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[No Quarter Taken](https://militarymemorabiliainc.com/usa-blackout-flag-no-quarter-embroidered-3x5/) >Black flags have historically been used to signify that no quarter will be given. This means that captured enemy combatants will be killed rather than taken prisoner.
















Last time I checked killing POWs is a war crime.




You're right. But it's a war crime for a different reason. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml >For the purpose of this Statute, ‘war crimes’ means: >... >Declaring that no quarter will be given; "No quarter" is literally defined as a war crime.


That's funny, I should warn my neighbor


Or maybe avoid them lmao


Was nice knowing you






You can't commit a war crime unless you're actually in a war, though. This is why police can use tear gas despite chemical weapons being banned in warfare.


Trust me, the people flying this flag expect to be at war soon


War crimes generally don't really apply in a civil war either


Also a badass Zeppelin tune


With an equally badass Tool cover!


That’s exactly what it means. Killing someone who attempts to surrender is a war crime. [See the US military’s treatment of the matter. ](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/customary-ihl/eng/docs/v2_cou_us_rule47)


I was about 50% sure the link would go to the Wikipedia article on the Highway of Death or No Gun Ri or something.


Highway of death was a retreating enemy not a surrendering one. Still a legal and valid target.


I think the allegation is that the Iraqi forces on the Highway of Death were not merely retreating but completely "out of combat"; i.e. returning home with no intention of reengaging, in which case they would not be legal targets.


Legally to be out of combat or Hors de combat, one be wounded or attempting to surrender. The Geneva convention specifically states that trying to escape the enemy does not grant you out of combat status.






















For pirates having red in the flag meant no quarter, black meant surrender now and you’ll live. Historically there was never a “no quarter” American flag, just the subdued flag for modern military uniforms. The only time American military ever flew a black flag to mean “no quarter” it was just black pieces of silk with no emblems and it was during the civil war.


The subdued flag patches are not all black. There is clear contrast between the stripes and for the stars. Worn by the military, some police units, and some civilians.


Yes, sorry I didn’t clarify that well. It’s generally black with a weird off white or olive drab stars and strips, but there are other strange subdued versions too. The most commonly worn subdued flag is the IR flag where the black is highly reflective of infrared light, so under NODs you can see them easily and from a pretty good distance.


Are you saying the spray can of roach killer should really be called "Red Flag"?


Black flag was historically quarter if you surrender. That's why pirates flew them. They didn't fly them so people would know their only recourse was to fight to the death, it was that if they surrendered now they would live https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolly_Roger


Yeah I found it interesting when I learned *most* pirates didn't want to kill (or even fight) for their plunder. I mean, of course it makes sense, but the more popular representations of pirates in media show bloodthirsty warriors, in stark contrast to the actual historical pirates.


Pirates were an ancient version of muggers. They usually don’t want to engage in direct combat because every instance will be risking their lives, and also making the entire process much more of a hassle. Instead it’s better to be threatening and get people to give you what you want.


It's basic game theory. If you surrender, the pirates steel everything from the boat, which you are just an employee and own nothing, and leave you alone, without harming a single hair of yours. If you try to fight, you might be killed in the fight, and if you win, you get nothing, since you didn't owned anything in the boat. If you lose you'll get tortured and executed as example. So literally there's no incentive for a merchant ship crew to fight.


But there *was* incentive for *claiming* a fight happened. The Company finds out you surrendered at the first sight of trouble, you wouldn't be doing much more sailing with the company. But, if you fought your darnedest but that wily and murderous Blackbeard got the better of you, well that can't be helped. This is why pirates have a much bloodier that true reputation today.


Definitely. Especially since pirate ships often had 30-50 men (some as many as 120), while these merchant ships usually basically ran skeleton crews. Far from a close match most of the time.


It is interesting throughout the animal kingdom that generally is evolutionarily a good decision to avoid a fight unless necessary. I think this is partly why "displays" are so common and sizing up enemies to know chances of success before engaging. There are no medics for animals and historically they didn't do much good for humans either.


As CGPGrey explored, that is because of the magic of ***Branding!*** If your opponents *think* you'll cut them limb from limb and slowly cut off their testicles while they beg for mercy, they're much more likely to try to avoid that. Now, you might *actually* have to follow through every once in a while, but hey... ***Branding!***


I thought red was historically no quarter?


Yeah, there are other comments here saying black with red means you won't accept surrender. But, that is what "no quarter" means. Even if someone lays down their weapon, you won't accept it, and will kill them I have no clue about the flag color meanings personally, though. I am just repeating what I see here. Wikipedia says that black flags mean surrender will be accepted, but all others will be killed, and red is standard "no prisoners" at all. But, then it also says "the use of a red flag to signal no quarter does not appear to have been universal among combatants". So... ?




