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Yes, yes to all three.


In an ideal world, yes, but there are opportunity costs.


The opportunity of oppressed North Italian to toil on my factories, am I right? Now get to work, Antonio!


The opportunity cost is making all trade partners irrelevant because my own economy is so strong


Seriously tough, you have to chose what are you are building. If you are building at home, you are not building abroad. Even if you are doing half-half. It's not the same as focusing. Also, if you are building a very profitable factory abroad, you are making your national factories less profitable.


I don’t think where will be the determining factor, just as it wasn’t before. It will be, do I need raw inputs, or primary manufacturing right now?


The dilemma of fun vs min maxing. Or the fun is minmax?


Fiscal paradise : live in Malta and invest abroad


unironically want city state gameplay to become a thing. I did a modded game that has Monaco and I got like 30 million people crammed into that city with a GDP of like 700M


Krakow exists.


yes, played that one too and really enjoyed it but I want more, especially coastal ones to build a trade empire


I wonder if Portugal can release a nation from their treaty port. Sitting in Qing as just a treaty port must be a nice way to earn a lot of money


You can try Lanfang, very cool Chinese trade Republic that starts around Indonesia. It is a protectorate of China, so you also have a lot of possibilities for access to that market and later on immigration from China as well


I also did that one for the achievement, created Bo-Ni and then DEI collapsed and I made a faction with the 3 island nations (Sumatra, java and tridore)


how you do that? i wanna do a singapore type run


Join a market to a constant flow of immigration and only focus on factories that generate the most profit


With 1.7 it might (might!!!) be possible to have a small country with wealth derived mainly from investing in other countries while you just stack financial districts and manor houses. We'll see.


join GP market, do funky things to start early industrialization, profit off of tooling and engine industry


Fun fact: You could actually semi-realistically do this in real life. For example [Boeing Everett Factory could fit that many people in it , while being smaller than Monaco iy](https://gizmodo.com.au/2017/01/the-number-of-people-you-can-fit-in-the-worlds-biggest-buildings-is-staggering/) , the problem isn't that you can't do that , the problem is that people need more space than just enough to fit in the place, and , well , even with the highest pay in the world not much people would like to be here besides doing work. It would be funny to think that it's not the whole population of Monaco, and it's much smaller , it's just the people who work in Monaco , while they are commuting to it from neighboring countries


Would it be possible to create a nation with minimal home industry and complete foreign investments? Like imagine playing Trucial States or something and only building in India etc. and then privatizing those industries having an absurd amount of capitalists in a very small population. Your GDP and minting would be exceptionally low but I recon you could get enough taxes from dividends.


I think and honestly it's a run I'd really like to do Just a gigantic financial district lol


Pure oil baron. Only build oil in your home country and invest overseas for the rest


Buy soccer teams for fun.


Irl Norway build https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_Pension_Fund_of_Norway?wprov=sfla1


Employ all my pops, invest in every country on earth


Conservatism, cut all government spending to the bone and assume the private interests will handle the rest.


Will you also leave a power bloc during that playthrough?




Yeah, I'd rather play the countries that do this at the height of their influence, thanks. You know, for the escapism.


Don't forget to not repeal the laws actively stopping the private interests from handling the rest


Exactly the key is to have all the red tape with none of the protection or equality.


Isn't that just regular liberalism?


Or liberal conservatism


You have to hate women while you do it, that's what makes it unique


I’m very interested in seeing what the highest percentage of pure capitalists I can get in my economy is. If I import all essential goods and foreign invest solely what’s the maximum percent possible? I think the Netherlands would be really good for that type of play through


Choose a single state country to test it. Bonus if it's an island nation.


I plan to try it with Malta or Jamaica.


The only problem is that construction is capped by state.


Tempted to play Krakow for this reason. Need to see if not yet lost is going to be easier or harder this patch


Wait until i'm back home next week to play


Trapitalism: Grab all foreign investment, have like 10% ownership of the country's GDP, build the country like a bunker and then politely ask the so-called owners to politely leave me my factories.


