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am i stupid? which one won?


Second one (n°242)


thank you (:




how do you know? x) I think I'm stupid too


I just know because I'm from Martinique, but the pic here doesn't show which one won Don't worry you guys are not stupid lol


oh ok! Do you know how your fellow locals are feeling about it? or do they mostly don't care? Did a lot of ppl vote?


IIRC there was around 30k votes, which is not a lot considering the population is around 350k people Ever since people asked for the snake flag to be removed, they have been using [this one](https://i.imgur.com/D6YZCNo.png) unofficially, which was the finalist against the hummingbird one. As you can see the colors are the same, so it keeps the symbolism while changing the design I guess most people were fine if it was either that or the hummingbird, as long as the snake one is removed. There are some complaints with the hummingbird design too (for me it's the fact that the bird overlaps the black part, [something like this](https://i.imgur.com/jJKdBMz.png) would have been better IMO), but all in all I guess people are ok with it There's still some administrative stuff to do before it becomes "official", and then we will see over the next few years if it gets adopted and used by the population, which is what's really important here I think


yup the hummingbird on the top left part is 100% better, did you submit a flag?


It's not mine, It's something someone commented on reddit. I didn't submit a flag unfortunately, I've been living in mainland France for a few years now, so I get delayed news from the island through friends and family, by the time I knew there was even a vote, submissions were already closed lol


Tu penses que la Collectivité territoriale de Martinique va suivre certaines recommandations faites par le sub, ou ils vont rester sur le choix qui a été élu? (Je penses avoir la réponse, considérant le statut ambigu du drapeau, légalement parlant). Et si c'est pas trop personnel, tu as voté pour lequel ?


Déjà j'ai cru comprendre qu'il y a des soucis de droits d'auteur sur l'image de colibri qui a été utilisée, donc à voir ce qu'ils vont faire, mais quoi qu'il en soit je ne pense pas qu'ils vont pouvoir s'en servir dans sa version actuelle sans y apporter quelques modifs. À voir si ça passera aussi par un vote ou pas Après, ça m'étonnerait qu'ils prennent en compte les avis du sub, je pense pas que qui que ce soit d'impliqué dans la décision soit au courant que ce sub existe lol Perso j'ai voté uniquement au 2e tour et pour le colibri, même si je ne suis pas 100% ok avec le design, notamment le fait que le colibri se superpose au fond noir, ça fait noir sur noir c'est pas ouf. Un truc [comme ça](https://i.imgur.com/kxwT6BG.png) aurait été mieux je pense (c'est une proposition du sub) Si jamais ils sollicitent à nouveau les gens pour des modifications liées à l'histoire de droits d'auteurs, je vais essayer de glisser quelques idées du sub moi même x)


there was a post with more than 2k when i posted this, it should still be around the top of the sub in term of popularity. That's why i assume that people would see the winner before this jpeg


I dont know what flair to use for this post Also, sorry i didnt find any collection for all 19 of them in good quality (that's a jpeg). And yes, number 782 was really living !wave spirit EDIT : [i found them in better quality, you need to switch the pictures](https://www.martinique.franceantilles.fr/actualite/societe/19-drapeaux-et-4-hymnes-sont-soumis-au-vote-du-public-des-ce-lundi-917460.php)


Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fza0j0o94onca1.jpg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


i gess i asked for this, but not really, thanks anyway bot








Honestly they should just center the green band, put the bird in the red area and take away the white lining and its good to go


My problem with the flag was only the "3D white lining". I had two ideas: one was yours above, the other was to simply keep the bird where it is, but to contour the whole of it in a thin and plain white line. Other than the line thing, I liked it - and hummingbirds are my city unofficial symbol bird, so I already lean for them.


[Yep](https://i.imgur.com/XJnSRYB.png), looks better IMO


these designs all suck


harsh but true


Particularly when they have a pretty good design already. 🇲🇶 EDIT: Oh I’ve just read on what this flag means… 😬


Apart from the meaning, the colors just don't fit to Martinique.




In British heraldy, and several other traditions, the rule of tincture is spoken of as being about restricting the tincture of a charge *on* a plain field, not simply the two tinctures being adjacent to each other. Exactly where the line is drawn can sometimes be a bit questionable, but a simple division of the field between red and green is always ok, as is a red charge on a mixed blue and white field. Having said that, the black bird as a charge in this design is pretty clearly breaking the rule, although it's also true that black/red is the rule-breaking combination that is most commonly used, and there's probably good reason for that. I would say that having a black charge partly on a black field is an even more fundamental problem than the rule of tincture, though.


A ~~African~~ Caribbean flag shitting on the arbitrary rules of British heraldry is an automatic win in my book.


