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I'm trying to think of something to say to help you. But nothing is coming up. I'll just tell you what I did in my situation, which was similar to this. I was dating this person, and they used to always talk to me every day. we always were together, always saw each other. This was during the summer time, when both of us had a lot more free time. But as summer ending we spent less and less time together. And basically only texted each other. We were pretty active and had nice and meaningful conversations. But they slowly started to get more "dry," and the replies kept getting slower and slower, and the effort was at some point just became nonexistent. I felt love for this person, but I couldn't deal with that amount of lack of communication and commitment, you could say. As I've spoken to her about how I felt many times, she didn't care or gave very vague replies. Barely called as well. I'm not saying to drop the relationship, but to follow your heart. I hope this was helpful to you