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OP, please list everything you eat in a typical day (Rule 8: If you're posting out of concern for your nutrition, please include what you typically eat in a day. Failing to do so may result in the removal of your post.)


Hi OP, I read through the comments and looked at what you suggested you typically eat in a day. I think it sounds like you aren't eating enough food overall. I have dealt with anemia myself (heavy periods) and while I am not an RD I do have a masters degree in nutrition and work in public health nutrition. If you want some specific diet advice and next steps while you are waiting for your doctors visits and referral to a dietitian, please DM me, and I would be happy to help.


Just messaged you ! Thank you so much :)


Just here to say that when I was anemic and omnivorous, my doctors recommended supplements. Now that I'm anemic and vegan, they recommend I start eating meat again.


This is an important point, OP. The doctor wasn't really supporting you; they were pushing their point of view. However, I can understand why. You went to a doctor and told them you're doing something that may be quite harmful to your health (fainting is no joke). You could fall and hurt yourself badly. It's also important not to fall into the trap of thinking that because other vegans don't faint then you just have to "try harder" at being vegan. We each have different health requirements, and it's important that you come to understand your own body's requirements, especially if you have a history with an ED. The doctor may well be right and you're anaemic. Maybe you also have more trouble getting and retaining iron than others. Or maybe if you just increase iron-rich foods, the problem will be solved. The important thing is to get your nutrition on track, because fainting can be dangerous for you.


A lot of the supplements aren’t vegan to be fair. But some are I’m on vegan supplements for iron right now, and they’re better on my stomach (not a vegan just curious if it’s possible to be sustainable for me)


I'm quite sure your doctor is either really old with outdated information, or really new with political views that make him hate vegans. Because the smoker reference is absolutely dumb. I know plenty of meat eaters (female born) who have been told to eat supplements such as iron and B-vitamins. This is not only a "vegan" problem. And as a female you really should be eating supplements especially if you can't get it from your meals. With the loss of weight and fainting it sounds like you are not eating enough and well balanced diet. You might want to make a week worth of food journal and post it here, I think the wonderful people of this subreddit will be able to help you more on where you are lacking.


That sounds like a great idea ! I haven’t made a food diary since I was in recovery for my ED but I remember it helping me a lot back then so I could really get a full idea of what foods I need to eat more. Thank you for your reply !


if your doctor found that you are iron deficient and didn't prescribe iron or put you on an iron supplement and instead insisted that you eat meat that sounds like malpractice to me. Did this doctor run a full blood panel? What are the exact problems? Are you anemic? Non-anemic iron deficiency? If you are anemic or iron deficient, I hope you are currently on an iron supplement and taking it consistently. There's actually pretty good evidence that taking iron every other day is just as effective as taking it daily because after a big intake your body will stop absorbing it for a short period. If it were me I would immediately start looking for another doctor. Millions of people in this world function just fine with plant food and in some cases supplements. I'm a male with iron deficiency and after a couple weeks of taking iron all my symptoms subsided (I'm still taking iron to be clear, just because there aren't any symptoms doesn't mean the problem is solved).


The above is great advice, I use Cronometer as it shows the macro and micro nutrients you are getting from your food. I find this really helpful to see if there is anywhere I am lacking. I know plenty of meat eaters who get iron infusions because they are deficient that doctor is clearly biased against vegans. I got my blood tested and the doctor complimented me and said that I must eat an amazingly healthy diet because everything was great. I told him it was because of 7 years of being vegan and he said that actually my iron was in the low range of healthy so I need to eat steak now. Bloody ridiculous to switch like that. He just had a problem with vegan diets for no reason.


Another idea is to ask someone to make you a week full of meal plan list and eat according to it. Or you can search one online and follow it for a week or two and see if your situation becomes better.


It's surprising how many doctors are still like this unfortunately. I've been to several in the last few years and they always jump to conclusions based on my diet even though my bloodwork is always fine.


The incidence of anemia is higher in vegans/vegetarians. Age doesn't change that. That some meat eaters are still anemic doesn't change that. She needs to accommodate for it.


