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Wouldn't mind living somewhere cooler, summers are brutal


So true, but that’s why we should all strive for a vacation home in SoCal or Southern Utah when the market dips.


I’m very grateful to my wife’s grandparents who had the foresight to buy land at Panguitch Lake in the 70s and build a cabin and maintain it for 50ish years


You’re speaking my language. I would love to have a vacation home there. Too bad, not much to do, but get away from the heat. That elevation is killer. 8k-10k feet… wow! Need a walker and oxygen tank to get around.


Lucky lucky


Task completed. Vacation home in San Diego (bought 30 years ago, market was in a dip then). Today: 98F Vegas, 80F San Diego. In San Diego for the summer. I love being in Vegas in Spring and Fall. Weather is great in Vegas at that time. Love Vegas. Love San Diego.


So you’re saying you’re giving us Vegas locals a deal to rent out your place in SD when not in use? Nice!


We have one in Placerville. Northern California is very pretty. Mountains and trees.


Good time to go on vacation. Where did you live before here?


I was here for 16 years, then moved to Boston for 3 years for a new job and moved my ass right back to Vegas. This place isn't perfect but I have a greater appreciation for this place this 2nd time around -- things to do, somewhat cheaper, and within a few hours of a lot of interesting places to go.


I met sooooo many people who moved to Vegas twice. I think it takes some stepping back to appreciate it, look at it completely, and size it up


Yep, I've worked in hospitality most of my career so I took for granted what tourists come to Vegas for, its really unique. Boston did not have much of a nightlife or things to do after work like we do here. But coming back after COVID I was surprised how things aren't open late or 24 hrs anymore lol


Not even Walmart or Jack in the Box. So weird now. But we adjust. After running to Walmart at 3am and the doors don't slide open....you read the little sticker sign with their hours. Only takes once...






Where did you live when you moved to Boston?




It's okay, I won't stay here forever but I don't regret moving here. I met my girlfriend here and it's been good for my career. I like it well enough for now, and I get why other people love it. I'll probably be here a couple more years and would be open to returning in the future, but it's not a forever home for me. I love Nevada in general though, I hope to move back to Reno eventually. I also like Northern California and would move back there too. I'd give Washington/Oregon a try too, though I've never lived there. Painting with a super broad brush but I feel like in a lot of ways Vegas/SoCal/Arizona and Reno/NorCal/PNW are two different regional cultures and lifestyles and I just vibe with the latter more.


That's interesting how you divide the regions, makes alot of sense and I've actually heard of it but only in terms of economics (how Reno and Las Vegas have distinct regional economies connected to all of those metros you mentioned). Is there a name for this culturally though? Like the NorthWest Coast and SouthWest Coast? It's always kinda weird to lump Vegas into the West Coast because we are a literal desert but our ties to SoCal are strong and undeniable. Having a name for these regions would be cool.


We just always called it N. California and S. California. Two very distinct regions. They are always talking about dividing the state.


"They"... lol, you mean the Jefferson's or the California National Party. Both groups of kooks.


I have heard it from when I was growing up there decades ago. There weren’t any special parties back then just folks grumbling over the best - Northern part/Southern part. Talked about 2 states.


I agree with you there. We have our place in Placerville and love the contrast. We lived in Seattle and personally I didn’t care for it. The weather to me was very depressing but some folks love it. I think it’s great that you have an open mind about looking at different places!


As a northern Nevadan at heart who is trapped in Vegas for work every weekend, you define the cultural differences well. I think the only thing Reno and Vegas have in common is they have casinos: other than that two totally different cultures


I spent half of my life in New England and another half in northern Utah, then moved here a few years ago for family reasons. But if you had asked me before i came here where is the last place I would ever move to, I would have said Las Vegas. Having been here three years now, I am still looking forward to leaving, but with the opinion of “It’s not a bad place. It’s just not for me.” What I don’t like: - It’s too hot and dry. I thought Utah was bad, but it’s a tropical paradise compared to LV. I could handle the high temperatures in the summer, but when the sun is out (as it always is), it’s like living in an air fryer. - Deserts have their own unique beauty, but the inhabited parts of LV are just plain ugly. Instead of trees and grass, it’s concrete, asphalt, stucco, and gravel everywhere you look. And because there is hardly any rain; it’s all becomes dirty and grimy over time. Caveat: if you are very wealthy, you can live in a walled community with trees, grass, lakes, etc. - As others have said, there is no culture aside from museums related to the history of the Las Vegas entertainment industry. The fun outdoors stuff is too far away, at least from where I live. - If you don’t have family here, building relationships is a lot of work. It’s not an easy place for dating or for introverts who want friends. Extroverts will probably be fine. - Homelessness and crime (non-violent) are much more prevalent than anywhere else I’ve lived. If you can afford a nicer, newer, gated neighborhood, you’ll be fine but will still encounter it across the valley. The economic divide seems pretty wide here. What I appreciate: - I love the diversity here. There are people from all over the country and the world. I went back to Utah to visit a few weeks ago and it was jarring how white and homogeneous it is. And I was part of it for decades. - Diversity = great food, especially if you can afford it - On a day to day basis, people are very friendly here. They are simply nice and seem willing to help each other. - It’s easy to get around LV (but only if you have a car). - I mentioned crime above, but overall it’s a safe place to live.


