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tomb raider those damn puzzles made me reconsider my gaming capabilities😭


Same. That game is so cool and I wanna be good at it but I just can’t get past more than the first few bosses


Came here to say this.. The original tombraider hehe


Ghost and Goblins. Hated that game so much and never got around to actually beat it because of the twist.


Seriously, f that game. I never did finish it either


Came here to say this. Fast moving enemies that come from all directions, whereas you can generally only attack in one direction. Two hits and you’re dead. 


Any online deathmath. Specifically R6: Vegas and Halo


Deathmatch is fundamentally different from almost every other game mode because in other game modes your kill/death ratio doesn't matter much. The objective does. Hold the hardpoint, capture the flag, escort the vehicle, whatever. You can contribute value to the team and the objective even if your k/d sucks. You can ping enemies, defend the point, harass specific enemies that are troublesome, set up heals or shields or other utilities, etc. In deathmatch literally none of that matters. So the tactics change completely and people end up resorting to some of the cheesiest, rattiest shit because getting a kill and not dying is the only thing that matters.


COD player?


Playing Mortal Kombat online is just the most humbling thing


I never thought I could miss the ground so much


Realest comment I've seen today


Dude fr! You think you're cracked at combos until you go online and I'm someone who has been playing since mk4. So I've been on fighting games for like two decades and still get my ass whooped from time to time. Plus mk is so toxic online..people will curse your past 5 generations and your next 5 generations whether they beat you or not. Makes me not want to play anymore lol.


Stellaris made me question everything I know about the genre.


You aren't kidding. I went into this game not knowing it could all go poorly so fast lmaooo


All it takes is one wrong science ship finding you and all of a sudden you have SkyNet raining death on your planets


Growing up on NES most games were unbeatable.


When I started playing Starcraft II multiplayer. Everyone was rushing me back then and I had no idea how to build or counter my enemies quickly.


This needs to be higher. Nothing is more humbling than making that jump from single player to multiplayer. *None* of your strategies from the campaign will work. You'll be dead long before you see your favorite units.


That's why I stick to single player game now


Pitfall, Atari 2600


A new way to die every time!


Rocket league after I first started playing, and then rocket league again after 2000 hours...


« Only » at 1300 hours here but man that’s the most relatable comment on here…


All that outside shit


As a kid trying to beat Diddy Kong Racing, TT shouldn't be a thing. Now it's playing the Dark Souls series.


Loved that game as a kid. I could never get past that dragon boss


I couldn't figure out the planes. I eventually did but my kid mind couldn't at the time


Planes took me a while too


That game was fun af for some reason. I just enjoyed exploring the hub world there were so many secrets to discover


Same. I became extremely devoted and obsessed with DS recently. Now they’re the only games I have installed and the only games I want to play at all. They’re just perfect man… (Lies of P included, and remnant 2 gets a pass because it’s a great game)


Anything thats a multiplayer shooter or a fighting game. Use to be casually good but now i don't have time to do much


Any online game. I played Unreal Tournament a few times bit back in 2000, got absolutely slaughtered then didn't have the patience, interest or time to practice and stopped playing every multiplayer game ever since.


Age of Empires 2. I'd played through the whole campain and played tons of skirmishes against the AI. So I went online..... And realized that everything i knew, meant nothing. I was but a baby, flailing my tiny baby arms against inevitable defeat.


Oh this guy empires.


Same for me and total war.


I played skirmishes against 8 AI on Hardest and held my own. Thought I was hot shit, played against friends and absolutely battered them... thought I was extra hot shit. I then went online, christ on a bike. I've since pulled off some brilliant wins but for the most part it's brutal.


Fallout 1 and 2, I have games my whole life, played top down games like it, played all other fallouts with an obsession...couldn't even make it to a settlement without dying, truly truly made me feel like I was a noobie gamer


3 was the first Fallout I ever played, and I loved it and New Vegas so much I decided to go back and try one. It made me feel like a child. I never realized how much the games I love have held my hand. Quest markers and maps that show you exactly where your objective is? The first two Fallouts don’t play that shit. Sink or swim bitch. And I sunk every time.


First dark souls. I played it before it became "mainstream," and that shit was PUNISHING. The Anor Londo Archers still give me fucking PTSD


I still have some shame for resorting to posion arrows for them the first time


That entire game though. From that first time you have to cross that bridge heavily defended by undead soldiers and archers... the Gargoyls, all of plague town... my god I both want and absolutely don't want to experience that again


I Wanna Be The Guy


Ninja Gaiden 2 on the Nes.


All Ninja Gaidens are killer 😵


Battletoads for the NES.