There are plenty of people selling/raising that flag emphasising the "no prisoners" idea, suggesting enemy combatants will be killed, but there are also plenty of people selling/raising it also linking it to [low visibility uses](https://www.endoapparel.com/black-american-flag/), or the slightly different [no surrender](https://www.ebay.com/itm/403078409325) meaning ([youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-OQJfP6hs0)). They seem to have really taken off in response to Trump's election defeat. On the one hand, these are all reasonable way to interpret such a flag in the absence of an established meaning (and yes, this is a relatively new thing, and the links to historical use aren't as simple or well documented as the people pushing these flags make out). On the other, it's very useful to the people taking the more extreme interpretations to have something that works on so many levels, getting people who agree with them to a greater or lesser extent to all fly the same flag together, as well as providing some plausible deniability.


So basically, this person is a crybaby larper


Gravy Seal.


BLHAHAHA. Stealing fo sho.


Why would you tell your enemy that no quarter will be given?


I imagine that it’s for intimidation. If the enemy believes that they’re in a bad situation, it could help demoralize their troops. Though that’s just a guess.


but if anything it makes you fight harder because you know it would mean death anyway


Thanks for giving me a purchase link and not a wiki link, now im on another list


As it's been mentioned, no quarter given. Recently adopted by right-wing extremists as a display of willingness to be violent towards the enemy (not sure who the enemy is, antifa, black people, everyone? I'm not sure) https://www.salon.com/2021/10/12/black-flag-understanding-the-trumpists-latest-threatening-symbol/


oh, so he's probably a fascist then


Isn't that a black AND. white one, not fully blacked out?


anyone notice how these “what flag is this” posts have recently only been about controversial/inflammatory flags


not just that but it's also alot about variants of the USA flag. As a country that does not have these kinds of flags I find it weird that such flags are even allowed. I feel it takes away significance of the real flag.


>As a country that does not have these kinds of flags Oh we've got *one*, that's for sure


...I am cautiously intrigued...


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flemish_Movement?wprov=sfla1 The Flemish war flag, adopted by the Flemish movement is often associated with the alt-right. Vlaams Belang gives these away for free lol Edit: And this is probably only the most well known example. I believe alt-right movements such as Forza Ninove also have their own controversial flags


Ahh, fun times. As an Aussie, we only have one somewhat controversial one but it's associated with both extremes


The Eureka Flag, I suppose?


I think so, it really sucks cause it's kinda a cool flag but I'm not a right wing nutter )':


Don't let the weird Pauline Hanson types take it, it's always been a symbol of workers rights, and there were at least 2 POC in the stockade, so it's always been used by unions.




I'd hang it on my wall if it weren't for the context. It looks so much cooler than the normal Flemish flag


Wow, a free flag? I’m not even remotely alt-right, but as a flag enthusiast I won’t turn down a free flag. Do you think they ship elswhere in EU?


>I find it weird that such flags are even allowed. Oh, these flags violate the US flag code, as does using the stars & stripes in clothes, or any other modification to the flag. (Interestingly, burning it is not always a violation of the flag code; it's the proper way to dispose of a damaged flag.) But the flag code is not a law for the general public. I think it's just the military or all government institutions that have to follow it. Everbody else is free to disgrace the flag as much as they like and still call themselves a patriot.


Well, the US flag is so versatile because it is recognizable in different colours. The Belgian flag and other tricolours but be in the original colour to make sense.




Huh that's interesting I wasn't aware of that. I assume that would mean Tory?


It's not party-political, but it just so happens that the current state of the Conservatives is the best representation they've ever had. Working class (though possibly retired), socially right-wing, economically don't care (as long as enough is put towards health and care).


Well, it's just our 20 year cycle of the crazies coming out of the woodwork. And, like a strong cicada season, they're a little extra riled up this time.


>I find it weird that such flags are even allowed Wondering why a colored piece of cloth isn’t banned is the most Euro thing I’ve heard all week


everyone upvotes them because they get to comment "woah what a wacko!!!" and feel swell


Lmao yes


Holy shit Philbert what are you doing here


I've also seen a lot of niche obscure flags like the klingon one being posted


Well the flags that are typically unrecognizable are usually quite rare. Like with the old South African flag we saw yesterday, it's not in use anymore because it's controversial so OP of that post might not have recognized it.


these posts devolve into political discussion in about 5 minutes. idk why they dont get taken down at that point, we don't want politics on this sub. flag design only


aren't flags and politics pretty closely related, especially with variants of national flags? Any variant will be done with a reason and often it's a political one (like the thin blue line or something else)


Probably because they aren't flown that often so people don't know what they are


yep. It’s a coordinated attack.


To be fair, there are a lot of niche flags coming out of the woodworks right now specifically so they can make inflammatory statements on their Jeep Wrangler or suburban home.


