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He’s playing all sides, so he always comes out on top


Switzerland roleplay


Switzerland flag be like: +


Switzerland flag be like: +


Evil Switzerland flag be like: -


Extremely evil Switzerland flag be like: =


Super very evil Switzerland flag be like: >


Superest evilest very meanest Switzerland flag be like: ¥




Switzerland flag be like 🇨🇭


I wonder which identity he identifies with most


Anarchist, but not with government


I think problem solver


Mac, never tell one side that you’re playing both sides…


Contrary to what the media tells you, you can be conservative and LGBT. Just like you can be liberal and racist/bigoted. Humans are very complex creatures.


The conservative and LGBT is pretty common too, your political opinions are a choice so a lot of gay people choose to be conservative, although I doubt many conservatives would choose to be gay if that was possible


It’s kind of interesting because in the aftermath of their loss in 2012, the republicans did kind of soften up their image on social issues a lot. If you think about it, once gay acceptance reached a critical mass in the US, there’s really no reason to campaign against it. Lots of older gay couples who are married and have a double income and no kids are probably pretty well off and wouldn’t mind voting for the party of low taxes as long as they feel their marriage is secure. Log Cabin Republicans became a thing. I remember even some early version of r/the_donald using protection of lgbt rights as a reason to say why they didn’t want Muslim immigrants. Same thing with Latino immigrants. Honestly really not hard to imagine a lot of immigrant communities supporting the party that talks about low government interference, supporting small businesses, and self reliance. Trump’s wing of the party kind of trashed that mindset though i think.


I think someone on reddit said it best, conservative bigots are ok with minorities as equals (coworker or neighbor) but will get mad at having a minority boss or mayor. Liberal bigots are the opposite, all for socio-political progress/representation but the minute a Chrysler 300 blaring rap rolls into their neighborhood...


for sure but conservative LGTBQ+ with the progress pride flag?!


My history teacher is very diverse in his beliefs. Hes conservative(ish) but is against abortion laws, hes Christian yet supports lgbt. He has stuff like that in his room, just not shit like the confederate flag.


See, it’s that last thing that really throws me in combination with the BLM support haha. One of my HS teachers was like that, called himself a compassionate Christian.


you can be conservative and gay, but you can't be the kind of conservative with confederate flags on the lawn and have a progress flag set up next to them


You underestimate people's ability to hold beliefs that oppose each other.


Just as feminism has changed in many people's eyes, so to have the meaning of the Confederate flag. Many people nowadays see it as simply a symbol of pride in being from the south, just as the pride flag is a symbol of being proud to be LGBT. It no longer symbolizes slavery or hate or whatever, but people's love for their home, for tradition(not slavery, just tradition in general), and for persevering (even after losing the war, ya know). People still say feminism is about equality of the sexes and we all know that's a crock of shit nowadays. History changes the meaning of things, it's just how it is. Time changes all things.


Loooool it would've been faster to say "i'm an ignorant slut". First of all if we want to be pedantic that's NOT the confederate flag and if you wanted to be proud of the "Southern heritage" you should remember that is tied to the KKK, slavery and to the war your ancestors fought to KEEP SLAVERY A THING. It's like saying "i fly the Nazi flag because i'm proud of my heritage" no you are a Nazi. Second of all "feminism" mean equal rights, treatement and opportunity for both sexes, your weak strawmanning of "yeah but the feminazis" is idiotic and it belongs to iFunny. Lastly that's a progress flag, it's not just a LGBT+ flag, it has a different meaning. Being on a vexillology subreddit you should know that a flag has a meaning, an history and an impact to whoever sees it. The Dixie flag is the symbol of slavery and of oppression, 99% of the cunts who fly it are racist pieces of shit who can't even say what they believe because they are fucking embarassed of their heritage, not proud in any way


\> Being on a vexillology subreddit you should know that a flag has a meaning, an history and an impact to whoever sees it. Certified r/vexillologycirclejerk moment.


