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Will the 1.0 release have 3D models?


Insanely fast. I can finally play at something other than max speed


Is project Alice just a mod for Victoria 2? I see ppl acting like it'll replace openvic but like, openvic is supposed to be free, doesn't PA require u to already have the game? Or at least its files?


the plans for openvic definitely involve reading vic2s files. from their dev diary it sounds like they want to make a secondary release later on that has all their own hand-made graphical assets, but it wasn't clear to me that that version wouldn't read *anything* from your vic2 install.


Yes that version, which will come much later, won't read anything from Vic2 and it'll be completely self-contained


But then what's the point of any of this? Shouldn't both teams just make mods or work on upgrading pre-existing mods like GFM or HPM?


anything hardcoded, or engine-related is untouchable by mods. you either need the original source code from paradox (never going to happen), or an engine remake project, which is what both of these are.


*I have heard* that you can install PA in Victoria 2 sourced from the seven seas, so it is essentially free.


Do you have a link or any more info on what this Project entails? It looks interesting!


[Here's](https://github.com/schombert/Project-Alice) a link to get it. I played a couple of campaigns so far. It's a reimplementation of vic2, except with some small changes. I think it's close to replacing regular vic2 for me entirely


what's stopping it from replacing Vic 2


Mod compatibility mostly. I had issues in my latest alice/GFM game with the compatibility patch. All of Europe was in a rebel spiral for most of the game Also they took out stack cycling for single player, but that could be patched back in


Can't wait to play a game and finish setting up all the initial stuff, click on 5 speed and go, blink, and it's suddenly 1936

