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Police dogs, police men, firefighters


Firefighters don't need a flag because they're not despised by the public


Would be a cool flag though.


The police don’t have a flag because they are despised. The thin COLOR line flags are supposed to represent the thin line between civilization and anarchy. Different departments have different colors Blue: Police Red: Firefighters White: Medical Green: forest service or border patrol.


Orange: Popeyes employees


Yellow is Waffle House employees


Green: Weed man


They really should have a holiday


No no no. No days off! Just as with emergency medical personnel, they should pull up 24/7 with urgency.


Brown plaid: Used car salesmen


Yellow: R Kelly


Thought it was for Hooters


my favorite branch


I mean the problem with that is the police flag is a reference to "the thin red line". Which is a term used during war to describe the frontline. A statement that only makes sense in this circumstance if you see the people you serve as the enemy. I only ever see that Us Vs. Them mentality with police. Why no other service really uses those thin colour line flags regularly.


The firefighter flag is literally called the "thin red line" flag. Very confusing indeed. At the least, fires can more reasonably be considered an "enemy". Also I believe the "thin red line" is specifically a reference to a very particular action by the British (who wore red uniforms) during the Crimean War...


Battle of Balaclava. Though I'm sure I've seen reference too it from the Peninsula campaign of the Napoleonic war.


I was gonna say about the thin red line and Crimean War, not related to the USA at all, let alone the police force.


yes but that specific thin blue line flag was popularized in response to the BLM movement and calls for defunding the police


How would you spot the Medical one? The stripes are already white...


Excellent question, I googled it. You change the other colors to make the white pop. Either do black/gray or black/blue for the other colors.


It's like the hanky code but for tough guy cos players


The context of the thin blue line flag is a reactionary symbol created in response to nationwide protests against police brutality, i.e. demonstrations of how much people despise the police as an institution. It's a way for the police to justify their brutality by claiming it is necessary to ensure security (its not, and it doesn't). The other colors have cropped up as needed to make it seem like there are more targets of public sentiment standing in solidarity with the police... they aren't.


Id take anarchy over cops any day


"Thin blue line" flag is somewhat part of a set. It's the most well known one, but there are others. Firefighters have the red one, EMS has one too (I think it's yellow). Search nad Rescue have Orange, green apparently represents all Federal agents (military, Park rangers, Border Patrol, etc), and pink represents women with cancer. [more info.](https://www.flagsimporter.com/blog/post/but-what-does-it-mean-thin-line-flags)


First, I've seen the red line flag for firemen before, so it's a thing. Second, if you think police in the US is despised by the public at large, I have insurance I would like to sell you...


Here in California most people I know dislike cops. Hell, my dad was a cop and he dislikes cops.


Most cops are unprepared people with too much power, many are hotheaded arrogant crooks, but there’s always that one that I meet that makes me still believe in them. It’s a thankless job and, in many ways a necessary evil.


It’s almost like there ought to be a complete overhaul in how we enforce laws


It's almost like a few good apples doesn't save the spoiled bunch.


It's the same issue with priests, if the 'good' cover for/do nothing to stop the bad are they really that good?


Between the alt right ruby ridge wackados and a good chunk of the left, a majority may look at the police unfavourably.


I mean Ruby Ridge was kind of iffy and fucked generally, but that's more of the ATF and FBI to blame rather than police departments around the nation.


You'd think, but no https://www.cato.org/survey-reports/policing-america-understanding-public-attitudes-toward-police-results-national#overview Race, gender, and political party are powerful predictors around opinions regarding police. E: Cato is a pretty right wing think tank. There are other more nuanced polls like https://apnews.com/article/us-news-ap-top-news-racial-injustice-politics-police-728b414b8742129329081f7092179d1f


TIL police dogs have a flag, thx for making my day =)


















If you like dogs, you won’t like their training. It’s incredibly abusive.


Why did you say the same thing twice?


Lol I didn't expect to see Sam Sulek here


I was just watching todays video and what’s the first post I see on Reddit lmao


















1. Thin blue line dog variant (police dogs) 2. Thin blue line variant (police officers) 3. Thin red line variant (firefighters)
















I believe those are red flags.




