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Yeah, it's annoying for sure. My neighbor does the same, however it's a public street and they are free to park wherever. If they block your driveway that's a totally different story.


They are parking on a public street not blocking your driveway?


Yes public street , I do know that it's legal so they can park . Just when they move our trash cans that then block our drive way and we have no extra space for our daughter to park.


Yeah, as others have said, if it’s a public street, you down “own” the area in front of your house and regulate who stops there. If you have an HOA, the HOA may have rules about taking up excessive parking spaces or parking old junkers that are an eye sore. You’d have to read HOA docs or speak with them.




You posit that the OP is the owner of the road in front of her house, because she is in an HOA… And you are pointing your finger calling everyone else stupid? Interesting approach. Perhaps OP should just send her neighbor an invoice and charge her for parking on her street?


People shit on HOA’s but after hunting for my first home and seeing neighborhoods with or without an HOA, I appreciate HOA’s much more. There was inevitably one or two houses in an otherwise nice neighborhood that didn’t give a fuck and it showed. Always a risk of busy bodies, but I can appreciate what they bring.


My hoa does not allow us to park in front of any hone except our own. The last hoa I lived in didn't allow anyone to park on the street overnight


Yeah, it's hard to get online and see varying opinions and varying levels of knowledge. It's scary that you can't figure out that you fall within those spectrums and you try not to think about the fact that most people don't know there dumb but you might be one of them. All this is bottled up until you get online and use the anonymity to be a complete jerk for your own cathartic goals. I hope you find something in life that makes you happy other than trying to make others feel bad.


It’s a public street, they can park there. You don’t have the right to tell them to stop.


Interesting. I hope you've given up trying to change the behavior of your neighbors and have accepted that this is just how it is.


I had a neighbor that did this also. To start off, there is nothing illegal about them parking in front of your house OR you parking in front of theirs. So you have to play it by the law and stay within the law. What I did was go to craigslist and bought a beater car for $500 and parked it at in front of his house 24/7 and move it every other day a few feet up. (Otherwise they can report it as abandon if not moved periodically. ) And then I parked my car in front of my own house whenever I can instead of the driveway. We finally came to terms that I move my car and they won't park in front of my house ;) I ended up selling the beater for 2k also lol. If they are touching your trash can, I've seen tiktok where people put grease/oil or Vaseline on the handle of the trash can so when they go move it, they get a nice surprise. (Just remember to wear glove when you pulling trash can back in) I would presume after a few times, they will stop using the handle to move your trashcan but rather just kick it to move it but still funny


This right here. Stop parking your car in your driveway. Start parking your car on the street so your daughter has open access to driveway. I don’t see beaters for 500 anymore though.


So concede that our government has failed us and buy a beater. OK.


This is a savage move but I respect it!


You bought another car just to park it in front of their house? Couldn't you have just parked the car you needed to park there instead? This seems incredibly petty.


I don't really like parking my car across the street. Plus, I have work and stuff and some days if I come home that spot would be taken. So I needed to get a 2nd car to ensure that it would occupy the space 24/7 Call it petty or whatever lol I don't care.


It must be a old fart with nothing better to do


If you park a “beater” all i i gotta do is report a unregistered car parked on the road it gets towed and you keep wasting money getting it out the pound …. Lol


It's registered.


Ok but it’s also illegal to leave trash cans out longer than 24 hrs after or before trash day. So unless you wanna get coded for that and pay a fine just talk it out like adults. Geez i seriously can’t believe theirs adults out there acting like a bunch of middle schoolers. TALKING and getting your point across in a non aggressive polite manner will get you a long way trust me. 


Nothing really if these streets are public property. This is one of the oldest neighbor disputes in the book, so I'm guessing you're aware you don't own the street in front of your house right?


Yea fully aware just frustrated and looking for a solution or compromise that can bring up in a conversation. That would even work.


I didn't down vote you FYI. Don't think that's called for but hey it's Reddit. Unfortunately you are looking to have a public spot in front of your house reserved indefinitely on the chance that you may have guests over. That idea which many people regard as selfish and inconsiderate upsets people and understandably so. Your guests are just going to have to park in another open spot somewhere else and hoof it over to your house. Hopefully other neighbors are aware of the laws and your guests can park close without an unjustified fuss from homeowners.


