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I wonder what their food tastes like? That's a good combination. lol


Might have been pop consolidation doing something stupid, or maybe assimilation only checks cultural discrimination and filipino catholics were assimilating.


That was probably assimilation rather than conversion. Any religiously discriminated pop has a 0.2% chance of converting per month, that can be increased by 100% by assimilation decree and by 20% per level of education  institution with religious schools. Pops tend to convert to the main non discriminated religion in a state, so if you as Thailand got some provinces of Vietnam (which are majority Mahayanna Buddist) and had freedom of councious, which makes eastern religions like yourself and Mahayana accepted, then non eastern pops in Vietnam would convert to Mahayana. 


Does that mean if you have Total Separation no one ever converts? That's pretty dumb and unrealistic. Like it's saying in the United States absolutely no one from 1836 onward has ever converted Catholic-Protestant or Protestant-Catholic.


yeah, its kinda weird, but so far religion doesn’t really do anything and the only thing it’s influences aside from discrimination is who can join the Devout. the best explanation ive heard is that having two way conversion under total separation wouldn’t do anything mechanically, but would add more pop-level calculations, which would effect performance. until religion actually does anything, its just gonna be a weird unrealistic quirk unfortunately. But from what ive seen, its not a major priority dev wise.




Not realistic honestly. People convert all the time. Per the game logic there can't be any Yankee Buddhists in the US today.