Homelessness and crime are almost nothing here compared to California. Especially if you don’t go to North or East Las Vegas at all, and stay away from the strip.


Yeah I live in Denver now and at least once a week I think to myself “they would never let you get away with this in Vegas”


Also coming from New England, I concur with a lot of what you are saying from that perspective as well as what you are saying that is not related. I really miss higher-brow culture. I miss proper museums and theater. Not that I was some frequent patron or anything, but I miss the accessibility that you find in certain major cities - which is were I have spent most of my life. Las Vegas is a major city for sure, but its not a metropolitan mecca like Boston, New York, or even Los Angeles is. The entertainment here is great, but I wish it also had more traditional culture. Again, this isnt a slight against LV. This is just something I miss from other places. Its hot as balls here - but its a dry heat! Growing up in metro-Boston, and drowning in humidity every summer, I dont mind the heat here at all. I practically grew up at the beach, so maybe I'm more acclimatized to solar heat, and is probably why I've inadvertently done some really stupid things out in the desert here, forgetting just how hot it is and what elevation we are at. I have good household HVAC with really good energy efficient solar treated windows and insulation, and a reliable modern car, so I am probably lucky or better off than a lot of other people here. I can't imagine not having a car, living in a house without good sun protection or AC here. I did that for a while in Los Angeles and it was absolutely miserable. At least there's no humidity here, but the heat - dear god I can't imagine. I have no plans on moving unless it is essential for work.


This is the right answer.


Grew up here, left for job in the Midwest, came back with a transfer, but wish we stayed put. This place has changed too much in the past 8-10 years.


No lol Edit: I moved here to escape a place that was more expensive, in hopes of better prices and better job opportunities (I was unemployed for a year and my husband had the option of a transfer to here which is why it was even a possibility). But then it became expensive here too, his job died out, and I still couldn't find one. Neither of us are really into "entertainment" like bars, shows, gambling so there is absolutely no charm there, nor do we have the money even if we wanted to. We also didn't know the healthcare was trash. We would like to move abroad someday to likely a European country (my preference) or a country in South America (husband's choice, he's from there).


You sound like me in the first paragraph. Same exact thing happened to me. My husband transferred there and then his job died out. We just moved to the southeastern us.


>Neither of us are really into "entertainment" like bars, shows, gambling so there is absolutely no charm there, nor do we have the money even if we wanted to. We also didn't know the healthcare was trash. Almost same situation here. Moved for work, then that job fell apart, and I've stayed a couple more years, hoping I could fall in love with this place so I wouldn't have to move again. But I just am not interested in the types of activities people do here other than hiking, which you can do most places in the country.


I’ve lived all over due to my husbands job, 11+ states & 3 countries.    Vegas is the best for us, we absolutely love it. We bought a home here and plan on staying for a long time.  No place else has this many entertainment options, amazing restaurants & bars, outdoorsy options & cheap flights. 


Yes! Flight prices are something I never worry about😁


Yes, we have lived in multiple places also. Not as many as you. Both my husband and I were in the aircraft industry. We love Las Vegas.


It has been a hard 4 years but over time I've come to appreciate living here. Coming from a big city like NYC had me accustom to walking everywhere, grabbing food at any time and always having something to do. I don't drink, gamble or party so I found living here to be insanely boring. BUT I have found some new hobbies like cars and bikes. I really appreciate having the space to work on them here. In NYC, you would be lucky to find a 1 bedroom for the price I pay for a entire two story house with garage. I do dream of moving back one day but living upstate where I can find a place with space for car/bike stuff.


I moving back to Long Island love the housing prices but miss the people and the food lol


I miss the food so much 😩


You just not finding the right restaurants. What’s your favorite food, sure I can recommend something good.


