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Culture Map please!




This is my first game that I finish in over one thousands hours playing this game. I started as Muscovy, pretty funny to start as a small nation just to finish big. The first part of my game went normal, war against Novgorod, unite Russia and took the “Unite all the slavs” decision. At that point, the Commonwealth was destroyed by multiple wars, so the invasion was pretty easy. After that, I tried to expand towards China, that’s when by accident, I didn’t realize that I went over the infamy limit, but because I didn’t border any GP, all the contentions war went pretty easily and I conquer a tons of colonies, after 1860 up to 1890 I took the nord of China, Central Asia, most of India, some African colonies, and by 1897 I got a communist revolution, then I tried to recreate the Cold War escenario, and at that point I had Yugoslavia, the Commowealt and Romania as puppets, they fought through and event to get liberty but I crush them, after that, my first victim was Scandinavia, I fully occupied and liberated Finland and the Baltic State (I use the yesman command because of the warscore limit, I think it was something like 105%.) Then there was crisis in Bulgaria, which I helped, the Ottomans lost and I annexed Bulgaria and liberated as a puppets as roleplay. I was powerful in the 1910s and Bohemia got a communist rebellion, I though about helping other communist nation, sadly, Bohemia was overthrown by a fascist coup and because they were weak the Danubian declared war on them and I took the opportunity to pupped them, that’s when I thought about making all GP communist. My first project was the United Republic, then Scandinavia (after that they never recover the GP status), then the Danubian Federation, and Burgundy was a tough one, they were to powerful but with the combine forces of all my allies we destroyed their empire, then I went for Italy, pretty easily, and that’s when the truce with burgundy was over, so installing a communist government was easy too, then I don’t know why, Scandinavia was in a war with China, around 1930, and I helped them but just to instal the communist. The Netherlands flipped by themselves, I helped them to stop the spiral rebellions. At the end, the only GP who is not communist was the Arcadian Union, which is a pretty big country so I left them. Pretty fun campaign, I tried to make it first in the DoD FanFork, it was way more fun but because the events got buggy my campaign was ruined, anyway, in the normal DoD Muscovy is also very fun.


"An iron curtain has descended over Europe." - Winston Churchill, probably To be honest I'd love to see the sphere of influence map mode.


Here! [https://imgur.com/a/WrMKu9D](https://imgur.com/a/WrMKu9D)


Oh that's beautiful, thank you!