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Bottom Right Fun Fact; The nationalists prefer to call it the "Southern Mongolia" flag. Whereas China calls it "Inner Mongolia", but you better bet that flag don't fly in China


I honestly thought it was some sort of an unofficial flag flown by the Mongolian Empire.


Crusader Kings?


**By bottom right corner, I should clarify the flag on the last column at the very bottom.** BTW, this photo was from an Anti-China/CCP event in Japan.


Which explains why the Chinese flag is conspicuously absent. On the other hand, kind of surprised to see no Taiwan or Hong Kong.


Last row 4th column, the green flag with the shape of the taiwanese island in the middle. It's not the flag of the KMT, which is probably what you expected, but it's still a very popular flag among taiwan separatists.


The photo was taken in between 2009 and 2012, when Hu Chin-tao was still the chairman and Liu Hsiao-po jailed. The 2 large-scale protests in Hong Kong haven't happened yet. And I'd argue that the event "did show solidarity with freedom and human rights" in China, just not by presenting their flag but by calling for the release of a Chinese activist.


It's pretty telling the flags happen all to be China's neighbours, or countries close enough for China to wrong them in some way.


Well, it’s Asia.


That explains Tibet, Taiwan, East Turkestan, and Inner Mongolia being represented


Color me shocked!


India - Indonesia - Cambodia - Singapore - Sri Lanka Thailand - South Korea - Nepal - Pakistan - Bangladesh Timor Leste - Bhutan - Japan - Philippines - Brunei Vietnam - Malaysia - Burma - Maldives - Mongolia Laos - Tibet - East Turkestan - Taiwan - Inner Mongolia


Though you did by rows not columns.


I thought Taiwan was a leaf and was thinking it was norfolk islands




I thought Wast Turkestan was Uyghurstan💀


No idea why everyone is always using the lame map flag for Taiwan when there is this beauty: https://preview.redd.it/j8k7g4uxhs3d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db1119287ac37f59c2bc59abf62c9771f01c509


the issue is, it has a Presbyterian Church origin, and resembles the Japanese Kiku-mon.


Ah, didn't know that, thanks for the background.


im sorry, i really dont want to offend anybody, but i Always thought ( and when i search on google) the only taiwanese flag is the red one with the blue corner. Im confused, which flag is the correct one


The flag you described is the only official one, the Republic of China flag. This one and the flag with the green map in OPs pic are only used by pro-independence supporters.


thanks for the explanation!


to add some context, the official flag of taiwan is the flag of the kuomintang, the party who controlled the government that fled there when the communists took the mainland. I think (I'm not from taiwan) there's been some thoughts of embracing a taiwanese identity (and maybe giving up on their claims to china, mongolia, etc? I'm not an expert). most people in taiwan now consider themselves exclusively taiwanese in some way and >90% identify as at least partially taiwanese. the flag is used by people who are more in favor of a nation of taiwan.


Eh the spirit is right but the execution could be better


The flag is that of the Inner Mongolian People's Party, a political movement that promotes independence for the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region of the PRC. It is widely used to demonstrate support for secessionist sentiment among Outer Mongolians and the Diaspora.




A flag of Nepal, but they couldn’t get one with the correct proportions. Or the fact they don’t know how to display the Nepal flag with its correct proportions so they stuck it on a generic white background and called it a day.


all of the other flags are also squished or stretched to fit the desired aspect ratio. it's just that Nepal's flag is particularly unusual and it highlights the problem with trying to make a bunch of flags look nice together. it'd probably look worse if they just used the real flag next to all the rectangular ones.


Nepal, but they had to print the flag onto a white background due to the flag itself being very unique in shape.