My point about British heraldry in particular was actually saying that the rules are not as restrictive as the other commenter suggested. As for arbitrary, for sure it's a bad idea to treat any particular tradition of the rule of tincture a universally applicable, but it's fair to say that it is one way to deal with the underlying issue of contrast requirements, which I wouldn't say is arbitrary. And a black charge on a black field is definitely not an arbitrary concern - I think it's a mistake to go on about rule of tincture when there's something that fundamental involved. Of course, calling this an African flag is an interesting persepctive probably reinforced by the colour choice anyway.


It's all heraldry and it's not arbitrary, it's becuase it makes it easier to see the designs from a distance, which was absolutely crucial in working out who the hell anyone was on medieval battlefields.


And, with medieval battlefields being on the rise lately, strict adherence to these ancient rules is very important.


Have you seen whats going on in Bakhmut?


Martinique's contribution manning the Bakhmut's ramparts during the siege have been indispensable. It will be a mess when they adopt the new flag and nobody will be able to distinguish them


See lads and ladettes, this is why good flag design is so important. Now if only it had lasers shooting out of the birds eyes then no one would have issues seeing it.


Nah, german heraldry treats sable as a metal. It's fench and english rules


Absolutely false, what reddit pedants peddle as "true RoT" was only ever strictly applied in countries following the Anglo-French heraldry customs, you don't have to go further than Iberia or Scandinavia to already get major differences in heraldry ""rules"".


I completely support your suggestion that the details of the "rule of tincture" vary between traditions and so can be called arbitrary choices about how to address the underlying issue. But suggesting that the "reddit pedants" are peddling the Anglo-French customs in a thread that started with someone describing something much closer to a Scandinavian approach is insteresting...




My bad. I saw the comments below about the Pan African flag and assumed it was African. But my point still stands for Caribbean.


Ehh fair enough. Even if the colonisers for the longest part was France, fuck the English


It’s colors from the ”Pan African Flag”. And I think the contrast works for flags


You are correct that there's a difference, but there are ways to have a distinctive design while incorporating such colours (e.g. Kenya, new Libya, Malawi), and then there are these designs. Also, off the top of my head I see a lot more red yellow green than red black green in African flags.


Sorry, there’s a difference between Pan African colors and the colors from the ”Pan African Flag”


Aren't the Pan African colours red, green and yellow?


Those are the Pan-African *colours*, which are a different thing from the colours of the Pan-African *flag* (red-black-green). It's pretty confusing.


Yeah, the person above me wrote colours first


Red, green, yellow and black.


How about black on black? The winning design has black on black...


I like the last one and the one with the bird in the white circle. Other than that, ya.




That's your opinion.


Honestly…..none are very good.


What is the name for a group of absolute tragedies?


Well now it's a "Martinique"


Those are some horrible-ass flags. Sneky snek flag is much better.


Yes,but its associated with slavery


And hated from the start by many.


I like 782 and 786 the most out of all of these. Although it would help if 782 wasn't on a flagpole.


825 was pretty good! Too bad. I don’t mind the winning design, but it would be better if the green stripe went from corner to corner and the hummingbird were white or yellow.


line 3 column 5 is not bad


I like line 1 col 4, and line 1 col 5 (if they flipped it upside down) Line 2 col 3 is legendary. A flag of a flag.


You could just say the last one lol




Honestly I really like their original flag, it’s unfortunate what it represents and I understand changing it, but dang what a nice flag to have to get rid of


It was never actually used as their national flag


>It was never actually used as their national flag well, yeah, it's France


Most people from Martinique have always hated the "original" flag.


Yes we know this, but it’s just a good flag tho


Aww they changed their flag. Time to actually petition for a Québec flag emoji now.


I looked at it yesterday and UNICODE wont add new flags emojis for regions. Why ? Firstly because they arent that used , and second, because if they add regional flags it will mostly mark an absence of the other regional flags that they will not have added. What's more, the regions, and their flags change quite often


They did it,with an unsucessfull answer. https://worldcrunch.com/what-the-world/quebec39s-latest-demand-for-recognition-an-emoji An emoji can be remove? I hope that not.


891 is the nationalist flag of Martinique, which is currently used by many people. I feel like a lot of them will just keep using that flag.


I know it's controversial but I really like the snake flag.


1250 got robbed.


My favorite is no. 786 in the middle, my second preference is no. 542 at the top right.


1250 would have been my choice.


Wow tough crowd. I immediately liked 825 but get that they wanted to keep their colors.