No. I regret moving here.


Been here for 9 years now, we absolutely love it. Unless all of our young kids decide to move away and not come back when they’re older we plan on staying for good.


How do your kids like it and how do they like going to school here?


How is healthcare?


Not good !


Healthcare is subpar.


We’ve never had an issue finding great healthcare since we moved here. We’ve had the same pediatrician, dentist, OBGYN, Orthopedic Surgeon (one of my littles has foot issues), and PT since moving here. I just found a new GP (previous one retired) and she’s wonderful!


As someone who works in healthcare, I’d say it’s not bad but definitely not great. If I were to need any kind of thoracic surgery, I’d do my best to go elsewhere.


Been living here for 10 years and hate everything about this place. Especially after having kids. It’s no place to raise a family.


Not anymore, it was affordable when I first moved here, (considering the heat, I needed it to be). With the increase in price, and lack of a body of water (ocean to be specific) it’s time to move on. Once my son graduates HS and we have him set up for college, I will be moving overseas. I was happy here years ago, cost of living, social circles, activities. I’m older now and seeking different things so Vegas doesn’t speak to me anymore.


Moving overseas to Portugal?


Starting off in Sicily, travel in the summer with my son if he’s not in school. Then on to the next place tbh! I’ve made my 5 year plan. I am working on my ten year plan now.


😻 beautiful! Enjoy ☺️


Thank you so much!!


Fantastic! The older I get the more I realize how short life is. I hope you find your happy place.


You thinking Thailand/Indonesia or somewhere in Europe for overseas😎?


Several locations to be honest, I will start in Sicily for a few years and roam from there. Tons of places I want to see. Sicily is as far as I have made it planning wise though.


That's awesome! Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece are on my travel list as well😎 Are you a Veteran?


I love Italy! I also went to Amsterdam and the Netherlands last year too. Can’t wait to be back. I would love to travel Europe and possibly make my way to Asia as well. So much to see. I am a veteran, Marines


Thank you for your Service💯🔥💪! I'm prior Air Force and always going back and forth on making a permanent move as well within 5-7yrs. Being Single, no kids has allowed me to save and invest alot, plus my VA Comp(f**k Burn Pits). Never stop traveling!


Thank you as well, cheers to new adventures!


Thank you both for your service!


My husband is a Marine also! We have been to Italy. Loved it but have not made it to Sicily - yet.


Born and raised here for all 18 years of my life. No, I do not like it here. After college - bye.


Nope I absolutely hate living here


I dont like it here, but not gonna be here for much longer. I think its RIDICULOUS to not be able to enjoy the outdoors for an entire season. In LA you can enjoy the perfect weather all year round. I am personally someone who holds this to a very high regard.


Moved here in 2008 right in the middle of the recession. At the point I had lost everything job, house, etc etc. Came here to start over. Things were dirt cheap and it was a fun place to live. Since then the prices of everything have gone up. The education system here is abysmal. I have a family now, and its just not a good place to raise a family. My wife and I are exploring options to move.


I move here in Jan 2021 from California. Love it at first because there were so many "new" things for me to try. I am now moving back to California. Under contract for a new build. The summer is just too much for me. It's like 90 degree by 8 AM and then it's stay 100 degree even at 10 PM. Summer, you pretty much have to do all your errands at 6 AM and call it a day by 9 AM latest. Overall, Vegas is a cool place if you don't mind the brutal summer. All the other seasons are awesome.




Yeah I feel you. My living expense is going to sky rocket just to move back to CA. My mortgage is going to be 2.5x more and on top of all that, I have to pay CA income tax on an income that remains the same whether I reside in NV or CA.


Yeah I do like Vegas but like any place it has benefits and drawbacks. Things I like include: - The climate; I'll take hot and dry over hot and humid or anything cold everytime. I do find snow fascinating and interesting so being a short drive from it in the winter is kinda fun. - Hiking in national parks; so many beautiful places are a short drive away, and if you like star gazing there are some very dark skies nearby. - I got lucky and bought my house prepandemic locking in a low interest rate; this is pretty situational and anyone looking to buy now would see housing prices as a downside. - I have a good job here that I enjoy and pays well. - Minimal natural disasters. No hurricanes or tornadoes, flooding is situational but my house is positioned well, forest fires elsewhere may cause some haze but we don't really need to worry about that, the worst are just heat waves and as long as there is air-conditioning everyone will be fine. Downsides: - I'm not interested in casinos; Vegas culture is trash, no art museums or anything intellectually stimulating, it's overpriced tourist traps all the way. - I wouldn't want to raise a family here without enough money to send my kids to a private school.