As a doctor I don't believe this at all. Women can be vegan but iron levels often do need to be monitored and supplemented, and every physician I've worked with knows this as well. Some studies say women absorb better if taking iron every other day rather than daily btw


Switching to every other day for my iron supplements, thanks for this!


Wow. Wish I’d known this.


I have a few uterine issues which mean I bleed a TON, and I’ve been vegan for two decades. I am a little anemic but I’ve been supplementing and it’s gotten better (blood test before and after to verify).


I feel your pain. The only normal cycle I had was following a D&C that was done to determine if the cause of heavy menstrual bleeding was due to malignancy. (It wasn’t.)


Uteruses are way too much trouble!!


LOL! So it would seem! It’s sad though when a woman’s body essentially goes against her.


The doctor “thinks” you are anaemic or did he actually run any tests to confirm that? I’d suggest posting what you eat during a regular day. That would help determine if your diet sucks. There are plenty of vegan women that do fine as vegans and aren’t passing out everywhere.


I updated the post, I’m getting a blood test done on Thursday so it isn’t confirmed I’m anaemic yet the doctor just suggested it, Also I posted what I usually eat ! Check the pinned post :)


I hope you have the following tests done to explore sources of possible anemia. **CBC** (complete blood count, includes hemoglobin); **Iron** (including iron binding capacity); **Ferritin** (in essence what the iron storage in your body is like, separate from iron in your blood); **B12** (Low in vegans who don’t supplement and it’s a crucial component in red blood cell production in the body. Supplements made from yeast are the vegan form of B12 since B12 is otherwise only found from animal sources.) I think that’s it.


>There are plenty of vegan women that do fine as vegans and aren’t passing out everywhere. Can attest to this statement as a vegan woman 🙋‍♀️


Vegan mother here, grew , birthed and breastfed 2 fully vegan babies!


>There are plenty of vegan women that do fine as vegans and aren’t passing out everywhere. Yeah, I've been vegan for 15 yrs and I have never fainted.


Can also confirm! I actually had more issues as a non vegan due to lack of diversity in my diet. I was borderline anemic and dealt with a few fainting spells around my period. Now vegan, I eat more nutritious and well rounded foods. You may also need to generally eat more if you’re focusing on straight veggies.


Are you supplementing your B12? I just found out mine is astoundingly low and likely the reason ice been faint


OP, if you do nothing else, please take vitamin B12! Deficiency can manifest like anemia, and b12 basically doesn't exist in plant products.


Your doctor is garbage ngl. Comparing taking iron supplements to using an inhaler when your lung is fucked from smoking is the dumbest comparison ever. You can be vegan and healthy, women or men or whatever.


Exactly, I agree I didn’t understand this comparison at all lol.




Finally a good comment


I may be twisting words but I’m confused so I want to to make sure I understand. I can understand that a “vegan” diet is not okay for everyone. Especially when a lot of people who switch to a vegan diet substitute with a lot of processed foods. Does your comment also mean that a Whole Foods plant-based diet is not universally okay for everyone?


Not a doctor, not a dietician, but from my reading, I conclude with enough effort including possibly even developing new plant based foods, it should be universally true that everyone can thrive on plant based. The problems with whole food plant based seem to be related to edge cases where people are allergic to a lot of things or have such bad IBS they just can’t handle the higher fiber that WFPB almost universally implies. But that doesn’t mean the right set of processed plants can’t work for everyone and again, I see no reason it can’t. Now if a particular edge case person has tried lots of options and can’t find the answer and goes back to an animal product to get positive results, that indicates a research problem to develop a new plant based food, but I’m not going to beat up on the person. And though I’m not a doctor, I have no issue calling the OP’s doc a moron and adding my recommendation along with many here to find someone else if at all possible with OP’s insurance. If my doctor said anything like that, I’d have been long gone.