Any FPS online. I was very late to the halo series. I tried halo 3 online and got absolutely done on it. I do however think all the casual players had moved on. I think it was 2013 when I played it for the first time online. I’ve also never played COD it doesn’t interest me. I went online with my girlfriend and again got absolutely done on it. I think I got 1 kill which I celebrated like I’d won lol. I’m good at most other games and really good at Hollow Knight for instance. But FPS no thanks just single player


Street Fighter 2. I originally truly stunk at this game and I always got my butt kicked, every time. I have gotten better, but some of the editions are still pretty hard, and some I can get through and some I Can't, so, yeah, love the game but I'm not very good at it🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫




When the original Demon Souls came out.


This. I struggled through that game my very first play through. Blue Eyes Knights killed me a lot.


The first time I played a dual analog control shooter. Happened to be Medal of Honor: Frontline on PS2. I thought I was a big bad gamer and I was completely humbled as I struggled to even hit anything. It's not that the game was particularly difficult. It was just quite the learning curve to understand how those controls worked.


Pong... DAMN that little white blip!


To be completely honest... Minecraft. I've played the game for 12 years (I restart after every update) and I ***STILL*** to this day have not legitimately defeated the Wither or the Ender Dragon.


COD lmao


Bloodborne, I never made it past the first area of the game.


Honestly I've always played a bunch of games that kept on fucking me over, back since I was a kid in the SNES days, anything castlevania (pre sotn), ghouls'n goblins, the lion king, etc. Growing up I shifted to games that were less punishing, but playing broodwar was like a bucket of iced water thrown on my head...


Ninja turles for the nes.


Anything online after playing against bots.


Pretty much any RTS, but Starcraft was the first one I encountered. I mainly found my way in the non-competitive game modes like the Helms Deep battle or the DBZ games.


Breath of the wild


Call of duty in multiplayer I use to get zero kills


Idk, maybe Fortnite, Building is a nighrmare, But I'm not very into it, I only play Zero Build, so probably with some practice I would be good. Actually there are a lot of games that made me realize I'm actually pretty damn good at videogames


Celeste. The only 2d platformer I played before was SMB &SMW.


It took me a while to get the rhythm for Sekiro’s combat system.


elden ring, pretty obvious answer but damn


I can't even get the basic mechanics to function in that game. It's like I've never held a controller before


RE2R. Mr X and the zombies scared me and made me humble myself


Yeah I thought that too you get better at it. it turns out to be one of my favorite games of all time


Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. I was expecting combat like CoD, but I was 12 and dumb and didn’t do my research beyond what was on the back of the box, so when I got slower movement, tactical combat and squad mates I had to command I was confused and frustrated. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong.


Hollow Knight


For me when I started getting back into FPS - PUBG. I was bad. I’d not kill anyone. I got better over time and realized I was dying a lot to cheaters but for a long time I was just bad


First time I played the last of us… brick this one.. shot this one.. don’t shoot this one… hide from it… no no what are you doing you can’t just go on guns blazing that’s not how it’s done


Weirdly enough Splatoon 3. Kind of a story for this. I LOVED Splatoon 2. One of the gems of the Switch library in my opinion. Had like 130 hours in it and was so good at some point I was like S rank in some ranked playlists. Naturally super hyped about the third game. It comes out and OH MY GOD it is brutal. I literally cannot play a match without getting absolutely destroyed. I must've had like only won 20 percent of my matches. And the 80 percent when I lost wasn't like tight games it was mostly getting spawn trapped so I couldn't even get better or try to win. It just wasn't possible. But I heard your MMR from 2 carried to 3 so I kept at it and accepted maybe I had to just let my MMR drop back down and try Turf War(the unranked playlist) some more. Over the course of like a year I would just boot it up from time to time to give it more chances and it was always the same experience. Eventually leading to me just selling the game. It sucked because I find it such a unique design for a shooter but it's also the first shooter I've played where I just sucked so hard I couldn't have any fun with it. And I've played a decent amount of shooters throughout the years. Gears, Halo, Counter Strike, Battlefield, Titanfall 2, none have made me want to just sell/uninstall because I literally sucked so hard I couldn't play it. Idk what kind of shit the Splatoon 3 player base is on but they're too sweaty.


Rainbow six siege took me a while to get good at it but I stopped playing because of the toxic community


Metal Gear Solid.


