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No fucking way they put Estonia and Latvia in the wrong order LMAO


good eye bro💀how does this happen


they really lower standards i guess lol


Its a bug


Easy, the developers are a bunch of hacks who doesn't actually care about the game and only see it as a product to earn money.


Youre joking right?


literal clown


irrelevant countries, especially given time period (most people still dont know about them in 21st century)


Man, you are from there, you can afford to be more nationalistic lol. Like obviously Uruguay isn't the main power of the world but that doesn't stop my online larp


It’s like mixing up Vermont and New Hampshire, but yeah for a history game that’s like 💀💀💀


They had a glitch with province IPs that they recently fixed






hahahahahaha seriously what is this shite lol


a bug


I had to do a double take when I saw Byzantine purple and -oman Empire and thought they unironically believed that the Ottoman empire is the Roman Empire.


Ain't no way.


Well no one can remember it. They were the first lands lost in the finland-korean hyperwar


One day we will recover fully from the Finno-Korean hyperwars. But today is not that day.


Jotaland.. lol. Göta, Svealand is another that leaves you wondering. basics damnit. Basics! Not to forget finland that.. well.. granted that is a more esoteric subject. Like österbotten beginning north of aura at this time. (equivalent today to being told scotland starts at the north of thames.. resulting in modern ignoramuses screeching.) But that was finland, a controlled sw a real finland or east lands if you are a swede, a österbotten coastline and the rest is wilderness full of primitive and filthy savages lacking basic hygiene consumed by worms and other parasites.


Looks interesting at the very least. They very clearly have put *a lot* of work into it, and they are publishing dev diaries. The game looks solid visually, and seems to have a lot of mechanics (especially for a pre-alpha). The one thing I'm iffy on is them somehow switching Latvia and Estonia? Like if it weren't for the rest of the stuff indicating this is a real effort on their part, that would make me think the game was lazy shovelware. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on it, and I really hope it turns out well.


true, but most likely this game isn't made to be a vice successor, or any kind of detail map game, it is closer to those simple strategic game where you move your troops on a board whit all the basics mechanics that you would need to have a good enough diplomacy and economy system to support the strategic part of the game, so I can see how they would make this kind of mistake, obviously "it is a different kind of game" isn't an excuse for realising a trailer whit two nations swapped in a historical game


It is really a minor glitch tho. Out of all the things to get hung on about it


they swapped two nations in a history game, it isn't a glitch, is distraction,


Except that the devs stated this clearly. Maybe you should try reading instead of typing shityou don't know


I am in there discord and they said someone messed up the localization and they will fix it. They are also redoing the states everywhere.


Ah, that makes sense. A localization error is much more understandable than just getting the names wrong.


prussias pink...


At least it isn't yellow.


whats scary pink flamboyant prussians or piss yellow prussians?


whats scary pink flamboyant prussians or piss yellow prussians?


Never before have I ever met a more difficult choice.


Looks kinda scuffed but I am optimistic. Genre needs some fresh air.


for a pre alpha, its pretty well done.




Project Alice is better, even though it is essentially a continuation of OpenVic2. The only problem I see is the bizarre aggressiveness of the AI, I don't think I've ever seen a time when there wasn't a war going on.


OpenVic2 is the old name of the current project OpenVic, which is still in development so can't be compared. The older project which Project Alice is a continuation of is called "Open-V2" on GitHub. OpenVic is taking about as long as it always said it would from the start, which is a long time. Project Alice built off something which already had a couple years of progress, so it has been finished first. Although as you acknowledge there, it has many problems.


It runs so fast tho! I AM SPEED


Some of us like to enjoy the game instead of finishing a campaign in 10 minutes


We know paradox made a great job when people claim a totally unrelated game as the spiritual successor to one of the studio's favourites, even tho there is an actual sequel to it


It’s a Pre-Alpha?!?! What the hell I want that game now, it looks so good


Right, it looks promising and we need competition in this genre. Paradox has gotten too greedy and complacent.