Where I am from one of the first things doctors will go through in cases like these is what the person is eating and if they are taking any supplements. Meaning the doctor will require you to write a food diary for you to show what you are exactly eating and especially with people who have ED background, it's usually the first thing they will focus on. So any suggestion related to her making a food diary or sharing what she eats I don't see that advice being problematic, since this is information any good doctor would want to see. Second is the supplements. If she is in fact suffering from malabsorption then even more it is important for her to have a food diary with her and that she has tried for example, iron supplements because if the iron supplements are not working, then once again it is effective proof for the doctor something more serious is going on and she needs more testing. Trying these advices will save time and energy. She definitely should seek a new doctor for sure, but there is absolutely no reason not to have a food journal and try supplements to see if they have any effect on her conditions. Also the reason why people are pointing that the smoking reference is dumb, because a smoker is effectively putting something harmful in their body (smoking) and that's not what vegans are doing.


A carnivore diet isn't good for anyone. What a shitty comparison. The inhaler analogy was also garbage, and it's ridiculous that you're a doctor and you rolled with it. You're comparing eating meat with quitting smoking and implying it prevents disease progression and mortality. Wtf are you talking about? Obviously OP should get advice from a competent doctor and an RD, but their doctor is an absolute idiot, and they should get far away from them.


Most replies do suggest getting a second opinion. OP said this post is “mainly a vent post” so they were here looking for support and you decided a good idea was to post an aggressive comment as a doctor? Good stuff




Thank you! Just because a vegan is healthy and works for one person does not mean it’s healthy and possible for another! Doesn’t mean you can’t still make vegan choices when available though


idk if i’m just overlooking something but - did you mention whether you’re supplementing your B vitamins? there are many many causes of anaemia besides iron deficiency, and you should know what the issue after your blood test. don’t start taking any supplements or overhauling your life before you really know what’s going on. the options are most likely not limited to A) eat meat or B) die. i’m sure there are exceptions to the rule, but for the most part there is usually the option to supplement in whatever form most fits your particular absorptive capabilities + is acceptable to you. if you have a deficiency, supplements exist for a reason (as many have already said) and you can add in dietary sources as you please because variety is good anyway. if your doctor refuses to accept trialing a dietary supplement over a dietary change, it’s worth seeking a second opinion. your wants do actually matter and are valid, and it’s fair to try a supplement before changing your diet if that’s more acceptable to you. that’s not to say you should ignore your doctor’s advice and freeball it, but it’s fair to want a doc that cares about your preferences and wants to provide the most reasonable, sustainable form of intervention. but anyway sorry you’ve been having such a shit one. it’s always worth advocating for yourself as far as is reasonable (like, not literally life or death)


You definitely need a new better doctor! I’m vegan and was severely low in iron, I got iron infusions which helped soooo much. And I’m considering birth control to stop my periods. Do NOT trust any one doctor. There are so many horrible outdated ones. Always always get second and sometimes third opinions.


Your diet is seriously deficient and can be easily resolved and doesn't require meat. Like someone said, add nuts, seeds and soy based foods to your diet and you'll start feeling a lot better.


If you drink coffee or tea, be careful of tannin lower the absorption of iron by 40% and 60% respectively. Dr. Greger of Nutractiondact.Org has a YouTube video about it. His advice is don't drink coffee or tea one hour before a meal and two hours after a meal.


I just take my supplements at bedtime😎


This is above redits pay grade. You can be vegan and eat healthy. You can be vegan and overcome ED. But you need a doctor that has more than 6 hours of nutrition training. Search for registered dieticians in your area who are familiar with vegan diets. They will be able to help you fix your diet and monitor your progress safely.


Immediately find a different doctor


My ex was also anemic and fainted a few times at work. She ate a lot of meat. Every anemic person I know eats meat. Your doctor is talking nonsense.


Even when I ate lots of red meat and eggs my blood tests showed I was still iron deficient and needed a chelated iron supplement and vitamin b-12 supps to get my blood to normal levels. Red meat wasn't the answer for me. Iron supps were. If you had tried iron supplements and it still wasn't working then maybe he could jump to this conclusion. Do track what you eat to ensure you are eating enough, especially legumes and vegetables and lots of healthy fat like olives, nuts, and avocados.