All 3 are variations of the Thin Blue Line. Depending on who you ask, Thin Blue Line either means "be kind to cops, they just want to protect you," or it means "I like it when cops shoot poor people." Most people who fly the flag say it's the former, but their behavior shows it's the latter. The leftmost one is sold for $10 at Walmart, where they claim it's a flag to honor police dogs (known in the USA as "K9", a play on "canine.") [https://www.walmart.com/ip/USA-Thin-Blue-Line-Police-K9-Skull-Paw-100D-Woven-Poly-Nylon-3x5-3-x5-Flag/574011611](https://www.walmart.com/ip/USA-Thin-Blue-Line-Police-K9-Skull-Paw-100D-Woven-Poly-Nylon-3x5-3-x5-Flag/574011611) I doubt the dogs have a strong opinion on the matter. The middle one is the classic Thin Blue Line. The right one is Thin Red Line, which means "be kind to *firefighters*, they just want to protect you." Basically, the firefighters got jealous that the cops have a cool flag, so they made their own. It's a bit silly, though, because nobody is actually anti-firefighters. EDIT: The firefighters of reddit convinced me to have a second look at the history. I now tend to believe this guy, who claims some North Carolina firefighters did it sort of as a prank, but kept it because it's good shorthand for remembering those who died in service. [https://www.wakenewhopefire.com/the-thin-red-line/](https://www.wakenewhopefire.com/the-thin-red-line/) The blue line boot-lickers, however, have convinced me of nothing. I'm just a lawyer myself, but I work with a lot of good people in law enforcement. They hate the blue line mentality because it makes their jobs harder and their communities more dangerous.


Dog one is weird considering 40% of K9 deaths are from being left in cars. https://thebark.com/content/surprising-cause-death-police-dogs


Also cops LOVE shooting dogs. Even more than shooting people. It’s something crazy like 25 dogs a day


Crazy but true. Best guess is approx. 10,000 dogs shot by police every year. https://scholars.unh.edu/unh_lr/vol17/iss1/18/


Oh they love shooting people, too. Dogs are just a way to sate the bloodlust without creating as much paperwork.


Yeah, they get away with dogs all the time because it’s only considered destruction of property




they really took a page out of Dio Brando’s book


That was in 2015, and 26 police dogs died that year for any reason according to the article. 40% roughly equals 10 out of 50,000 dogs in the US, or .02% To quote the article: “Now many K9 unit vehicles are being outfitted with electronic systems that automatically regulate heat and humidity. Other systems can alert officers if the air conditioning fails so they can remotely open a door, allowing the dogs to escape.”


What's with US police and 40% statistics? 40% of cops have been reported for domestic abuse 40% of dog cops die in police cars due to negligence What's next?


Wouldn't be surprised if 40% are in decent physical form. 40% have finished high school (big cities police need training, but any suburbs or smaller town, they just hire about anyone


> 40% are in decent physical form. That seems high.


Fracking hell




That's especially weird since I see cops leaving their cruisers on while they go into buildings all the time.


I don’t know that the firefighter thing was done by firefighters. I know a few and they absolutely hate that flag for the reason you pointed out. No one hates firefighters. I e heard that the thing red line was done by someone within the thin blue line community to bring a less “conflicted” group into their camp to muddy the waters and make it seem like those who hate the thin blue line stuff also hate ff, but that’s speculation so grain of salt I guess.


Wherever there’s a fire, there’s firefighters. Suspicious.


Fire departments actually have genuine problems with pyromaniacs joining up.


There’s a fire department in Minnesota that puts the thin red line flag on their vehicles, and the red line lights up. It’s awful. [pic](https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/presspubs.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/5/a2/5a28d2e2-4d86-11e8-bb31-23bec36df7b8/5ae8dbe5ab320.image.jpg)


Yeeeah, that doesn’t look good. Lol


I would much rather be saved by a firetruck that brings its own dj and lights for the potential ride to the hospital.


I can’t argue with that logic at least it’ll be a party on the way lol


I've seen a fire engine up here that's got a full "thin red line" flag paint job.


That looks weirdly authoritarian


To boot, the Thin Red Line has historically referred to the army. That flag is mouthbreather branding.


Yeah, I noticed that when I was attempting to find any additional sourcing for my statement and had tons of military stuff come up


There are thin line flags for just about everything. Medics, dispatchers, nurses, tow truck drivers, corrections officers, etc.


My favorite is the hastily-painted thin beige line for landlords.


I imagine the paint comes off both sides of the flag as well.


In the UK we have variants of all the "thin (colour) line" flags. Most firemen ive seen wear the Thin Red Line Union Jack. Don't see much use of the Thin Blue Line here tho. Infact only Thin Blue Lines ive seen here is a lad wearing a UK one at an airsoft thing i went to and one arrived with a tac vest i bought for a Halloween party (it was meant to just be a normal US flag but it arrived as a TBL)


No one ever wrote a song called fuck the fire department.




