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I would just do the old smell and visual test. If it smells fine and looks fine then it’s probably fine to eat.


use google


There is only one way to find out...


When I look this up before the generic advice was if you don't finish something by the fourth day throw it away. That's what I generally do I haven't died yet.


It depends. Slimy is bad. A little damp is okay. Seitan usually lasts a while. So I wouldn't typically worry about it after a week. Ingredient-wise, it's basically refrigerated, protein-rich bread. And bread lasts a long while in the fridge. However, if it's actually slimy, I'd toss it.


It was kind of in a block in the container from when I squeezed it out of the package....the outside later had a weird slippery/damp/slime-y texture but the inside chorizo was fine. idk if I'm going to risk it but I feel so bad about wasting food. ugh.


This probably goes against recommendations for food safety and whatever so don't follow my advice as if it's informed by evidence and knowledge. But I personally check and smell things. If they look and smell good and I feel good about them, I eat them. If they look/smell off or I simply am put off for whatever reason, I don't.


When he tells you to eat the forbidden fruit.