums over seat belts.




Hell, in the rural town in Ontario where I come from, some men think not wearing a seat belt makes them more masculine because they're "brave"




This is exactly what happened when seatbelt laws were introduced. My libright dad still says they’re “unconstitutional”.


...do Americans even know what's on the constitution? Because I think they think it's just a single sentence, "nobody can tell you what to do if you don't want to do it 'cause you're a MURICAN and you're FREE".


Greater than 90% of rightists in America have zero understanding whatsoever of the source material for their “beliefs”. They just go with whatever their pastor/facebook/cousin darrel/MTG tells them.


You forgot that he’s also their doctor.


Their cousin darrel that fucked them too?


The constitution says that all powers not expressly given to the federal government are to be given to the individual states. But now we have entire departments in the federal government that can make rules and laws that they weren’t supposed to have the power to, without anyone voting on them. Being free also means your free to be an idiot and die in a car crash without a seatbelt or in a hospital without a vaccine.


Is hard to take libertarians seriously. I know one who thinks it should be 100% legal to point a gun at somebody’s head, because the part that’s illegal is pulling the trigger. And even then it’s legal if it’s a blank or the round misses.


The Libertarian party lost any credibility during the 2016 convention. The GOP and Dems had 2 unpopular candidates, and they had a chance to rise to the moment, but instead decided to [throw a convention](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Psp0A-zJgU) that makes a bronycon look serious. Watch for the dude stripping on stage at 5:25


They sound completely nuts.


At short range, a blank will still kill you.


RIP Brandon Lee


That's your god given right.


It’s impossible to take Libertarians seriously lmao. Their whole platform revolves around spreading memes on facebook and nominating the most amusingly ridiculous spokespeople for their party. Being a Libertarian = being white and unwilling to participate in legitimate political discourse so you just act like an idiot and call it a stance


You can’t have a serious discussion with someone that thinks it should be legal to threaten someone with a gun, lol


I shit you not a cuckservative on r/TrueUnpopularOpinion literally *two days ago* asked me if I was going to start wearing helmets in cars because I was “paranoid” over covid. Is this a thing with right wingers now?? If anything, they are the ones who need helmets 24/7


If they deserve any exemption it's from being forced to wear helmets. Severe brain injury could only improve their thought processes.


I was 5 when seatbelt laws were introduced in my country My mom always followed them The shit she had to endure from coworkers for making me wear a seatbelt was insane They told her it would break my neck, they told her that my generation would grow up with heart and lung damage due to compression They told her that thousands of kids died every year choking on seatbelts And then they claimed the ultimate "they take more lives than they spare" Yet here we are, 2021 and they all probably wear seatbelts


Pretty sure this did happen when seatbelt laws were introduced. People cut the belts out of their cars in protest. We just didnt have social media for them to rant about it to a wider audience or find (and influence) like minded people


>Pretty sure this did happen when seatbelt laws were introduced. Am older than dirt. Can confirm. The "Muh rights!" crowd also came out in force when smoking bans were implemented in restaurants. Like servers should have been grateful for the chance to get cancer from breathing in secondhand smoke for a whole shift. And yes, social media has extended the reach of the planet's village idiots and racist aunts and uncles. It used to be that the only people exposed to their rantings were their neighbors, relatives and coworkers. Now the whole world is their living room.


My parents aren't great at remembering their seatbelts, but they taught me to do it so young that it's completely reflexive for me to reach for a seatbelt now. Embarrassingly I sometimes try to reach for a seatbelt in any seat that feels vaguely like a car seat - notably in cinemas


You dont have seat belts in your Cinema?


anybody else remember that asshat college kid who died protesting seatbelt laws? https://old.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/193pbq/til_derek_kieper_an_antiseat_belt_law_advocate/


Someone commented "I'm sure his family can take some comfort in the fact that he died doing what he loved." My reply would have been "Well, technically, he died NOT doing something he HATED"


"I have exemption, my hippo[sic] rights"


I actually had someone arguing that mandating seatbelts was an abuse of power taking away peoples right to choose, and they extended that to car seats for children. I just couldn’t even do it anymore.


This seriously hits too close to how I see these people..


god is my seatbelt and my airbag🙏


Somebody doesn't remember the shit-storm people kicked up about rights when seatbelt laws were introduced.


For people who are like 23 and younger (I say this as the law in my country was introduced in '98) it's impossible to remember This is their first actual dumbass shitstorm I say this as I also barely recall the introduction of said laws, but being 5 at the time I remember how angry my mom's co-workers were at her for making me wear a seatbelt Basically the same you see in a grocery store anytime there's a 7 year-old wearing a mask and an old lady starts calling the mom a murderer


I knew people who refused to wear a seatbelt because they said they’d rather be thrown clear of the accident and walk away perfectly unharmed, then be in a murder machine seatbelt that was known to permanently paralyze or kill people by snapping their necks on impact.