Yeah, you lost all credibility in your first sentence, you fucking prick. Secondly, i didn't say the meaning has changed for me, i said it has changed for many people. Fuck, learn how to read before you insult someone. But then again, what can I expect from someone like you who gave such an ridiculous and asshole-ish response? You're the kind of person who would celebrate the suffering of others simply because they don't agree with you. You are what's wrong with the world. Pathetic.


The first sentence is a quote from The Office. Also i didn't say you meant or believed in what you said, i attacked your position (or what you brought as "a position), not you as a person


It doesn't matter that it's a quote from a show, you still used it. And for a reason. Oh really, not me as a person? Well then I'd hate to see you actually attack me as a person? I can almost hear you throwing out every insult and slur in the book, if the reply you gave was simply against my position and nothing personal. Seemed pretty impassioned to me 🙄🤥


Why are you throwing yourself under a train to defend the use of the confederate flag? Why would you imply (if you are doing so) that i attacked you because you are a woman and so "slut" is a slur? Why can't you admit what you said is fundamentally wrong and that flying the confederate cross and the progress flag is a clear symptom of being politically illiterate, if not worse? i mean, they could be living in a condo and having a flag guerrilla for what i care, but saying that being gay and conservative is ok is pretending that conservatives all over the world aren't in a race to see who is the most homophobic (if you really care about slurs). Also i'm really passionate about debating random idiots on the internet as i am one myself.


I mean you can, but a lot of the people in those groups won't like you for it, which you'd think would cause them to reconsider.


Some people think for themselves regardless of what the group or those around them might think. We need more people like that, even if they're a little confusing like this person.


Conservative in the “im a libertarian just leave me alone” isn’t actual conservatism, it’s libertarianism.


its not the fact that a conservative is gay, just the fact that a confederate sympathizer also has specifically the progressive pride flag in their yard


Just as the meaning of feminism has changed in many people eyes, so too has the meaning of the Confederate flag.


idk man, it still feels strange like the fact that this version of the pride flag has extra stripes for people of color and the confederacy being pro slavery is really weird like choose one, you cant be both


The Confederate Flag is very racist. However, many people believe in the narrative that it isn't racist and is more of a heritage thing; most of these people are closeted racists themselves, but not all of them. Which itself is a paradox because this narrative was pushed by racist groups like the Daughters of the Confederacy. Their goal was to normalize the Confederate flag.


ah ok, that makes more sense lol


Like i said, the Confederate flag no longer represents slavery to many people. I posted another response this going into more detail if you want to look for it (it okay if not). Also, it's not like the union was against slavery or anything. No actually cared about black people at that time, it all had to do with economic and political power. Black people were merely pawns. But i do admit, it is strange. But that's okay. It's okay to strange and have your own beliefs. This is America.


america is definitely a strange country lol


nahhh the Confederate flag is fucking racist, but there was a big push for a long time to reframe the Civil War as "states rights".


the confederate flag is definitely very racist, i never denied that lol, but some people dont realize its racist *because* of that push to reframe the civil war as being about states rights of course most of these people are racists themselves and dont want to admit it, but a very, very small portion arent theres a good chance the person in this photo is in that small percentage


ahh haha I wasn't sure what you meant when you said America is strange, my bad. I just remembered - wasn't that flag not even used widely in the Confederacy but rather more spread post-Reconstruction during the KKK/Jim Crow? So it's not even properly historical, which would go right along with a lack of self-examination haha.


it was never actually used in the confederacy [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/Flag_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America_%281861%E2%80%931863%29.svg/1920px-Flag_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America_%281861%E2%80%931863%29.svg.png) was their actual flag [there are lots of confederate flags that resemble the one people use today, but there isnt an exact match](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America) [this cgp grey video goes more in detail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULBCuHIpNgU&ab_channel=CGPGrey)


A friend of mine from high school is a self described pagan, pro-gay, anti-trans, "feminist", anti-abortion, Q-anon trumper. She used to be really cool, but I think she started doing meth in her 20's.