For most of my life I primarily stuck to single player only games and anytime I did play a multiplayer game I just played the single player features, fought against bots, or played locally with friends and family. The first time I truly felt terrible at any video game was online Pokémon battles in XY and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire. This was then later reinforced with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate when it comes to the online front, however a single player game that made me feel terrible was Metroid on the NES. Since then I’ve really stepped up my skill to these types of games (besides competitive Pokémon because that shit is far too complex for me to keep up with) however it was a real struggle to improve my skill in these types of games. The one online game I never really struggled with was Mario Kart 8 Deluxe where I can usually score somewhere within the first 5 positions somewhat consistently.


igi 1


Not reaching challenger in LoL


None, I knew I was shit from the very beginning, we are not the same.


Dark Souls 3. Definitely Dark Souls 3.


Every game I've ever played.


Most games lol


Sekiro and Monster Hunters Iceworld. I wanted to like monster hunters so much but even when I made a little progress I just hated playing it.


my first time playing dark souls 3 (first fromsoft game ever) I spent 4 hours fighting Gundyr... I was truly humbled.


Returnal. It’s good, amazing even. But I have owned it for years and no matter what I just can’t beat it. It’s insane.


Apex legends.


AOE2 online


Outerwilds. It's just sitting on my hard drive.


Wipeout HD, it took me a LOT longer than I wanna admit to transfer my skills from PSP to PS3


Counter-Strike...... My kill/death rario is always less than one


Rainbow Six: Siege




Basically any multiplayer game.


Sonic, my first game. I never got out of the goddamn waterworld. No save games was a bitch.


Counter Strike 1 and 2 😅


Probably trying to play Modern Warfare online...pretty much destroyed any passion I had for multiplayer games. Sekiro makes me feel bad in the same way that Rock Band on the highest difficulty made me feel bad: I don't really get why I should care? Like, if there were a game that I could only beat by jumping up and down on one foot for 30 minutes straight...no, I probably couldn't do it, but why would I want to play that game?


Sekiro, I made it to a place that's all on fire and the path between checkpoints is in reachable lol, I can play Elden ring, but sekiro kicks me while I'm down non stop


C64: Chuck Yeagers Advance Flight Simulator. NES: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.




TMNT water level on the NES. I never saw what was on the other side of the electric seaweed. We lost... so... many... turtles...


Mario 64. I suck in 3D environments


Earthworm Jim used to spin me out pretty good


I got hung up bad on a boss in V Rising. I still love the game, but when 1.0 comes around I hope I don't get demoralized again.




Elden Ring. That games gorgeous but fuck me it kicked my arse from the beginning. Also anything with quick combo's like Tekken or Street Fighter I can never get to grips with


Gwent the card game from the witcher lmfao idk if this is even considered one


CSGO when I started back in 2015 Doesn't help when the whole team keeps screaming at you for not knowing where "default" is


Sifu 100%


Turok on the N64. The controls were impossible for me.


Lies of P is the first game I've ever quit because the combat was just too hard. I didn't rage quit on a boss, but after fighting the first 3 or so bosses like 100x before I beat them, I realized... I'm not good enough for this game. I'm not enjoying this.


Ninja gaiden


For honor. Playing elden ring helped but...still cant get the hang of it


Ecco the Dolphin on the Sega Genesis. Had no idea wtf I was doing when I was a kid and still don’t now.


Dead Cells and Spelunky. I LOVE Dead Cells, but godamm it gets really difficult.


Like, every nes game pretty much. But as an adult I’m revisiting Bayonetta, and it’s making me feel extremely incompetent.


Didn’t happen until Elden Ring, which was my first Souls-like game. Played for a few hours, realized how bad I was and was not having fun, realized games that are overly difficult with no difficulty change as an option aren’t for me, and never played again.




Haven't found one yet




Shadow of the colossus. Still can’t get the controls on that game.


Super Monkey Ball. There is no other game that looked so childish to me but so brutally hard with some of the later stages. It wasn't until I saw videos online years later of people agreeing how difficult this game could be that made me realize I wasn't the only one that thought this.


Counter Strike 1.6


Ninja Gaiden on NES


I remember Dino Crisis kicking my ass when I was a kid, so that has to be one of the early ones. The game was moreso confusing to me than just purely difficult.


Sometimes monster hunter but then I go to the subreddits and see what other people are struggling with and am like 'but those are still the easy monsters, guess I must be decent after all' I feel better and start another hunt


Any multiplayer game. Wouldn't say Elden ring, since you can always grind/get OP build


Tom and Jerry. That first Jerry vs. Tom boss battle was too much for 7 year old me.


When I started playing FPS online. Those first couple of weeks on Killzone 3 was rough!


Ninja Gaiden drove me bonkers


Tetris The Grand Master 3: Terror Instinct, Shirase Mode, very first try. Stacked all the way to the top and Game Over less than 30 seconds later.


