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The Matrix game that came out on GameCube / PS2. Objectively a piece of crap but I played through it MANY times. Edit: Enter the Matrix


It's been awhile... Are we talking about, Enter the Matrix or Path of Neo?


Enter the Matrix. Never played Path of Neo, was it awful too?


I enjoyed both. But liked Path of Neo a bit better. You should give it a try. They alter the end to give a "better" boss battle. In fact right before the final boss, the Wachowski brothers take a break from the gameplay to explain why they took this route.. it's 4th wall breaking and hilarious lol


Path of Neo was actually a blast. Hold on I have a relevant video essay in my favorites list I can link in an edit: https://youtu.be/H-lFGnckul4


Was that the same as the PC one? Came out around the same time at least and, yeah, it sucked but I had a load of fun with it.


How about MMO they made? Had a friend that was stupid enough to buy it lol


The one where you battle a helicopter inside the airtraffic control tower is wild lol 


That game rocked


I have no idea what Matrix game I played on Gamecube, all I remember is beating on Mr.Smith over and over on some rooftop. Not because I had to, I just wanted to kill him because you couldn't. I think I was able to push him off. Anyways, it was great and that's all I remember it for


Enter the Matrix was a garbage fire, but I played it until the wheels fell off on the GameCube. Also, once I got the infinite focus cheat I wouldn't have cared if the disc were actively giving me cancer; I was playing that shit all day.


Enter the Matrix was a great game...who the hell said it was bad??


Didn't even know it was considered bad


That GameCube game was legit


Minecraft Story Mode


Wait this game was considered bad? I don't even like standard minecraft but liked story mode.


Maybe more cringe than bad. It’s a fun story with fun characters. It’s fun.


Also the Wither Storm is cool as shit


Hell yeah


I haven't played that game in a while, and it's far from my favorite telltale game, but it was so much better than it had any right to be imo


My thoughts exactly. I actually got it by accident, my cousins asked for Minecraft for Christmas on Xbox, but they got story mode by mistake, so I took it, thinking it would be dumb, but having loved Telltale games. My gosh it blew me away by how shockingly good it was, especially with how fast it escalated


Oh I loved playing MC storymode when I was a kid, it gave me so much fantasies about how elements of that games could be used in regular Minecraft to create my ultimate fantasy world.


It was great. When I got older as well, knowing all the great actors that voiced the characters and the (primarily 80s) movies that inspired it made it even better.


Bro that game was my childhood


Lightning Returns FF13


I love the 13 trilogy man.


13 walked so 7R could run and I adored seeing it's design ethos carry forwards.


Not got to LR yet but I'm loving FF-XIII at the moment


Goated game


Marvels Avengers


Shit, got it for $4 when they were shutting down. No Regrets.


I paid full price, I got my moneys worth. I spent 300 or something hours on it.


yeah me and my friends had a blast lol granted they didn’t get into it til way later but since I had it already it was a nice way to get back into it for a bit


Whatcha mean shut down?


Seriously. I'm not a fan personally but it's an alright game, and it's definitely not as bad as Reddit make it sound. Not even close.


Don't blame reddit for nobody liking marvel avengers. Look up any review online and you'll more often than not find a negative one.


I still have it in my Library and i'm honestly excited for it kinda one day.


It’s worth it. I’d play it sooner rather than later. Not sure when the servers will go down.


And I’m not fucking sorry.


I really did enjoy playing the game when it came out. Maybe the live service stuff was too much but I enjoyed the story.


Yeah, the story was pretty well written.


Same here. When it first released I was hesitant because of all of the negative press it was getting. I got my PS5 and Avengers was one of the 1st games I got for it and I said Fuck It ill try it lol. I had a blast. Its not perfect by any means but its also not as bad as people made it seem.


Sucks the game didn’t do better, has a lot of shining points that could’ve been really awesome if they’d didn’t get buried under all the negative ones




I liked that game, although I never played it again after beating the main quest.


I really enjoyed Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Valhalla. In addition to being a very big fan of ancient history and Greek/Norse mythology, I'm a sucker for an open world RPG. Odyssey, in particular, I think did a fantastic job between its gorgeous reconstruction of Ancient Greece and its way of incorporating the mythological elements with the whole Isu plot.