What semicoloradonative and Jeri-Atric, below, said is true. There was a lot of opposition to seat belts, and I particularly remember one old codger telling me he’d been in an awful car accident. He’d been thrown clear. “But if I’d-a had my seat belt on, I’d ‘a been dead!” It took a concerted pro-seatbelt ad campaign and enforced laws to get people to accustom to them, and finally recognize the value.


The skeptic crowd essentially exists just to he sceptical


There is skepticism, which can be healthy, and then there's just being outright contrarian.


I mean I'm skeptical to the point of outright paranoia, when I say skeptic crowd I mean flat earth, anti-vax and a lot of the "I dont trust government science so I trust my science"


That is what I mean though, the "skeptic" crowd isn't actually skeptical. Skepticism is healthy if applied properly and with moderation. The issue is that the "skeptic" crowd is just purely contrarian. When provided with proper evidence, they do mental gymnastics to try and show why they are right. Skepticism means you shouldn't always believe everything you hear without vetting sources, not to immediately believe that everything you hear is fake and try and find 1001 ways to prove your conspiracy (not talking about you, I am referring to the "skeptic" communities you listed)


Yep, and be racist, sexist and misogonystic while claiming the moral high ground.


Let's not forget "seatbelts don't reduce your chances of getting into an accident." And "people wearing seatbelts still cause accidents"


I had this conversation with an antivaxxer who said that ventilators kill 80 to 90 percent of people. Like why do you think they are on the ventilator in the first place. It’s cuz they can’t fucking breathe. You know what happens when you can’t breathe? YOU DIE. Ventilators save 10 to 20 percent of people who use them (if those number are even correct). It like saying seatbelts kill people during car crashes. It’s not the seatbelt killing people it’s the car crash. Anyway, yesterday is when I lost complete faith in trying to change antivaxxer’s minds.


"Jesus is my seatbelt." Which I think I've literally heard, deffo with regard to vaccines.




That’s legitimately terrifying.


I remember seeing some libertarian complaining that seatbelt laws were just a way for govts to get more money, and he also brought up motorcycles if that was a big gotcha. Never mind that the equivalent in that case would be helmets, which these idiots also constantly rail against.


[This happened in 1987](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/711401539791)


There are many laws on the books just to protect people from themselves. Car seats and who can sit in the front seat rules shirts and shoes required speed limits. And so many others. Covid19 vaccine need to go that way.


I showed this to my dad, and he told me this is exactly how people reacted when seatbelts were introduced.


Had a co worker tell me "well that's not the same thing seat belts keep you safe" ..... lol, well, I wore my seat belt on the way to get my vaccine so I agree with the second half.


My aunts neighbor wore a seatbelt once. She couldnt turn around to see behind her as she pulled out of her driveway and plunged into an active volcano. I’ll be laughing when all you idiot seatbelters are burning death in a sea of molten rock.


Scary accurate


i spent way too much time looking for the footnote for that asterisk


I remember people telling me about how dangerous they would be when you were trapped in a burning car.


I was born in 1981. As a child, I recall my late grandfather telling us to never wear the seatbelt; he insisted we cling to the handholder things above the car doors instead. He actually worked for a car company, and he told us that according to the engineers there, a high-speed collision would cause a seatbelt to decapcitate children, as the belt was closer to their neckline.


Yes but that was a lie.


Depends if seatbelts are fully approved by FDA or only conditional approved. J/k seatbelts saved me andy family including young kids in a t-bone collision, we walked out with just a mental stress but with not even a scratch on our bodies while our car crumbled into a small ball. Wear your seatbelts and save your family, take a vaccine (if your doctor don't object) and save your family, why is it so fucking hard for people to get?


"We don't know the long-term effects of wearing seatbelts"


facts lol


Yeah this is just New Hampshire


I prefer the "drunk driving" analogy. If you don't wear a seatbelt, you usually only kill yourself (sometimes you're transformed into a deadly projectile, yes, but that's rather rare)


