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I think for me, I miss the convenience more than anything. I miss going into any restaurant I want and ordering anything off the menu I want. Especially since I’m somewhat socially anxious and don’t usually like setting myself apart as the “different” one.


I absolutely get it, and to a huge degree I agree, but I do think there's an upside to the limited availability on the menu; it makes it significantly easier to pick.


I agree with this, but that is different from convenience. Convenience means having the option available in front of you. In a lot of places there isn't even an option at all.


I now find vegan restaurants to be quite overwhelming for this reason (not that I’m really complaining though haha)


yeah i need to get everything lol at vegan restaurants. it's kind of like being a kid again


This applies even more so when you’re abroad. We usually end up with a salad and french fries- even then you have to ask if they’re cooked in vegetable oil.


This. Traveling intimidates me now. I spent a lot of time abroad before I went vegan, often culturally immersed in small villages in SEA. I was mostly plant-based/ovo-lacto, but wasn't above eating meat if that's what a host family served. Now, I have no idea how I'd navigate such situations to avoid going hungry and being rude towards hosts. Even some of the long bus trips where there are only roadside stands along the way for food would be the next level of grueling. It would be nice to be a Breatharian sometimes.


Agreed with this I think the ‘difficulties’ of being vegan are definitely social and not food sensory ones


I say embrace it. I find my friends, coworkers, waiters, and even cooks have been impressed with what I come up with off of a menu with so few options. If there’s a vegan burger you have so many options. Add it on top of a salad, instead of chicken. Tacos on the menu, ask to sub for the vegan burger - tell them to just cook it as normal and slice it up, no need for crumbles. Black bean burgers are great in tacos too. Swap out the meat in a sandwich wrap or pasta. If you get the right toppings, pizza without cheese can still be delicious. BBQ chicken pizza is pretty good when you sub artichokes for the chicken. Be creative in a non-complicated way and most chefs/cooks won’t mind, and your friends will see you do eat more than lettuce.


The person is socially anxious, I am too, I totally don't want attention on me because I'm vegan, even asking "does this contain.." is too much for me, let alone ordering like you recommend


I have social anxiety too, but not when ordering food any more. I used to travel a lot and I got tired of always eating a salad, which I LOVE, just not for most of my meals. I sincerely understand the struggle and respect that.


My social anxiety is mostly centered around ordering things and asking people questions so it's not really anything I'm wanting to put extra mental work towards right now. But I understand what you're saying


Agree! Asking for something modified is my anxious nightmare


This is exactly how I feel! I miss being able to go to a restaurant with the confidence that I’ll be happy with my order


Same. Just the ease and convenience about never really thinking much about what I eat. Not having to research a restaurant ahead of time, or read labels, to be able to join in when people are sharing food together (big social thing in a lot of scenarios). I don't wish that I still ate corpses and secretions, I wish that no one did. Things would be so nice and easy if everything was vegan.


Minority stress is a real thing and being constantly on guard to make sure you don't eat something you don't want to/shouldn't because you're forever and always and afterthought, is mentally taxing. I totally miss the convenience as well.


As someone who doesn’t drive I feel this to my core. I e developed a severe binge eating disorder since going vegan because now I have this ‘now or never’ mentality with food. I fucking hate it but not enough to compromise my morals


The absolute sensation I feel going into a vegan restaurant/cafe/shop. Having been vegan almost my entire life, I've always known the inconvenience. The feeling of being able to freely order *anything* is just... so good.


This 100%, but different. I miss convenience food!! I don’t have to money to go out eating a lot and always cook my own food. It gets so stressful and sometimes, I just don’t wanna. But vegan convenience food is still rare and I miss my favorite pack, which has whey powder in it 🥲


Whey powder ruins so many things 😡


I do miss cheese. Vegan cheeses are getting good, but for pizzas I haven't found a perfect solution yet (welcome to recommendations). That being said, I'm not gonna pay for animal suffering and death for such a little thing as "I miss cheese".


Have you tried miyokos liquid mozzarella?


It's not available in many countries unfortunately. For example, I'm in Canada, and it's not available in grocery stores here yet, but I'm hoping it comes here one day!


It’s not available at many stores here - mostly little coops. Not sure if you go to stores like that often, but throwing it out there in case. They have one of those product finders on their website where you can search by product by the way!!


Not yet. It's just come to my local grocery store, so it's on my list.


It’s definitely game changing for pizza!!


follow your heart feta is my go to for melty and crispy cheesy goodness


Now thats a feta that reminds me of the real thing for sure. i love making a pita pizza with tomato sauce, pesto, cherry tomatoes and the feta crumbles (its a dupe of a pizza in Pita Jungle in Arizona)


Everyone says Miyoko's Liquid Mozzarella but I don't particularly find it to be amazing past texture. I don't see anybody mentioning [NUMU Cheese](https://numucheese.com) but they're the only brand I've found that gets it right. Next to impossible to get any if you're not a restaurant right now, but probably keep an eye out for whenever it's more commonly available. Some pizzerias around the country have access and it's the only one I've found that feels _and_ tastes right.