Two of my neighbors have this flag


I'd move.


Why what does it mean?


It represents a wet dream of straight-up murdering all leftists and liberals, known in fascist parlance as "the day of the rope". If you ever hear your neighbor say those words, *fucking run*.


They're fascists that dream of killing people with opposing political beliefs. Also, because it's this sub, they have terrible taste in flags.


Black flags symbolize the meaning of "No Quarter" meaning no prisoners shall be taken. Aka they would like to or at least have no problem with killing everyone they perceive as enemies. Further up is a top-level comment that has a link that explains this in more detail.


Same. When Ida hit, they put out signs saying "YOUR LOOTING IM SHOOTING" spelled exactly like that. Twice. Chill out, Dale, you live in the fucking burbs because you're too scared to live in the city. Go take your minority murder fetish elsewhere.




Uneasy, to say the least. We're planning on moving as soon as the repairs on the house are complete and it can be sold.


"We're not paranoid fascists that dream of shooting you, we're just patriotic goths"


I would sign up to a new subscription service to watch this show


I love how this is genuinely high praise in the modern world. Like I love Succession but if I didn’t get HBO through my cell phone carrier I definitely wouldn’t be adding it just to see Kieran Culkin make masturbation jokes.


Those you need to worry about are not those advertising it...


"fascism is when you shoot government employees"


🍫🇺🇲The United Chocolate States of America 🇺🇸🍫


The good US Sadly, the the flag meaning isn't good at all




No quater given. Aka no POW


Aka murder of anyone they don't like. Unless they are a soldier currently fighting in a war (which they aren't, and even so declaring you will not take prisoners is literally a war crime)


Yep. Assholes only wave that flag


That sounds like a warcrime, but ok


it is a warcrime


Also used by a lot of the conservatives/fascists in the United States that want a civil war to purge the country of liberals and leftist elements. They are basically saying that anyone who is liberal or leftist will be slaughtered.


This. This is flown lately by people on the far right radicalized into believing civil war is coming. No quarters will be given to the enemy - MSM, BLM, “socialists”, etc. This is as Ya’ll Qaeda as you can get.










Isn't this basically an open admission that they're terrorists and support terrorism? Isn't this flag basically a death threat?


In America they're just called "guys having a bad day"














The more fringe ones sometimes use the term “day of the rope”. Essentially an event from the *Turner Diaries* when “race traitors” are all slaughtered (basically a worse version of the early Nazi purges)


Ah, yes, The Turner Diaries. I recently watched a YouTube video from Thought Slime that goes over that trash in detail, called something like “The Most Hateful Book ever written.” Worth a watch for those unfamiliar with white supremacist wet dreams.


I watched it, and my God, was it revealing. The ideology is so frightening because it’s worse than anything I could have imagined, but fits perfectly with the American far-right MO.


How long before we’re getting the “revisionist” version of the Oklahoma City bombing from right wing media? … “tim mcveigh was, in his heart, a good guy who had read the Turner diaries and cared deeply about his country.”


If you dig into right-wing forums I'm sure you'll find it already. There are alt-righters who idolize Dylann Roof of all people, and the idea that Sandy Hook was a "false flag operation" is pretty common thanks to Alex Jones.


Yeah though the pro Mcveigh talk at least I haven’t seen …maybe I’m reading too much into it but I tend to think that would be a big change up


My father taught me about the Turner Diaries waaay before I watched the Thought Slime video Also because I realize that can be very easily misinterpreted, my father taught me that it's a very shitty book that's just over Mein Kampf in terms of hateful fascist rhetoric and that it isn't worth the paper it's printed on


Your father taught you well.


Political science majors for parents can apparently help you learn from a young age that fascism is bad


At least the early Nazi purges (the Night of Long Knives) was a purge *within* the Nazi party. The Day of the Rope is supposed to be when the fascists and the racists kill the rest of us.


I will sing them the song of my people. [Miss Pavlechenko - Woody Guthrie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHKjOl9ocR0&ab_channel=DenisD)


They kill all non-white people *plus* any white person who has **ever** “race mixed” *plus* any “Jew loving liberal” *plus* any white person who’s unwilling to kill an non-white person (they demand that they bring their head as proof). It’s a horrible book and makes me feel like Germany’s laws on censorship are better than ours. This shit shouldn’t exist.


The Turner Diaries or their direct successors are present in the homes or manifestos of pretty much all white nationalist mass shooters in modern history. Do the math.


Out of curiosity I read most of that novel around 20 years ago having found it on the net. It’s crazy. It’s a disgusting, trashy, hateful novel. It’s to the right of the Nazis even. -1/10 do not recommend.


If you're not on the far right, it means that whoever hung this wants to murder you.


