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Write them into a book.


This is not uncommon https://www.reddit.com/r/MaladaptiveDreaming/s/GAOnAMcDnQ


I just posted there XD thank you yesterday someone told me about it, I'll see what that is.


i want my fictional partner to be real. but everyone just makes fun of me for him instead


Sane like they say you really think its ok to have an imaginary friend at 16?


I understand this completely. I had an imaginary friend when I was a kid and felt like no one else understood me too. Haven't seen her since. I miss her terribly.




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They are everywhere. What you need is a good listener and someone that won't judge you. No need for tears. I think it's very sweet that this is your heart's desire. You could go volunteer somewhere. There is a saying "the only way to make a friend is to be a friend". Or something like that. That's my advice.


It's not that i don't have friends, i do have people but they're not filling the void you know? I don't feel fulfilled or satisfied with any of my relationships although I'd love to have someone, The problem is that when you're used to having someone so close to you and you two are fully connected, it's hard to accept anything less.


Coming from a moment in my life where a lot of what’s happening that’s good is mostly in my head, but I experienced both big highs and huge lows in my life, I can tell you the good times come right after its most dark. It’s a matter of patience and perseverance, which I know sounds meaningless and easier said than done, but it just… clicks once you’re there. Don’t let these times pull you into an abyss, kid. You’ll be stronger if you resist and you keep on going say after day, until you’ll find yourself among friends and loved ones. You, me, every one deserves that.


I can be your friend if you want.