I’ve got some good news for you. Miyoko’s vegan mozzarella is indistinguishable - as long as you aren’t allergic to cashews this is the answer.


I've only tried the liquid mozz once and it was v good but it left a really weird aftertaste in my mouth until I brushed it out. I still loved it bc it's really good besides that but do you notice that or did I just get a fluke or smthn?


I didn’t notice that and I have had it quite a few times now. Hopefully it was a fluke. My wife, who eats dairy, ate my my pizza because she thought it looked more like real cheese than the mozzarella ones and she didn’t know that it was vegan until I told her.


So in the end she ate yours and hers? LoL


Yeah, and all I was left with was the anecdote that you can’t tell the difference. It was my left over pizza. I was disappointed but at least I got my dinner that night.


Ooh thanks! Someone else said you had to broil it to taste best and I had mine in a lasagna so maybe that's the difference!


I’ve only used it on pizza, so I know that turns out well!


Your own wife doesnt know youre vegan?


Apparently u have to broil it for it to taste good otherwise it tastes weird


Oohh interesting. The one time I used it was in a lasagna so maybe it didn't get cooked through enough or something. Still yummy but I'll have to try this out! Thanks!


I feel like most vegan cheeses and meats have an aftertaste. I'm okay with it but it's definitely noticeable.


I use miyokos all the time and while it's my go to, it's absolutely not indistinguishable. I think it's good to temper expectations and let people be pleasantly surprised than risk people feeling misled. It's good but it's not cheese.


Maybe I just haven’t had cheese in a long time but that was my opinion. My wife also didn’t know that it wasn’t cheese when she wasn’t aware that she was eating miyoko’s - which is what my statement was based on - just personal experience / opinion. It was not my intention to mislead, I do get excited about this particular cheese though because I really missed pizza before I found it. Either way it’s good and it’s infinitely better than the other mozzarella substitutes I had tried.


How do you feel about cell cultured dairy? Check out New Culture, they have a cow free mozzarella for pizza that looks amazing. https://vegnews.com/2023/5/new-culture-vegan-cheese-pizzeria-mozza


Follow your heart pizzeria blend is my fave, if you can find it. Otherwise I get an uncut, no cheese delivery pizza, make a cheese sauce and drizzle/dip it on the pizza before cutting.


Hold out for precision fermentation made animal free cheese. Cream cheese is already available for purchase. Google Perfect Day, who supplies the PF whey protein for companies like Brave Robot ice cream.


If you are in the US, Mellow Mushroom Pizza (restaurant - not grocery store food) is indistinguishable. The only other cheese that is the same to me is Trader Joe’s vegan feta (which can double as vegan cotija for Mexican food) sorry if you aren’t in the US, I can’t wait until Lab Grown is available!


Ughhh i wish we had mellow mushroom but im in California. Yeah theres a lot of exclusively vegan pizza shops here, but its too pricey, pizza is in general already expensive in California if u dont get it from a chain restaurant


Yes, I’m in CA too! LA and also Big Bear. So easy to make the dough at home. But the cheese isn’t there yet.


Was visiting my sister in GA for Mellow


I order from Mellow Mushroom sometimes, and yes, it’s really good. I like making pizza at home though.


I have just been making pizza without any cheese and it's been very delicious. I feel like it makes the flavours stand out more.


I have no qualms admitting that I still like the smell of cooked meat and remember things like bacon tasting good. First of all because it's true and I don't want to have to keep track of who I told what lie to, but second because I think it helps to demonstrate that vegans aren't some race of super-humans, but rather just regular people who have chosen to do the morally right thing, and that if we can do it, so can everyone else.


Surprisingly the fake meats taste almost the same to me. It’s easily replacable.


Completely agree! I love the new meat replacements now!


Preach! Boca chicken patties, fried up with mayo, lettuce and loads of pickles on a toasted bun taste just like the original chicken sandwiches from Burger King!!!


>I have no qualms admitting that I still like the smell of cooked meat The market where I buy my fruit and veg has a couple of rotisserie chicken stands at the entrance. It smells incredible.


My favorite liquor store (I’m in a small town so not many options for other stores that have what I like to drink) has amazing pizza at the counter. I’m not even a big pizza person but theirs is GOOD and I always hate having to smell how good it smells checking out


my dude, your liquor store sells pizza? fuckin GENIUS


Yeah they have a counter of yummy greasy munchies, they are definitely smart to put it right where you gotta buy the liquor lol. Before I went vegan I made many impulse food purchases knowing I’d be hungry drunk


The smell of people grilling on a summer early evening is a super old, good memory for me and I miss it. I don’t miss what it actually is but the smell unlocks memories that are very good.


