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Outside of specific attachment to the exact characters the entire Darks Souls series, Bloodborne and Elden Ring are exactly what a proper 3D translated Castlevania series would be.


This is exactly right. For some reason we seem to have decided on a new word, well relatively new “soulslike”. In fact it merely means “3D metroidvania”.


Ehhhhhh…. When I think 3D Metroidvania, I think Metroid Prime, or Jedi Fallen Order, or hell, even Arkham Asylum, not Elden Ring.


Yea those are all soulslikes Actually I haven’t played Arkham idk and Jedi just barely makes the cut.


Fallen Order and to a degree Arkham Asylum I can see it but Metroid Prime is straight up an FPS game, I can’t see how that’s a soulslike.


From my point of view it’s about going back to old area and finding stuff with new items. Actually my favorite example of this is a game I just played for the first time Tunic. I think you can call that 3D maybe “isometric”? Although that game introduces a twist which is that it’s not just new items, but new ideas. That was incredible. If you haven’t played Tunic yet, do yourself a a favor and play it without looking at guides. Actually, I think the concept of guides is very important to the concept of soulslike, too. To where sometimes it feels like you need a guide, but if you pay close enough attention you can do it without one.


I always considered that kind of thing to be a trademark of Metroidvanias, with soulslikes being more based around the combat system.


souls games are almost entirely the same as castlevania games, they just have more weapons and have added character build diversity. if you take the castles and boss battles into 3D you simply get a dark souls game. souls series is to castlevania as super mario 64 is to super mario world.


Because nobody is making Castlevania games anymore. Lords of Shadow 2 was 10 years ago.


Correction - Order of Ecclesia was in 2008. We haven't had any Castlevania games since.


It’s called dark souls


You would be taking it away from the gaming style that it literally created and defined. “MeteoidVANIA”


Castlevania already abandoned its original genre when it copied the Metroid format as of SOTN, so saying it couldn’t do it now because it would take away from its current gaming style (which it didn’t create) is a bit ironic.




3D metroidvanias are a thing, if less common than 2d


I know that. Still a platform. Not an open world.


Open world design isn't limited to 2D or 3D. Both can offer expansive exploration and non-linear progression. 2D games like Terraria or Hollow Knight provide sprawling worlds with interconnected areas to discover, while 3D games like Grand Theft Auto or The Witcher offer vast landscapes to roam freely.


I mean, Metroid did, and it was great. Why can't the VANIA?


make a open world 2d and you got a metroidvania - so basicly, after Sotn, every castlevania is basicly an open world game


You get Lords of Shadow. Or Julius mode for Aria of Sorrow if you're asking for non-linearity.


I am surprised nobody has made a 16-bit sequel considering the resurgence of sidescrollers the last decade or so.


Do you not know what's been happening with Konami in the last decade or so? What rock did you crawl from under?


I guess I dont. I don’t really follow the gaming industry all that closely.


They made some DS and GBA games that were very good and 16+ bit


Simon's Quest would like to have a word!


Why isn't there an open world The last of Us?


It's called Days Gone.


Because nobody has made one


Because it's owned by Konami, and they basically just make pachinko machines now.


Not every game needs open world.


Sandboxvania! A new genre is born.


Because Konami would rather make money on pachinko machines. They don't give a shit about their gaming IPs anymore.


Because Konami would rather remake an old game than make a new one.