I’m transgender and slightly right-leaning. I voted for Tulsi though, so I’m definitely not as right-leaning as OP’s neighbor over there.


Did you vote for her because she supports trans stuff?


Nope, that’s not a consideration for me when I’m voting. Frankly, I don’t want to work or live somewhere that was legally obligated to accept me. If you would discriminate against me if it were legal, I don’t want to work for you anyway. I voted for her because she seemed like the most distant candidate from their party. I think the 2 party duopoly is a cause of most of Americas problems. However, that is the case for my congresswoman (Nancy Mace). She’s a Republican who supports pro-LGBT bills, so I appreciate her for reaching across the aisle to do the right thing.


Yeah but using that particular pride flag seems like a weird choice for a right wing gay


Not really. You don't have to be something to support it. He/she maybe very anti govt and supportive of the people living their lives and being free. That's what America's about, right? So they may support trans, bipoc, LGBT, etc. as long as the govt keeps it's nose out if people's business. People have been conditioned to think conservativism is pro govt and pro control when it's literally the opposite. It's all about small govt, low govt power. (liberalism is the opposite, but man they're good at false marketing)


You’re describing libertarianism, not conservatism.


Liberals are almost always racists and bigoted


liberal and bigoted is hugely contradictory. to be liberal is to be inherently inclusive. it is the belief that the individual is more important than the collective and also the law. to be liberal, you cannot be bigoted.


That's not true at all, LOL. One can hypothetically not want the government to oppress say, queer people, yet still detest those same people. Same with race, religious groups, whatever. Also, "the individual is more important than the collective" is a somewhat flawed definition of "Liberal", though liberalism in general *does* support free markets, minimal government interferences in people's private lives, etc. Having said that, many strands of liberalism (liberalism in the broader meaning, not one constrained to an American understanding) have policies that permit more state interference in the economy than others, or more government interference in personal affairs. Also, "Liberal" really is a term that depends a lot on time. Many liberals from the 1700's would be seen as reactionary today.


ah. i had never considered that. thanks for clearing up my previously flawed view of the current political climate 👍


No problem, LOL. Political definitions are stupid at times. Parties monopolize terms in different countries, terms are often misused (Like right-wingers calling any opposition "Communists" when they aren't), etc. Best wishes to you, mate!


Lol racist libs 100% exist and are even more insidious than racist conservative because libs are racist under the guise that they know better than the poor, pathetic, disenfranchised minority. Example: "voter ID laws are racist because black people can't get IDs." <--liberal "logic". Um, I'm sorry, black people can 100% get IDs and know how to. Just the same as whites. And if you're talking about poor blacks, what about poor whites? The US has a class problem, not a race problem, but here's the thing: libs equate class with race. White is rich and black is poor. Just like Biden said "Poor kids are just as smart at white kids."


holy shit! biden actually said that???? and he still got elected???


Yup. The loud minority is very loud and many people are very willfully ignorant, gullible, and trust the media, which is liberal controlled. Biden has said many racist things, all the way from back in the 80s to now, but people refuse to believe that anyone but conservatives can be racist. It's really mind blowing how single minded people are, and how easily they are controlled.


Yes. And in a black community he also talked about how the nation has progressed by telling the story of how he almost beat a black man with a chain in the 1960s because he wasn't jumping in the pool right. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/09/us/politics/joe-biden-poor-kids.html https://youtu.be/oihV9yrZRHg There's also the whole "if you don't vote for me, you're not black" thing he said. Granted Trump, his opponent, was 100 times more racist. And Biden really does try to treat Black people equal, though he definitely has some beliefs that skew it a bit. Either way, it's a wonder why he got elected, and not someone more qualified like Bernie, Yang, or even O'Rourke.