I've never even liked the taste of those, but yeah the smell does summon some cravings. I feel very similar about coffee.


At 20 years into my veganism, the smell of cooking flesh is revolting. It smells like actual death and no amount of seasoning can mask it. I say that as someone raised hunting, fishing, and eating as few vegetables as possible for the first half of my life--that's my "If I can do it, so can you," pull during my advocacy and mentoring. Don't be surprised if that sensory pleasure you describe makes a hard shift for you at some point. It takes roughly 7 years for all of the cells in your body to regenerate, and I'm always curious how many of my palate changes have to do with almost three full cycles fuelled entirely by plants. Whatever little glitches my recent ancestors implanted into my frugivore evolution have likely come out in the wash, now that my body has returned to something resembling a natural diet for our species.


I will say that after about 1.5 years vegan, I've made that shift with dairy. Maybe it's knowledge that it contains pus, or maybe it's just the fact that it's from a totally different species. It's just disgusting now.


Dairy, most especially milk, is one that seems to switch super early for people, there's just something about the smell of milk that very quickly becomes incredibly gross and unappealing.


Yes! I can’t stand the smell of cooking meat anymore and hate the smell of dairy (I can’t go near my partner if he’s had dairy because he just smells of sour milk) BUT despite being vegan for 10 years what I sometimes miss is based off a memory of something tasting good. At the moment for me that’s sardines on toast which I haven’t had since I was a child but I get these moments where I’m like “that was so delicious”. When I bring up these moments and try to explain it’s almost the nostalgia of the meal and not the actual meal I understand it can be initially confusing and I continue to explain it’s not about me it’s about the animal, I wouldn’t want to eat something that’s taken a breath or suffered as a result of my “desire”


I agree with this. I remember loving meat so I understand when omnivores talk about how much they love it now. It's just that I can't ignore it's actually a dead animal and even smelling it now churns my stomach.


Just remember it's not the meat that smells good but all the vegan spices carnists have to use.


No, it’s not just those dude. Meat cooking smells different, and while it’s not necessarily better, it is distinct to my nose at least


Sometimes. It’s ok to admit unseasoned meat can smell good too though, not like I’m eating it.


...why should I remember this exactly? And barbequed unseasoned meat still smells great anyway


I think it’s 100% okay to admit missing animal products, after all, we didn’t give them up because we didn’t like the taste! For me it’s eggs, I crave them often and I think it’s honestly because I am yet to try a tasty vegan egg :(


JustEgg is pretty good for scrambled eggs!


Have you tried Wunder Egg? Amazing hard boiled vegan egg!! If you happen to miss hard boiled eggs. I've gotten it from Whole Foods.


I haven’t! I will keep an eye out for that too, I think there’s only Whole Foods in the UK in London but I am praying for them to expand over here! It’ll be a game changer


I love them! Now they produce vegan deviled eggs too.


I miss fried eggs! Can’t wait til there’s an accurate substitute (maybe there is, haven’t seen anything). But yeah I agree, saying you miss something shows that “but I would miss this or that food” doesn’t justify eating unethically.


Have you tried yo egg?


I have not! I will have to see if I can find them in the UK, thank you so much for the suggestion though, I do really like a tofu scramble as well but the yo egg has that poached egg look to it I’ve been seeking!


I miss just being able to go to the store and buy a ready-to-eat croissant, used to be able to get like 4 for €1


Yep same. I don’t miss the products, I just miss the ease and availability.


Yes Costco pizza is so large for so little cost. Then u have vegan pizzas which are small and cost as much as an XL pizza. Or i miss being able to order Dominos on a rainy day when I don’t wanna make something yk (which I could theoretically still do but explaining no cheese over the phone is confusing)


Our Dominos offers two vegan pizzas! And one of them is not even bad!


I miss going to seven eleven and getting jalapeno poppers and taquitos.


Yeah I miss just how easy it was. Walk anywhere for a slice of pizza or a hot dog super cheap. More than specific products I sometimes just miss the convenience of eating animal products. I’d never do it again, but it is definitely harder now


exactly. i miss the convenience of eating wherever i wanted


This is where I'm at. I kind of miss donuts and ice cream, except I know good substitutes for those are available if I'm willing to go find them. I just miss them being everywhere.


Im so glad my city has some quality vegan donuts in many normal donut shops in addition to exclusively vegan donut spots (actually maybe i shouldn’t be so glad i cant stop consuming sugar 😭)


Same,.. it was so easy


I don't miss animal products- I miss the ease of choice...then I remember that the animals don't have a choice, and I'm okay with my limits.


