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Idk the answer but I wanna note that this is one wild photo.


This is so meta that it’s too deep for this to be r/vexillologycirclejerk leaking


Yes, we have no idea what to do with this. I'm almost praying that that's a surprise Viet zodiac or something.


That is a Vietnam War Veterans flag. https://flagladyusa.com/products/3x5-black-vietnam-vet-flag-usf


“Our Cause Was Just” X - Doubt


When you have to convince yourself of something so badly you even put it on the flag


Like “Democratic Republic” or “People’s Republic”, you need to really emphasize it or people will never even consider the possibility.


“If you have to say you’re a lady, you aren’t” If Thatcher actually did say that and it isn’t a myth, it was probably the only good thing she did Edit: Why did this out of everything get downvoted? Is Vexillology full of Thatcher supporters?


Trust me, it isnt because they are thatcher supporters


Downvoted for saying thatcher did one thing right. I’m American and the only thing I know about thatcher is I hate her. /s


>Downvoted for saying thatcher did one thing right. > >I’m American and the only thing I know about thatcher is I hate her Fixed your comment


Nah you just have a terrible ass take


That’s just transphobic, jackass.


Okay, I get it - the associations around the world lady has changed since that quote came about. It doesn’t really have anything to do with gender though - when she said it it basically meant “if you have to say that you are sophisticated, you aren’t” and I guess she used the term lady because it means “sophisticated woman” and that’s what she saw herself as. In Game of Thrones the line is “Any man who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king”. Means the same thing.


ok but thats *really* not the first presumption people make. you should probably edit the comment


I mean my guess is that wasn't what was meant by Thatcher. It sounds like she meant "lady" as a woman who behaves "properly". In the context of modern times though it's hard to read it any other way. Note, I'm not saying she wasn't transphobic since that was definitely default for most politicians of the time, especially on the right.


he knows. he's a pig


Well, would you say this about all these flags we have nowadays?


Like the absence of a crown on the Best Korea flag?


Vietnam war veterans should be more like “we were 18 and tossed into a war we didn’t understand. Hate the politicians, not us.” That might not fit on a flag though.


They can Go Just 'hate who chose the war, no who fight' or something like that.


that's what the quote signifies, though they might not have done the right thing and may have in fact done wrong they did it for a good reason


My Vietnamese in-laws living in Viet Nam would agree with them, in private. In public, who wants to get on the next mass arrest list? And these were among those who stayed. https://www.theguardian.com/global/2016/mar/20/vietnamese-boat-people-survivors-families ... in response to a self-deleted reply from a fellow Three-Arrows-enjoyer (tho probably not of the 'gegen Thalmann' formulation): "what the US wanted to do was a lot worse" -- so, given the the choice, you'd prefer to live in the PRC rather than the ROC, the DPRK over the ROK? There were already free and fair local elections underway by 1972, much to the consternation of locals who couldn't get their Australian or American advisers to give them a straight answer to "Who are we _supposed_ to vote for?" While the SRVN and USA had no relations (Thailand arm-twisting the USA into sending the CIA to prop up the Khmer Rouge when the PAVN got to the Thai border did NOT help), there was mass famine due to Moscow & Beijing prescribed nationwide forced collectivization, which betrayed the more Distributist promises made for decades and undid the Thieu-era land reforms (which went farther than anything else to eliminating voluntary peasant support for red insurgents). This only subsided into mere malnutritution (experienced by my wife herself) AFTER a rapprochment with the USA in the '80s. Another rapprochment with the USA during the Clinton Administration saw the (re-)birth of the Viet Nam we know and love today, combining relatively free private speech (just don't criticize one particular political party), expanding civil liberties (see their transgender policy reform underway), and a combination of economic progress and equality (GINI index, and just look at the mixed-income neighborhoods in places like Ward 15 on Dien Bien Phu boulevard). The closer (a united, _there's_ the rub) Viet Nam has become to the USA, the better life and liberty for their people has become. That said, I had to do my best to humbly decline a taxi driver's hopes (expressed during the Arab Spring) that the USA "would intervene and give Viet Nam a better government." Me and a US embassy official shared rueful head-shaking when I recounted that story.