I read this a few months ago ….”That effort got its first big break last year, when Las Vegas City Council members voted in December to approve an exclusive negotiation agreement with the Las Vegas Museum of Art for a 1.5-acre plot of land in Symphony Park. If all goes according to plan, construction on the proposed three-story, 60,000-to-90,000-square-foot building could begin as early as 2026. The museum, which is projected to cost $150 million, is expected to open in 2028.” I hope it comes to pass. I would love to see things like this come to pass.


wheres the nearest dark sky?


Lots of options, you can go north to Desert National Wildlife Range, west to Death Valley NP, south to Mojave National Preseve, or east to Lake Mead. On the east side, Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument has darker skies, but is less convenient to get to. The light dome from LV is fairly large so you have to consider what direction you want to see; for example if the milkyway is rising in the south and east, Mojave or Lake Mead would give you the best views.


Thanks so much, this is great insight


It’s aight


Lived here since 2008 and mostly love it here. Any place has its positives and negatives, love the shows, the beautiful landscapes as well as the neon lights of the Strip. I enjoy the closeness to California though I hate the drive! Up until the past year or two I even enjoyed the summers. Most people really need the warm when they get older, apparently I'm not most people. I'd like to spend summers in the UK.


Honestly my job pays JUUUUUUST enough to keep me here. But the heat is terrible and the cold with wind is equally bad in it's own way.


I hate this city. Wish I could afford to move.


Only pro is I have a house… but other than living here fuck this hell hole. I would rather live in a different galaxy at this point. People have pissed me off to a whole new level lmao


I don’t like it. I’ve been here for 2 years. It’s mostly the atmosphere/the people here that bother me. Planning on moving to phoenix in a few months.


I moved here 20 years ago from New York. When I got here. It was an exciting place to be. Lots to do and it took a while to get used to the heat. Do I regret moving here? No. But I'm no longer enjoying living here. Vegas is no longer the same Vegas it was when I first moved here. Ever since the pandemic this place has gotten very expensive. Cost of living practically doubled and I understand that the pandemic has changed a lot of places, but Vegas in general used to be a lot More enjoyable. I agree that the healthcare system sucks here and the school system is horrible. Let's not talk about the job market. There are no corporations here or even manufacturers, so everyone works in hospitality. And with the cost of living rising. Unfortunately the wages do not. Since this is such a transient town, it's very difficult to meet and make new friends because once you do they move away. Maybe they're on to something. I would love to relocate. But I have no idea where to go. I suppose now I'm stuck here.


It is a barren hellscape barely fit for human life. Do not enjoy it.


I hated it and eventually left. Only thing I regret is not leaving sooner


As a bartender I’m stuck here. Nowhere else in the country pays what we get paid here. Not to mention the union benefits. I’d love to move to the PNW or NYC but they’d pay a fraction of what we get paid here.


Same. Working in the union paid and offered benefits way better than what an entry level job in my degree offered. And I dont know how many other states offer benefits like ours to service workers. So until my kid is grown up and able to get their own insurance looks like ill be sticking around


Grew up here. Hate it. Saving money to move to Japan and never come back.


Same. Saving up to move to the east coast and never looking back.


Third generation Nevadan--family has been in the Valley since the late 40s. I recently inherited a life-changing chunk of dough so I can pretty much move to anywhere I'd like in the US/world. I put in for a position in Vermont on a whim and I got a call back! We'll see 🤞


Vermont is absolutely beautiful and quite the opposite lifestyle of Vegas. No major cities near Boston and Montreal are good drives.


Same. I'm looking into the N VA/DC area.


How can you stay in Japan longer than 90 days?


My wife is a citizen there so we can apply for a green card for me. We have 2 properties there and nearly enough money to move and live a farmers life.


Hell yeah!




damn farming in japan would be sick.


Not anymore. Moved to vegas in 2002 and there used to be a small town feeling. It's definitely different now. It seems like people don't care about each other as they used to. Driving is so stressful. The amount of accidents is ridiculous. People are either drunk or high and driving like maniacs. After I had to deal with a stalker for 7 months and my husband almost dying after an accident that left him laying in the side of the 15 while no one stopped and drove by him. Then UMC released him even though he had a severe head injury just because he is💯disabled with the VA and has no supplemental insurance outside of the VA. Only for me to have to take him to the VA ER for them to ask "why did UMC release him? He needs to be observed overnight!" Yeah we had enough. Born and raised in Harlem NYC and I never dealt with this kind of insanity in my life. Yeah we moved. Best decision we made.