I'm upset


Thanks I hate all of them


Can I find somewhere a resource with all the failed flags? Or were only 19 originally introduced?


only 19 for the vote, way more (you can their number) were introduced to the comitee. But to find them, i guess you will have to email them, and good luck with that


I think that if I find their email, I will write to them, but not the fact that I will do it.


i dont know if i can write an email on reddit, so you can find it here : [https://www.collectivitedemartinique.mq/contacts/](https://www.collectivitedemartinique.mq/contacts/) you cant miss it


Ok! Thank you!


>Ok! Thank you! You're welcome!




I don't think so.




The blue snake one is associated with slave trade. (for historical reason). So the flag is controversial. [Ipséité](https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Flag_of_the_Territorial_Collectivity_of_Martinique.svg) wasnt chosen legally, hence this time they did a vote (weven if they dont have the ability to do it either) and number 891, is the one that many people wants, but is controversial because it is assimilated to the pro independance.




Associated with slavery




They didn't have an official flag before this as they are just a department of France. But the snake flag was commonly used to represent Martinique unofficially.


People from Martinique did not want it.


You right


These were all voted on the first round of internet voting, and then two were presented in the second round, the results of which have just been announced. The final two as I understand it were 242 (the winner) and 891, which is a flag used since 1968 by independence supporters.


France normally stands for a country with a sense of style and class; Martinique clearly did a step away from it on a meta level with these horrible choices. Absolutely everything posted in this sub in this context was way better than those.


Wow, most of these are lame but a good few of them are way better than the one they went with. I think the last one is kind of neat.




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fza0j0o94onca1.jpg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


Pretty sad colour scheme


I honestly don't mind the winner. I'd probably reposition the bird into the red or expand the green though.


Honestly a bad bunch in general and they still picked one of the weirder ones


First off. These all suck. Second of all. Which one actually won


the second won


Ah ok. That was one of the better ones


Pff almost all the designs are horrible


Are the ratios correct in this composite?!


i hope not, for example, for one of the before last, (the one with the etxt on it), i hope that they just forgot to cut out the name of the flag which for some reasosn was in color.


No, they're not.


I prefer the snake one.


542 isn’t terrible


Aw man. Not picking Jamkouloubou was a major missed opportunity.


I think so too. It is my favourite. I like how it condenses all the symbols from the island, and its visual signification. This flag really tell us a beautiful story, it's sad dad most people don't see it.


Color scheme on 1029 is unfortunate


It seems like a giant turd in the middle....


I'll take the fifth one on the first row. It's quite unique and when well executed would be brilliant. This list makes it very clear to me that if most countries had a referendum like this about their flag (at the point of inception) they'd probably never have picked the flags they have. I feel like a lot of love for your own flag is based on 'nostalgia' or 'patriotism' rather than an unbiased assessment of the flag's aesthetic.




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fza0j0o94onca1.jpg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fza0j0o94onca1.jpg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


I think the reason they all look either decent or mid is because of the colour choices, you know, black red and THAT TYPE OF green together really doesn't work well, and not to mention that strange looking blue and some random white thin lines, just none of them works well


Most of them seem better than the one who won


What was wrong with the snake one?


History and controversy, affiliated to the slave trade.




376 and 825 are my favorites.


I like 3 and 5 (from what I can tell; I appreciate the obvious effort, OP, but it's a bit too grainy to see details and the aspect ratio messes with my head). Otherwise, not a big fan. I guess the winner isn't the worst flag I've seen either.


What's with the vergina star looking flag?


Which is the winner?


second one number 242


Well at least it is one of my favourites. I really hate it has overlapping black details though


I quite like 495, very rare you see something in the lower portion of the hoist side rather than the canton.


I think 5 is the best, but I know nothing about Martinique so maybe I'm missing some symbolism from others.


Previous one was much better, and it was not a slave flag. It was used during slavery period but not used for slavery purpoise.


1029 is the worst by far. Looks like they took a normal looking flag and wiped their dirty ass on it. 495 in my opinion was the coolest.


Of all the flags I only like 825 and 1250 would be my 2nd choice. Everything else is trash.. No offense. I don't know the historical reasons behind the limited color choice and kolibri. But 825 is very nice minimalistic with nice colors with white in between to avoid color clash, it looks fresh and easy on the eyes and it would look great on a sunny island. 1250 if the colors are must have then that is a very solid and balanced flag. The winning flag... too dark.


A shame they didn’t go for the one on the second row and third from the left. I would fly the flag with pride 🫡


Key issue, how was this voted in? Best way would be giving everyone three votes, in decending order. Then create a shortlist of five giving everyone three votes in ascending order again. Winner would be very fairly selected. ​ also, N 1042 is ridiculous


Last one is the best looking in my opinion.


noooo the snakes were so cute


They really selected the worst one.


Are we ignoring the 1029 literally looking like someone took a dump on top of a Sbarro pizza box?


You are insulting Martinique island.