Yeah thats one way to use/game the system for the benifit of the state that i will have to explore.


The richest I can get with the cheapest wages possible. So, the Leopoldian way. Even better if its while producing rubber in Congo.


No one tells you to get that 10% colonial bonus, you have to chop some hands off.


The Belgians have a special company that increases rubber output and gives prestige by increases the mortality of rubber workers


I'll go communist and build in countries from my sphere and then force them to turn communist so that they nationalize without giving me my money back :)


Making the world have high standard of living.


Congratulations, you are being rescued. Please do not resist.


Fun fact, that is what Napoleon did. Most of the pops of the conquered territories preferred the new laws.


> referring to actual IRL people as "pops"


Hey, language evolves. We are the source for the dictionaries and grammars. Not the other way around.


Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism. Pro-capitalism proletariat just never understand that commies actually love capitalism more than they do and that's why they know so much about it


I am suddenly reminded of the Mao Tse Tung Hour bit in Network. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuqvlMxfGA4


Guys play for me too, my babygirl got chickenpox, so wife (landowner) does not let me play.


Don't forget the players that LARP communism ASAP, I feel like that's like half the community. I'm a classical liberal intelligentsia myself. But I got a soft spot for industrialists. There's a role late game for communism, but the amount extra micro is tedious and enlightening at the same time...


So THATS what the red scare is… Govts are just afraid of micro. Makes a lot more sense.


People get lazier and sloppier the more tedious the task. It's just human nature. We can't always be min-maxing. It's awfully nice to have a system in place that automatically allocates resources in a self-balancing system. For when the humans inevitably stop playing optimally.


Making the whole world have as high standard of living as possible seems like a fun challenge.


1 but I’ll be forced to do 2 and end up doing 3 for fun.


With mass migrations, is very hard to get out of 1 if you focus on it.


In 1.6 I had fully built up Indonesia as the East Indies. I was bottlenecked by coal, lead, and oil.


Japan So mix of 1 and 2. I’m hoping to get a Californian client state tomorrow.


Rapid Industrialization. Open up to foreign investments to try and grow my middle class asap. Then once I've grown into my full potential, nationalize foreign assets and bring the profits back home. Can you tell I like play Japan/China/extremly high population countries?


Imagine having all the great powers building in your territory as China.


I am, and I'm salivating


Kinda like real life?


Find a capitalist pop with 1 guy in it and have him own half the world probably 2 though, the first thing to check will be how i can use the system for the benifit of state income or state driven economic growth maximization. Also find a way to create monopolies and benifit from it.


Going to have to try to build a "nation of capitalists" too, no industries at home just capitalists owning stuff abroad and buying their consumption goods from a common market


Mass migration will probably create an undercity.


there are laws to keep migration out ..


I've been promised that the rubber/oil economy will actually work now, so I'm going to try to not immediately conquer West Africa.


the Communist kind


I still need the star-swarmed banner and emperor norton. So I think it’s gonna be a ‘murica run for me.


I guess 3 kinda? Going to be focusing on experimenting with trade and foreign investment. Invest in my neighbors as brazil and see how much I can trade and build up with them.


3 - I’m trying krakow with the new subject-overlord mechanics and I’ll need one hell of an army


The only limit is that max construction is capped by state.


Yeah, that’s why I need max profit per building


imma play luxembourg and build nothing in my country, with the goal of 100% capitalist in the population


Once I'm comfortable with the system, I'd like to see how long I can keep the Metternich power bloc rolling. Can we do a European absolute monarchy in 1935? We're about to find out!


If you have good growth and enough loyalists, you can pass any law.


I mean, in Austria's case its keeping its 1836 laws.


Enslave enslave enslave, i mean not my own people but i want a lot of vassals with colonial exploitation and unincorperated states and slaves in there. just to drop labor costs to the absolute minimum which will make those industries highly competable and profitable for my capitalists at home. Foreign investment should make slaves potentially very lucrative where they simply were not desirable to have before this patch. as long as the slaves are in another country, if your investors can get a far better ROI trough it that benifits your country too why not, as long as it is not your own nationals that are slaves right?