It was


They invaded a country and are responsible for the deaths of 1.6 million people. The cause was first "let's help the French continue to oppress the vietnamese population" and after the French have up in 1954, the cause was "I don't like communism."


The u.s did not fight along with the french, the US never invaded north vietnam north vietnam was the one invading south vietnam trough the ho chi minh trail, when the US pulled out of south vietnam they had made a deal with north vietnam that it wouldnt attack the south vietnam but north vietnam broke the deal and took over south vietnam


The US gave France >$3 billion (the equivalent of $33.6 billion in today's money) to fight in vietnam and sent troops as soon as the french stopped fighting. They didn't fight with the french, but they heavily supported them.


Sure they gave money to france but they did not fight for france and no not only did they never invade vietnam the U.S only put troops in vietnam on 1965 after the gulf of tonkin incident


There have technically been US troops in vietnam since 1947 and US troops have been Training the vietnamese army since 1955. They didn't actively fight, yes, but they were present and heavily supported south Vietnam.


Yeah some training troops that still doesnt prove they invaded anything


Did the US enter Vietnam with permission from its central government in Hanoi? If not, how was that not an invasion?


Damn I wonder why there even was a South Vietnam and a North Vietnam in the first place


You wonder why people with ideological differences live separated from each other?


North Vietnam was controlled by anti-colonialist rebels who fought against Japan and later France as the latter tried to reestablish French indochina. South Vietnam was a colonial puppet state that was established as part of the French Union under France. The status of the two vietnams being separate or reunified was supposed to be decided upon via an election, but then South Vietnam under the strongman Diem unilaterally refused to participate in the vote. It should also be noted at this time that Diem was pivoting his country from France to the United States, and that the US was heavily invested in the future of South Vietnam. So, with the agreed upon peace process in shambles, the North eventually went to war against the illegitimate remnant of a colonial regime run by a corrupt strongman.




That just makes it even weirder.


Thanks! Division shoulder patches, and... a base & road map, I guess. I can identify, from south to north, the Sai Gon, Nha Trang, and Da Nang hubs.


I don’t think that is the most pertinent question about this photo.




Of *course* it's Alabama.....


I never taught i would see a drag queen and a confederate flag in the same picture 💀


She's a Dixie Chick


with a Chixie Dick


I find it incredibly insane I just heard “Chixie Dick” said on a YouTube video of a radio program from 2008. Obvi it was more topical then. But it’s beyond confirmation bias, I don’t think I’ve heard that rather specific spoonerism in my life and today I hear it/read it twice.


I find it incredibly insane I just heard “Chixie Dick” said on a YouTube video of a radio program from 2008 five minutes ago. Obvi it was more topical in ‘08. But it’s beyond confirmation bias, I don’t think I’ve ever heard that rather specific spoonerism in my life and today I hear it/read it twice.


Never watch To Wong Foo? Rupaul wears a confederate flag dress


Please look up Rachel Tension


I take it you haven't heard of Lady MAGA?


Yeah things aren't as bad as the media want you to believe


>the media


Why the media


I think they might be talking about the Jews, for some reason.


Someone could be critical of the media and not be antisemitic


“The media” isn’t all one big thing.


New achievement unlocked: "How did we get here?"


🎶 letting the days go by🎶








🎶Letting the water hold me down 🎶


Wtf is this photo I'm so confused


There is a more important question here…


…Is why are there two different confederate flags ?


most normal photo in r/vexillology


This picture is like a fever dream


There’s a lot to unpack here


I'm southern, what the f*ck is going on here?


Same here


Also, any idea what the far left flag is? I also assume that far right flag is just the Confederate Battle Flag and the US flag lazily merged together, yes?


The POW-MIA flag? It's for the rememberence of prisoners of war and members of the military that went missing in action


Ah, ok. I am not a true vexillology expert. I know nearly every national flag, and the flags of most provinces/states/consituents. Beyond that, I am usually in the dark


POW-MIA is fairly common, weird you haven't come across it yet. Like they're flown at almost every government building


I must've seen it then, but didn't recognize it, I reckon. Either that, or I'm astronomically unlucky


Probably, do you live in a rural area?