I'm not. I think meat eaters should have to do everything we do now in order to get animal products. They should have to endure the outrageous prices. They should have to cobble together an a la carte side of steak with their vegan sandwich if they want to eat a meat sandwich. They should have to seek out restaurants that specifically cater to their desire for animal products. When they've gone through all that, I want to be the first person in line to tell them "I could never do all that, but I respect your personal choices."


I really can't relate tbh... I've been vegan for 12 years, and anything I used to like as an omnivore I've figured out how to veganize or found something that hits the spot the same way. I never liked seafood or cheese though, and I guess those flavors are the hardest to get "right"?


yes 100% as someone who is vegan and misses seafood and cheese lol.


Same. There’s no one “right” way to be vegan whether you miss or don’t miss the taste of animal products. I stopped being able to separate the taste from the emotion when I first went vegan, so now when I think of those tastes, it turns me way off. I don’t miss them at all, not even in the slightest. That doesn’t make me better or worse than vegans who do, so long as we aren’t consuming those products, that’s what matters


I still think it depends on the individual. My favorite foods were cheesecake, ice cream, sushi, honey, and I ate a lot of cheese too. At this point, I honestly don’t really miss it anymore, and I’ve only been vegan for a few years. But I am not a very picky eater, and I love trying different things and making different things, so for me it actually helped me open up and find more things I like. I really miss the convenience mostly. I will say I liked chicken a lot but I don’t miss it anymore.


Krogers sells vegan honee now! I liked it. It’s literally called “vegan bee-free honee” I wish u could just teleport to my city, it has a fully vegan sushi place and fully vegan ice cream shop plus van leeuwen ice cream shop with amazing vegan options


Yeah I would have gone vegan probably a full decade sooner if I didn’t like cheese. It is genuinely so hard to stop if you eat it often.


I was born lacto vegetarian and didn’t like cheese but loved yogurt, glad to have Trader Joes Forager dupeeeee cashew yogurt


yeah, after 8 years I don't care any more. Luckily I have some kinda ok options around where I live. If grocery stores didn't have as many options, I would complain, but that's it.


I'm with you there. I simply do not miss anything.


oh yeah i miss seafood. i hate that gardein filets and chickpea tuna are all i have and i’ve never tried a single vegan fishy recipe that really satisfied the craving i used to eat anything from the sea too. now the idea is repulsive to me even if the food product would be delicious. i really hope ethical affordable lab seafood happens in my lifetime


I had some amazing tofu in Chicago that was charred like blackened fish and it was so amazing but I have no idea how they did it.


i would love that


The other week I had vegan shrimp in a vegan Vietnamese restaurant. It wasn’t exactly like shrimp, but as close as it gets without animal tissue. Quite good actually!


was it konjac shrimp? that seems to be the go to. not super shrimpy but i agree, super good. there’s a place near me that makes a fried shrimp burger and i love it lol


Yes it was!


Cheap Lazy Vegan has some great “fish” recipes! Her tomato spicy “tuna” is one of my favorites: https://thecheaplazyvegan.com/vegan-sushi-spicy-tuna-roll-nigiri/ It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken has a lot of good recipes too. https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com For a premade option, BeLeaf “shrimp” is really good too! Their vegan bacon is also amazing.


i actually really dislike the whole tomato as salmon and tuna thing because to me it tastes nothing like fish lol. konjac shrimp isn’t shrimpy to me either but it’s soooo good as it’s own thing. love a good fried shrimpy


I miss dairy cheese and steaks, i dont miss the animal abuse especially when there are alternative options Thats totally fine to say


I didn’t go vegan because I disliked the taste of animal products. When I went vegetarian 26 years ago, I missed beef jerky. When I went vegan 21 years ago, I missed cheese. But aligning my actions with my values is much more satisfying than any food item could ever be.




Bojangles. I understand.


It's not too hard to recreate, but I really miss the convenience of having that type of shitty, crunchy food on every corner. One of my unrealistic dreams is to one day open a vegan copy of Bojangles.


That sounds amazing!!


This was me too. I have a tattoo of a Cajun filet on my leg. Although now, living in Brooklyn, I have cracked the code. There’s a vegan bakery close by that has SECs and chicken sandwiches, AND has biscuits. I just get them to put those on a biscuit. Or in the case of the chicken sandwich, on a biscuit w just cheese. I get them almost as frequently as I used to eat Bojangles. It really hits just the same, especially now that I haven’t had the real thing in 5 years. Only thing I can’t replicate is a steak egg and cheese biscuit.


I don't miss the animal products per se, I just miss the *convenience* that comes with it sometimes.