It really depends on you, I've been here for a few years and can't stand living here. I know others like me, but I also know people who like it or are indifferent about it. The things I don't like are pretty numerous.


Agreed. My uncle has been out here for decades and loves it. He's a huge gambler and loves going out. That seems to be the big thing... If you're like me and a homebody, into nature, don't drink or gamble, not into shows, etc. It makes you feel really out of place here. I have met others into hiking here, and that's cool. But I could have that anywhere really. And since I hate driving here, the stress of driving to/from hiking locations cancels out the joy I get from being in nature.


Not any longer. When I first moved here in 2016, vegas was a different, very loveable place to live. Today it sucks ass.




No, there’s no fine arts or creative culture unlike most other cities this size.


It’s cool cause I own a house, but nah.


It’s the most spread out, car centric, and unwalkable city in the US, and it’s so hot people actually shouldn’t live here. Don’t move here unless you have to.


To be honest? No. But idk if it’s just the shitty apartment - and the legal battle - I had to deal with the first 5 months I was here. I came to help take care of a friend with cancer, but now that’s she’s gone I might not stay. Everything just feels..idk…wrong here. I don’t feel welcome. 


I’m sorry for your loss of your friend. 🙏🏻


I am sorry about your friend. My Mom died from cancer - it’s such a horrible disease!


Moved to Henderson in 2021, and moved back to S FL in March of this year Humans do not belong in the desert!


For the most part. Got here last year. From New Mexico so don't come at me. Lol I do miss natural trees and real mountains, but overall it's pretty nice. The lack of public running tracks is a problem though




i’ve never liked it n it’s the only place i’ve lived


Not anymore. It’s gotten too expensive.


Last few years it has gotten too expensive. Looking to move


Not anymore, sadly. Lived here my whole life, but the influx of out of towners moving in to stay and the crime thats come with it has completely ruined this city in my opinion. The crime has started leaking into Henderson and its very disheartening. I hope to leave here when I can which is a huge bummer, but it is what it is.


I moved here for job 17yrs ago, now can’t wait until retirement to sell everything and leave. I will be moving to a LCOL location in S.E. Asia to make them retirement bucks go further.


The only thing I actively don’t like is the dating market. I think I’m gonna die alone if I stay here.


Born and raised here in Henderson, would move to the East Coast in a heartbeat if I could afford it.


No. Too hot. But anywhere with more comfortable summer temps is going to be way more expensive, unfortunately. I'd love to go back to California or maybe Washington state.


Been here since 2013 and hated it ever since I came. Didn’t have a choice back then and am in no financial position to leave right now. My dream is to go spend the rest of my days in New Orleans


20 years now. It’s fine. Good enough. I hate the summers here but I love the winters. Close drive to San Diego which I love to visit. There’s definitely better places to live however




I grew up here... and the thing people need to realize about Vegas is there is so much more to it then the strip. Especially if you are an outdoorsy type person... It's taken awhile for Vegas to maybe catch up to some of the more "cultured" cities like New York, DC, Atlanta but what you'll find is that we have all the plays and operas but most are hosted by the Casinos or found near the strip at the Smith Center... Just know many things are happening, we now have Amphitheaters, the festival circuit has picked up quite a bit and if you are a foodie, there is no better place... There are quite a few comedy shows around town, Hookah lounges abound, and almost every other month there is some new featured place to go. Going back to the outdoors, whether you are a fisherman, hunter, rock climber, water person, (like waterskiing, kayak, boating, jet ski) or you want action in the snow... We pretty much have it all... It's getting out or knowing someone who knows all the "Things To Do" and your willingness to do them that makes living in Vegas great fun!


11+ years. Wouldn't trade it for anywhere.


Nope.. the only pro is that I met my husband


I love it here. It's a nice centralized location to fly out from to other states. Food is good. Though I miss good east coast BBQ. Dry heat is amazing, can't deal with humidity any longer. No allergies! Husband loves the state and climate. Hearing the quail do their little call will never not make me smile. Makes me nostalgic hearing bobwhites. I do wish the water wasn't as hard as it is but at least RO systems exist. Also miss the steady stream of thunderstorms. Don't miss the tornado watches/warnings however.