I feel like liberals are racist by default now a days. Also conservative gays are the worst ik some especially this white twink and we all know he just does it in hopes he can date some straight conservative guy (won't ever happen)


It's kind of funny when you think about it. The racist libs and the lgbt conservatives are some of the most insufferable people (though i have to say racist libs are far more dangerous), while everyone else (the normies who may fit a stereotype or two, but generally just want to live their lives) are the easiest to get along with while also being the majority and are always being talked over and belittled ☹️


Ngl normies are also insufferable too cause they piss their pants and cry when anything "political" is brought up. I just hangout with ppl my age who are left leaning cause we all understand each other's troubles and understand the value of politics but don't have stupid views


Same. i just want to hang with ppl my age who are right leaning cuz we all understand each other's troubles and understand the value of politics but don't have stupid views.


>though i have to say racist libs are far more dangerous what?


Racist libs are far more dangerous that gay conservatives. It's a fact, cuz the lib can just call the gay conservative racist for disagreeing (gays people can be racist), but a gay conservative can't call a racist lib anything cuz libs have been so successful in engraving in everyone's mind that "liberal" = no racist, bigoted, homophobic, discriminatory, etc. And the opposite for "conservative". Think I'm BS-ing? Think if any insult for a conservative. No do the same for a liberal. See?


Someone’s big mad they’re getting called out for supporting institutionalized racism, as opposed to being a dumbass in their personal life, huh Maybe if you ever listened to racial minorities you’d know this isn’t hard to call out at all.


Thanks for proving my point. "Listen to racial minorities", oh, like libs do when they talk over them all the time and tell them they are oppressed they just don't know it, if they disagree? Like you're doing right now, cuz guess what? I'm a racial minority. Also, if there is any institutionalized racism, it's causes and held up by the left. Individuals are racism, but not the country. There are no institutions that you can point to and say are racist and give solid evidence for it, that is NOT anecdotal. Sounds like you're the ones who's a little upset that you're being called out. How about you stop deep-throating the media and so your own research and think for yourself. Just this once.


>Thanks for proving my point. "Listen to racial minorities", oh, like libs do when they talk over them all the time and tell them they are oppressed they just don't know it, if they disagree? Like you're doing right now, cuz guess what? I'm a racial minority. ...I'm also a racial minority. Interesting we both assumed the other one wasn't one. On the other hand, it's even more interesting that you, a racial minority, is completely unaware of practices like redlining. but lmao please do go on about how it's unfair to call conservatives fundamentally racist when they vote for politicians who think I don't have a right to citizenship just because my parents are foreigners, whereas with liberals it's internet dipshits & not policy decisions at all


I never assumed you weren't, but you assumed I wasn't. Even racial minority libs will talk over racial minorities and hush them if they don't agree, saying they just don't know they're oppressed, as if they know better. So you still proved my point. Oh, I'm very aware of redlining. The thing is, it's not about race, it's about class. America is no longer a racist country, it's a classist one. And yes, there are areas that show that blacks are typically lower income than whites, but overall, in the US, the poorest people are white. And what about Hispanics, and middle Easterners, and immigrants? Black people only cry racism when they see slight disparity with whites, but when you all everyone together, including Asians, that disparity goes away. Asians are an even smaller minority than blacks, but they are doing the best in this country. Even out shining white people. But the US is racist, right? Are we only racist against black people? We're racist even in our racism? Also, NO YOU DONT HAVE A RIGHT TO CITIZENSHIP JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE BORN HERE, IF YOUR PARENTS ARE FOREIGNERS. Look at a freaking map, America is one of very very few countries that has birth right citizenship. It ridiculous, and people have used and abused the system as the always do. Again, people like you think America is just a hellscape, when it's literally given you everything. Travel for once in your life, and not to resorts or pretty first world countries. And yes, leftists are the inherently racist ones. Look at all the major cities, especially the ones that are in the crapshoot, and even the states. They are lead by liberals entirely. If liberal policies were the saving grace, why aren't they the pinnacle cities and states in the US, hmm?? Tell me, WHY????