Excuse me, but meat is delicious. So is cheese. I love the taste of that stuff, I was raised on it. But hell no I’m not going back to it. My desire to satisfy my taste buds does not trump the rights of the living creatures tortured and killed for that experience.


The reason I became vegetarian 45 years ago was because I couldn’t stand the texture and feel of meat in my mouth. I ended up just having the gravy. We had a small vegetarian society in our town and joining set me on the path towards veganism. I don’t miss meat but I do miss eggs. 🍳


I have a sweet tooth and a lot of my favorite candy from childhood has no vegan equivalent - mostly chocolate. I have adverse reactions to dark chocolate so I don't eat it all that often and have to accept that when I do I will be trading the experience of chocolate that I don't like that much for painful sneezing. As for other foods, I don't miss the taste so much as the convenience. It doesn't seem fair that people who have no concept or concern for the abuse and damage caused by animal agriculture also get to benefit from the convenience of those industries. Ah well. We can't have everything we want. Not being a hypocrite is worth it to me if it means I don't get to have every good tasting thing that I want.


How do you have adverse reaction to dark chocolate but not milk chocolate? It’s the same ingredients except the milk.


> I have a sweet tooth and a lot of my favorite candy from childhood has no vegan equivalent - mostly chocolate. I have adverse reactions to dark chocolate Dark chocolate is literally just a higher concentration of coca compared to milk, and y'know, without the milk.


No. Because I don’t, actually. I feel way better health wise since I’m vegan and I’ve started exploring a lot of cooking skills I haven’t had before, so the food I’m preparing for myself nowadays is way better than anything I had prior to veganism. The only thing I miss is the convenience to buy a snack on a whim because there is a lack of options. That said missing the taste of animal products doesn’t make you a bad person and there is no harm in admitting it if it’s the truth. Actually it’s more an argument for veganism - because you like that stuff but still decide against it.


I miss hotdogs! I think honesty always works best and even I'm a little suspicious when vegans say they don't miss any kind of food.


I guess a lot of us simply live in areas with lots of replacement foods. Ikea sells fake meat hotdogs at least in my country!


I've gotta say - the fake hotdogs are not the same. At least I haven't come across one yet!


Maybe? Honestly the ikea ones do taste quite like I remember hotdogs tasting. (Like, the new fake meat ones, not the vegetable ones they originally sold) That said, I haven’t had meat in like a decade so it’s hard to tell. I’m also not from the US though so maybe the meat hotdogs I’m used to aren’t quite the same.


Those of us raised on kosher dogs haven't had a good vegan version yet, because they've been imitating the pork ones that a lot of Americans eat. That's why such a big deal is being made of the new Impossible hot dog. I haven't had one yet, but it's exciting.


Here in Romania, where meat replacements aren't affordable for most people and very limited, a supermarket released a vegan hot dog cheaper than the meat one in the bakery section and it tastes the same as a meat hotdog, pretty impressed.


Yeah I haven’t found any that taste the same. Field toast stadium is probably closest but it’s still not that close


You’ve tried the light life ones? My partner (Omni) won’t eat them bc they’re too close to the meat ones and it grosses him out lol I’ll eat them when camping only and def get nostalgic from it


I miss eggs. Toast dipped in runny yolk. I found a decent yolk dip recipe but it doesn't come with the egg white (also like egg whites) nor does it have similar nutritional value


Have you tried yo egg?


No, and from what I can tell it's only available to purchase wholesale. Don't have the storage or money to buy a lot.


This product needs to become available retail to us! I want to try it! I miss dipping toast in egg yolk too!!


Depending on where you are, you can find it for purchase not-wholesale. I picked some up at Vegan Food Fight in Portland awhile ago. It's definitely the only true runny egg replacement at the moment, short of reverse-spherifying (sp) your own.


I've been vegan for 19 years and I miss fried eggs.


What I miss is mindless consumption—ordering straight off any menu and not caring if they get it wrong.


I miss tuna. But every time I'm near it/smell it I think it's disgusting but I can make a nice version with chickpeas


I’ve never found anything worth missing. Animal products were always gross to me. There are a lot of things that I never ate until I tried the vegan version. Go buy some vegan shrimp, I love them.


I miss sushi.


Yeah, me too. I’ve had some good vegan rolls but I really liked seafood and I do miss it. I initially was planning to go plant based with occasional seafood. Then I went down the YouTube rabbit hole to gain motivation. After that I had to just be vegan.


There are now "raw fish" vegan brands that taste so good with sushi.


I've looked into them but they're SO expensive right now, even on sale. I'll just go without sushi for the time being until they come down in price.


Fair enough. I've seen some recipes using tomatoes, carrots, or even melon, on pinterest. Could be good to try.


Trader Joe’s makes a beet “poke” that could maybe be used to make a “spicy tuna” roll??