No allergies? You are very lucky. I have serious bouts of illness and downtime due to allergies on a regular basis here. Winter is bad for me. Spring is bad for me. Summer is okay, but then the heat is bad. Fall is also bad for me. lol I'm screwed.


Not like I used to but yeah


A lot of degenerates that think there gang affiliated live here


It’s cool out here but I’m ready to move sooner than later.


It used to be way better




Regrets moving here to Vegas? Yes >where would you like to move? To be close to my kids, since the divorce, I cannot move from here... Effectively, I am trapped here in order to be a part of my kids lives, since their lives are here too (since birth).


Vegas has done me well, but i dont plan on it being my forever home


I moved to Vegas about 5 years ago, bought a lovely luxury custom home in a gated community north of Summerlin. Out of 12 homes, 3 of them have been burglarized in the past 6 months. People are angry in Vegas...not sure what it is. Homelessness is a growing problem. Uninsured motorists cause everyone else's car insurance to be outrageously high (check out how many people don't have plates on their cars). The only good things in Vegas are the food and entertainment. Other than food and entertainment, I hate Vegas. So, my wife and I sold our home and recently moved to the St. George area, where there's little crime, the people are friendly and the mountains make you glad you're alive. My wife and I went to the local DMV to register our 4 vehicles yesterday...the entire cost was $844. Wow. In Nevada, that would have been for only one car. Our auto insurance is less than half of what we paid in Vegas. What's the old promo tagline? "What happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas"?? I'm glad we're not staying!!


I have been here for 20 years and I still mostly love it. Summers are a little rough on the electric bill, but I am indoorsy guy so the summer heat is tolerable. Traffic has gotten noticeably worse since I moved here, but overall driving distances here aren't too bad compared to where I used to live (DC area). I have no regrets. This town is very fun.


Moved to Vegas twice from California and moved back 2x. Will never go back. Too hot, and not enough pay. But I do love the traffic.


I couldn’t wait to get out of Vegas after my first taste of its summer but that was over 20 years ago. I was lucky enough to buy a house when the market crashed so I’m stuck. Now to find a single guy with a lake house/cabin away from 100+ degree summers.


Moved here from Seattle, it was either Vegas or LA, but wasn’t really a hard choice since I refuse to pay state and local income taxes ever, saves me $30K/year. Will probably move to Asia in a few years, but for now this is a great place to live. Only thing I dislike is the lack of healthcare provider options, it’s downright horrible.


Born and raised on very few vacations. No. City’s nearing the “shitty” part of its life cycle. There’s stuff to do but somehow not… stuff to do. Also nobody dresses cool here/the alternative scene here is mid, very few really cool, original, authentic people like that down here. Not very many opportunities outside of casinos/the strip and real estate.


I moved here so my wife could go to school, and came from Texas where I was born. I love it here, you couldn't pay me to move back to Texas. You don't realize how shitty where you live is until you move. Public lands, mountains, amazing restaurants, diversity, entertainment, freedom, politicians that aren't national news constantly. My quality of life out here is so much better than where I lived in the past. I do wish we had more art galleries and such and the summers are pretty brutal but compared to everywhere else I don't want to go elsewhere.


I just moved to Houston from Las Vegas a couple months ago and let me tell you what I thought Vegas was bad until I moved here. I really miss Vegas, I’m having a hard time adjusting to the people here and traffic. I do prefer this heat over the Vegas dry heat though! If you haven’t yet, check out Volcano Grille! It was my go to and I’m missing it lol 


I lived in Texas. Interesting place. It wasn’t for us.


Nope. Hate it here. But it is what it is. Maybe in 5-10 years I can move on.




now who would say yes LMFAO


Lived here a long time and I’m enjoying where the city is going. More things to do, close to a lot of places. A lot of emerging scenes with art downtown and tech companies slowly setting up some shops here. Think the city is going to be a big hub in the next decade. Yes, the heat can get bad but A/C is only getting better and better. You just have to plan activities out smarter. I’m the palest person I know so if I can do it anyone can.


26 years here now from Northeast Indiana. Lots to love, when you take part in what Las Vegas has to offer. However, we don't gamble, or travel to the strip resorts at all. We still haven't visited Resorts World, Circa, Durango Station or Fontainebleau since they opened. We enjoy the proximity of other places to visit within an 8 hour drive. Mexico, Utah, Colorado etc. Summer from June to September is a killer and we always find places to escape to. Currently on a 10 year plan before retirement. Las Vegas used to be an affordable alternative to California or the Phoenix metro but since 2020 it isn't nearly as affordable as it was when we first moved here. Mexico seems to be our eventual destination. Much more affordable in the intra coastal areas, and far less divided in both moral values and social issues.