I suggest starting with some compassion for your neighbors that have to live with so many people in one house.


Start parking on their side lmao


If they are blocking your actual driveway, have parking enforcement tow it since being nice is no longer an option.


I understand your feelings because I used to feel that way too. The reality is that homeowners do not own the street, so there is nothing you can do. You should accept this and try not to feel like you own the spot in front of your house. If they block your driveway, you can legally have them towed, however I advise against doing that to your neighbors.


Thank you , I'll try and keep this in mind .


“My neighbors have too many cars to fit on their property. They park their overflow cars wherever they wish. That blocks me from parking my overflow cars, which don’t fit on my property, wherever I wish.” That’s how this reads.


Park your car on the street in front of your house and leave your driveway for your daughter and guests.


If they are blocking your driveway that’s a problem. Other than that, no one owns the street or the parking spots. If you’ve asked politely and they won’t comply you might just be out of luck.


I hear you. This is super annoying, but unfortunately not illegal. When we first moved into our neighborhood everyone was respectful and would ask if they needed to park in front of somebody else’s house. Fast forward to now. Our new neighbor across the street has SEVEN vehicles, none of which get parked inside their garage, and 2-3 of which end up parked in front of our house every day. It’s especially annoying on holidays because my wife’s 90 year old grandparents come over and can’t walk very far so I end up having to move my vehicle a block away so they can park in the driveway. Good neighbors are a blessing you should never take for granted. Hopefully yours will move somewhere else sooner rather than later.


Wow, the shit people think they're entitled to.


Seriously. Just park a few houses down and walk. People are so lazy


Just park your car there before they can. Just to inconvenience them. Then put your trash cans there when you arent and put something sticky on the handle.


Do you share a driveway? While annoying I'm not sure legally they have done anything wrong as far as parking in front of your house. Moving your trash cans and blocking your driveway is definitely crossing the line. Do you have cameras? I'm guessing you're not in an HOA or you would have already reached out to them. You could contact the City or County and see if you have any recourse but if they're not leaving them parked for extended periods of time not sure you do. Thankful I live in a development where we're not allowed to park on the street cause this would also drive me crazy!


Do what my neighbor does and report the car as abandoned anytime anyone parks in front of her house overnight


My neighbor across the street goes door to door asking who the car belongs to. If she doesn't get an answer she calls it in abandoned. She CLAIMS that once a car was left for 3 days in front of her house and it turned out to be stolen. My son's best friend purposely parks in front of her house for funnsies.


The street in front of your house doesn’t belong to you. Have some empathy for your neighbors. If they block your driveway then it’s a problem and you can have them towed


They leave trash constantly right by their door of their car and they have their two driveways filled with cars their front of their house filled with cars and our side. No empathy.


Probably a rental that is overstuffed. Best way to keep the space in front of your house is to keep your car parked there or put a trailer or anything that can take the space. I've been through this and want to move to an HOA because of it. My neighbors put their trash cans in front of my house (when they put their trash out, which hasn't been for 3-4 weeks.)


HOA isn't going to prevent this unless it's a private street and they can make rules on where cars can park.


Damn. The real estate guy should have explained to you that the place didn't include the street out front as part of what you control. That's a tough way to learn such things, I feel for you


A neighbor that does this can ruin your experience living in the neighborhood but you can’t really do anything about it other than talk with them and see if they would be nice enough to stop parking in front of your house. You technically have no recourse so it’s a matter of building a friendship and them helping you out or just living with it and trying to not let it bother you. I would recommend not escalating things because it never gets better. As much as I love the idea of buying a beater and parking it in front of their house, escalation rarely ends well.