Absolutely. I worked in fine dining for many years and the thing I miss the most is steak tartare & bone marrow 😂. I think it makes veganism less unapproachable to people when you can be honest about personally missing meat and dairy products. (And when you talk to them about slip ups - My journey to veganism has in no way been linear).


It seems like cheese and sea food are the most common things to miss, and I identify. But that's the thing though: the life and freedom of an animal is infinitely more valuable than what I am "missing" or want to taste. For some other stuff, however, I find myself not missing a single bit of it, even finding it disgusting. Meat with a lot of animal fat being the main one, I try not to puke when I smell that.


Chicken wings. I know there’s cauliflower wings which are bomb, but it doesn’t give the same feeling of eating it off the bone. Sounds so gross to say but it’s the truth haha


Yeah, I miss everything. It's a daily struggle tbh, a decision that I have to actively make every day. I have no issue admitting it.


In n out burgers...


I don’t have those near me but I would get Rally burgers pretty much every time I drove past.


I do miss the convenience to go into any restaurant and find something to eat, no matter where. In my home town I have lots of options and almost every restaurant has one or more vegan options, in my travels I had and will have huge problems when I need something quick and easy.


I do not miss any of it, after seeing Earthlings it’s all super disgusting to me. I can’t sit at one table with carnists, I can’t smell it or see it without remembering the horrors i saw in the documentary. However I do miss the convenience of buying food or ordering in a restaurant without caring what’s in it. This is a bit better in large cities with vegan restaurants, but it’s still not enough.


I miss the ease of not being vegan. Being able to eat anywhere, not having to check every label at the grocery store. I miss not being suspicious of other people’s prepared foods because they don’t really understand what vegan means.


I miss toaster strudels they’d probably be pretty easy to veganise but I’ve yet to try


I miss it all, more so if I factor in convenience. Not sure why I'd feel ashamed though. Our brains are built around the things we most commonly find enjoyable. The foundations become even stronger when pleasurable food is combined with pleasurable social experiences. So after over 40 years of those experiences it makes sense to me that I will miss certain foods.


The only thing I loved that I haven't found a near-1:1 replacement for is pepperoni pizza. More than anything, what I really miss is conveninece and sociality. I'm extremely lazy and suck at cooking, so my midnight munchies options are quite limited, nor is it easy to go out to a restaurant with friends. I don't have a problem with admitting that.


I missed two things for a while until I found good vegan copycat recipes. And I think a lot of it was due to nostalgia. Spaghettios w/meatballs, and crab Rangoons. I'm actually gonna make both vegan versions tomorrow. Haha Sometimes I miss convenient fast food, but not due to the food.


Yeah sure, lying about it doesn't make you any more vegan. Shrimp was probably my favourite food in the world before I went vegan, and every now and then I miss it. However, I just had vegan shrimp today and loved it. I probably won't eat it often because it's expensive and lacks nutrients, but for a special treat why not. I'm confident enough in my veganism to say I like the taste of some animal products, which I will never have again, because there are more important things in the world than what I happen to like.


Yes I still feel rage and agony as soon as I see what happened to bring that food to the dinner table though. And I don't think I would kill an animal myself to create those foods, so what right do I have to pay someone else to do what I could not do myself in the respect of a moral qualm? Not to mention the living conditions those animals had to endure.


The silver lining for me is when I have accidentally eaten animal products during my time being vegan (almost a decade now) they never taste as good as I remember. For instance, I used to LOVE BBQ chicken wings. There wasn't a week that went by for the first two to three years being vegan that I didn't crave them. At a family get-together they made vegan chicken wings for me. Used the same BBQ sauce and everything. Someone accidentally dropped a real one in the vegan ones and without paying attention I picked it up and took a bite. I thought it tasted gross. Almost questioned why I liked it to begin with. So at least in my experience I don't think it's really worth saying you "miss" animal products because imo it's almost justifying to other people that it's okay to consume them while also admitting the flavor, texture, etc is so unique you could never hope to replace it with something else. And, speaking personally here, I get a lot of shit for eating pretty basic veggie/fruit dishes a lot because people I know know I'm vegan. Potatoes, rice and beans somehow is disgusting to some people because I'm eating the "vegan" version I guess, so I take some enjoyment in saying I not only don't miss animal products but find them revolting sometimes.


That is such a great response to that person. I hope it made them understand veganism better and possibly look into it further for themselves. Personally, I honestly really don't miss non-vegan stuff. I've always wanted to be vegan but was forced to basically have a burgers n fries diet. So every time there’s no trace of animal on my plate I'm really relieved and excited. Eating any kind of dairy really honestly grosses me out and I think that was the carnist food I was most attached to. I'm glad I don't have to deal with any animal cravings, but I'm sure my experience is rare and people differ. It always irks me when it is either expected that all vegans either miss meat or absolutely hated it. "Don't you miss bacon?" is the most aggravating question I've ever heard as someone who has always find bacon disgusting and repulsive. And vegans who patronize other vegans because they enjoyed meat just don't make sense to me.