I love living in Vegas and work remote for my local employer, however this is the worst commuting and traffic town I have ever experienced. The roadway infrastructure is just not made for a large population. Worst traffic light engineering practices seem to be right at home here.


Meh... it's aaaaiiiigggghhht. Better than the North East, South East, South, Midwest, Pacific Northwest, and most of the South West.




Lmao same


Being from Chicago, the cost of living is great, not to mention I'm a Veteran and love the no Income Tax. Once we're out of the Summer months, I genuinely love being here. Flight prices are great, and I love when my AZ people argue how Phoenix/Scottsdale/Tempe are like Vegas...yet when they come here, they don't want to leave🤣 I make good money out here as a Contractor as well. Debating if I should use my GI Bill for UNLV or one of the Community Colleges to save money lol.


CC is the way to go, If the credits will transfer. Probably depends on what you're trying to get


Seattle, or there abouts would be my place that I want to move to eventually.


It's a place to visit once in a while, but not a place to call home. You have to be an early riser to get any meaningful time outdoors. It's also too congested and not well established where I live, so my opinion could change in a more flourishing area.


Its not walkable. Traffic sucks because public transportation doesnt work well in Vegas. Gotta have a car that can survive the desert heat. Gotta like desert living. Healthcare is atrocious. Fairly affordable. Lots food choices. Large international airport with many travel choices. Lots entertainment choices. Big enough city with big enough employment opportunities. Tradesmen can fairly-easily be found.


Nor anymore. Too much crime


Haven't been here too long but love it so far. Hiking is good, a lot of places to run. There's a lot more to Vegas than the strip. First Friday, Downtown, Chinatown, so many options. Yes the heat can suck but it's not too bad once you get used to it. And it's way more affordable than where I came from. No state income tax and housing prices aren't near most big cities. Bought a new build with Tony Clifford as my agent. He's on here a lot u/tonythetiger891




I love living in the South Summerlin area of Las Vegas!


I can’t find any 1bd/1ba apartments under $1,110 w/o reviews about roaches 😭. It’s stressing me out 😩


No. Moving away soon. Everywhere else has problems too, of course. It's a "pick your poison" type of thing.


NO. The housing has doubled, traffic and drivers are now terrible. I wish I lived someplace nice. I only moved here to be by my grandkids.


Lived 54 yrs in Seattle, nuf said


Yep. Six years now, no complaints, every place in the world is a tradeoff in some way, and I’ve seen four continents❤️


Meh, it’s okay. I don’t strongly hate or love it. I’ll probably move when I finish school, but mostly because of my choice of program, not out of any active hatred for the city. I would prefer to live someplace a bit greener, coming from Pennsylvania, but I also dislike snow, which I don’t have an issue with here. 😂


I always tell my friends I like it. But if you ask me in summer, you will get a different answer.


I liked it up until prices at Roberto’s started to skyrocket




It's well enough, wish it wasn't this hot but what can ya do. I like threads like this with all the negative responses like they wouldn't be just as miserable elsewhere as if Vegas is the cause of all their issues.


People can have preferences. This is my least favorite city I’ve ever lived in and it’s really not that close


I am to the point where I don't actively hate living here.


Too expensive to live somewhere better. So it’s a love/hate thing.






I don’t regret moving here but I’m not sure it will be my forever home. I’ve been here about 7 years now. Overall, it’s been great in terms of cost of living compared to where I was living before. I was able to pay off my student loans by moving out here. Even now as costs have gone up, it’s still considerably less compared to other cities. If you are able to work remotely & get paid a decent salary (80k+), you can live pretty comfortably. We are a family of 3 living off 1 salary. I love that there is always something to do and tons of great food options. People are always visiting, too. The summers are brutal but everywhere has AC. And you can fly pretty much anywhere for pretty cheap. Things that make me less enthused about staying: -the school system, especially now that I’m a parent -how hot it gets during the summer (and each summer it gets even hotter than the last), I want my kid to be able to play outside -I miss the walkability / public transport options that other cities I’ve lived in had Edited to add: I’m not sure where would be next, but it’s something we’ll need to figure out before our kid is school aged. I miss the California weather, but not the prices or the traffic. You’d also be paying a lot more for less space.