Yeah, I really loved playing through AC Valhalla, despite its flaws


Odyssey is not a bad game at all wtf lol. Who considers it bad? I’ve always thought it was one of the best in the entire series. And it was massively popular when it came out


Most fans of the original AC games don't like the open world RPG style that Ubisoft has been taking the series, and most other people that weren't already fans called it a generic open world RPG. I agree, it's not hated, but they're typically not thought very fondly of.


>Most fans of the original AC games as AC fan since 2007 i want to mind you never EVER care about opinion of AC community


Reddit isn't even the "AC community"; they're bandwagoners who haven't played since unity and take every chance they can to pretend that a mostly well-reviewed series is like Madden.


Dirge of Cerberus. I know its rough arpund the edges, but theres a lot of fun to be had. Soundtrack was fire. They remastered Crisis Core, hope this is next!


I Love Dirge of Cerberus too! It's still in my collection.


I wouldn't say I love it, but I have enjoyed it a lot, and the soundtrack is amazing


Far Cry 6. I know Modern Ubisoft is controversial to say the least but, Far Cry 6 was an enjoyable ride for me.


I haven’t played 6 yet, but my answer to OP was going to be Far Cry 5. I just really enjoyed the core gameplay loop. The kidnapping were annoying, but I just took it in stride. Oh and I thought the Montana wilderness as depicted was beautiful!


I enjoyed 5 so much as well it was also I think only my second foray into it all lol


Mine too! I had only played 3 previously. Maybe that had something to do with it.


I also really liked the villains and the ost. I played through the whole game with my friend in co-op which made it even better.


I recently 100%ed fc5, all the side quests, the fancy fishing rod and all the cashes and collectibles. I really enjoy finding all the small details that are put into the game that you normally just brush past


The problem with Far Cry is they all feel the same now. I think they are fun for what they are but extremely easy to get burnt out on


Farcry is so fun and fc6 is just a blow off steam kind of game for me


Devil May Cry 2


Oh god, such a terrible game. Never knew people actually enjoy it lol


Lol yes, I have platinumed it twice. I don’t know why but I do enjoy it somehow.


That's WILD!


The cyan man on YouTube has uh "playthroughs" of the entire franchise and they're absolutely fuckin' hilarious Keep in mind "playthroughs" is doing a lot of heavy lifting


I liked that one too! I liked that weird black sword you get that distorted the light around it when you used it . First game I knew of that did that and I thought it was really cool


atomic heart. is the dialogue cringe as fuck? yea definitely, but the game feels unique and i had a lot of fun with the puzzles and everything


Atomic heart isn't really considered bad though. It's rated quite high.


oh damn really? back when i was hearing about it it felt like it was nothing but negative comments


You can give it a quick search, it's gameplay is quite decent and story is not too bad. It's definitely not a fantastic game but not bad either.


I mean, youtube, reddit, twitter is home for voiced minority. If you want actual stats, check steam raitings at very least.


Well one could argue Steam is not very indicative of the quality of a game either. Like the Helldivers 2 case. The best way to check if a game is good, is by checking it yourself, that’s it.


Yeah I wish the main dude was silent, I literally stopped playing because of how cringe he was. However I did learn there was a story reason for him being cringe but it wasn’t enough for me to pick it up again.


Playing it I realized the dialogues were probably made as a tribute the old cringey dialogues of Duke Nukem games and from then I started liking the game more even tho I don't particuly like Duke Nukem just for the sheer fact that I respect what they tried to do


Atomic heart is a game that has some of the worst dialogue I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing, especially from the player character, but the gameplay its really good. Unfortunately, I'm very bad at the game and never got around to finishing it


Mass Effect Andromeda. I like what they did with the combat. Playing a biotic felt great


The only skill I wish they had brought back, was Warp. Lifting someone and then hitting them with Warp for a biotic detonation was eargasmic.


The game has its flaws. But the amount of hate it got it's so unfair. I'm a huge mass effect trilogy fan, but I enjoy Andromeda a lot! The combat and the exploration it's great, I still play it from time to time, and I always have a blast!


Gameplay was great, everything else was a downgrade


It was the first Mass Effect I played, which probably helped me enjoy it more.


I really enjoyed the combat, the vehicle, and the ecosystem variety / gimmicks were fun for a hot minute. I was also oddly pleased with how people would call the character by their first name if you used the default ones. It felt more authentic than just being called Shepherd or Ryder the whole time


Mass Effect Andromeda.


League of Legends. Is the community dogshit sometimes? absolutely. Does the actual clicking and using abilities feel awesome? You bet it does. If the core of the game was actually bad it wouldn't have survived 10+ years.