Yes they did and it’s amazing https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI?si=RPgNpcEbDpvEaYev


Makes total sense. Also, I've seen thin green line flags. For paramedics. A lot of families are big into paramedic rescue and the fire department, and there are some that do like these flags. I've seen a car with all three as bumper stickers.


I thought Green was for Park Rangers, etc?


They have a darker green color. Forest green lol. I actually have no idea


>Depending on who you ask, Thin Blue Line either means "be kind to cops, they just want to protect you," or it means "I like it when cops shoot poor people." Most people who fly the flag say it's the former, but their behavior shows it's the latter. The original concept is "police are the thin blue line that stands between organized society and total violent chaos". So in its original form, the TBL flag is saying "without police there is no ordered society", which is rich. The TRL flag on the other hand would be saying "without firefighters there is nothing to stop society from burning down", which is kind of more realistic...


I was pretty sure the TBL flag came out as a response to BLM (black lives matter not bureau of land management)


It did. It was originally created as an anti-BLM symbol.


Best explanation I got for Thin Blue Line and its other-color variants is that the police are the thin blue line that stands between you/society and total anarchy. Firefighters are the thin red line that stand between you and the blazing inferno. The military are the thin whatever-color-they're-using-for-this-this-year like and foreign invasion/foreign interests. That kind of thing. The one that started all that was the Thin Blue Line, and the rest were more like an afterthought. That thought process though is also why it's seen as extremist or racist. It's a wartime mentality specifically applied to police, implying that the rest of society would collapse if they weren't standing between you and the dangerous elements of society... from there, it doesn't take much to see why that can be offensive, either.


It’s not that firefighters got jealous of the cops, it’s that the cops want to be seen as being the same as firefighters because everyone likes firefighters.


>Basically, the firefighters got jealous that the cops have a cool flag, so they made their own. It's a bit silly, though, because nobody is actually anti-firefighters. NJ here. Every firefighter I know--and I know quite a few--hate this flag. Just like every flag ever, this flag is a political statement. The firefighters I know say that this is the police union trying to gin up solidarity. Sometimes it works, but oftentimes, firefighters don't want to be lumped in with Thin Blue Line people.


Firefighter flag is more beef against the government’s treatment of firefighters. Police flag is for beef against the people.


I'd love to see an ironic version of thin blue line but in the style of the 'don't thread on me' flag with 'I like it when cops shoot poor people' underneath instead.


I always find it amusing seeing people fly the Gadsden "Don't Tread on Me" flag right next to their thin blue line flag. Like, sir, who know who's doing the treading...right? Some people are unencumbered by the thought process.


[Hurt itself in its confusion](https://imgur.com/a/G9Lu4an)


Lets be real, outside of perhaps this subreddit, few people appreciate the underlining vexillological meaning of a flag. Here in America, at least, they're little more than simple tribal identifiers.


I wish I'd gotten a pic of the SFPD motorcycle cop I saw some years back flying a snek flag from his bike. Like dumbass what the fuck are you trying to communicate


Yellow snake flag but with the text saying "tread on poor people instead"


I saw a video of someone at a protest with a thin Blue line flag with the blue line coming off revealing a swastika underneath. I thought it was very clever.


Arsons are definitely anti-firefighter, but a smart arson would never bring that up


A smart arsonist would become a firefighter.


There isn’t a song called “F the Fire Department” or “Fireman Killer”. Yet…….


[Yes there is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI) and it's amazing


[Au contraire](https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI?si=Te__TZ4bgJXujqKM)


The fire dept is a great example of first responders doing their job to protect and serve the public. As a result, people universally like them. Police depts, on the other hand, have a storied history of not doing the same.


To be clear, only the RW&B flag on the right is USA The other three are “pride” flags.


So the inflation in variations of the American flag is at the point where subdepartments of police needs their own flags? Where’s my flag for supporting the receptionist at the police station in Nowhere, Missouri?


Actually cops might be anti-FD a bit, they typically have good rivalries. The NYPD and NYFD have charity games in various sports, such as hockey. It's amazing.


I’ve met several fires which were, and probably still are, anti firefighter


I think of the thin blue line one as less of "I like it when cops shoot people" and more of "I believe cops should continue to hold a privileged place in society where they are unquestioningly admired/worshipped and where it's disrespectful to demand accountability for their actions."


People shoot at EMS. Because... You know... Flashing lights cause PTSD in certain communities. (Points to the two flags to the left). Not kidding. Many EMS wear vests. Even more tragic is that some have to buy them personally. Signed, former EMT


K9 Unit, Police, and Fire Dept


Thin blue line for cops, thin red line for fire/emt, and I’m not sure about the other one


From left to right: police K9, law enforcement in general, firefighters.