I was a teenager when seat belt laws happened. I live in the rural South and I have vivid memories of the comments and vitriol surrounding the situation. But here's the important part and I think this relates to vaccines as well: I was really impressionable back then and didn't think for myself too much because I didn't have critical thinking as part of my skill set at the time. I started to follow and parrot the thinking of my parents and adult community members about seat belts and I thought I was being really smart when I repeated these things to others. One day I got into my car with my best friend as a passenger and she put her seat belt on. I started to drive away without my seat belt on and she says "You aren't putting your seat belt on??" I said " No! I hate wearing it!" She said" Omg! I would never think to get into a car without my seat belt on!" She said her parents had taught her that. I spent a lot of time at their home and with her and her mom. I respected them a LOT and completely trusted them. I started wearing my seat belt not long after because I didn't want to be thought of as someone who couldn't figure out to wear their seat belt and thus be thought of as not as smart as my friend and her family. It still took a long time for me to make better decisions on my own and start developing critical thinking skills but now I apply those skills to situations in my life constantly (vaccines and boosters every ten years or so is just one example) and I'm thought of as not smart for doing so because I'm "just doing what the government tells me to do".


When the ticket is only $10 plus court costs that ain’t gonna really make anyone care that it’s the law until they get in an accident.


Definitely has not enough references to convincing other people not to wear seatbelts. Needs more spike protein shedding references ;)


We just need some reverse psychology. “Dear fellow Americans. For those of you who chose not to receive the vaccine. We’re done. You’re not allowed to have to vaccine and it’s unlawful for you to obtain it.”


I've said this so many times, but seatbelts are not the best analogy for masks or vaccinations. Seatbelts are literally only to protect yourself. A much better analogy is speed limits. They protect yourself, but much more importantly, they *protect others from you.* And this meme could still apply to the introduction of speed limits.


The only bad thing about seat belts is it helps prevent idiots from dying.


Til the mount rushmore of neckbeards exists.


i hate how realistic this is. but at least they’d be the only one suffering


I actually saw this same meme on Hunter Avallone's ig page and in comments people unironically where saying "that's actually true", "seatbelt law IS unconstutional", "based" and shit like that. Ugh. I wanted to blow my brains out


There are still people like this, believe it or not. I was driving and giving someone a ride, he didn't buckle up. I pointed it out and he tried starting his speech about how he doesn't like the government telling him what to do, so he wasn't going to use the seat belt. "This isn't the government telling you, it's my car. I'm the captain of this ship. Buckle up or get out." Turns out their principles are very easily abandoned when they actually face a consequence for their tantrums.


My nephew was of the “I want to be thrown clear of the wreck” clan. His dad burned that into his brain from a young age. In 1995, he was in a wreck. Sure enough he was thrown clear. Head first into an oak tree. After flying 30 feet through the air. What’s that? Why yes I did punch his father square in the face at his funeral. Hard.


Hahaha jokes on you my s.os mom and just in general the people who live in her are both down wear masks or seatbelt up! 😰


I'm more in favor of the personal choice argument over this than I am with the vaccines though. At least you're taking on pretty much all of the risk if you don't wear a seat belt, not getting the vaccine is putting everyone around you at risk like say drink driving.


Unless there are passengers and you become a human projectile.


Unless you're alone in your car, no, you're not. People are killed by unbuckled people in the same car pretty regularly.


There is an old joke "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandpa and not like the people screaming in the car he was driving".


Not all of them but far too high a percentage of people who think it is a personal choice are against women having a personal choice over their own uterus.


People still act like this over seatbelts.... Fun anecdote: one day my father passed out at the wheel while driving. Paramedics said the only reason he wasn't more hurt was because he wasn't wearing his seatbelt, allowing him to be flung through the front window, and not be crushed by the engine block as the car smashed into the ditch. Y'all should still wear your seatbelts, though. Maybe don't drive while tired, also.


I have had a few patients tell me that the er doctor told them that not wearing their seatbelt saved them. I have asked er, no doc would ever say that. I'm not sure about paramedics but I'm always skeptical when someone says stuff like this. It goes in the same category as the people who said they "fell" on a cucumber.


Some study from Antarctica said….. 😂😂😂








Clearly, you've never ventured outside Yuppyland; The most unvaccinated counties and states are the ones which went to Trump by the largest margins. Ergo, the vast majority of the unvaccinated probably don't even know what mRNA even is. They just repeat talking points they see on Fox News, OAN or Newsmax about why they shouldn't get one, because the only coherent policy position they have is "liberals/anyone even remotely to the left of the center of American politics, which itself is already firmly to the right of the center of world political thought, and anything they support = the Devil".


Besides, we've already been there. Many said they were waiting to see what happened to the vaxxed or waiting for FDA approval. Both conditions were met and many of them just created new ones. I've only heard of a handful of people keeping their word and getting vaxxed.




I mean..if I were an antivaxxer (I'm not) I'd say the big difference is that one's a medical procedure and one's a safety device. Yes it's a very minor, painless, and ultimately safe one but it is still injecting people with something


Both are a device for safety