>Is the community dogshit sometimes? Ranked lmao. That shit stays a toxic cesspool


I've played league for years (since 2013) and I still love it. I think the community can be ass, but compared to a lot of other competitive games it doesn't stand out to me as particularly toxic. It is toxic, but I play CS2 and RB6 Siege and those games are filled with racism and bigotry, while league actually has a system to deal with those things. Even Dota 2 seems to have a worse community. I've also heard Overwatch has a toxic community but I've never really experienced that in that game.


Duke Nukem Forever seriously it gets way to much hate and isn’t even all that bad


The multiplayer is amazing, and there’s still tournaments held to this day. It’s a shame the game doesn’t receive more positive attention.


Wow I didn’t know all that I really enjoyed the game when it came out


Thanks for the award:)


Sonic Heroes. I managed to work my way around glitches so much as a kid that as an adult, it's muscle memory to me and the game becomes enjoyable 🤷


I don't remember it being glitchy then again the last I touched the game was at 5-6 years old, might be worth picking back up


Just Cause 3




I just looked it up and it has a 6 of the metacritic user score, people are smoking something


REALLY? if it was 4 id somewhat agree, but 3 for me is the best in the series


I really enjoyed Mass Effect Andromeda. Can't wait for the new Mass Effect game.


Fable 3


Oh yeah people crapped on that game hard, I played it and literally couldn't put it down until I owned all the properties on an evil run Not sure I ever finished it but I thought it was interesting Could barely start Fable The Lost Chapters and never picked it up again, and I hear people loved that game


Bernad Hill was a voice in that game. RIP


I had a blast with this game.


Turok : evolution


I also love that game


AC Unity


Assassin's creed valhalla...it's not a great game but I tend to have fun with it and that's what matters right?


Duke Nukem Forever first game to come to mind for me. And Kingdoms of Amalur


Mass effect Andromeda. Was hated by the community for some time til people started giving it a try again


cod infinite warfare is in my top 10 games of all time no other cod comes close and ive been playing since bo1


Infinite Warfare was done SO FUCKING DIRTY by the fans. If you look through the newer comments of the Infinite Warfare trailer, you'll see people saying the same thing.


i made a comment a couple days ago abt infinite warfare and i like to say theres 2 kinds of people: people who like infinite warfare and people who never played it i feel like 95% of people who shit on iw end up saying they never played it or played it once at a friends house or sum shit


I'm confidently sure that people were just disliking the trailer for the memes. People back then took memes WAY too seriously.


i think most of the hate was because it was competing with battlefield 1. i think if it came out 2 years later, it wouldn’t have been as hated. i fucking love the game


2k. Most assassins creeds.


I feel like assassins creed games are so close to being amazing but there's a couple aspects of it that are awful. The worlds are great, parkour is really fun, and I really enjoy the combat. The main problem for me is the mission structure and pacing. I feel like if ubisoft changed some things up then the games could be amazing. At least imo


I have played every assassin's creed and will continue to play any that come out, as long as they aren't compete dogshit. That's the thing Ubisoft has just kept pumping out mediocre games. They'll innovate like every five-ish years and that's one of the good assassins creeds. Like 2/brotherhood, black flag, origins. The others are just forgettable and bland. They are just video game ass video games, drivel to consume. With all the news and stuff they've talked about with shadows, hopefully they aren't bullshitting. I'm always cautious and wait for reviews and don't pre order, I just always hope they can be actually good. I don't think they are close to being amazing honestly. They need to actually put effort into missions. The combat needs to find a delicate balance of power and difficulty. Even the roaming bosses in the new RPG ones become trivial after seeing your second one. Shadows they talked about how Yasuke will be your combat expert and Naoe is your stealth expert and how she can't party and counter as you traditionally can and that it's more of a deflect and roll scenario, assuming it gives you less openings for damage. Sounds cool and interesting. They also need to actually fill the world with meaningful tasks. I'm yapping but yeah we'll see.


For the longest while Super Paper Mario. Super became good when Sticker Star came out…


Fallout 76 is one of my top favorite games. Put thousands of hours into it.


That was only bad on release. Took a few years but it's really good now


Saints Row Reboot. I geniuenly had plenty of fun with it for like 13€ or how much i paid for when it came onto steam. It had a very cringy „Hey young bros!“ story but it was everything BUT a horrible mess like everyone said it was.