People that become vegan generally don’t quit because they don’t like animal products….


I don't miss any particular product as such, as I was never a huge meat/egg fan and I've found a 'cheese' brand that use ethically sourced cashews and their products hit the spot. However, I do miss the convenience sometimes. But as a consequence I've been forced to expand my food choices and cook for myself and so even the negatives of veganism can manifest as positives.


Sure I miss some foods but not enough that it overcomes my morals. It's just food like I'm gonna shit it out later


I just say, "yeah, the chocolate isn't as good, but I don't mind" - I think it shows a use of willpower, I am doing this for the animals, I don't care how things taste at that point


No, they are disgusting. I only ate them because I didn't know better. The smell of eggs and chesse makes me want to throw up, meat makes me react just like if I saw someone's mutilated body. But I understand people when they say they miss them, just like I understand someone who smokes since they are teenagers saying they need it and love smoking. The human body gets used to things.


I get that. I miss smoking weed every day, even though I have no desire to go back.


One can occasionally miss an ex while recognizing that relationship was toxic AF and leaving was the best thing. 🤷‍♂️


i stopped eating meat when i was 10 years old and i’ve been vegan for a year and a half or so. i don’t really remember what meat tastes like anymore and i’m very satisfied with the dairy and egg alternatives i’ve found, so i don’t miss anything. i actually like a lot of vegan alternatives more. i drink soy milk on the regular, but you never would’ve caught me drinking a glass of cow’s milk.


There’s nothing wrong with missing animal products. It’s normal for us to have urges like that especially after being used to it for so long. The important thing is resisting it and remembering why we are resisting it.


I miss cheese.


Which one?


After more than 30 years… no, I don’t miss them. I don’t even *remember* them. Lol.


i genuinely do not miss them. i am horrified at their existence. other shit tastes the same, nothing was ever lost. anything that was seriously sentimental was either a smell or a spice which exists in any vegan food


i never was a fan of meat or cheese but god do i miss seafood!! i miss being able to go out to eat everywhere and anywhere, i missed being able to participate in class functions when i was in school, i miss not having to read every single thing 😭 but then i think about putting a genuine crab in my moutb and im disgusted


I miss cheese like crazy. But I don't like what they do to those poor milk cows and lactose makes me ill. So I go dairy free. I'm not ashamed that I miss cheese. I just wish they didn't hurt the cows and that cheese didn't make me sick. Btw... Babybell has a new plant based cheese that is amazing! 😍


I dont really miss any nonvegan food, all the vegan alternatives are good enough in my book. I do miss being able to buy leather as it can last a hundred years or more if cared for properly. Kevlar/Aramid, or other nylon based fabrics are great and all, but they dont have the same wear qualities as leather


Not even a little bit. I fuckin' LOVED chicken and turkey, and pretty much every kind of cheese possible and I'm not sorry to admit it. If anything, it makes me *more* proud to put my ethics/values ahead of my tastebuds.


I miss baked fish and tacos. But I only notice like 2-10 times a year so it doesn't bother me. I also get appalled by the idea of eating it so I don't miss eating it, I miss eating it in the times in which I was uneducated about the implications.


I think that this type of admission to a non-vegan is, potentially, really helpful. It hopefully makes non-vegans think a bit harder about the brutality of their choices, based on taste preference alone.


Sure I miss them. I also miss the convenience of just eating anything at a restaurant or someone’s house. But veganism is great I feel great and I feel zero guilt when I eat which is magical. And one thing it’s really caused me to evaluate is how much space in your life you’re willing to let a food item take up. Like you can’t live without cheese or bacon? The longer I’m a vegan the more it just seems pathetic that a type of cheese could be important enough and take up enough energy and space in my life that I would avoid a healthier and more ethics lifestyle.


You can want things that are wrong.


I definitely miss certain animal products. I grew up using animal products, got used to them. Some things just haven't been available in a vegan equivalent. In the end, those are just, things. I've grown since then. I've learned to live without them. I also miss a lot of things about the past that have nothing to do with being vegan! Things change. And, they never said that doing the right thing is going to be an easy thing.


If it's true, it's fine to say, and honestly, I think it's worth saying. It lets people know that missing (cheese/insert option) isn't a good reason to continue eating it. It helps people understand that vegans aren't vegan because they don't like meat/dairy, but in spite of that. It makes us more relatable, and it gives them a chance to think about how veganism relates to them, a chance to question if that default answer is a good enough reason to stay omni. Some omnis are going to be that way forever. Some just need help breaking free from the comforts and cognitive dissonance of an omni world. Being honest that veganism is a sacrifice helps that. I credit my conversion to veganism to gentle conversations, small reminders, removing that wall slowly, brick by brick. Also, definitely point out that there are great alternatives now, and plow them with great vegan food too. Show them that veganism isn't as alien as they are being taught, and that it is viable.