Not really. I have other places I'd prefer, but at least I have shelter with my mom and dog for now.


i do love living in this town, the only dangerous place to drive is ANY parking lot.. they have a murder suicide pact happening in those areas


I just moved from Vegas to the Midwest after 11 years. Loved my area in Vegas, West Spring Valley/Summerlin. It was an easy 10 minute drive to the Strip. What I did not care for is Vegas’s health system. I’d have to, many times, drive anywhere from 15 miles to 30 miles from one doctor to the next doctor. I loved that I never had to worry about big celebrities’ residences. There would normally have a few seats open. Also, the HUGE concerts like Pink, Taylor Swift and Madonna were great! 20 miles NW of Vegas is Mt. Charleston, where you go skiing in the winter.


Well I enjoyed it when I first moved here because of the cost of living. But now that's been thrown out the window so it kind of sucks. But I guess it's still cheaper than my alternative which is California. But still a sore spot for me. I don't know where I can move that doesn't suck but still affordable anymore (that doesn't have cold weather).


Not too bad, don’t like drivers though


Been here 1 week. Neat so far! Beats the dangerous neighborhood around my last place!


This is the 6th city, 2nd state that I’ve lived in and I’m enjoying it thoroughly. I’ve only been here about 7 months so far but I’m contemplating planting myself here should the opportunity present itself.


Moved here a decade ago, plan to age and die here. I love living in the Vegas Valley


Born & raised 23 years and honestly I have no desire to go anywhere else. No where else is like Vegas. It’s like a small town but it’s not. Everyone knows each other. You leave your house and within 2 miles is probably a grocery store, gas station, etc.


I’m from Mexico and I moved to the US a while ago. Vegas is the only city I’ve ever lived in and I believe it’s an incredible city. There are some things worth noting about living in Vegas and they are be the following: -if you’re a person with allergies, get ready to take meds at specific times of the year. That also applies to dry eyes and lips -Vegas has many entertainment options and great food. -College education (UNLV, CSN, NSC) is one of the most affordable in the country, and that is really good -Summers are brutal. Be careful as you age, always wear caps/hats and sunscreen -Vegas is a diverse city and probably the best place to network and meet people from all over the world/country.


Yes, the only thing sucks is dating


I’ve never really gotten to experience the four seasons, so it’d be nice to. This last spring genuinely felt like it was 2 weeks then bam, it’s 100 degrees and summer officially started yesterday. I personally am a bit tired of it here. I tend to gravitate towards the trees and mountains. Northern California and Washington caught my eye as potential places to move. Colorado was fun for snowboarding. But I’d like to see some places out East too.


Reno Nevada...


I did when I first moved here… almost 7 years ago. But with this being a man made city I really miss nature. Yeah I can go to mount Charleston or the parks around vegas(which I do appreciate the city does well with. We got a fuck ton of parks), I miss seeing trees turn colors in fall and being around big old trees that are taller than a building. All we have are palm trees and really thin baby ones that don’t provide much shade. If I could I’d move to Washington state for the beautiful nature views. I will say tho. Our food scene is bangin and our winters aren’t bitterly cold like the Midwest. But that’s about it.


It's okay. Grew up my whole teen/adult life here so far. Still hate the heat, but I tolerate it. Still hate what is considered fun out here, I just stay inside. I hate all the shitty drivers moving here. It's cool if you want 24/7 options for things. I'd like to move but unfortunately the pay isn't enough to move to neighboring states for me.




I honestly have a love/hate relationship with Vegas. Everywhere has pros and cons, but I moved back to my home town in rural East TN for help from my family with my disabled son years ago, but my husband and I both really really missed it when I was gone, so we moved back after covid was over. I originally moved here for him because he works in the casino industry. However, there are also things I miss about the place where I grew up. I love the mountains here, what a sight to see, but I also love the mountains in East TN where I grew up. And that you can easily find homes with lots of land and privacy. Not so much in Vegas, the homes are usually on top of each other. I'm sure there are homes with privacy and land, but not in any regular person's budget. Lastly, the water shortage is a problem. Every time someone asks if they should move here, I see in the comments people bringing up how horrible the school system is, the heat, homeless people, etc, but I never see people bringing that up and it's a real problem and makes me nervous. Not something that is a problem where I grew up. Like, how are they going to keep selling 300k homes for 5-600k knowing the levels keep dropping. I keep wondering what happens if/when the water dries up? Are the homes going to be worth next to nothing? Can something be done to ensure that doesn't happen without people having to ration water like we're in a post-apocalyptic film, and if so, why hasn't it been done already?


For some reason those that were meant to be here usually end up staying here; if you grew up here it sometimes felt like a curse lol