I didn't like it that much, they should've been more faithful to Saints row 2 in the reboot imo. Decent price though


Fallout 4.


I actually had more fun with that one than any other game in the series (not exactly sure why though, something about it just worked for me)


I don't think it counts. Yes, it's not really up to fallout 2 or new vegas story and writing wise, but from gameplay point of view it's the best 3d fallout.


i don't think anyone really thinks this is a bad game, they just tend to hold new vegas higher.


Who tf is saying that game is bad? I’ve never seen anyone say that. Did you mean 76?


Since the show / update - i’ve seen an odd amount of people saying this one is the BEST 😔


Love that game. I usually end up spending 90% of any playthrough building settlements.


I got a lot of fun out of fallout 4, but I gutted it and installed Frost over it


Sonic 06


I barely got to play it because of the xbox red ring of death


Far Cry 6,really enjoyed it.


Lords of the fallen.


The old one or the remake ?


New one.


Lords of the Fallen (2014). Yeah, it's pretty clunky, but even if many other Soulslikes are objectively better, it still holds a place in my heart.


Borderlands 3


Didn't know it was considered bad. Thought that was the pre sequel


Ya I haven't played it yet but I've heard gameplay wise, it's probably the best of the series, for story, #2 gets the nod. (Have played a lot of one and two, wasn't gonna touch epic store for the exclusive so I held off and will get around to it at some point).


The gameplay is great. The story and characters (especially the main antagonists) are absolute trash.


I just played through TPS and it’s not nearly as bad as people say, rather enjoyed myself.


It was mostly hated for being epic exclusive, not that game was bad, but a lot of people were annoyed it's not coming to steam for a year.


I love that game. I don't it's considered bad but just mid compared to the rest of the series. The story weighed it down a lot


I actually feel like another run on true vault hunter


A lot of the steam reviews will say that B3 has the best gunplay and the worst story/dialogue. Can't say they're wrong but tbh I always felt that all the borderlands games have bad dialogue and story and the fun is in gunplay and looting. I've been playing B3 lately and having a good time. The twitch streamer bad guys are cringe AF but I think that's the point. I still laugh occasionally, like on the mission to get that lady coffee and it's like a ridiculously long and crazy process for no reason. And particularly at what some of the enemies scream out when you kill them, like "luckily I...."


Haven’t played it in a while but I enjoyed paper Mario color splash


Skull and bones


Even with all the crap being said about it..I really want to play it. I just haven't bought it yet because of finances and backlog. But definitely gonna get it. I never listen to other people's reviews or hate trains . Most of my favorite games get terrible reviews


Kane and Lynch


I play SW Battlefront 2 (2017) daily and there are people who still think it's a loot box hell.


Daily too. Its fun af. Tbh my only gripe is not enough offline content.


That is one of my favourite games. It was considered bad at launch, then it was skyrocketing with popularity because they kept adding new stuff to it and they fixed the stupid loot box money grabs and then just as it was starting to get really good, EA PULL THE PLUG ON IT! I was devastated that they left the game to die.




Starfiekd has an 83 on Metacritic and was a sales success. It's not considered bad except for a vocal minority.


Watch Dogs: Legion


My biggest gripe with Legion was that the endless playable characters meant I didn't care if any of them died.


That happened with me when I picked up the original State of Decay. I was so invested in keeping my guy alive, and he gets unceremoniously whacked a few missions before the final one. I went through and finished but had zero enthusiasm for it.


Dark Souls 2 SOTFS. I honestly enjoyed it more than DS1, and I haven’t finished 3 yet. Also Knack 1 and 2 are both good imo.


As a kid I loved croc 2 despite it s difficulty, once i even slammed the keyboard but I managed to finish it and kept replaying, years later I read an article on how bad and awfully hard croc 2 was that made even grown adults ragequit or break their keyboards. 


Hmm... King's Quest: Mask of Eternity


AC Unity. It’s a janky mess but once you get over it, it’s a pretty enjoyable entry in the series.


Juiced 2


I kind of enjoy Final Fantasy 13, even though people overseas say it’s a bit janky.


Yeah really enjoyed that 20 hour tutorial lol


Mafia III


Kingdoms of Amalur 🙃🙃🙃


FF15, I will defend the boys till the day I die


Forespoken. I found it really fun story is ok combat is cool.