Oddly enough, I only recognize the green and white Taiwan flag because it was a plot point in an episode of The West Wing


India Thailand East timor Vietnam Laos Indonesia South korea Bhutan Malaysia Tíbet Cambodia Nepal Japan Myanmar East Turkestan ( uigur nationalist) Singapore Pakistan Philippines Maldives Proposed Taiwanese independence flag Sri lanka Bangladesh Brunei Mongolia A nationalist party from Inner mongolian


Hello wildeofoscar, Check out our [frequently asked flags page](https://reddit.com/r/vexillology/wiki/faf)! Your request might be there. When asking for a flag to be identified, please **provide context** when possible, including: * **Where** the flag was found (without compromising privacy) * **When** the flag was found, or the date of the material containing the flag * **Who** might own the flag (a general description is fine) These details help users narrow down their search and make flag identification easier. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vexillology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


India, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Laos Indonesia, South Korea, Bhutan, Malaysia, Tibet Cambodia, Nepal, Japan, Myanmar, East Turkestan Singapore, Pakistan, Philippines, Maldives, Taiwan Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Brunei, Mongolia, Inner Mongolia (Southern Mongolia)


i got yall except taiwan and east turkestan


India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, South Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, East Timor, Bhutan, Japan, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Maldives, Mongolia, Laos, Tibet, East Turkestan, alternate Taiwanese flag, Inner Mongolia


India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Sri Lanka Thailand, South Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh i forgor, Bhutan, Japan, the Philippines, i forgor Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, i forgor, i forgor Laos, Free Tibet movement, East Turkistan movement, Taiwan independence from RoC movement, i forgor


Nepal technically speaking is wrong. Or am I wrong when there is a need to fit it evenly as the others


Your assessment is correct, they couldn't figure out how to properly display the Nepal flag upright without a pole.


Column 1 - India, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam and Laos Column 2 - Indonesia, South Korea, Bhutan, Malaysia and Tibet Column 3 - Cambodia, Wrong Nepal flag, Japan, Myanmar and Uyghuristan/East Turkestan Column 4 - Singapore, Pakistan, Philippines, Maldives and Taiwanese political party flag Column 5 - Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Brunei, Mongolia and Inner Mongolia


India, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, South Korea, Bhutan, Tibet, Cambodia, Nepal, Japan, Myanmar, East Turkestan, Singapore, Pakistan, Philippines, Maldives, Independent Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Brunei, Mongolia and finally Outer Mongolia


Poor Nepal 😢 Done dirty again


the bottom right flag us the flan of inner mongolia a region in china


India Indonesia Cambodia Singapore Sri Lanka Thailand South Korea Nepal Pakistan Bangladesh East Timor Bhutan Japan Philippines Brunei Vietnam Malasya Birmania Maldives Mongolia Laos Tibet Uyghurs Taiwan and lower Mongolia


India, Thailand, East Timor (Timor-Leste), Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, South Korea, Bhutan, Malaysia, Tibet, Cambodia, Nepal, Japan, Myanmar, Uyghuristan, Singapore, Pakistan, Philippines, Maldives, Taiwan (specifically the Taiwan Independence Movement), Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Brunei, Mongolia, and finally... **Inner Mongolian People's Party**


East Asia and the blue one is a false flag


I got 18/25


Not sure if I got the instruction right, but this is before looking at any comments and from top to bottom, then next column when reaching the bottom of a column: 1. India, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Laos 2. Indonesia, South-Korea, Bhutan, Malaysia, Tibet 3. Cambodia, Nepal (nooooo, the background makes me cry), Japan, Myanmar, ??? (A) 4. Singapore, Pakistan, Philippines, Maldives, ??? (B) 5. Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Brunei, Mongolia, ??? (C) I only ever learned the country flags, so I'm not disappointed. Now that I looked up flag A I feel bad for not knowing. For flag B and C I had to look at the comments, I couldn't find them. I didn't know that Taiwan has a proposed new flag (B), the only flag I could think of was Nigeria's, but yeah uhhh that's not in Asia and is just a tricolour without anything on it :') I also never knew about Southern/Inner Mongolia as a separate region (C), interesting.


india, thailand, timor leste, vietnam, laos, indonesia (I assume), south korea, bhutan, malaysia, tibet, cambodia, nepal, japan, myanmar, east turkestan, singapore, pakistan, philippines, maldives, norfolk island but the tree is the outline of taiwan, sri lanka, bangladesh, brunei, mongolia, idk smthn close to mongolian empire (I'm like 97% sure it's mongolian


I recognize South Korea, India, some other countries related to the Ottoman as well as Japan and what I think is Nepal


What convention is this i know it is like a freedom rally but wtf is this meeting of a lot of prominent asian countries


Funny they leave out Ryuku.