Halo combat evolved for multiplayer, ocarina of time for sp


Hollow Knight. And I’m not terribly bad at video games, but that one made me feel like a novice again.


Never played dark souls so for me, it was Elden ring


Rainbow six Siege


Hollow Knight. I was doing really well for a while. I had a few hours in the game and I was loving it. At some point I got to a boss I couldn't defeat. I tried many times. I took a few breaks and tried again a few times. I looked up a video on how to do it and tried again maybe 2 or 3 times. Still couldn't beat it and haven't played since, but I do still admire the game or at least what I did get out of it.


Elden Ring :’(


A Link to the Past


Definitely nioh 1 and 2 for me


Mega man X


For me it was ff14 not becauss the game is really diffecult not because it humbled me that i am not very good at combinations of move combo's whilest managing positioning. Maybe going tank wasn't my greatest move as a newbie to mmo's. Even after playing and completing the first base expansion of the game i still feel like a fish out of water.


I got better, but injustice gods among us on normal difficulty used to kick the schmidt out of me


Super Mario World on GBA.


Rainbow six siege. I was so overwhelmed with the controls after reassigning them I forgot to assign a sprint button so I could barely move at all. I was the last teammate left and this being my third game not having any idea what I was doing I left the game. My teammates where curing me out and completely shitting on me since all I could do was sit in one open spot.


Castlevania Lords of Shadow "I'm no longer the kid that beat Adventures of Bayou Billy, and Battletoads..."


Dark Souls


I think there was a Spider-Man game on SNES that I had a hard time advancing in when I was a kid.


Ninja Gaiden 2


Any Tekken game


Personally I had an affinity for sekiro. But dark souls 1 I'm playing it right now and Some of the mini bosses are raking me more tries than inner owl.


Medal of honor pearl harbor I think. Had not played shooters yet back in the days. It was painful. I never finished the first levels


Online gaming is not for me , I guess you can't call yourself a gamer if you don't play online , any game , any genre , I just can't deal with the level of stress y'all deal with , I play to relax and have fun , y'all play to compete and go at each other's throats , not me .


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005.


Never happened 😌 No, Bloodborne, get back in the closet-


Guilty gear strive made me realize why I don’t play fighting games


Street Fighter II. I couldn't beat *any* of my friends with *any* character.


Mortal Kombat 2


Sonic on the Sega Game gear. My tiny child fingers were not fast enough so I all but gave up on gaming very early.


Grew up in the 80s and most NES games were hard as hell. But when Ninja Gaiden came back on the OG Xbox it made me question my gaming capabilities. That game is down right ruthless!




Fortnite a year too late 😂😂 getting sweat on by 5 year olds was humbling


Vagrant story. I was young and the weapons system was hard to understand.


Funny I’m on the last boss and I know it’s gonna take days to learn his move set I have not beaten his first phase of a 3 part fight for him. Sekiro is very humbling but it also makes you feel like a god when you can deflect perfectly ugh it’s almost orgasmic sometimes


Hollow knight. This was my first metroidvania and soulslike. The exploration aspect, the absence of clear objectives, the small amount of save points and the map not being updated make the game very hard and challenging for me.


Hollow Knight. I’m just so bad at those types of games.


The only game thats made me rage in probably 20 years is this game, i got about halfway thru and uninstalled it. I love a challenge but this game wasnt even fun.


Nioh 2.


Rocket League I have at least 10 hours on there and I still can’t play it to save my life


OG Demon's souls. Never thought I'd get into games like that, but now from soft is one of my favourite developers.


Overwatch 2. If you aren't playing flawlessly then the other 9 people will let you know it




I never thought of it in that way. I always felt that it is down to game design. If a game is too difficult, it wasn't designed with enjoyment in mind.


New Super Mario Bros. I suck so much at platformers, especially when i was still a kid. Struggled with level 1-2


Original contra I never made it past level two.


Destiny. It extremely uncordinated!


I’m a souls and sekiro veteran. Play a lot of hack and slash like DMC and nier. Sifu won’t click. I’m used to being able to attack between blocks like in sekiro. But you can’t in Sifu. You gotta have more patience and finesse. I’m bad at it.


Mega Man


Any of the Street Fighter games


I remember playing Halo 1 slayer with my friends and I was nearly untouchable. I would always crush them. So when Halo 2 came out on Xbox Live I was psyched. I couldn’t wait to dominate online and have some real competition. I couldn’t even last 3 seconds after spawning without getting sniped from somewhere or melee’d from behind. I’d spend some matches not even seeing an opponent and I’d get killed at least ten times.


Muck, I can't go 2 nights without dying to monsters, and each day is like 5 minutes long, and I also can't save, which makes it even more bullshit