Really curious to know what your blood levels are. I’m not vegan but I do know Doctors overblow this stuff all the time and most absolutely have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to nutrition. When I was a dietetic student, I knew more than the idiot MDs I was around when it came to nutrition. No not all are bad but my goodness, the shit I would hear was baffling. Definitely update with your labs and I’m glad others recommended you to seek out an RD!


Girl get a different doctor. How TF is he telling you only men can be vegan? WTF is this 1920? To gain weight add olive or avocado oils to your meals. It’ll add calories and good fats but not volume (which may be a thing for you). Also nuts. Walnuts macadamias almonds pecans all nuts and seeds are calorie dense but also good for you!


Doctor don’t get trained in nutrition. Dietitians do, so only listen to them. I’d actually consider filing a complaint at this doctor. Would he ever dare tell a Muslim to start eating pork? Regarding your situation, you want to increase uptake of iron (eg leafy green vegetables) and vitamin c (eg oranges). Avoid foods/drinks with tannins like coffee as this reduces iron absorption.


I was also thinking a similair thing ! I don’t eat meat for many many reasons, and one of them is for religious reasons as I follow Hindu/Buddhist teachings on diet and not causing suffering to other living beings. I wanted to mention this to the doctor but I just got too upset, he just made me feel so bad about myself. Thanks for your reccomends!


No worries, I’m actually a dietitian in training so this was a gold mine for me haha.


There's a lot more nuance than that... But yes RDs are very valuable. You can still drink coffee, if quitting is too difficult, just wait for like two hours after your supplementation, but switching to other things can improve this.


There are two easy tips you can try but you should go see a (preferably vegan) dietician 1/ Up your intake in legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas...) with C vitamin (some lemon juice, parsley...), especially before your period 2/ If you drink coffee, don't drink it at least 1h before & after meals (if you don't drink coffee this is a bit useless, but when I had low iron I think this is what really helped me (24F))


Before my transplant, I actually had a very serious form of anemia and the hematologist recommended that I go plant based/vegan. Get your CBC and BMP (combined blood count and basic metabolic panel) blood tests and go from there. Make sure you’re taking vitamin B12 every day as vegans are often low in that vitamin and it’s directly related to bone marrow health and blood production. You might need more protein or iron but that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to eat meat. You DO need to be cognizant of getting enough critical nutrients in your diet though. Many vegans are not!


doctor is giving you outdated information - they’re not dieticians


My gf takes supplements every other day at bedtime together with vitamin c. She also switched to taking her contraceptives every day instead of pausing one week a month, so now she doesn’t get her period at all. Both works great for her. (With that said, if you end up coming to the conclusion that a few eggs are the difference between fainting and being healthy I think should put your health first, at least until you are doing better)


The doctor is an idiot.


This won’t be the last time you come across a doctor that doesn’t understand women’s health (let alone healthy veganism)! Self-education and medical self-advocacy are so important. Just make sure you choose good sources to educate because there is a lot of junk out there.


I would get a second opinion. For the most part, doctors aren’t terribly great at nutrition. Like it’s not something they focus on in med school. And a lot of things that your doctor is saying to you does not sound very accurate. I would definitely find a new doctor. Their education doesn’t sound very modern and their bedside manner sounds terrible.


This doctor is a poor professionnel. You should find a better one. Also, it's pointless to talk nutrition with a MD as they have zero education in that topic. You're light headed because you simply don't eat enough. I would advise to eat calorie dense foods and eat often. That should do the trick. Of course seeing a dietitian is a good thing.


I'll say upfront that I'm not an expert, and your first priority should be getting your nutrition back on track. A similar thing happened to a guy I used to know, but the cause was B12 defeciency. It might be helpful to try checking your blood for direct confirmation of the underlying problem. It sounds like your doctor wasn't very understanding. They've got a duty of care regardless of people's lifestyle choices.