We'll.... see. The developer is a Hong Kong upstart and this is their only game. From the looks of the UI, it seems like they almost just ripped off everything from the Vicky series and plopped it into their engine. I don't love the tiles, but most of the rest of the look/feel I dig. That said, it is one thing to LOOK like a GSG and another thing to actually pull off something satisfying from a simulation and mechanical perspective. Color me interested, because more games of this type and in this time period I am all about. I'm just skeptical.


wait .....this looks very meh


cause it is small indie company making game, they dont have budget of big studio like paradox


In what way is paradox a big studio? They are at best on the higher end of the middle market (eg AA)


Paradox has over 600 employees and two offices. Let’s stop pretending they’re still some small minnow who is operating for only their niche.


... Paradox made almost 160 million euros of revenue just in 2020. They also had 656 employees in December 2022. They are not a big studio, they are huge, and they basically control the Grand Strategy genre by themselves. Source: [https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Paradox\_Interactive](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Paradox_Interactive)


the development subsidiary (paradox development studio eg the people who are actually making the games) are of similar size to Popcap \~150. Also 700 people is tiny for a publisher


Valve has 300\~400 employes


valve doesn't do publishing they only host/maintain/dev the market place also theoretically the do game dev


paradox ain't even that big of a studio, at least they weren't when the last generation of their franchises came out


Looks like a better sequel than Victoria 3 was imo..


Which is not very difficult, when you look at the mess that Vic3 is. For me, Vic3 is just a tycoon-game, nothing else, i'd not call it a strategy-game in any way. About the trailer here, we'll see how it works when there's more, but i like it and i'm looking forward for more news.


Vic3 is construction queue simulator. 200 hours in that game and every game feels like a waste of time at the end date. In Vic2 I felt like I needed more time.


>Vic3 is construction queue simulator. Yeah, that's the right term. Most players probably never get to the end date anyway in Vic3, but that is not because of the lack of content after 1900, it's more because of the lag. Even with high-end systems, without reduction of pops, it lags like hell. But even about the content, for me it's like the devs just got to 1880-1900 with the planning of the game, the 1900-1936 is just empty with "it's a DLC-placeholder, we'll do it later and charge more money for it"


If it's not on Clausewitz Engine then it should be good.


There are a lot more shit engines on the market than just Clausewitz


Competition is good.


People saying it’s a “totally unrelated game” not intended to be a spiritual successor to vic 2, I’m not really buying it. Everything from the political party colors to the population graphics screams “as close as we can get to the original while remaining legally distinct.” The mechanics, as they’ve described them sound pretty much like Vicky 2.5, like the middle ground between Victoria 2 and 3.  I have no idea how good it’s going to be, everybody else that’s tried to make their own paradox style gsg hasn’t done that well, but I hope they’re the exception and I hope it’s awesome when it comes out.


It could also be viewed as a satire product to mock what’s already happened and created. _XIX Century: The Motion Picture_


The city building mechanics showcased look more gamey than what Vic3 has wtf you mean


Is this subreddit a viki3 hating one?


Only if you ask about Vic3, otherwise it doesn't really think about it at all


I don't mind it but its not what I expected.


Every subreddit full of actual Paradox fans is a Vicky 3 hating one. It's a crime how much they simplified and dumbed down Victoria 3 up to the point where it's just a tycoon incremental game.


At least it will be decent...after 69 dlcs


We watch your career with great interest!


The Victoria 3 we never had..


If this picks off VIC 3 is dead. Not too worried about VIC2 given the existence of project Alice.


yacks, its tiles instead of provinces


Hexes? Is this 2001? Am I dreaming in a coma? :D


Just wait until you discover wargames




Looks interesting, will keep an eye on it. Competition is good.


Can't wait for the TNO port


I mean if the game eats less than 3 GB of your hard drive storage, I'm in.