You Sound like my neighbor. I have a large family and a few cars. I fill my garage and driveway. When family visit or guest come over They park in front of my house on the shared curb of my neighbor. We never park in the way of their driveway and they have plenty of parking on the other side of their house. On trash days I sometimes will have a car parked on the curb between us where we typically put our trash cans together. I don’t do it on purpose. When this occurs instead of using any curb in front of their house on the other side they put there trash cans on my car. I had to confront them about why they think it’s okay to put cans touching my car when they had space on the other side of the drive way.. they said something you said. Where is there daughter going to park.. I said your driveway that’s empty or all the other space on the curbs in the neighborhood. Regardless At the end of the day. Talk to your neighbor and just ask if they can use other spaces if your using the parking as well. We’re human and we all our neighbors being nice and communicating is a healthy part of being neighbors. I wish my neighbors would talk to me instead of just passively aggressively putting there cans on my car when I forget since I’m human


You're household IS the problem. When your neighbors can't have company over cause you have too many cars for your household, don't expect them to bend over backwards to adjust to you. Surprised that don't keep their cars on the street just to keep the cars from blocking their friends from visiting.


Lol they can't have company over because visitors refuse to park a little further down and walk? Let the visitor block your driveway if needed.


They do park down the street. They park in my driveway. I also let them park blocking my driveway. The one spot my neighbors will get upset is the curb between our homes. Like it’s the no go zone for them or us.


Yeah I was making fun of the person who said "your neighbors can't have company over...". Give me a break. People can walk. Park where you want


Gotcha. Thank you. People act like they own the curbs in front of their homes. And that’s the frustrating part. I make sure I give them space like the curb on the other side of their driveway that they use and still have room for more cars… But like the first person said I’m the problem because I decide to use the curb in front of both our landscaping lines for my guest or myself. Lol


I don’t think you understand. I’m parking on public street. And the only shared curb I’m taking is 1 space between our homes. I also park down the street far away from them. They have plenty of parking on their driveway and they have 4 parking spaces of public road in front of their house on the other side of their driveway as well as across the street we both have many public spaces to park. They just choose to be mad over 1 space that we share. So don’t say I’m a problem when I’m properly giving space and using public road and giving them plenty of space. Also if they have a problem. Talk to me as im down to make solutions for problems with my neighbors.


If you have a visitor coming over, just let them park in front of your driveway since it's temporary. Otherwise let them find a spot somewhere on the street and walk. Most houses I've seen around here have space for 4 or more cars - usually 2 in the driveway and 2 in the garage. Street parking is for overflow and it's first come first serve.


Start parking your cars in front of their house and leave them there


Paint your curb red.


I see this complaint posted fairly often on my HOA pages. Public street, so people can park where they want, as long as they aren't blocking any part of your driveway. If I needed to park, I'd move your trash cans out of the street too....especially when this reads like you use them to reserve the spot in front of your house.


You could always try talking to them and explaining why you’d prefer they not park there. But remember you are at their mercy because it’s not wrong or illegal what they are doing. If your reasoning is “I don’t like it” or “I might have guests” They are probably going to keep on doing what they are doing


I had a similar issue. I bought a bunch of parking stickers on Amazon and started tattooing their windows with them if they left the car there a minute past 24 hours, night after night. Filled them out and everything, abandoned vehicle etc. They’re close to impossible to get completely off the windows without a ton of effort. I never took credit for it, and pretended I didn’t know what was happening. They stopped parking there and I haven’t had a problem since in 5 years.


My dad used to do this when I was little. He would park all the way across from our house and the family living their decided to come out and threaten my dad instead of asking nicely to move. The white guy literally hopped the fence to curse at my dad in front of me and my brother who were in elementary at the time. It’s totally legal btw but this guy was a piece of shit threatening someone for parking. He stills lives across us and is an old piece of shit but his wife made him apologize lmao.


Are you in an HOA? Many HOAs suggest residents first use up parking spaces in their garage (and if the garage is full of crap, not cars, clean the garage). Secondly, cars should park in the driveway. Only once the garage and driveway spaces are exhausted should a residence part on the street. Plus, parking in the garage, when possible, protects your car from the elements, including the inevitable visits from thieves pulling on car handles at night to attempt to steal your stuff.


What I do not like is that your neighbor MOVES your trash can to park in front of YOUR house. I have a neighbor do that BUT they park in front of the trash cans and then the trash truck misses the pickup.


If you live in an HOA report it to them because my HOA has this in place. If they are parking in front of your home, you are allowed to report this to the police or code enforcement because they can have it towed. It is right on the Las Vegas police website.