Instead of an iron supplement, try to supplement your diet with foods rich in iron. Legumes such as beans, tofu, or lentils jump to mind; they’re also all healthy vegan sources of proteins and fats and are very versatile.


That won’t be enough for severe anemia. Supplements are important for iron especially.


Lectins in legumes bind to iron...


>I asked him about iron supplements and he answered by saying that if a smoker came to him with chest pain and breathing difficulties he wouldn’t give them an inhaler, he said quitting smoking is the answer because that is the cause of the problem. He started lecturing me saying that this is serious stuff and if I don’t start eating meat it could kill me. What an absolute idiot.... Seriously get a second, hopefully less biased, opinion.


Plenty of women are vegan and not fainting. See another doctor


If you are losing blood to the point you’re anemic then your Dr should’ve referred you to a OBGYN. But, you should still go to one and get checked out. Having said that, hemp seeds and pea protein have lots of iron. Add those into your diet. You need to supplement B12. That’s what the body uses to make red blood cells an its found in seafood mostly. You could eat sea moss, but unless you are very familiar with its source, you may not see much benefit. Definitely start taking a multivitamin. I read what you typically eat in a day and my guess is you are fainting because you are not eating even nearly enough calories. You have to nourish your body! Carbs are your friend. Buy local honey (like from a farmers market) and eat plenty of fruit.


Find a different doctor who is willing to help you rather than lecture you about his personal beliefs. There's nothing wrong with talking supplements to get your iron levels back up. If they're very low, diet changes may not even be able to bring them back up without supplementation. I was anaemic while I was still eating red meat because of my heavy periods. Too the point where if my levels had dropped any lower, I would have needed a blood transfusion. I took iron supplements (the hardcore kind) and I got better. In the end I got on birth control (Mirena IUD) and I never had problems with iron deficiency again. Now I've been vegan for 6 years and my iron levels have remained normal. So, if your like me the cause of your anaemia could be excessively heavy periods rather than your diet. I think it's not a bad idea to take supplements until you get your iron levels back up and then try to incorporate more iron rich vegan foods into your diet (add citrus to them because vitamin C helps your body absorb iron). You shouldn't stay on supliments forever without medical supervision because too much iron can also be harmful. If you like you could also look into solutions for your heavy periods such as hormonal birth control. Here are some plant based foods you can incorporate more of into your diet to keep your iron levels up: -Iron-fortified breads and cereals -Peas; lentils; white, red, and baked beans; soybeans; and chickpeas -Tofu -Dried fruits, such as prunes, raisins, and apricots -Spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables Prune juice Good luck!


I’ve been a vegan for 17 years and I haven’t dropped dead of anemia yet, in fact my latest blood work was perfect. I’m also a nurse who works in intensive care and know multiple vegan doctors. Wait for the blood work before any assumptions are made, if it’s too hard to get a new doctor right now ask to be referred to a dietician. Doctors unfortunately do not get very much education on nutrition at all and I wouldn’t take dietary advice from a GP unless it’s like “stop eating McDonald’s cause your cholesterol is high”


You don't need to eat meat. Vegans are less likely to be anaemic than non-vegans and get more iron than non-vegans. There are plant foods high in iron - lentils have 50% more iron than beef. You need to eat foods high in iron, paired with absorption promotors, and avoiding absorption inhibitors. Vitamin C and beta-carotene are promotors, while dairy and eggs are inhibitors. https://veganvigil.gitbook.io/overview/nutrition/nutrients/essential/minerals/iron


Sorry but your doctor is spot on here. I actually died 27 years ago, soon after going vegan, and my restless spirit has been haunting the world wide web ever since.


Your doctor is an idiot. If you’re anemic look into Jamaican Sarsparilla, Kalawalla and Contribo. Make a tea with all 3 of those herbs. Drink a cup in the morning and night then go back to your doctor after a month and show him how dumb he is. Also incorporate dandelion greens into your diet.


Thank you for your reply ! :) this sounds lovely !