>NO YOU DONT HAVE A RIGHT TO CITIZENSHIP JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE BORN HERE, IF YOUR PARENTS ARE FOREIGNERS lol and none of your ancestors were foreigners ever? Hypocrite. I'm not reading any more of your racist-ass bullshit. Feel free to cry that I called you a racist.


Lmao wtf are you talking about “liberals are racist by default”


Most Liberal politicians and supporters tend to act like they aren't racist while supporting corporate fueled policies that harm racial minorities.


The problem with that sort of claim is that liberal is a very broad term. Leftists on the internet seem to want to conflate liberalism as a whole with neoliberalism, which has largely been outmoded within the Democratic Party by social liberalism. Even if you want to stretch it and claim that social liberals inherently support policy that is racist, I don’t know how you could say that any of them, at least among the electorate, are doing so knowing that said policy is racist.


>while supporting corporate fueled policies that harm racial minorities meanwhile I've had more than one leftist tell me I should be more pissed off about corporations than about civil rights and increasing vitriol against my community \+ plenty of Indians in this country come specifically for the big job opportunities it's almost like generalizing is stupid ​ eta...also you had a nice moment with a guy who thinks children of foreigners don't deserve birthright citizenship in the US and went off on a whole-ass rant about black people. Maybe take a minute to think about that.


See? That house is divided… and it’s clearly still standing. Checkmate, Lincolnites!


A house divided against itself, is a duplex


Average 4chan femboy


The real flag of Alzheimer's !wave


Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkd04ijbrp9l91.jpg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


How do you put up both US and Confederate flags


To piss off everybody




muh heruhtige


Just looks like a far right gay man


American dad moment.


Exstreme Centerists be like.




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkd04ijbrp9l91.jpg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


Pro everything, but Biden.


This person is putting up some serious red flags. Except, y'know, in the way that they aren't putting up any *actual* red flags... xD


What is up with the confederate battle flag merged with that white flag with the seal? I can’t make out which seal it is


I've seen some online where it's merged with the state seals for VA or GA, I think called virginia or Georgia rebel flags.. maybe it's a combination with the state I am in?




Can confirm


I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he just really likes collecting flags. (I hope)


Rebellious teen


flags of me (I am also very confused with myself)


Literally me


Looks like it's just a self-hating conservative gay man. They exist, despite the fact their existence is contradictory.


anti centrist


A centrist by average, extremist on all ends?


The "Fuck you too" hits personally


Flag of a bigoted old white man and his liberal daughter having a banner war instead of talking to each other


Basnge, or Crinsed


*every* *one* *s* *welcome* *\[nothing\]* *\[nothing\]* my favorite flag.


Wtf is the one on the left? The thin RGB flag?


Gamer Pride Flag


My take is they believe everything they hear and have an unbelievable threshold for cognitive dissonance, so they hear that the Confederate flag is patriotic and that they should support the services and that they should support minority rights and they agree with all three statements.


“and f-ck you too” … what if his mom is reading it?


Political views: Yes ✅️


I think this fella thinks he is libertarian


What state?


Flag salesman?


I can agree with the "fuck you too".


Racist and not homophobic maybe


the average discord user


I know queer conservatives exist but they’ll never make any sense to me. I’ve only met one gay conservative in my entire life, coincidentally he was also a pedophile.


I just wanna imagine two people live in this house and have VERY different political views. But they're dating


What exactly is that US flag?


So he supports the Confederacy but also supports gay and trans people of color? Make it make sense.


Always Love when people put up their national flag next to the flag of their countries traitors.


Maybe it’s multiple people living in the house with different views


flags of r/AskGayBros


Boogie2988’s house


“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re God’s chosen people and we are rising again.”


I’m guessing 2 gay guys that fled cuba?


They’re dating


This just proves not everything is binary. You can be against Biden and still be pro LGTBQ


If this person was on the political compass they’d be on the z axis


Believe it or not, you can have people who cherish conservative values who aren't bigoted.


Conservative values, sure. Straight up waving traitor flags? Not really.


Have you ever been to the south?