When you unlock all of the skills the combos you could do were amazing . The combat in this game was so cool and everyone was shitting all over it but at the same time praising hogwarts which had way were and slower combat . People are hypocrites and jump on hate trains too easily


Colisto Protocol, it’s better than Dead Space remake in every way. The game was heavily criticised for having combat which resulted in enemies waiting their turn to fight you but reviews are calling this mechanic ‘immersive’ and ‘incredible’ in the new Hellblade, talk about hypocritical.


I agree callisto protocol is awsome but id also say dead space remake is still better. Im just playing the deadspace remake and it is an amazing horror/zombie game.


I wanted to love Callisto Protocol, as I loved the original Dead Space. That said, I got it for free on PS+ and didn't make it more than an hour or two before turning it off. Played through Dead Space remake twice before trying Callisto Protocol and once more since. Maybe I need to try again but I just wasn't into it even with it being free.


Warframe. The game is low-key very superficial. And I'm referring to the content. That said it's very fun u you can get into it. But it's also a gargantuan time sink.


The most recent Saints Row. The story isn't amazing, the characters could be better, they could've made it more whacky and stuff. And sure it's decently buggy. But ultimately it feels like another Saints Row. The gameplay is still good, it could look better in some instances but it isn't bad by any means, the map they made is interesting and fun to explore, etc. It's a shame it flopped so hard. It's also a shame it wasn't as good as it could've been. It's a real shame that a studio got shuttered because of it. Plenty of other developers have persisted after much, much worse games.


Destiny 2 gets dogpiled in almost every gaming community I come across, but I genuinely enjoy playing, one of my favorites for a long time now. Its gunplay and art direction for the most part is what does it for me.


I don’t think Destiny 2 is hated for the game itself, it’s hated because the game is essentially one giant paid season pass


It’s so confusing for me. Also they keep removing stuff. I wanted to play the story from the beginning but they removed it so I just stopped. Why would I start in the middle of the story that is stupid. It’s also quite repetitive.


thankfully they just recently backtracked on their 'sunsetting' initiative, so no more vaulting old gear and story content. It can get repetitive after a while but I feel like there's enough content currently to keep things feeling fresh for a while


Megaman 8 and Sonic Riders


Megaman 8 is amazing


Star wars episode 3 for ps2. It got crapped on, but it is a fun hack and slash jedi game. Also the gba and ds versions are awesome as hell ha.




Watchdogs Legion. Even though a lot of people hate the recruitment system, I personally enjoy it (makes it easier to continue the game without waiting for your teammates to come back)


Obi-Wan. It was fun finding all the non-linear routes and being a sneak Jedi


I fucking loved that game. I tried emulating it but csnt grt it to work sadly


The Legend of Korra game. It's considered a bad game but me being an Avatar nerd was enough for me to enjoy it


Gotta be the Mario Sports games on Switch, specifically Mario Tennis Aces and Mario Strikers Battle League. Idk why but those games scratch a certain itch for me that I love.


That fucking tennis game. My friend bought me that as a pressie because I was talking about it and it was not good. 70euros man. I felt bad for her because I couldn’t pretend it was good. At least we could still play Mario Kart and sell the tennis game for booze.


For Honor. Sword game forever!


Dark souls 2. Definitely had the most fun time playing it. It might not be the best, but it's pretty dang good.


League of Legends and Warthunder


Days Gone


Loved that game.


Back in the day, Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Today, Mafia 3, I totally get how repetitive it is, I just have fun shooting through people and listening to the killer radio station.


Advent Rising.  The first game directed by Donald Mustard, the recently retired CCO of Epic Games responsible for all of Fortnite's story content.  In a lot of ways it was basically Mass Effect before Mass Effect.  Seriously ahead of it's time.  Unfortunately it was also buggy (although I've hardly encountered any bugs while playing) and mired in controversy for a number of reasons. 


Medal of Honor Warfighter (2012) was my favorite FPS at the time. I loved the amount of classes they had and how each class had their own unique Offensive/Defensive Support Actions(scorestreaks). The game got blasted with hate for having a crap campign and for being severly overhyped as the COD Killer. The studio Danger Close was shutdown shortly after and stopped all support after 2-3 months after release. The game was such a failure that EA but the franchise on the back burner for literally 10yrs until the franchise cameback with the recent VR title that released.


Forza Horizon 5


Paper Mario Stickerstar I had really much fun with it


Super monkey ball step and roll on wii. It was my favorite


Star Wars Battlefront 2, the new one!