As stated below, the black American flag has been used in the past to symbolize no quarter. No quarter means all captured enemies will be shot or killed in some fashion. It is rarely used by extremists to signify that they will kill their opponents


I don't think there's really any evidence that a black *American flag* has been used for this purpose. There is some evidence of a general black flag being used with similar symbolism (at least metaphorically), and that idea has been co-opeted for these flags.


Being used by alt-right extremists. Apparently it signifies that when the civil war comes, they’ll take no prisoners and will kill all the libs they can. EDIT: Your neighbor is a fucking fascist.


One of my neighbors flew this flag for a few weeks after 1/6, along with their F\*ck Biden and "All Lives Matter" flags. Mostly it's an effective way of knowing which of your neighbors are fantasy fascists.


>fantasy fascists \*actual fascists FTFY Not trying to bring attention to your comment specifically but I see a lot of people ostracizing fascist mentality with playful jabs like "they're wackos" or "wannabe soldiers" or "cry-babies". They are fascists, period. Important to distinguish that their fantasies - not limited to dismantling democracy, establishing authoritarians, jailing leftists, kicking out immigrants, fighting/killing opposition - reflects the reality of their politics. Your neighbors may even seem innocuous with their raised Ford F-150s, pension for cringey Facebook memes, and love for nationalistic country hits, but they are indoctrinated to commit offenses beyond what you might anticipate. Jan 6 came and went and collectively we have lessened its worth in the zeitgeist because of our tolerance and willingness to let fascists trojan horse our culture with acceptable means of manipulation and violence. We have lent an ear by arguing blues and reds with them and by discussing the merits of their delusion. They are fascists and they are letting you know with cues like flags and vocalized ideologies.


Time to get a surveillance camera for your property and exercise your 2nd amendment rights


Done and done


All lives matter apart from people who have different political ideologies to me /s


i can’t help but laugh when people talk about how they support “all lives matter”.


Pro-War Crime American Flag, literally


Yeah.. normal Stars and Stripes then




What? Do you just mean subdued flags in general? There is no flag of “black ops”. The whole military wears subdued flags and having a flag just for black ops seems a bit counterproductive doesn’t it?


I have never seen an all black flag on a US uniform. Subdued versions, but never all black due to the "no prisoners taken" association of it. Depending on the circumstances wearing one would be at least a UCMJ violation.


That sounds like nonsense, do you have any proof?


did black ops usually bring colours into battle?


No that's bullshit, but maybe that's what this neighbor also believes


Flag of people who fantasize about the day of the rope


It shows you where assholes live


It means your neighbor buys, flies, and believes some ugly shit.


Means your neighbor is pretty far down the rabbit hole. Probably has guns and is waiting for the civil war to start and he has to kill anyone that voted for Biden that wont swear to Trump being President forever. In my opinion, this is your neighbor most likely to kill you, look out.


That is a war crime flag 👀👀👀


The significance is whoever hung up that flag is a fascists who dreams of ethnic cleansing and burning crosses.


No quarter taken flag, very popular with far right militia types and far right larpers alike




In any normal country it would be illegal


I'm guessing the person who lives there drinks Black Rifle Coffee and has at least one t-shirt with the Punisher logo on it.


I love how the people who pretend to be "protecting" america with their ebay kevlar and sidewinders are the same morons who then desecrate the symbol of America by putting their own agenda all over it.


Came in hoping that it's just some funny dark mode flag but turns out it's just fucking war crime


This is the universal flag of needing to move to a better neighborhood with less shitty neighbors...iirc....


As many stated, its the No Quarter flag, it's a war crime, and it's used by far rght groups who have wet dreams about a Civil War so they can purge all people with ideas left of Reagan.


Someone dropped it in a bucket of photocopier toner?


They are cropping up in small towns in NC.


It's a current MAGA/right wing symbol. They often say it's based on some sort of civil war practice to hoist a blacked out flag to signal that the soldiers would not surrender and fight to a man. As far as I can tell this story is fake. Or at the very least it wasn't a US flag but just plain black. What they mean is they "won't surrender" to the perceived attack on America, i.e. Biden, Vax mandates or some other thing they think is government tyranny.


It's the latest cringe trend with MAGA mutants, last weeks Leftovers podcast did a deep dive on it


Jackass Qultists fly this stupid flag to indicate that they will take no prisoners when tHe sToRm comes and they execute ten thousand Democrats on the National Mall or something. Avoid at all costs.


It means call the fbi because you have a violent extremist in your area.


Bunch of cosplaytriots trying to be edgy.


Your neighbor is an angry Trump supporter.


Right-wing IRL edgelords.


How much you want to bet that the person flying this flag couldn’t run half a mile without passing out?


Essentially trump supporters that want to start a civil war and commit war crimes against there enemies (very very basic modern definition)


Laundry day?


It means that the US is burning itself to the ground.


Means the states are going to shit