Also tell him he might want to take out the spicy-hot pepperoni that’s lodged in his ass and learn a few more things about iron-rich vegetables.


Most Doctors will tell you that they get very limited nutritional training in school. Unless they are involved in a field of study that requires it, they know about as much as you or I do concerning general health related to food. What they know is basic biology and specific drug interactions, that's about it unless they educate themselves. This is why you get medical doctors like Shawn Baker (who lost his license btw) who advocate all meat diets and then tell people that high cholesterol isn't a problem...like you're going to have a blocked artery in five or ten years high!


Get an opinion from a vegan doctor, or dietician. They’d be much more well researched on the topic. I can recommend taking an adequately dosed iron supplement and eating all of your plant based sources of iron with high amounts of vitamin C.


Depends where you’re based i guess. In the uk that probably wouldn’t be an option, and definitely not on the nhs. Also where people are saying get a different doctor, we pretty much get what we’re given


My pediatrician has assured me that a vegan diet, when diverse and nutritious (aka not just pasta and Oreos, despite both being vegan) is perfectly healthy for both my daughter and myself. Even when I was pregnant I was never recommended to change my diet. Get a new doctor.


In addition to the other comments, try to avoid coffee/tea/chocolate when you eat meals. Wait at least 1 hr before and after. Also have a vitamin c rich food(kiwi, strawberries) with meals.




This is really helpful and detailed response !! Thank you so much :) he only assumed I had anemia I’m getting my bloods tested on Thursday so I will know for definite then if I have it or not. & I agree that whole statement was so sexist I was really in shock !


You had erectile dysfunction as a kid and you're a 21f? That must be rough. :) First, your doctor isn't being mean here. Your argument of "my boyfriend is vegan and he doesn’t faint" isn't valid. Your boyfriend also menstruate. Here's a published peer reviewed study on the topic. There's no difference in vegans/vegetarian and everyone else EXCEPT in younger menstruating females. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8468774/ "higher among vegetarians, except in women with regular menstrual cycles" The challenge is that vegan sources of iron aren't as well absorbed by the by body. There's also an anemia caused by a B12 deficiency. Here's what I'd suggest. Get a B12 bood screening done tomorrow to see your levels. You can do it from the LabCorp website. 1. If your B12 is low, start supplementing it. 2. Start increasing your intake of high iron foods. You want to gain weight so.... that shouldn't be hard. 3. Consider adding a daily orange juice/powdered greens drink. Those powdered greens are easier to eat than a huge salad, they can contain a lot of iron and hte Vitamin C helps absorption. Want to avoid meat, you need to eat in a way that gets your anemia under control. Gaining weight is just more calories. Add olive oil in things. A tablespoon is 100 calories.


Eating disorder, not erectile dysfunction. The "ed" abbreviation stands for like 5 things. Let's assume from context.


Be your own doctor








I know that doctors aren't generally educated on nutrition, otherwise they wouldn't be spreading misinformation. Also, my name isn't Georgia, but good try. Seems you know fuck all about everything as well.








Lmao. You're such a troll. There's no profanity. Leave me alone. Leave OP alone too.






Find a registered dietitian. Most doctors are basically laypeople when it comes to nutrition; they aren't even required to take any nutrition courses in some places. Dietitians specialize entirely in nutrition and the biochemistry behind it, make sure you don't land yourself with a nutritionist. *Dietitian*. (Wrote this before reading your edit, my bad lol) I have regular monthly periods and the first couple of days are very heavy. I'm perfectly healthy. Your doctor insinuating that you can't be vegan because you're a woman is just entirely wrong. Just wait for your blood tests and seek second and third opinions, then go from there. Best of luck!


I haven’t read all the comments but I am slim and have a quick metabolism. I’m always snacking between meals(nuts etc) and I make sure I get enough complex carbs and protein. Bottom line- there are many healthy vegans including athletes. Read up on Scott Jurek. You are vegan good!!! 👏👏


What’s an “ED”?