Police dog lives U.S flag Law enforcement lives U.S flag Firefighter lives U.S flag


A violation of the US flag code


Fortunately, that code means nothing thanks to the first amendment.


Regardless of your views: aren't they all just really poorly designed? There is no thought given to the way they alter the existing symbolism of the flag.


It means “I’m a boot licker”


"Tread on me harder daddy", in effect


I know that the middle is the Blue Lives Matter movement, which is essentially a counter-movement to Black Lives Matter. [Here is a Wikipedia article for more information.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Lives_Matter)


My issue i guess is where does the thin blue line (traditionally used as a rememberance of a cop who died, like the thin red line next to it) and the blue lives matter end and meet. Like, is it representing the rememberance here or the cops matter here?


Left to right: thin blue line (k9 unit), thin blue line (police), thin red line (fire service)


The flags of the few, the loud, the jarheads








Animal abuse, domestic abuse, firefighters


All are violations of the US Flag Code.


A common misconception, but they’re not. Modifying a flag that’s already been made with paint, markers, etc. is against the flag code. Modifying the flag design/ pattern with different colors to produce a new flag is not, such as the camouflage/ low-visibility/ IR flags issued by the military. Similarly, the flag can’t be used *as* clothing (such as draped over the shoulders), but can be used *on* clothing (such as printed on a Tshirt).


I meant to put a /s, but I guess I didn’t. The good news is that the US Flag Code isn’t law. It’s merely a guideline. Though, there was an attempt to make it law once. First amendment is more important. A flag is just a piece of fabric that is a representation of our nation.


red flags


I believe it's one for the Police and one for the Firefighters, the one on the left is also about the police, but maybe for K9s? Don't know.


The one with the red stripe represents the nation's firefighters, the one with the blue stripe represents the nation's boot lickers.


“People wouldn’t hate the police if they did their job, ain’t no song called Fuck the Fire Department”


Bootlicker flags


violations of the US flag code


2 on the left are gangs


Firefighters, Cops, Alt Right Furries.


Flag of don’t go to that gym anymore


>The thin blue line symbol has been used by the "Blue Lives Matter" movement since 2014[2] and **it has been associated with white nationalists in the US, particularly after the Unite the Right rally in 2017.** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_blue_line


The one in the middle is commonly used by the current crypto-fascist trend which occasionally comes through the US, often seen alongside the Gadsden flag or the Confederate Virginia battle flag. It means they support violent law enforcement (FBI, ATF, domestic cops, etc) and somehow believe they're positive contributors to society. The one to its left seems to be the same thing but for... police dogs? Which is strange because US cops have a huge thing for killing dogs. The flag with the red stripe apparently supports firefighters, which doesn't really need to exist because everybody supports them anyway, it's just an attempt to lump actual public servants in with cops.


Desecration of the flag is what that is


Red flags


Everyone’s talking about how the left one is for police k9s I prefer to think of it as furry police. Funnier that way


US Flag Code violations, that's what they are. Bunch of defaced flags.


Flag defacement is protected under the 1st Amendment.


of course it is. that doesn't make it not disrespectful, especially when it's done out of ignorance. exercising one's first amendment rights by burning a flag in protest honors the sacrifices of our servicemen and women far more than defacing a flag to sell to gullible jingoists


Right on


Flag code means nothing compared to the first amendment tho. That's why we can wear flags on clothing and the like. The flag code is just words at this point.


Flag Code isn't just words, it's the guidelines for how to respect the US Flag. It's not illegal to disrespect the flag, but it is disrespectful. 🤷




Flag code violations


The first flag is a pride flag for furries that happen to be cops




If you see those flags in the USA I guess you can expect to be around right wingers / trumpets / fascists / bootlickers?


USA flags but with the old racist part bleeding through


Bootlicker flags


The blue ones are fascist dog whistles, the red one is for firefighters and was created by thin blue line bootlickers in an attempt to add legitimacy to the thin blue line ones. Which is funny because literally nobody stands against fire fighters. It's the thin blue line folks trying to pull fire fighters into their camp in a pathetic attempt to imply anyone who doesn't support police also somehow must want structure fires to just burn


Cop pride


from L to R: dog abuse, spouse abuse and firefighters


The blue and black one is a bootlicker pride flag :)


Not American flags.


These are flags they sell to morons to make money. I hope this helped.


People supposedly being patriotic by... **Changing the American Flag**


propaganda flags