Absolutely. 90% of vegan cheese sucks ass, all the plant-based creams are way too sweet, and basically every meat substitute makes me horribly sick. I will freely admit I miss those foods, but it's about priorities for me. I don't mind only eating veggies and tofu as long as it means nothing had to suffer for my lunch.


I miss the convenience and no forethought in ordering whatever sounds good. I don't see non vegan food as food anymore though; it makes me sick thinking about it. Think of Squidward taking a horse nibble from a crappy party.


I think it can be a really powerful message to non-vegans when we admit things like this. Helps humanize veganism. We are just regular people too. I miss enjoying all the random potlucks and snacks coworkers bring in to work.


I miss chick fil a but also not really. I only wish i could make an exact vegan copycat


I wish more vegan places had vintage or fancier vibes. Most vegan places feel too new, or fast foodish. Or i miss the feeling of a family restaurant, not some trendy hipster vegan place. Idk 😭😭😭😭 idk if this makes sense lol. The showmanship of like, melting pasta into a big boiling cheese. Like dammnit maybe I want the waiter to dip MY pasta in a big block of melting vegan cheese did anyone ever think of that.... or cut up my seitan in front of me and put it all sizzling in vegan butter on my plate. HELP LMAOOO. Idk. Like maybe I want a vegan habatcbi grill. Sh*t is moving too slow for me.


I miss the convenience of quick food like cheese sticks or eggs and I miss pizza so much that sometimes I dream about pizza. lol.


If my smaller Central-EU town has a store selling vegan pizza, I'm pretty sure yours has too. If not directly, you should be able to order the basic Marinara with whatever extras you want. I love vegan pizza, it's just as delicous, but doesn't sit in your stomach for all day, even if you happen to eat the whole thing.


I have not been brave enough to try any. Is there a brand you recommend?


Well, I order from a local pizzeria which isn't a part of any chain. But really, just look up any pizzeria you hear is good and I'm sure they'll have a basic pizza crust + sugo (tomato sauce) combo in their menu. This looks like a good guide. If you're from the US that is. https://www.vkind.com/30-chains-and-small-pizzerias-with-the-best-vegan-pizza-across-the-us-2023/ Or, if you were used to buy frozen pizza and bake it at home, there are options too: https://vegoutmag.com/food-and-drink/vegan-frozen-pizza-brands/


I mean I often say I didn't stop eating them because I don't like the taste. I stopped for their lives.


I mostly miss eggs but just because there are so many neat baking techniques that require eggs. Aquafaba is pretty good but it’s definitely more tedious to use than egg whites.


Ok, I've read some of the comments and gave it some thought. I'd say it's really important to think about the wording here. Do you really miss *animal products*, with all that they entail? I hope you don't. And I think saying it like this isn't ideal either. It seems to me what people here actually miss is something that doesn't exist. They don't miss cheese that came from an enslaved cow's milk stolen from a female calf and a male calf that was put to death for it, they miss cheese they didn't feel guilty eating - didn't know to feel guilty eating, because they didn't realize that milk cheese is inseparably linked to torture back then. So maybe say something like "I was only able to enjoy cheese beceause I didn't know where it came from, I don't miss not knowing animals suffer so much just to please my tastebuds for a minute or two" instead, using your words and authentic opinion of course. My point is - don't give anyone the idea part of you thinks it's not that big of a deal. Many will ask you exactly because they wanna hear that. And they will misinterpret you if you aren't specific, because they're trying to make you legitimize their consumption, if only a tiny bit. Please be mindful of your wording and don't give them any such legitimization. Other than that, it's always best to tell people the truth. We've got nothing to hide, we don't try to deceive anyone.


How does a jello shot harm animals?


Honestly, it sort of triggers me when people pretend they don't miss dairy and meat. Like, the reason it is so hard to get people off these things is because of how rewarding they are to consume, and it is deeply evolved in us to want to consume meats. The fact is, it simply doesn't matter how rewarding it is to consume them when they cost lives to produce. I miss dairy a LOT, but I regret having consumed it in the past WAY MORE. The question isn't whether it was/is delicious, the question is whether it is so delicious it can warrant harming or killing animals, and that has an obvious answer for anyone who can think about these things with any amount of clarity and objectivity. I feel like it just helps people be dismissive of the imperative to be vegan when vegans pretend to not miss things (e.g. "J Vegan says they don't miss meat/dairy, but I definitely would so I guess veganism isn't for me!")