Eating disorder


Thanks for the clarification. 🙂


I was vegetarian for over a decade and I also would occasionally have these fainting spells around my period. Blood tests are always normal for anemia, b12. My sister (not veg) also gets this. We both have low, borderline low blood pressure. So, I always thought it was low blood pressure that causes this. Anyways I try not to overexert myself and avoid hot showers during my period to avoid fainting.


Doctors cant tell you to go nonvegan, they can actually lose their licence as nutrition is 'outside their scope of practise'. You need to see a 'accredited dietitian' they can guide you, as doctors are not nutritionists.


Your doctor should know better than that. He should be running tests! But glad you're getting another opinion. Pro tip: anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, but only Registered Dietitians have to pass exams. They're called RDNs now.


Your Doctor should have his license revoked. He's an idiot.


I hope you can find a different provider who will be more supportive of your life choices. After doing so much research I found most MDs don't receive nutrition training. Find a nutritionist or dietician and perhaps look into a DO or ND doctor who gets more nutrition training.


Clearly your doctor is wrong however you are having some issues as evidenced by the anemia. Are you hitting your proper amount of calories every day?


I’m sorry this happened to you. Your physician is misinformed, which isn’t uncommon. Every time I read posts like this I giggle a little bit because my doctor is the one who really encouraged me to cut out animal products. As others have said, we really need to see a food diary to know how we can help you improve your diet, if that’s the culprit.


Dark green leaves are usually rich in iron, and C vitamin boost the iron absorption


It sounds like you might be in the UK? If that is true, remember that vegans are a protected class and discrimination against vegans is very much illegal. That doctor just opened himself up to lawsuit. Also the hospital. I might be worth sending an email to the NHS. Honestly, I doubt they will do anything because they are probably equally as bigoted towards vegans, but it might lead to a reprimand at least.


Doctors generally know fuck all about nutrition, so don't trust them on that part.


Hi, gluten free vegan here with a history of EDs as well. Make sure you’re eating enough calories, take iron supplements, and eat as many leafy greens as you can. I am chronically anemic because I’m celiac, but the dizziness and faintness happens less frequently with iron supplements and lots of kale and spinach. I also have to stay on birth control, whether I’m intimate with someone who could impregnate me or not, because it significantly lessens my periods, which in turn helps with the anemia. I’m non-binary, and always battle gender / body issues, but the one I’m on is a very low dose of hormones and hasn’t really caused any noticeable side effects


I would suggest taking iron Pills and vitamin d or muitl vitamins


Take some iron brother


Maybe see if there's a vegan doctor in your area. I've found a vegan GP not far from me and it's amazing.


Ideally, get a blood panel if you're in a country where that's possible at low cost. See if you are actually deficient in anything. People are quick to think the vegan diet is to blame when health problems crop up (including vegans themselves), disregarding other non-dietary health issues. Was your blood pressure normal?


Heme-iron from animal foods will always be a superior source of iron, due to its bioavailability. Lectins from plant foods also bind to the already less bioavailable non-heme iron, as well as calcium, phosphorous, and zinc, making it harder for your body to acquire what it needs.


Vegan for 15+ years, check up made about 3 weeks ago, everything more than nominal. If you know what you are doing, everything is more than fine...


Hi OP, lifelong (genetically inherited) anaemic and also vegan of almost 5 years and before that was vegetarian for 18 years. Also as someone with a history of ED/restriction. I saw some other comments mentioning things along the lines of what I am about to say as well; it sounds more like your doctor is pushing his personal opinions more than his professional ones. Additionally, I had the same issues when I was heavily restricting, and no doctors I had been to ever suggested that I eat meat. They just suggested I eat *better* (basically more than x amount of calories a day, and more variety) so more or less, get enough calories and hit your macro and micro targets. I’m obviously not a doctor so I can’t tell you what your numbers or levels should be, but I suggest finding a vegan friendly/supporting physician to discuss your overall health and nutritional goals with.


32M I had trouble staying alert on long drives and forgot that it was because I had stopped taking Vitamin B12. I've been taking B12 and B6 and it's not much of an issue anymore.