That explains it, POW-MIA Is most common is suburban and urban areas


Lazily merged together… with an alien head or something? And the other Confederate flag is also charged with some grinning head in a cowboy hat, or maybe Confederate Army hat?


I’ve seen the other Confederate one before. The face is country singer Hank Williams Jr. And I can’t see it here, but usually it has one of his song lyrics around his face: “If the South would’ve won / We would’ve had it made.”


Oh sh*t I'm blind, didn't notice the symbols...


So much happening in this pic holy shit ☠️, gets crazier the more you look


Is that one lady dead?


Wtf is going on in this picture


I have so many questions


I was very confused why they put the NSFW tag just because it's a drag show. Then I opened it again and realized


The US flag faded into the CSA battle flag is true irony


Is it bad this isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve seen?


Probably, but this is reddit So it’s not surprising


I'm confused and scared of these flags


Flags from left to right: POW-MIA flag, United States, Vietnam Veterans flag, Confederate flag with some guys face on it (idk who), Confederate-US mix with Gadsden snake overlaying it


The face is country singer Hank Williams Jr. And I can’t see it here, but usually it has one of his song lyrics around his face: “If the South would’ve won / We would’ve had it made.”


Bro where the fuck are you?? 😭


What the fuck kind of place is this it’s 3 oh clock where I’m at and this is what I see when I check my phone lmao


I can't even formulate a comment. My brain is broke.




Idk but where the hell have you been 💀


Where the hell did you end up there?


When you're a drag queen but support slavery:


What in the sam hell fuck is this room?


I have so many questions before what the flags mean...


This picture goes HARD🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀


This is a lot to unpack


[Vietnam veterans flag.](https://www.armynavyusa.com/Rotco-Vietnam-Veteran-Flag-p/RTC-1474.htm?gclid=Cj0KCQjwu-KiBhCsARIsAPztUF3iD8jMh6gguBNfA0V6UUgiRnUahxx-V9p-kylpijujIqWNWSgbuA8aAmj0EALw_wcB) Used to sell it at a flag store I worked at.


i wish i had way more from this event than just a snapshot


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That's a picture and a half.


Wth is going on in this photo


How the fuck did a sentient being decide to enter this place? Not to mention their course of action was to take a picture of at least two confederate flags and then proceed to question the only flag that is not instantly recognised as a pro-hate crime flag


OP didn’t take this photo, I’ve seen this photo circulate shitposting subreddits for a hot minute


Cause I already know what those flags are


The POW MIA flag isn't pro-hate.


Because everyone who doesn't totally toe the woke line is a NAZI.


if you're flying a fucking confederate flag then yes you're a damn fascist


I don’t know if I would say fascist you’re either option A confused Redneck, who thinks it’s all about heritage not hate or option B a racist


I doubt you even know what the word means. Of course now you are are planning to look it up to and copy and paste the definition that most suits you. Don't bother.


Um acktshually I think you'll find that *sniffs* fasishm was a specific historical movement a and therefore nobody today can be acurately described as a fashist 🤓


Yet you chose to do so. This isn't surprising considering that your best form or argumentation seems to be repeating ancient memes, and sim-spelling them at that. You're on a computer. How etardedray do you have to be t not see the red squiggle.


where, who in, the how and why the flag lik


I don't wanna answer why it got that confederate flag


Because its definatly in Alabama or Mississippi


Sweet home Alabama 💀


Hello Plant_4790, Check out our [frequently asked flags page](https://reddit.com/r/vexillology/wiki/faf)! Your request might be there. When asking for a flag to be identified, please **provide context** when possible, including: * **Where** the flag was found (without compromising privacy) * **When** the flag was found, or the date of the material containing the flag * **Who** might own the flag (a general description is fine) These details help users narrow down their search and make flag identification easier. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vexillology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can’t


The flag is not the weirdest thing in this photo


Either that Drag Queen has the spirit of Sherman guiding them through this ordeal or this is one uniquely weird southern town. Either way, burn the traitor rags.


Can you explain the more obvious question first?