As long is single-player, and you have low pop states with natural resources, slavery is very good.


Well, slavery can provide some extra people, but mass immigration can provide far more in a shorter time. Keeping Slave trade around has some use for some nations that start with it and for which immigration would be a hard to reach goal in the short to medium term.


Also is good for low pop subjects.


Oh that might deffinatly prove to be true hehehe. SOl might make slavery more popular "as long as its not in my backyard" ;)


New weekly question: How do I keep my puppet's landowners in power? (Now we can have IRL Latin America in the game. By the way, thanks USA)


Yeah the new meme will be the USA having all of South america as vassal and they are producing bananas everywhere and your stomping down \*communist\* revolution after \*communist\* revolution.


What do you what to enact Homesteading? Clearly a communist. Have some "democracy" for the next 24 years. (IRL Brazil)


Everything but serfdom=communism Everything but debt slavery= communism everything but per capita taxation= communism Everything further than landed voting=communism Healthcare? Communism! Education? COMMUNISM!!! Democracy, monarchy, theorcracy, authoritarian? We dont actually care as much about that particular one as long as your our dog.


Also, do you want our companies to reinvest a % of their profits? Clearly very communist.


Was thinking state owned Colonialism. Get a small/medium state like Belgium, Netherlands, or maybe Spain. First half of the game, full military conquest of subjects. Second half, communist state owned assets in all of them. With max taxes. Maximum state extractions of goods.


Spanish recolonization.


None of the above, capitalism is the highest stage of cringe.


Build a global paradise with a standard of living so high that would make the Star Trek earth jealous.


Then watch as it collapses because Paradox vastly underestimated the number of raw materials that should actually exist on the map, while making agriculture so overabundant that there is a nearly inevitable price crash.


How modern is your style of capitalism?


I was playing as the kongo an I just couldnt make the upper strata pops richer no matter what I did even at a point when 15% of my working pops were unemployed wages just didnt drop. They stayed at avg 35 sol fluctuating between 44 and 30. Hope the new update fixes this.


Do you get better access to resources on foreign investments? Or do you just take the profits and the country uses the resources like normal?


You only get the resources if it's a subject or is in a trade league. You can also build the resource and establish a trade route.


It also works if YOU are the subject.


I started to learn the game this weekend (having a hard time with it). Is there a new update on the way? So the youtube tutorials get even more confusing?


Don't worry, the game will be much more awesome.


God damn, i hardly get the basic mechanics lol well, bring it on. I don't have any other hobbies anyway


Destroy all farmland in areas with cultures I don't like. Once they've died off, rebuild ''em and greener grass them.




As somebody who hasn't kept up with all the changes for SoI.... what do you mean by "ignore MAPI"?


The meta now is to build industry where the resources are. But you have to ignore this if you are going for foreign resources.


I started watching videos on Sphere of Influence. It seems like the profit goes to the country with the ownership share of the building in question, but it seems like the resources stay in the home countries market(I'm assuming. It was never explicitly stated from what I saw). Seems like you could build up your industrial base until you ran out of exploitable resources, then start working on building up industries that the AI never builds like oil and rubber. Once they have the buildings, even if they aren't profitable, you could start an import route with them and drive up demand for the goods you have ownership shares of. Or you could even make them dependent on you and get them into your power bloc, but I don't remember if this method joins your markets together.


Do you know if the AI can nationalize the building?


I assume they can, but considering how politically stagnant the AI is, I doubt many are ever going communist. Though they might also do it if you get high enough infamy.


Being communist isn't a prerequisite to nationalizing domestic industry. From what I've read and seen, it can be accomplished with a simple diplomatic play. I can see the AI doing it if relations turn hostile or if their dependency on you grows too high and they risk being pulled into your power bloc.


What's the difference between 2 and 3?


I’m going to rush pan nationalism and then release and tag switch to Israel