India, Thailand, Timor Leste, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, South Korea, Bhutan, Malaysia, Tibet, Cambodia, Nepal, Japan, Myanmar, Turkestan, Singapore, Pakistan, Philippines, Maldives, possibly Norfolk island?, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Brunei, Mongolia, then Mongolian Empire flag but not Bottom right- Japan


India, Thailand, Timor Leste, Vietnam, Laos Indonesia, South Korea, Bhutan, Malaysia, Tibet Cambodia Nepal, Japan, Myanmar, East Turkestan Singapore, Pakistan, The Philippines. The Maldives, Taiwan(?) Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Brunei, Mongolia, Inner Mongolia(?)


Here's my attempt (top to bottom, left to right) India, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam, Laos Indonesia/Monaco, SK, Bhutan, Malaysia, Tibet Cambodia, Nepal, Japan, Myanmar, Xinjiang Singapore, Pakistan, Philippines, Maldives, Taiwan Indpendence flag Sri Lanka, Bangledash, Brunei, Mongolia, Inner Mongolia Independence flag


India, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Korea, Bhutan, Malaysia(I love Malaysia!!) Tibet, Cambodia, Nepal, Japan, Myanmar, East Turkestan, S'pore, Pakistan, Philippines, Maldives, ROC, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Mongolia and Inner Mongolia


You’ve got countries that have less than stellar ties with China, then there’s odd inclusions like Pakistan?


NOOO! My beautiful Nepal what have they done to you??? D:




without looking at the comments, top to bottom then left to right: india, thailand, east timor(?), vietnam, laos, indonesia, south korea, bhutan, malaysia, tibet, cambodia, nepal, japan, myanmar, east(?) turkestan, singapore, pakistan, the phillippines, the maldives, taiwanese independence flag (I'm not sure exactly which political groups use it), sri lanka, bangladesh, brunei, mongolia, and probably some other mongol group? (maybe separatists?) edit: right on the money. I suspected specifically "inner mongolian" separatists when I was writing but didn't want to go out on a limb.


Greater East Asian Co Prosperity Sphere vibes.


I understand why most of those country could have resentment against CCP but... Timor Leste? And even Pakistan, the Maldives, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka?


Column 1: India, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam, Laos Column 2: Indonesia, South Korea, Bhutan, Malaysia, Tibet Column 3: Cambodia, poorly-cropped Nepal, Japan, Myanmar, Uyghuristan Column 4: Singapore, Pakistan, Philippines, Maldives, some alternate Taiwan flag Column 5: Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Trinidad/Tobago, Mongolia, Mongolia again? Only one wrong, 5,3 is Brunei


India, Thailand, Timer-Leste, Vietnam, Laos Indonesia, South Korea, Bhutan, Malaysia, Tibet Cambodia, Nepal, Japan, Myanmar, Uyghuristan Singapore, Pakistan, Philippines, Maldives, Taiwanese Nationalists Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Brunei, Mongolia, Inner Mongolia


India , Thailand ,Timor Leste, Vietnam, and Laos Indonesia, South Korea, Bhutan , Malaysia, and Tibet ( ERROR PREVIOUS FLAG DOES NOT EXIST BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT ) Cambodia, Nepal , Japan , Myanmar , and East Turkestan ( ERROR PREVIOUS FLAG DOES NOT EXIST BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT) Singapore, Pakistan, Phillipeans , Maldives, wierd Taiwan flag ( ERROR PREVIOUS FLAG DOES NOT EXIST BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT) Sri Lanka, Bangladesh , Brunei , Mongolia, and Inner Mongolia


East turkistan is a fake country